5,963 research outputs found

    Blue shift in the luminescence spectra of MEH-PPV films containing ZnO nanoparticles

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    Luminescence properties of nanocomposites consisting of ZnO nanoparticles in a conjugated polymer, poly [2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethyl hexyloxy)-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV), were investigated. Photoluminescence measurements reveal a blue shift in the emission spectrum of MEH-PPV upon incorporation of ZnO nanoparticles into the polymer film while the emission is increasingly quenched with increasing ZnO concentration. In contrast, the structure of the polymer and its conjugation length are not affected by the presence of ZnO nanoparticles (up to 16 wt% ZnO) as revealed by Raman spectroscopy. The blue shift and photoluminescence quenching are explained by the separation of photogenerated electron-hole pairs at the MEH-PPV/ZnO interface and the charging of the nanoparticles. Crown Copyright © 2008

    Comparing features extractors in EEG-based cognitive fatigue detection of demanding computer tasks

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    © 2015 IEEE. An electroencephalography (EEG)-based classification system could be used as a tool for detecting cognitive fatigue from demanding computer tasks. The most widely used feature extractor in EEG-based fatigue classification is power spectral density (PSD). This paper investigates PSD and three alternative feature extraction methods, in order to find the best feature extractor for the classification of cognitive fatigue during cognitively demanding tasks. These compared methods are power spectral entropy (PSE), wavelet, and autoregressive (AR). Bayesian neural network was selected as the classifier in this study. The results showed that the use of PSD and PSE methods provide an average accuracy of 60% for each computer task. This finding is slightly improved using the wavelet method which has an average accuracy of 61%. The AR method is the best feature extractor compared with the PSD, PSE and wavelet in this study with accuracy of 75.95% in AX-continuous performance test (AX-CPT), 75.23% in psychomotor vigilance test (PVT) and 76.02% in Stroop task (p-value < 0.05)

    Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using a microfluidic impinging jet reactor

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    Synthesis of silver nanoparticles (NPs) in an impinging jet reactor (IJR) was investigated due to its unique properties of efficient mixing and lack of channel walls which avoid fouling. Silver NPs were formed at room temperature by reducing silver nitrate with sodium borohydride in the presence of sodium hydroxide. Two types of ligand were used to stabilize the NPs, trisodium citrate and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Weber number, the ratio between inertial forces and surface tension forces, is used to characterise flow in impinging jets. Flow regimes were investigated for Weber numbers in the range of 13-176. A liquid sheet/chain regime was identified at lower Weber numbers ( 90). Mixing time was found to be in the range 1-7 ms, using the Villermaux-Dushmann reaction system and Interaction by Exchange with the Mean mixing (IEM) model. Fastest mixing occurred at Weber number ca. 90. Using trisodium citrate as a ligand, NP size decreased from 7.9±5.8 nm to 3.4±1.4 nm when flow rate was increased from 32 ml/min to 72 ml/min using 0.5 mm jets; and from 6.4±3.4 nm to 5.1±4.6 nm when flow rate was increased from 20 ml/min to 32 ml/min using 0.25 mm jets. Using PVA as a ligand, NP size decreased from 5.4±1.6 nm to 4.2±1.1 nm using 0.5 mm jets and stayed relatively constant between 4.3±1 nm to 4.7±1.3 nm using 0.25 mm jets. In general the size of the NPs decreased when mixing was faster

    Shallow carrier traps in hydrothermal ZnO crystals

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    Native and hydrogen-plasma induced shallow traps in hydrothermally grown ZnO crystals have been investigated by charge-based deep level transient spectroscopy, photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence microanalysis. The as-grown ZnO exhibits a trap state at 23 meV, while H-doped ZnO produced by plasma doping shows two levels at 22 meV and 11 meV below the conduction band. As-grown ZnO displays the expected thermal decay of bound excitons with increasing temperature from 7 K, while we observed an anomalous behaviour of the excitonic emission in H-doped ZnO, in which its intensity increases with increasing temperature in the range 140-300 K. Based on a multitude of optical results, a qualitative model is developed which explains the Y line structural defects, which act as an electron trap with an activation energy of 11 meV, being responsible for the anomalous temperature-dependent cathodoluminescence of H-doped ZnO. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

    Spin and Statistics and First Principles

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    It was shown in the early Seventies that, in Local Quantum Theory (that is the most general formulation of Quantum Field Theory, if we leave out only the unknown scenario of Quantum Gravity) the notion of Statistics can be grounded solely on the local observable quantities (without assuming neither the commutation relations nor even the existence of unobservable charged field operators); one finds that only the well known (para)statistics of Bose/Fermi type are allowed by the key principle of local commutativity of observables. In this frame it was possible to formulate and prove the Spin and Statistics Theorem purely on the basis of First Principles. In a subsequent stage it has been possible to prove the existence of a unique, canonical algebra of local field operators obeying ordinary Bose/Fermi commutation relations at spacelike separations. In this general guise the Spin - Statistics Theorem applies to Theories (on the four dimensional Minkowski space) where only massive particles with finite mass degeneracy can occur. Here we describe the underlying simple basic ideas, and briefly mention the subsequent generalisations; eventually we comment on the possible validity of the Spin - Statistics Theorem in presence of massless particles, or of violations of locality as expected in Quantum Gravity.Comment: Survey based on a talk given at the Meeting on "Theoretical and experimental aspects of the spin - statistics connection and related symmetries", Trieste, Italy - October 21-25, 200

    A review of acoustic telemetry in Europe and the need for a regional aquatic telemetry network

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    Background Globally, there are a large and growing number of researchers using biotelemetry as a tool to study aquatic animals. In Europe, this community lacks a formal network structure. The aim of this study is to review the use of acoustic telemetry in Europe and document the contribution of cross-boundary studies and inter-research group collaborations. Based on this, we explore the potential benefits and challenges of a network approach to identify future priorities and best practices for aquatic biotelemetry research in Europe. Results Over the past decade, there was an approximately sevenfold increase in the number of acoustic telemetry studies published on marine and diadromous species in Europe compared to a sixfold increase globally. Over 90% of these studies were conducted on fishes and undertaken in coastal areas, estuaries, or rivers. 75% of these studies were conducted by researchers based in one of five nations (Norway, UK, France, Portugal, and Spain) and, even though 34% were based on collaborations between scientists from several countries, there was only one study with an acoustic receiver array that extended beyond the borders of a single country. In recent years, acoustic telemetry in European waters has evolved from studying behavioural aspects of animals (82.2%), into more holistic approaches addressing management-related issues (10%), tagging methods and effects (5%), and technology and data analysis development (2.8%). Conclusions Despite the increasing number of publications and species tracked, there is a prominent lack of planned and structured acoustic telemetry collaborations in Europe. A formal pan-European network structure would promote the development of (1) a research platform that could benefit the acoustic telemetry community through capacity building, (2) a centralized database, and (3) key deployment sites and studies on priority species requiring research in Europe. A network may increase efficiency, expand the scope of research that can be undertaken, promote European science integration, enhance the opportunities and success of acquiring research funding and, ultimately, foster regional and transatlantic collaborations. It may also help address research priorities such as the large-scale societal challenges arising from climate change impacts and assist the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive via identification of good environmental status of endangered or commercially important species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Straightforward Electrochemical Approach to Imine- and Amine-bisphenolate Metal Complexes with Facile Control Over Metal Oxidation State

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    Synthetic methods to prepare organometallic and coordination compounds such as Schiff-base complexes are diverse, with the route chosen being dependent upon many factors such as metal–ligand combination and metal oxidation state. In this work we have shown that electrochemical methodology can be employed to synthesize a variety of metal–salen/salan complexes which comprise diverse metal–ligand combinations and oxidation states. Broad application has been demonstrated through the preparation of 34 complexes under mild and ambient conditions. Unprecedented control over metal oxidation state (MII/III/IV where M=Fe, Mn) is presented by simple modification of reaction conditions. Along this route, a general protocol-switch is described which allows access to analytically pure FeII/III–salen complexes. Tuning electrochemical potential, selective metalation of a Mn/Ni alloy is also presented which exclusively delivers MnII/IV–salen complexes in high yield

    Learning strikes again: The case of the DRS signature scheme

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    Lattice signature schemes generally require particular care when it comes to preventing secret information from leaking through signature transcript. For example, the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi (GGH) signature scheme and the NTRUSign scheme were completely broken by the parallelepiped-learning attack of Nguyen and Regev (Eurocrypt 2006). Several heuristic countermeasures were also shown vulnerable to similar statistical attacks.At PKC 2008, Plantard, Susilo and Win proposed a new variant of GGH, informally arguing resistance to such attacks. Based on this variant, Plantard, Sipasseuth, Dumondelle and Susilo proposed a concrete signature scheme, called DRS, that has been accepted in the round 1 of the NIST post-quantum cryptography project.In this work, we propose yet another statistical attack and demonstrate a weakness of the DRS scheme: one can recover some partial information of the secret key from sufficiently many signatures. One difficulty is that, due to the DRS reduction algorithm, the relation between the statistical leak and the secret seems more intricate. We work around this difficulty by training a statistical model, using a few features that we designed according to a simple heuristic analysis.While we only recover partial information on the secret key, this information is easily exploited by lattice attacks, significantly decreasing their complexity. Concretely, we claim that, provided that signatures are available, the secret key may be recovered using BKZ-138 for the first set of DRS parameters submitted to the NIST. This puts the security level of this parameter set below 80-bits (maybe even 70-bits), to be compared to an original claim of 128-bits.</p
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