53 research outputs found

    Comparative Clinical Trial of Fluoridated Varnishes with Calcium Compounds to Prevent and Reverse Incipient Carious Lesions in School Children

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    Objective: This paper focuses on comparing the clinical effectiveness of two fluoridated varnishes enhanced with calcium compounds to prevent and reverse incipient carious lesions (ICL). Method: A clinical study was carried out with 156 children aged 7-9 years. They were distributed into three groups for the topical application of: a) a sodium fluoride varnish with caseinphosphopeptide-amorphous-calcium-phosphate (CPP-ACP/NaF); b) a sodium fluoride varnish with phosphate-tri-calcium (NaF-TCP); c) a control. The application were every six months Caries Protective fraction (PF) which was obtained from Epidemiological indexes. Also, 2594 dentalsurfaces with caries free and incipient caries lesions (ICL) were followed up after 18 months. ANOVA repeated measures were carried out, and McNemar and Gamma tests were also performed. Results: The DMFS values after treatments showed the following: a) 1.9± 4, b) 2.5± 2, and c) 3.1± 4.8 (p =0.17) with PF of 38% and 18% for groups CPP-ACP/NaF and NaF-TCP, respectively. ICL showed a reversal in 26.6% (IC95: 17-35) of the CPP-ACP/NaF group, 24.6% (IC95: 14-33) in the NaF-TCP group, and 23% (IC95: 13-32) in the control group.. The percentage of free caries and incipient caries teeth were higher for CPPACP/F than control group. p= 0.001. Conclusion: Varnishes with calcium compounds promoted the recovery of ICL. However, CPP-ACP/NaF showed a better protective factor

    Towards the modelling of a heat-exchanger reactor by a dynamic approach

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    The aim of this paper is to present the development of a simulation tool in order to assess the inherently safe characteristics of a heat‐exchanger reactor(HEX) operating reaction systems. The modelling of steady and transient states of a HEX reactor is performed following a hybrid dynamic approach. The global dynamic behaviour of this reactor can be represented by several continuous models, which are bounded by state or time events. Each continuous model is defined as a system of partial differential‐algebraic equations. The numerical scheme is based on the method of lines. Special attention is paid to the model initialization and a simulation strategy of the start‐up phase is presented. The validation of the model is made by numerous examples, such as the simulation of an exothermic reaction

    Diagnóstico de manejo y conservacion del recurso hidrico del corregimiento ayacucho la buitrera, municipio de palmira

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    El diagnóstico evaluó el estado actual del aprovechamiento del recurso hídrico por los habitantes del Corregimiento Ayacucho La Buitrera (Palmira) con el fin de orientar acciones prioritarias, mediante fomento del desarrollo sustentable de los recursos, la implementación de instrumentos de carácter interdisciplinario y la integración entre organismos y actores con injerencia en materia hídrica. Tomó como punto de partida el proyecto de investigación de la Fundación CEGA (Centro Estratégico de Gestión Ambiental realizado en el año 2010), el cual identificó los problemas socio-ambientales del Corregimiento Ayacucho La Buitrera, como la contaminación del agua, suelo y aire en diferentes puntos. Se realizó un diagnóstico preliminar del manejo de las fuentes hídricas y de los factores contaminantes en la región con base en la metodología IAP (Investigación, Acción, Participación – Fals Borda, Orlando 2008), efectuando una división por zonas ( mapa regional por zonas, Policía Nacional) teniendo en cuenta la topografía de la región, por lo cual se tomó como punto de referencia, la cartografía por cuadrantes que posee y maneja la policía nacional del corregimiento Ayacucho la buitrera, donde se tomaron muestras de distintas fuentes hídricas superficiales para evaluación de parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos. Posteriormente, se analizó el grado de conocimiento de la comunidad acerca de la normatividad sobre el manejo, conservación y uso del recurso hídrico, llevándose a cabo capacitación a la población para aclarar y fortalecer conceptos. Al término del trabajo educativo fue aplicada una encuesta al personal capacitado, con el fin de analizar el grado de asimilación del conocimiento y el impacto que causó la realización del proyecto en la comunidad. Como resultado se logró cualificar 100 personas en temas como: Mantenimiento de pozos sépticos, minimización de contaminación en aguas, importancia del recurso hídrico, detección de los principales factores causantes de contaminación del recurso hídrico de la región, introducción del valor del reciclaje en la cultura de los habitantes del corregimiento, y se proyectaron las actividades de clasificación de residuos. Se espera que el trabajo sirva de guía a futuras investigaciones en el tema.The present diagnostic plan assessed the current condition of the use of water resources by the inhabitants of the township Ayacucho La Buitrera (Palmira) to guide priority actions by promoting sustainable development of resources, the implementation of interdisciplinary instruments and integration among different agencies and actors with interference in water. It took as starting point the research project of CEGA Foundation (Strategic Environmental Management Centre in the th 2010), which identified socio- environmental problems of the township Ayacucho La Buitrera as water pollution, soil and air at different points. We conducted a preliminary assessment of the management of water sources and polluting factors in the region based on the methodology IAP (Research, Action, Share – Fals Borda, Orlando 2008), making a zoning, considering the topography of the region, which was taken as a reference point, the mapping quadrants that owns and operates the national police of the township Ayacucho Buitrera where samples were taken from various surface water sources for evaluation of physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Subsequently, we examined the level of community awareness about the regulations on the management, conservation and use of water resources, carrying out training people to clarify and reinforce concepts. At the end of the educational work was applied a survey to the trained staff in order to analyze the degree of assimilation of knowledge and the impact caused by project in the community. As a result, 100 people were trained in areas as: Maintenance of septic tanks, water pollution minimization, importance of water resources, identification of main factors causing pollution of water resources of the region, introduction of the value of recycling in the culture of the inhabitants of the district, and projected activities, classification of strategic sites for reforestation, tree species classification, educational workshop on environment, green cleaning, waste classification, among others. This work will help to guide future research on the subject

    Clima organizacional y desempeño docente de la I.E. emblemática Rosa de Santa Maria-Breña 2013

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    El presente trabajo de investigación pretende determinar la relación que existe entre el clima organizacional y desempeño docente de la I.E. Emblemática Rosa de Santa María-Breña durante el año 2013. Es de tipo descriptivo, correlacional y cualitativo de diseño no experimental, de enfoque cuantitativo, cuya población está constituida por los integrantes de la comunidad educativa Emblemática Rosa de Santa María-Breña durante el año 2013; y la muestra es no Probabilística Intencionada, por conveniencia que consta de 76 docentes. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de la técnica de la encuesta y su instrumento el cuestionario, y para el procesamiento de datos se empleó el software estadístico SPSS, computarizado. Las pruebas no paramétricas Rho de Spearman. De los resultados obtenidos, se puede manifestar que existe una relación moderada entre la variable clima organizacional y el desempeño docente de la referida institución educativa

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia departamentos de Arauca y Boyacá

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    Dentro de los diferentes contextos de Historias que retornan en el caso de Amparo y la masacre en el Salado se visualiza la violencia e injusticia que enfrentan estas personas, desde los enfoques narrativos y el impacto que se genera en lo psicosocial en Colombia, podemos ver como las personas se enfrentan a las distintas afectaciones que ocasiona la violencia en la vida de cada persona. El propósito de la etapa final es que el estudiante tenga la capacidad de desarrollar habilidades y brindar un acompañamiento psicosocial para lograr el cambio social en todas aquellas personas que han sido víctimas de violencia, para que se genere el empoderamiento y se construya la esperanza de tener un mejor futuro, dejando a un lado el rechazo y la falta de apoyo de los que no han sido beneficiados. Por medio de la narrativa y la foto voz, nos han permitido conocer la capacidad de las personas para enfrentar y luchar contra la injusticia buscando una mejor vida y un fututo, ya que por medio de los diferentes escenarios de violencia analizados se puede entender como las personas han sido víctimas de la violencia y las experiencias de dolor que han vivido han marcado su memoria y con el empoderamiento de cada uno, han sido personas resilientes y capaces de adaptarse a la vida después de vivir un hecho de violencia y de esta manera se pueda lograr el retorno de todas aquellas personas que han vivido el desplazamiento por la violencia y han dejado su vida atrás.Within the different contexts of Histories that return in the case of Amparo and the massacre in El Salado, the violence and injustice that these people face is visualized, from the narrative approaches and the impact that is generated in the psychosocial in Colombia, we can see how people face the different affectations that violence causes in the life of each person. The purpose of the final stage is for the student to have the ability to develop skills and provide psychosocial support to achieve social change in all those who have been victims of violence, so that empowerment is generated and the hope of having a better future, leaving aside the rejection and lack of support from those who have not benefited. Through the narrative and the voice photo, they have allowed us to know the capacity of people to face and fight against injustice looking for a better life and a future, since through the different scenarios of violence analyzed it can be understood how the People have been victims of violence and the experiences of pain that they have lived have marked their memory and with the empowerment of each one, they have been resilient people and capable of adapting to life after experiencing an act of violence and in this way they can achieve the return of all those people who have experienced displacement due to violence and have left their lives behind

    Software engineering for self-adaptive systems:research challenges in the provision of assurances

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    The important concern for modern software systems is to become more cost-effective, while being versatile, flexible, resilient, dependable, energy-efficient, customisable, configurable and self-optimising when reacting to run-time changes that may occur within the system itself, its environment or requirements. One of the most promising approaches to achieving such properties is to equip software systems with self-managing capabilities using self-adaptation mechanisms. Despite recent advances in this area, one key aspect of self-adaptive systems that remains to be tackled in depth is the provision of assurances, i.e., the collection, analysis and synthesis of evidence that the system satisfies its stated functional and non-functional requirements during its operation in the presence of self-adaptation. The provision of assurances for self-adaptive systems is challenging since run-time changes introduce a high degree of uncertainty. This paper on research challenges complements previous roadmap papers on software engineering for self-adaptive systems covering a different set of topics, which are related to assurances, namely, perpetual assurances, composition and decomposition of assurances, and assurances obtained from control theory. This research challenges paper is one of the many results of the Dagstuhl Seminar 13511 on Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: Assurances which took place in December 2013

    Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems: A second Research Roadmap

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    The goal of this roadmap paper is to summarize the state of-the-art and identify research challenges when developing, deploying and managing self-adaptive software systems. Instead of dealing with a wide range of topics associated with the field, we focus on four essential topics of self-adaptation: design space for adaptive solutions, processes, from centralized to decentralized control, and practical run-time verification and validation. For each topic, we present an overview, suggest future directions, and focus on selected challenges. This paper complements and extends a previous roadmap on software engineering for self-adaptive systems published in 2009 covering a different set of topics, and reflecting in part on the previous paper. This roadmap is one of the many results of the Dagstuhl Seminar 10431 on Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems, which took place in October 2010

    The Human Affectome

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    Over the last decades, the interdisciplinary field of the affective sciences has seen proliferation rather than integration of theoretical perspectives. This is due to differences in metaphysical and mechanistic assumptions about human affective phenomena (what they are and how they work) which, shaped by academic motivations and values, have determined the affective constructs and operationalizations. An assumption on the purpose of affective phenomena can be used as a teleological principle to guide the construction of a common set of metaphysical and mechanistic assumptions—a framework for human affective research. In this capstone paper for the special issue “Towards an Integrated Understanding of the Human Affectome”, we gather the tiered purpose of human affective phenomena to synthesize assumptions that account for human affective phenomena collectively. This teleologically-grounded framework offers a principled agenda and launchpad for both organizing existing perspectives and generating new ones. Ultimately, we hope Human Affectome brings us a step closer to not only an integrated understanding of human affective phenomena, but an integrated field for affective research