1,231 research outputs found

    Planning for the future : identifying conservation priority areas for Iberian birds under climate change

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    Species are expected to shift their distributions in response to global environmental changes and additional protected areas are needed to encompass the corresponding changes in the distributions of their habitats. Conservation policies are likely to become obsolete unless they integrate the potential impacts of climate and land-use change on biodiversity. We identify conservation priority areas for current and future projected distributions of Iberian bird species. We then investigate the extent to which global change informed priority areas are: (i) covered by existing protected area networks (national protected areas and Natura 2000); (ii) threatened by agricultural or urban land-use changes. We use outputs of species distributions models fitted with climatic data as inputs in spatial prioritization tools to identify conservation priority areas for 168 bird species. We use projections of land-use change to then discriminate between threatened and non-threatened priority areas. 19% of the priority areas for birds are covered by national protected areas and 23% are covered by Natura 2000 sites. The spatial mismatch between protected area networks and priority areas for birds is projected to increase with climate change. But there are opportunities to improve the protection of birds under climate change, as half of the priority areas are currently neither protected nor in conflict with urban or agricultural land-uses. We identify critical areas for bird conservation both under current and climate change conditions, and propose that they could guide the establishment of new conservation areas across the Iberian Peninsula complementing existing protected areas.Peer reviewe

    El control interno y su relación con la gestión de inventarios en la Gerencia Sub Regional Utcubamba, Provincia Utcubamba, 2021

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    La presente investigación denominada “EL CONTROL INTERNO Y SU RELACIÓN CON LA GESTIÓN DE INVENTARIOS EN LA GERENCIA SUB REGIONAL UTCUBAMBA, PROVINCIA UTCUBAMBA, 2021”, tuvo como propósito general Analizar de qué manera el control interno se relaciona con la gestión de inventarios en la gerencia Sub Regional Utcubamba, Provincia Utcubamba, 2021, el estudio de tipo básica y enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, trasversal, descriptivo, correlacional, la muestra compuesta por 30 colaboradores, la técnica la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario, obtuvo como resultado: el 77% de los colaboradores indicaron que el control interno es regular y el 67% de los colaboradores indicaron que la gestión de inventarios es regula, llego a concluir que: el valor de p=0.064 mayor que 0.05, según el coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson, donde se acepta la hipótesis nula es decir, el control interno no se relaciona de manera significativa con la gestión de inventarios en la Gerencia Sub Regional Utcubamba, Provincia Utcubamba, 2021.TesisGestión empresarial y emprendimient

    Análisis del IV Pleno Casatorio Civil y la concepción del ocupante precario en Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo Analizar el IV Pleno Casatorio y la concepción del ocupante precario para producir reflexiones que contribuyan a la solución del problema de desalojos del ocupante precario en lima metropolitana. La metodología utilizada fue de investigación tipo básica, con paradigma cualitativo y nivel integrativo. Se establece como escenario Perú, se han seleccionado 10 sentencias expedidas por el Cuarto Pleno Casatorio Civil. La muestra estará representada por cuatro (4) abogados, magistrados o especialistas en derecho civil letrados en el poder judicial. Como resultado se obtuvo que la problemática planteada se relaciona con las características del ciudadano en tanto que indagarán sobre alternativas ineficientes a fin de evadir responsabilidades. Concluyendo, el poseedor precario es el que ocupa un bien sin título, la denominada Ley de Desalojo Notarial, considerada por la opinión pública no como un desalojo notarial, debido a que el Estado es quien monopoliza estas acciones valiéndose incluso del uso de la fuerza para la expulsión de los inquilinos. Para la ejecución del desalojo con este régimen es imperativo que el peticionante se convierta en arrendante, de no poseer esta categoría, se encontraría inhabilitado para realizar cualquier reclamo enmarcado en la Ley del Desalojo Notarial

    Plan de negocios para una empresa de servicios de cuidado y atenci?n integral de infantes en Lima Metropolitana

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    La tesis es un plan de negocios para la puesta en marcha de una cuna guarder?a que atender? a ni?os entre los tres meses y cinco a?os de edad en la zona siete de Lima Metropolitana. La cuna atender? en horario matutino a los ni?os de hasta tres a?os de edad, otorgando una serie de servicios como atenci?n m?dica, psicol?gica, alimentaci?n, recojo, entre otros. Por su parte, la guarder?a atender? en horario de la tarde a ni?os de hasta cinco a?os de edad que salen de sus colegios. La propuesta de valor de este negocio, que llevar? como nombre Little Play, radicar? no s?lo en los servicios mencionados, residir? tambi?n en la calidad de atenci?n y en la confianza que se debe obtener de los padres a fin de lograr el ?xito esperado. Para obtener esta confianza, las principales acciones a tomar ser?n el uso de un sistema de c?maras a fin de que los padres puedan observar en tiempo real todas las actividades de sus hijos mientras se encuentran en las instalaciones del local y la segunda acci?n reside en contar con el mejor equipo humano disponible con experiencia y competencias en el cuidado y trato a los ni?os de esa edad

    Evaluation of Lu-177-Dotatate treatment in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors and prognostic factors

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    BACKGROUND: (177)Lu peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is a recently approved therapy in Spain that has been demonstrated to be a well-tolerated therapy for positive somatostatin receptor advanced gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. AIM: To determine the impact of PRRT on quality of life, radiologic and metabolic response, overall survival, prognostic factors and toxicity. METHODS: Thirty-six patients treated with (177)Lu-PRRT from 2016 to 2019 were included. The most frequent location of the primary tumor was the gastrointestinal tract (52.8%), pancreas (27.8%), and nongastropancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (11.1%). The liver was the most common site of metastasis (91.7%), followed by distant nodes (50.0%), bone (27.8%), peritoneum (25.0%) and lung (11.1%). Toxicity was evaluated after the administration of each dose. Treatment efficacy was evaluated by two parameters: stable disease and disease progression in response evaluation criteria in solid tumors 1.1 criterion and prognostic factors were tested. RESULTS: From 36 patients, 55.6% were men, with a median age of 61.1 +/- 11.8 years. Regarding previous treatments, 55.6% of patients underwent surgery of the primary tumor, 100% of patients were treated with long-acting somatostatin analogues, 66.7% of patients were treated with everolimus, 27.8% of patients were treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and 27.8% of patients were treated with interferon. One patient received radioembolization, three patients received chemoembolization, six patients received chemotherapy. Hematological toxicity was registered in 14 patients (G1-G2: 55.5% and G3: 3.1%). Other events presented were intestinal suboclusion in 4 cases, cholestasis in 2 cases and carcinoid crisis in 1 case. The median follow-up time was 3 years. Currently, 24 patients completed treatment. Nineteen are alive with stable disease, two have disease progression, eight have died, and nine are still receiving treatment. The median overall survival was 12.5 mo (95% confidence interval range: 9.8-15.2), being inversely proportional to toxicity in previous treatments (P < 0.02), tumor grade (P < 0.01) and the presence of bone lesions (P = 0.009) and directly proportional with matching lesion findings between Octreoscan and computed tomography pre-PRRT (P < 0.01), , primary tumor surgery (P = 0.03) and metastasis surgery (P = 0.045). In a multivariate Cox regression analysis, a high Ki67 index (P = 0.003), a mismatch in the lesion findings between Octreoscan and computed tomography pre-PRRT (P < 0.01) and a preceding toxicity in previous treatments (P < 0.05) were risk factors to overall survival. CONCLUSION: Overall survival was inversely proportional to previous toxicity, tumor grade and the presence of bone metastasis and directly proportional to matching lesion findings between Octreoscan and computed tomography pre-PRRT and primary tumor and metastasis surgery

    Intravenous administration of BCG in mice promotes natural killer and T cell-mediated antitumor immunity in the lung

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    Intravesical administration of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) was one of the first FDA-approved immunotherapies and remains a standard treatment for bladder cancer. Previous studies have demonstrated that intravenous (IV) administration of BCG is well-tolerated and effective in preventing tuberculosis infection in animals. Here, we examine IV BCG in several preclinical lung tumor models. Our findings demonstrate that BCG inoculation reduced tumor growth and prolonged mouse survival in models of lung melanoma metastasis and orthotopic lung adenocarcinoma. Moreover, IV BCG treatment was well-tolerated with no apparent signs of acute toxicity. Mechanistically, IV BCG induced tumor-specific CD8+ T cell responses, which were dependent on type 1 conventional dendritic cells, as well as NK cell-mediated immunity. Lastly, we also show that IV BCG has an additive effect on anti-PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitor treatment in mouse lung tumors that are otherwise resistant to anti-PD-L1 as monotherapy. Overall, our study demonstrates the potential of systemic IV BCG administration in the treatment of lung tumors, highlighting its ability to enhance immune responses and augment immune checkpoint blockade efficacy

    The structural assembly switch of cell division protein FtsZ probed with fluorescent allosteric inhibitors

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    FtsZ is a widely conserved tubulin-like GTPase that directs bacterial cell division and a new target for antibiotic discovery. This protein assembly machine cooperatively polymerizes forming single-stranded filaments, by means of self-switching between inactive and actively associating monomer conformations. The structural switch mechanism was proposed to involve a movement of the C-terminal and N-terminal FtsZ domains, opening a cleft between them, allosterically coupled to the formation of a tight association interface between consecutive subunits along the filament. The effective antibacterial benzamide PC190723 binds into the open interdomain cleft and stabilizes FtsZ filaments, thus impairing correct formation of the FtsZ ring for cell division. We have designed fluorescent analogs of PC190723 to probe the FtsZ structural assembly switch. Among them, nitrobenzoxadiazole probes specifically bind to assembled FtsZ rather than to monomers. Probes with several spacer lengths between the fluorophore and benzamide moieties suggest a binding site extension along the interdomain cleft. These probes label FtsZ rings of live Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus, without apparently modifying normal cell morphology and growth, but at high concentrations they induce impaired bacterial division phenotypes typical of benzamide antibacterials. During the FtsZ assembly-disassembly process, the fluorescence anisotropy of the probes changes upon binding and dissociating from FtsZ, thus reporting open and closed FtsZ interdomain clefts. Our results demonstrate the structural mechanism of the FtsZ assembly switch, and suggest that the probes bind into the open clefts in cellular FtsZ polymers preferably to unassembled FtsZ in the bacterial cytosol