71 research outputs found

    O trabalho docente nos cursos técnicos integrados na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos do Instituto Federal de Goiás = Teacher working in the integrated technical courses in the Education Mode of Adults and Youths of the Federal Institute of Goiás = El trabajo docente en los cursos técnicos integrados en el modelo de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos del Instituto Federal de Goiás

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    Este artigo aborda o trabalho docente nos cursos técnicos integrados na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Tem como objetivo analisar dados levantados, por meio de questionário, sobre quem são e como desenvolvem a prática pedagógica os docentes dos cursos técnicos integrados na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) do Instituto Federal de Goiás (IFG). A análise é realizada a partir da formação desses docentes, e para isso, recupera-se tanto a trajetória histórica da EJA quanto da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT) como modos educativos vinculados à formação de trabalhadores “pobres”. O artigo reitera como desafio educacional para a profissionalização dos trabalhadores estudantes, dentre outros, a formação dos docentes que atuam na EJA e na EP

    Reflexões sobre organização e gestão na educação profissional e tecnológica: uma análise dos elementos históricos e sociológicos

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo discutir a organização e gestão da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT), abordando alguns dos desdobramentos históricos, sociais e legais para a efetivação da gestão democrática no contexto educacional da EPT. Para isso, analisamos aos processos de gestão escolar e as influências patrimonialistas e gerencialistas ocorridas no contexto histórico brasileiro; posteriormente, descrevemos os fundamentos político-ideológicos da organização administrativa da escola, com foco nas relações entre gestão pedagógica, administrativa e de recursos humanos e a importância destas para a transformação social; e, por fim, abordamos os elementos histórico-políticos e legais do processo democrático no contexto escolar e os entraves existentes para a legitimação da gestão democrática como princípio norteador das práticas educativas e da organização escolar, com foco na EPT. Quanto a metodologia utilizada foi à revisão bibliográfica e documental, com abordagem qualitativa de caráter descritivo-reflexiva, baseado em autores como Coutinho (2006), Fernandes (2006), Grabowski (2014), Gramsci (2007), Paro (2012) e Souza (2009). As conclusões mostraram que a gestão escolar é influenciada por aspectos históricos, econômicos e político-ideológicos, na qual a classe dominante como mecanismo de conformação social, acarretando na efetivação de uma gestão democrática formal e estética, com uma visão distorcida dos princípios democráticos necessários à transformação social no espaço escolar. Concluiu-se também que a superação dessas concepções tradicionais dar-se-á a partir da reflexão desses elementos em sua prática social, buscando elencar considerações e sugestões para se efetivar uma gestão escolar que alcance a transformação social

    Effective Rheology of Bubbles Moving in a Capillary Tube

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    We calculate the average volumetric flux versus pressure drop of bubbles moving in a single capillary tube with varying diameter, finding a square-root relation from mapping the flow equations onto that of a driven overdamped pendulum. The calculation is based on a derivation of the equation of motion of a bubble train from considering the capillary forces and the entropy production associated with the viscous flow. We also calculate the configurational probability of the positions of the bubbles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Equity In Health care financing in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review of evidence from studies using benefit and financing incidence analyses

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    © 2016 Asante et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Introduction: Health financing reforms in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) over the past decades have focused on achieving equity in financing of health care delivery through universal health coverage. Benefit and financing incidence analyses are two analytical methods for comprehensively evaluating how well health systems perform on these objectives. This systematic review assesses progress towards equity in health care financing in LMICs through the use of BIA and FIA. Methods and Findings: Key electronic databases including Medline, Embase, Scopus, Global Health, CinAHL, EconLit and Business Source Premier were searched. We also searched the grey literature, specifically websites of leading organizations supporting health care in LMICs. Only studies using benefit incidence analysis (BIA) and/or financing incidence analysis (FIA) as explicit methodology were included. A total of 512 records were obtained from the various sources. The full texts of 87 references were assessed against the selection criteria and 24 were judged appropriate for inclusion. Twelve of the 24 studies originated from sub-Saharan Africa, nine from the Asia-Pacific region, two from Latin America and one from the Middle East. The evidence points to a pro-rich distribution of total health care benefits and progressive financing in both sub-Saharan Africa and Asia-Pacific. In the majority of cases, the distribution of benefits at the primary health care level favoured the poor while hospital level services benefit the better-off. A few Asian countries, namely Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka, maintained a pro-poor distribution of health care benefits and progressive financing. Conclusion: Studies evaluated in this systematic review indicate that health care financing in LMICs benefits the rich more than the poor but the burden of financing also falls more on the rich. There is some evidence that primary health care is pro-poor suggesting a greater investment in such services and removal of barriers to care can enhance equity. The results overall suggest that there are impediments to making health care more accessible to the poor and this must be addressed if universal health coverage is to be a reality

    Benign external hydrocephalus: a review, with emphasis on management

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    Benign external hydrocephalus in infants, characterized by macrocephaly and typical neuroimaging findings, is considered as a self-limiting condition and is therefore rarely treated. This review concerns all aspects of this condition: etiology, neuroimaging, symptoms and clinical findings, treatment, and outcome, with emphasis on management. The review is based on a systematic search in the Pubmed and Web of Science databases. The search covered various forms of hydrocephalus, extracerebral fluid, and macrocephaly. Studies reporting small children with idiopathic external hydrocephalus were included, mostly focusing on the studies reporting a long-term outcome. A total of 147 studies are included, the majority however with a limited methodological quality. Several theories regarding pathophysiology and various symptoms, signs, and clinical findings underscore the heterogeneity of the condition. Neuroimaging is important in the differentiation between external hydrocephalus and similar conditions. A transient delay of psychomotor development is commonly seen during childhood. A long-term outcome is scarcely reported, and the results are varying. Although most children with external hydrocephalus seem to do well both initially and in the long term, a substantial number of patients show temporary or permanent psychomotor delay. To verify that this truly is a benign condition, we suggest that future research on external hydrocephalus should focus on the long-term effects of surgical treatment as opposed to conservative management

    Addendum to ‘measurement of the tt̄ production cross-section using eμ events with b-tagged jets in pp collisions at √s= 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector’

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    The ATLAS measurement of the inclusive top quark pair (tt̄) cross-section σtt̄ in proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV has been updated using the final 2012 luminosity calibration. The updated cross-section result is: σtt¯=242.9±1.7±5.5±5.1±4.2pb, where the four uncertainties arise from data statistics, experimental and theoretical systematic effects, knowledge of the integrated luminosity and of the LHC beam energy. The result is consistent with theoretical QCD calculations at next-to-next-to-leading order. The measurement of the ratio of tt̄ cross-sections at √s=8 TeV and √s=7 TeV, and the √s=8 TeV fiducial measurement corresponding to the experimental acceptance of the leptons, have also been updated. The most precise measurement of the tt̄ cross-section (σtt̄) in proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV from the ATLAS Collaboration was made using events with an opposite-charge electron–muon pair and one or two b-tagged jets [1], and used a preliminary calibration of the integrated luminosity. The luminosity calibration has been finalised since [2] with a total uncertainty of 1.9%, corresponding to a substantial improvement on the previous uncertainty of 2.8%. Since the uncertainty on the integrated luminosity contributed 3.1% of the total 4.3% uncertainty on the σtt¯ measurement reported in [1], a significant improvement in the measurement is possible by using the new luminosity calibration, as documented in this Addendum. The new calibration corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb−¹ for the √s=8 TeV sample, a decrease of 0.2%. The cross-section was recomputed taking into account the effects on both the conversion of the tt¯ event yield to a cross-section, and the background estimates, giving a result of: σtt¯=242.9±1.7±5.5±5.1±4.2pb, where the four uncertainties arise from data statistics, experimental and theoretical systematic effects, knowledge of the integrated luminosity, and of the LHC beam energy, giving a total uncertainty of 8.8 pb (3.6 %). The result is consistent with the theoretical prediction of 252.9−14.5+13.3 pb, calculated at next-to-next-to-leading-order with next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic soft gluon terms with the top++ 2.0 program [3] as discussed in detail in Ref. [1]. The updated value of the ratio of cross-sections Rtt¯=σtt¯(8 TeV)/σtt¯(7 TeV) is: Rtt¯=1.328±0.024±0.015±0.038±0.001, with uncertainties defined as above, adding in quadrature to a total of 0.047. The largest uncertainty comes from the uncertainties on the integrated luminosities, considered to be uncorrelated between the √s=7 TeV and √s=8 TeV datasets. This result is 2.1σ below the expectation of 1.430±0.013 calculated from top++ 2.0 as discussed in Ref. [1]. The updated fiducial cross-sections, for a tt¯ decay producing an eμ pair within a given fiducial region, are shown in Table 1, updating Table 5 of Ref. [1]. The results are given both for the analysis requirements of pT>25GeV and |η|30GeV and |η|<2.4. They are given separately for the two cases where events with either one or both leptons coming from t→W→τ→ℓ rather than the direct decay t→W→ℓ(ℓ=e or μ) are included, or where the contributions involving τ decays are subtracted. The results shown for the √s=7 TeV data sample are unchanged with respect to those in Ref. [1]. The results for the top quark pole mass and limits on light supersymmetric top squarks presented in Ref. [1] are derived from √s=7 TeV and √s=8 TeV cross-section measurements taken together, and would be only slightly improved by the luminosity update described here