631 research outputs found

    Gravitational non-commutativity and G\"odel-like spacetimes

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    We derive general conditions under which geodesics of stationary spacetimes resemble trajectories of charged particles in an electromagnetic field. For large curvatures (analogous to strong magnetic fields), the quantum mechanicical states of these particles are confined to gravitational analogs of {\it lowest Landau levels}. Furthermore, there is an effective non-commutativity between their spatial coordinates. We point out that the Som-Raychaudhuri and G\"odel spacetime and its generalisations are precisely of the above type and compute the effective non-commutativities that they induce. We show that the non-commutativity for G\"odel spacetime is identical to that on the fuzzy sphere. Finally, we show how the star product naturally emerges in Som-Raychaudhuri spacetimes.Comment: Two sections added (Relation to the fuzzy sphere, Emergence of the star product). 10 pages, Revtex. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Research Project as Boundary Object: negotiating the conceptual design of a tool for International Development

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    This paper reflects on the relationship between who one designs for and what one designs in the unstructured space of designing for political change; in particular, for supporting “International Development” with ICT. We look at an interdisciplinary research project with goals and funding, but no clearly defined beneficiary group at start, and how amorphousness contributed to impact. The reported project researched a bridging tool to connect producers with consumers across global contexts and show players in the supply chain and their circumstances. We explore how both the nature of the research and the tool’s function became contested as work progressed. To tell this tale, we invoke the idea of boundary objects and the value of tacking back and forth between elastic meanings of the project’s artefacts and processes. We examine the project’s role in India, Chile and other arenas to draw out ways that it functioned as a catalyst and how absence of committed design choices acted as an unexpected strength in reaching its goals

    Herschel-ATLAS/GAMA: A difference between star formation rates in strong-line and weak-line radio galaxies

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    We have constructed a sample of radio-loud objects with optical spectroscopy from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) project over the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (Herschel-ATLAS) Phase 1 fields. Classifying the radio sources in terms of their optical spectra, we find that strong-emission-line sources ('high-excitation radio galaxies') have, on average, a factor of ~4 higher 250-ÎŒm Herschel luminosity than weak-line ('lowexcitation') radio galaxies and are also more luminous than magnitude-matched radio-quiet galaxies at the same redshift. Using all five H-ATLAS bands, we show that this difference in luminosity between the emission-line classes arises mostly from a difference in the average dust temperature; strong-emission-line sources tend to have comparable dust masses to, but higher dust temperatures than, radio galaxies with weak emission lines. We interpret this as showing that radio galaxies with strong nuclear emission lines are much more likely to be associated with star formation in their host galaxy, although there is certainly not a one-to-one relationship between star formation and strong-line active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity. The strong-line sources are estimated to have star formation rates at least a factor of 3-4 higher than those in the weak-line objects. Our conclusion is consistent with earlier work, generally carried out using much smaller samples, and reinforces the general picture of high-excitation radio galaxies as being located in lower-mass, less evolved host galaxies than their low-excitation counterparts.Peer reviewe

    The temperature dependence of the far-infrared-radio correlation in the Herschel-ATLAS

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    Date of Acceptance: 03/09/2014We use 10 387 galaxies from the Herschel Astrophysical TeraHertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) to probe the far-infrared radio correlation (FIRC) of star-forming galaxies as a function of redshift, wavelength, and effective dust temperature. All of the sources in our 250 ÎŒm-selected sample have spectroscopic redshifts, as well as 1.4 GHz flux density estimates measured from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimetres (FIRST) survey. This enables us to study not only individual sources, but also the average properties of the 250 ÎŒm-selected population using median stacking techniques. We find that individual sources detected at ≄5σ in both the H-ATLAS and FIRST data have logarithmic flux ratios (i.e. FIRC qλ parameters) consistent with previous studies of the FIRC. In contrast, the stacked values show larger qλ, suggesting excess far-IR flux density/luminosity in 250 ÎŒm-selected sources above what has been seen in previous analyses. In addition, we find evidence that 250 ÎŒm sources with warm dust spectral energy distributions have a larger 1.4 GHz luminosity than the cooler sources in our sample. Though we find no evidence for redshift evolution of the monochromatic FIRC, our analysis reveals significant temperature dependence. Whilst the FIRC is reasonably constant with temperature at 100 ÎŒm, we find increasing inverse correlation with temperature as we probe longer PACS and SPIRE wavelengths. These results may have important implications for the use of monochromatic dust luminosity as a star formation rate indicator in star-forming galaxies, and in the future, for using radio data to determine galaxy star formation ratesPeer reviewe

    Far-infrared emission in luminous quasars accompanied by nuclear outflows

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    Combining large-area optical quasar surveys with the new far-infrared (FIR) Herschel-ATLAS Data Release 1, we search for an observational signature associated with the minority of quasars possessing bright FIR luminosities. We find that FIR-bright quasars show broad C IV emission-line blueshifts in excess of that expected from the optical luminosity alone, indicating particularly powerful nuclear outflows. The quasars show no signs of having redder optical colours than the general ensemble of optically selected quasars, ruling out differences in line-of-sight dust within the host galaxies. We postulate that these objects may be caught in a special evolutionary phase, with unobscured, high black hole accretion rates and correspondingly strong nuclear outflows. The high FIR emission found in these objects is then either a result of star formation related to the outflow, or is due to dust within the host galaxy illuminated by the quasar. We are thus directly witnessing coincident small-scale nuclear processes and galaxy-wide activity, commonly invoked in galaxy simulations that rely on feedback from quasars to influence galaxy evolution

    Herschel-ATLAS: The angular correlation function of submillimetre galaxies at high and low redshift

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern ObservatoryWe present measurements of the angular correlation function of galaxies selected from the first field of the H-ATLAS survey. Careful removal of the background from galactic cirrus is essential, and currently dominates the uncertainty in our measurements. For our 250 ÎŒm-selected sample we detect no significant clustering, consistent with the expectation that the 250 ÎŒm-selected sources are mostly normal galaxies at z 1. For our 350 ÎŒm and 500 ÎŒm-selected samples we detect relatively strong clustering with correlation amplitudes A of 0.2 and 1.2 at 1', but with relatively large uncertainties. For samples which preferentially select high redshift galaxies at z~2–3 we detect significant strong clustering, leading to an estimate of r0 ~ 7–11 h-1 Mpc. The slope of our clustering measurements is very steep, ÎŽ ~ 2. The measurements are consistent with the idea that sub-mm sources consist of a low redshift population of normal galaxies and a high redshift population of highly clustered star-bursting galaxies.Peer reviewe

    Chiral Analysis of Quenched Baryon Masses

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    We extend to quenched QCD an earlier investigation of the chiral structure of the masses of the nucleon and the delta in lattice simulations of full QCD. Even after including the meson-loop self-energies which give rise to the leading and next-to-leading non-analytic behaviour (and hence the most rapid variation in the region of light quark mass), we find surprisingly little curvature in the quenched case. Replacing these meson-loop self-energies by the corresponding terms in full QCD yields a remarkable level of agreement with the results of the full QCD simulations. This comparison leads to a very good understanding of the origins of the mass splitting between these baryons.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Herschel*-ATLAS: correlations between dust and gas in local submm-selected galaxies

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    We present an analysis of CO molecular gas tracers in a sample of 500 ÎŒ m-selected Herschel -ATLAS galaxies at z < 0 . 05 ( cz < 14990 km s − 1 ). Using 22 − 500 ÎŒ m photom- etry from WISE , IRAS and Herschel , with H i data from the literature, we investigate correlations between warm and cold dust, and tracers of the gas in different phases. The correlation between global CO(3–2) line fluxes and FIR–submm fl uxes weakens with increasing IR wavelength ( λ & 60 ÎŒ m), as a result of colder dust being less strongly associated with dense gas. Conversely, CO(2–1) and H i line fluxes both ap- pear to be better correlated with longer wavelengths, suggesting that cold dust is more strongly associated with diffuse atomic and molecular gas phases, co nsistent with it being at least partially heated by radiation from old stellar populations . The increased scatter at long wavelengths implies that sub-millimetre fluxes are a po orer tracer of SFR. Fluxes at 22 and 60 ÎŒ m are also better correlated with diffuse gas tracers than dense CO(3–2), probably due to very-small-grain emission in the diffu se interstellar medium, which is not correlated with SFR. The FIR/CO luminosity ratio a nd the dust mass/CO luminosity ratio both decrease with increasing luminosit y, as a result of either correlations between mass and metallicity (changing CO/H 2 ) or between CO luminosity and excitation [changing CO(3–2)/CO(1–0)].Web of Scienc

    New Strong-Field QED Effects at ELI: Nonperturbative Vacuum Pair Production

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    Since the work of Sauter, and Heisenberg, Euler and K\"ockel, it has been understood that vacuum polarization effects in quantum electrodynamics (QED) predict remarkable new phenomena such as light-light scattering and pair production from vacuum. However, these fundamental effects are difficult to probe experimentally because they are very weak, and they are difficult to analyze theoretically because they are highly nonlinear and/or nonperturbative. The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project offers the possibility of a new window into this largely unexplored world. I review these ideas, along with some new results, explaining why quantum field theorists are so interested in this rapidly developing field of laser science. I concentrate on the theoretical tools that have been developed to analyze nonperturbative vacuum pair production.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures; Key Lecture at the ELI Workshop and School on "Fundamental Physics with Ultra-High Fields", 29 Sept - 2 Oct. 2008, Frauenworth Monastery, Germany; v2: refs updated, English translations of reviews of Nikishov and Ritu

    Witnessing the Birth of the Red Sequence: ALMA High-resolution Imaging of [C II] and Dust in Two Interacting Ultra-red Starbursts at z = 4.425

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    Exploiting the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, we have studied the morphology and the physical scale of the interstellar medium—both gas and dust—in SGP 38326, an unlensed pair of interacting starbursts at z = 4.425. SGP 38326 is the most luminous star bursting system known at z > 4, with a total IR luminosity of L IR ~ 2.5 × 1013 L ⊙ and a star formation rate of ~ 4500 M ⊙ yr−1. SGP 38326 also contains a molecular gas reservoir among the most massive yet found in the early universe, and it is the likely progenitor of a massive, red-and-dead elliptical galaxy at z ~ 3. Probing scales of ~0farcs1 or ~800 pc we find that the smooth distribution of the continuum emission from cool dust grains contrasts with the more irregular morphology of the gas, as traced by the [C ii] fine structure emission. The gas is also extended over larger physical scales than the dust. The velocity information provided by the resolved [C ii] emission reveals that the dynamics of the two interacting components of SGP 38326 are each compatible with disk-like, ordered rotation, but also reveals an ISM which is turbulent and unstable. Our observations support a scenario where at least a subset of the most distant extreme starbursts are highly dissipative mergers of gas-rich galaxies
