35 research outputs found

    Maser action in methanol transitions

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    We report the detection with the ATCA of 6.7 GHz methanol emission towards OMC-1. The source has a size between 40'' and 90'', is located to the south-east of Ori-KL and may coincide in position with the 25 GHz masers. The source may be an example of an interesting case recently predicted in theory where the transitions of traditionally different methanol maser classes show maser activity simultaneously. In addition, results of recent search for methanol masers from the 25 and 104.3 GHz transitions are reported.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2004 European Workshop: "Dense Molecular Gas around Protostars and in Galactic Nuclei", Eds. Y.Hagiwara, W.A.Baan, H.J. van Langevelde, 2004, a special issue of ApSS, Kluwer; author list has been corrected, text is unchange

    Variability monitoring of the hydroxyl maser emission in G12.889+0.489

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    Through a series of observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array we have monitored the variability of ground-state hydroxyl maser emission from G12.889+0.489 in all four Stokes polarisation products. These observations were motivated by the known periodicity in the associated 6.7-GHz methanol maser emission. A total of 27 epochs of observations were made over 16 months. No emission was seen from either the 1612 or 1720 MHz satellite line transitions (to a typical five sigma upper limit of 0.2 Jy). The peak flux densities of the 1665 and 1667 MHz emission were observed to vary at a level of ∼20% (with the exception of one epoch which dropped by 640%). There was no distinct flaring activity at any epoch, but there was a weak indication of periodic variability, with a period and phase of minimum emission similar to that of methanol. There is no significant variation in the polarised properties of the hydroxyl, with Stokes Q and U flux densities varying in accord with the Stokes I intensity (linear polarisation, P, varying by 620%) and the right and left circularly polarised components varying by 633% at 1665-MHz and 638% at 1667-MHz. These observations are the first monitoring observations of the hydroxyl maser emission from G12.889+0.489

    A search for ionized jets towards massive young stellar objects

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    Radio continuum observations using the Australia telescope compact array at 5.5, 9.0, 17.0 and 22.8 GHz have detected free-free emission associated with 45 of 49 massive young stellar objects and H II regions. Of these, 26 sources are classified as ionized jets (12 of which are candidates), 2 as ambiguous jets or disc winds, 1 as a disc-wind, 14 as H II regions and 2 were unable to be categorized. Classification as ionized jets is based upon morphology, radio flux and spectral index, in conjunction with previous observational results at other wavelengths. Radio luminosity and momentum are found to scale with bolometric luminosity in the same way as low-mass jets, indicating a common mechanism for jet production across all masses. In 13 of the jets, we see associated non-thermal/optically thin lobes resulting from shocks either internal to the jet and/or at working surfaces. 10 jets display non-thermal (synchrotron emission) spectra in their lobes, with an average spectral index of ? =-0.55 consistent with Fermi acceleration in shocks. This shows that magnetic fields are present, in agreement with models of jet formation incorporatingmagnetic fields. Since the production of collimated radio jets is associated with accretion processes, the results presented in this paper support the picture of disc-mediated accretion for the formation of massive stars with an upper limit on the jet phase lasting approximately 6.5×104 yr. Typical mass-loss rates in the jet are found to be 1.4× 10-5M? yr-1 with associated momentum rates of the order of (1-2) × 10-2M? km s-1 yr-1. © 2016 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Royal Astronomical Society

    Maser Action in Methanol Transitions

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    We report the detection with the ATCA of 6.7 GHz methanol emission towards OMC-1. The source has a size between 40″ and 90″, is located to the south-east of Ori-KL and may coincide in position with the 25 GHz masers. The source may be an example of an interesting case recently predicted in theory where the transitions of traditionally different methanol maser classes show maser activity simultaneously. In addition, results of recent search for methanol masers from the 25 and 104.3 GHz transitions are reported. © Springer 2005 Science + Business Media, Inc.We would like to thank the local staff of Narrabri and Onsala observatories for the help during observations. The Australia Telescope is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO. Maxim Voronkov and Alexei Alakoz were partially supported by the RFBR grant no. 01-02-16902 and by the program “Extended objects in the Universe-2003”. Andrej Sobolev and Andrei Ostrovskii were supported by the RFBR grant no. 03-02-16433

    The HO Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) - I. Techniques and HO maser data

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    The definitive version can be found at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ Copyright Royal Astronomical SocietyWe present first results of the HO Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS), using the Mopra Radio Telescope with a broad-band backend and a beam size of about 2 arcmin. We have observed 100 deg of the southern Galactic plane at 12mm (19.5-27.5GHz), including spectral line emission from HO masers, multiple metastable transitions of ammonia, cyanoacetylene, methanol and radio recombination lines. In this paper, we report on the characteristics of the survey and HO maser emission. We find 540 HO masers, of which 334 are new detections. The strongest maser is 3933Jy and the weakest is 0.7Jy, with 62 masers over 100Jy. In 14 maser sites, the spread in the velocity of the HO maser emission exceeds 100kms. In one region, the HO maser velocities are separated by 351.3kms. The rms noise levels are typically between 1 and 2Jy, with 95 per cent of the survey under 2Jy. We estimate completeness limits of 98 per cent at around 8.4Jy and 50 per cent at around 5.5Jy. We estimate that there are between 800 and 1500 HO masers in the Galaxy that are detectable in a survey with similar completeness limits to HOPS. We report possible masers in NH (11,9) and (8,6) emission towards G19.61-0.23 and in the NH (3,3) line towards G23.33-0.30.Peer reviewe

    Diversity of hard-bottom fauna relative to environmental gradients in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard

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    A baseline study of hard-bottom zoobenthos in relation to environmental gradients in Kongsfjorden, a glacial fjord in Svalbard, is presented, based on collections from 1996 to 1998. The total species richness in 62 samples from 0 to 30 m depth along five transects was 403 species. Because 32 taxa could not be identified to species level and because 11 species are probably new to science, the total number of identified species was 360. Of these, 47 species are new for Svalbard waters. Bryozoa was the most diverse group. Biogeographic composition revealed features of both Arctic and sub-Arctic properties of the fauna. Species richness, frequency of species occurrence, mean abundance and biomass generally decreased towards the tidal glaciers in inner Kongsfjorden. Among eight environmental factors, depth was most important for explaining variance in the composition of the zoobenthos. The diversity was consistently low at shallow depths, whereas the non-linear patterns of species composition of deeper samples indicated a transitional zone between surface and deeper water masses at 15–20 m depth. Groups of “colonial” and “non-colonial” species differed in diversity, biogeographic composition and distribution by location and depth as well as in relation to other environmental factors. “Non-colonial” species made a greater contribution than “colonial” species to total species richness, total occurrence and biomass in samples, and were more influenced by the depth gradient. Biogeographic composition was sensitive to variation of zoobenthic characteristics over the studied depth range. A list of recorded species and a description of sampling sites are presented

    A single fast radio burst localized to a massive galaxy at cosmological distance

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are brief radio emissions from distant astronomical sources. Some are known to repeat, but most are single bursts. Nonrepeating FRB observations have had insufficient positional accuracy to localize them to an individual host galaxy. We report the interferometric localization of the single-pulse FRB 180924 to a position 4 kiloparsecs from the center of a luminous galaxy at redshift 0.3214. The burst has not been observed to repeat. The properties of the burst and its host are markedly different from those of the only other accurately localized FRB source. The integrated electron column density along the line of sight closely matches models of the intergalactic medium, indicating that some FRBs are clean probes of the baryonic component of the cosmic web