1,684 research outputs found

    2D Face Recognition System Based on Selected Gabor Filters and Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA

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    We present a new approach for face recognition system. The method is based on 2D face image features using subset of non-correlated and Orthogonal Gabor Filters instead of using the whole Gabor Filter Bank, then compressing the output feature vector using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The face image has been enhanced using multi stage image processing technique to normalize it and compensate for illumination variation. Experimental results show that the proposed system is effective for both dimension reduction and good recognition performance when compared to the complete Gabor filter bank. The system has been tested using CASIA, ORL and Cropped YaleB 2D face images Databases and achieved average recognition rate of 98.9 %

    Optimum Image Filters for Various Types of Noise

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    In this paper, the quality performance of several filters in restoration of images corrupted with various types of noise has been examined extensively. In particular, Wiener filter, Gaussian filter, median filter and averaging (mean) filter have been used to reduce Gaussian noise, speckle noise, salt and pepper noise and Poisson noise. Many images have been tested, two of which are shown in this paper. Several percentages of noise corrupting the images have been examined in the simulations. The size of the sliding window is the same in the four filters used, namely 5x5 for all the indicated noise percentages. For image quality measurement, two performance measuring indices are used: peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM). The simulation results show that the performance of some specific filters in reducing some types of noise are much better than others. It has been illustrated that median filter is more appropriate for eliminating salt and pepper noise. Averaging filter still works well for such type of noise, but of less performance quality than the median filter. Gaussian and Wiener filters outperform other filters in restoring mages corrupted with Poisson and speckle noise

    Restoration of Blurred and Noisy Images Using Inverse Filtering and Adaptive Threshold Method

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    A restoration scheme for images that are corrupted with both blur and impulsive noise is proposed in this paper to reconstruct an image with minimum degradation. The restoration scheme consists of two stages in sequence where the first stage is applied to the blurred image and the second stage is applied to de-blurred image that has been subject to noise through electronic transmission. The first stage uses frequency domain filtering while the second utilizes spatial filtering to reduce the indicated blur and noise, respectively. In particular, truncated inverse filtering is used for reducing the blur and an adaptive algorithm with an estimated threshold is used for minimizing the noise. Simulation of the introduced method uses several performance measuring indices such as mean absolute error (MAE) and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Results of these simulations show great performance of the proposed method in terms of reducing the blur and noise significantly while keeping details and sharpness of the image edges

    Effect of kernel size on Wiener and Gaussian image filtering

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    In this paper, the effect of the kernel size of Wiener and Gaussian filters on their image restoration qualities has been studied and analyzed. Four sizes of such kernels, namely 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 and 9x9 were simulated. Two different types of noise with zero mean and several variances have been used: Gaussian noise and speckle noise. Several image quality measuring indices have been applied in the computer simulations. In particular, mean absolute error (MAE), mean square error (MSE) and structural similarity (SSIM) index were used. Many images were tested in the simulations; however the results of three of them are shown in this paper. The results show that the Gaussian filter has a superior performance over the Wiener filter for all values of Gaussian and speckle noise variances mainly as it uses the smallest kernel size. To obtain a similar performance in Wiener filtering, a larger kernel size is required which produces much more blur in the output mage. The Wiener filter shows poor performance using the smallest kernel size (3x3) while the Gaussian filter shows the best results in such case. With the Gaussian filter being used, similar results of those obtained with low noise could be obtained in the case of high noise variance but with a higher kernel size

    On solving the nonlinear Biswas-Milovic equation with dual-power law nonlinearity using the extended tanh-function method

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    In this article, we apply the extended tanh-function method to find the exact traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear Biswas-Milovic equation (BME), which describes the propagation of solitons through optical fibers for trans-continental and trans-oceanic distances. This equation is a generalized version of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with dual-power law nonlinearity. With the aid of computer algebraic system Maple, both constant and time-dependent coefficients of BME are discussed. Comparison between our new results and the well-known results is given. The given method in this article is straightforward, concise and can be applied to other nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) in mathematical physics

    Sinc-Galerkin method for solving nonlinear boundary-value problems

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    AbstractThe sinc-Galerkin method is used to approximate solutions of nonlinear problems involving nonlinear second-, fourth-, and sixth-order differential equations with homogeneous and nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. The scheme is tested on four nonlinear problems. The results demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of the algorithm developed


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    Background and Purpose: Achievement Motivation defines motivation as a concept that forecasts the behavioural inclination to strive for success and performance based on a person's urge for achievement. The purpose of this study was to examine the link between academic self-efficacy and problem-based learning (PBL) and achievement motivation among students of Islamic studies.   Methodology: A quantitative research design was used for this explanatory investigation. 578 undergraduate students from three institutions in Malaysia—UM, IIUM, and USIM—totaled took part in the study. The participants were chosen at random. Both descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to analyse the data set. Additionally, an intergroup comparison analysis and the independent sample t-test were performed.   Results: The results of an independent sample t-test showed a significant difference in the mean achievement motivation scores between students of applied Islamic studies (M = 3.31, SD =.41) and those of non-applied Islamic studies (M = 3.04, SD =.38). This difference is statistically significant at t (575) = -7.94, p =.00. When ASE was controlled, PBL's influence on AchM diminished (Sobel z= 3.83, p=0.00), indicating that ASE was the mediator of the relationship between PBL and AchM. F (7, 570) = 22.42, p .0005, adj. R2 =.206, multiple regression substantially predicted ASE. The outcome demonstrates that the method used to solve problems and the kind of programs used may both be effective predictors of students' academic self-efficacy in Islamic studies.   Contribution: The study concludes that achievement has a big impact on students’ motivation. The findings of the study may contribute to the departments of Islamic studies and the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia (MoHE) in understanding the present issue of achievement motivation, as the ministry's goal is to increase students' self-efficacy. The study has implications on Islamic Studies students at higher learning institutions to boost their motivation.   Keywords: Achievement Motivation, Islamic studies, Problem Based Learning (PBL), self-efficacy.   Cite as: Islam, T., & Zayed, T. M. (2023). Achievement motivation among Islamic studies students and its correlation with problem based learning and self-efficacy. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(1), 469-489. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss1pp469-48

    Genetic variations between two ecotypes of Egyptian clover by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) techniques

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    The inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers have been used in order to determine genetic variation and relationship between two clover ecotypes. Ten (10) primers for ISSR were used in this study but only six were successful in generating reproducible and reliable amplicons for different types of the Egyptian clover. The results reveal the polymorphism level by ISSR primers. HB10 ISSR-primer was higher than the rest of the ISSR primers in polymorphic 100%. The Fahl monocut ecotype had 29 present bands, 3 absent bands in total of 32 bands; among those there were two unique bands. The multicut ecotype were given different pattern of bands, Gemmiza1 (21 present and 11 absent), Giza6 (21 present and 11 absent) and Serw1; (23 present and 9 absent). There were three unique bands appearance in the two ecotypes. Fahl was given two with HB11 and HB13; the Serw1 multicut cultivar had one unique bands with HB08. Similarity indices among the four Egyptian clover cultivars based on ISSR analysis was estimated and the highest value appeared between Fahl and Gemmiza1 as well as Giza6 and Serw1 followed by Fahl and Serw1. The lowest similarity value appeared between Gemmiza1 and Serw1 followed by Gemmiza1 and Giza6.Key words: Egyptian clover, molecular marker, Fahl, Gemmiza1, Giza6, Serw1
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