451 research outputs found

    What is decidable about string constraints with the ReplaceAll function

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    The theory of strings with concatenation has been widely argued as the basis of constraint solving for verifying string-manipulating programs. However, this theory is far from adequate for expressing many string constraints that are also needed in practice; for example, the use of regular constraints (pattern matching against a regular expression), and the string-replace function (replacing either the first occurrence or all occurrences of a ``pattern'' string constant/variable/regular expression by a ``replacement'' string constant/variable), among many others. Both regular constraints and the string-replace function are crucial for such applications as analysis of JavaScript (or more generally HTML5 applications) against cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, which motivates us to consider a richer class of string constraints. The importance of the string-replace function (especially the replace-all facility) is increasingly recognised, which can be witnessed by the incorporation of the function in the input languages of several string constraint solvers. Recently, it was shown that any theory of strings containing the string-replace function (even the most restricted version where pattern/replacement strings are both constant strings) becomes undecidable if we do not impose some kind of straight-line (aka acyclicity) restriction on the formulas. Despite this, the straight-line restriction is still practically sensible since this condition is typically met by string constraints that are generated by symbolic execution. In this paper, we provide the first systematic study of straight-line string constraints with the string-replace function and the regular constraints as the basic operations. We show that a large class of such constraints (i.e. when only a constant string or a regular expression is permitted in the pattern) is decidable. We note that the string-replace function, even under this restriction, is sufficiently powerful for expressing the concatenation operator and much more (e.g. extensions of regular expressions with string variables). This gives us the most expressive decidable logic containing concatenation, replace, and regular constraints under the same umbrella. Our decision procedure for the straight-line fragment follows an automata-theoretic approach, and is modular in the sense that the string-replace terms are removed one by one to generate more and more regular constraints, which can then be discharged by the state-of-the-art string constraint solvers. We also show that this fragment is, in a way, a maximal decidable subclass of the straight-line fragment with string-replace and regular constraints. To this end, we show undecidability results for the following two extensions: (1) variables are permitted in the pattern parameter of the replace function, (2) length constraints are permitted

    Bose-Einstein condensation of strongly correlated electrons and phonons in cuprate superconductors

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    The long-range Froehlich electron-phonon interaction has been identified as the most essential for pairing in high-temperature superconductors owing to poor screening, as is now confirmed by optical, isotope substitution, recent photoemission and some other measurements. I argue that low energy physics in cuprate superconductors is that of superlight small bipolarons, which are real-space hole pairs dressed by phonons in doped charge-transfer Mott insulators. They are itinerant quasiparticles existing in the Bloch states at low temperatures as also confirmed by continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm (CTQMC) fully taking into account realistic Coulomb and long-range Froehlich interactions. Here I suggest that a parameter-free evaluation of Tc, unusual upper critical fields, the normal state Nernst effect, diamagnetism, the Hall-Lorenz numbers and giant proximity effects strongly support the three-dimensional (3D) Bose-Einstein condensation of mobile small bipolarons with zero off-diagonal order parameter above the resistive critical temperature Tc at variance with phase fluctuation scenarios of cuprates.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, to appear in the special volume of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Increased sensitivity to TRAIL-induced apoptosis occurs during the adenoma to carcinoma transition of colorectal carcinogenesis

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    The death ligand TRAIL (Apo2L) has potential for cancer therapy, since tumour cells are thought to be more sensitive than normal cells. We investigated whether sensitivity to TRAIL increases during the adenoma to carcinoma transition of colorectal carcinogenesis. Under the same culture conditions, we compared the extent of TRAIL-induced apoptosis in four premalignant adenoma and three carcinoma cell lines. Although TRAIL induced some apoptosis in adenoma cultures, the carcinoma cell lines were significantly more sensitive (P<0.001). This finding was recapitulated in an in vitro model of tumour progression in which conversion of the adenoma cell line AA/C1 to a tumorigenic phenotype was associated with increased TRAIL sensitivity (P<0.001). Increased TRAIL sensitivity during colorectal carcinogenesis has been previously attributed to changes in the balance between TRAIL receptors TRAIL-R1 and -R2 and ‘decoy' receptors TRAIL-R3 and -R4 during malignant progression. To address this, cell surface receptor expression was measured by flow cytometry. In summary, during colorectal carcinogenesis, there is a marked increase in sensitivity to TRAIL-induced apoptosis associated with progression from benign to malignant tumour that could be exploited for colon cancer therapy, but alterations in cell surface TRAIL receptor expression may not be the primary reason for this change

    Search for Astrophysical Neutrino Point Sources at Super-Kamiokande

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    It has been hypothesized that large fluxes of neutrinos may be created in astrophysical "cosmic accelerators." The primary background for a search for astrophysical neutrinos comes from atmospheric neutrinos, which do not exhibit the pointlike directional clustering that characterizes a distant astrophysical signal. We perform a search for neutrino point sources using the upward-going muon data from three phases of operation (SK-I, SK-II, and SK-III) spanning 2623 days of live time taken from April 1, 1996 to August 11, 2007. The search looks for signals from suspected galactic and extragalactic sources, transient sources, and unexpected sources. We find interesting signatures from two objects--RX J1713.7-3946 (97.5% CL) and GRB 991004D (95.3% CL)--but the signatures lack compelling statistical significance given trial factors. We set limits on the flux and fluence of neutrino point sources above energies of 1.6 GeV

    The Pierre Auger Observatory III: Other Astrophysical Observations

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    Astrophysical observations of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger ObservatoryComment: Contributions to the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Beijing, China, August 201

    Operations of and Future Plans for the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Technical reports on operations and features of the Pierre Auger Observatory, including ongoing and planned enhancements and the status of the future northern hemisphere portion of the Observatory. Contributions to the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, Lodz, Poland, July 2009.Comment: Contributions to the 31st ICRC, Lodz, Poland, July 200

    Measurement of the Depth of Maximum of Extensive Air Showers above 10^18 eV

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    We describe the measurement of the depth of maximum, Xmax, of the longitudinal development of air showers induced by cosmic rays. Almost four thousand events above 10^18 eV observed by the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory in coincidence with at least one surface detector station are selected for the analysis. The average shower maximum was found to evolve with energy at a rate of (106 +35/-21) g/cm^2/decade below 10^(18.24 +/- 0.05) eV and (24 +/- 3) g/cm^2/decade above this energy. The measured shower-to-shower fluctuations decrease from about 55 to 26 g/cm^2. The interpretation of these results in terms of the cosmic ray mass composition is briefly discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication by PR

    Density Changes in Low Pressure Gas Targets for Electron Scattering Experiments

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    A system of modular sealed gas target cells has been developed for use in electron scattering experiments at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). This system was initially developed to complete the MARATHON experiment which required, among other species, tritium as a target material. Thus far, the cells have been loaded with the gas species 3H, 3He, 2H, 1H and 40Ar and operated in nominal beam currents of up to 22.5 uA in Jefferson Lab's Hall A. While the gas density of the cells at the time of loading is known, the density of each gas varies uniquely when heated by the electron beam. To extract experimental cross sections using these cells, density dependence on beam current of each target fluid must be determined. In this study, data from measurements with several beam currents within the range of 2.5 to 22.5 uA on each target fluid are presented. Additionally, expressions for the beam current dependent fluid density of each target are developed.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, 4 table