311 research outputs found

    On the singular values decoupling in the Singular Spectrum Analysis of volcanic tremor at Stromboli

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    The well known strombolian activity at Stromboli volcano is occasionally interrupted by rarer episodes of paroxysmal activity which can lead to considerable hazard for Stromboli inhabitants and tourists. On 5 April 2003 a powerful explosion, which can be compared in size with the latest one of 1930, covered with bombs a good part of the normally tourist-accessible summit area. This explosion was not forecasted, although the island was by then effectively monitored by a dense deployment of instruments. After having tackled in a previous paper the problem of highlighting the timescale of preparation of this event, we investigate here the possibility of highlighting precursors in the volcanic tremor continuously recorded by a short period summit seismic station. We show that a promising candidate is found by examining the degree of coupling between successive singular values that result from the Singular Spectrum Analysis of the raw seismic data. We suggest therefore that possible anomalies in the time evolution of this parameter could be indicators of volcano instability to be taken into account e.g. in a bayesian eruptive scenario evaluator. Obviously, further (and possibly forward) testing on other cases is needed to confirm the usefulness of this parameter

    On the predictability of volcano-tectonic events by low frequency seismic noise analysis at Teide-Pico Viejo volcanic complex, Canary Islands

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    The island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain), is showing possible signs of reawakening after its last basaltic strombolian eruption, dated 1909 at Chinyero. The main concern relates to the central active volcanic complex Teide - Pico Viejo, which poses serious hazards to the properties and population of the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain), and which has erupted several times during the last 5000 years, including a subplinian phonolitic eruption (Montaña Blanca) about 2000 years ago. In this paper we show the presence of low frequency seismic noise which possibly includes tremor of volcanic origin and we investigate the feasibility of using it to forecast, via the material failure forecast method, the time of occurrence of discrete events that could be called Volcano-Tectonic or simply Tectonic (i.e. non volcanic) on the basis of their relationship to volcanic activity. In order to avoid subjectivity in the forecast procedure, an automatic program has been developed to generate forecasts, validated by Bayes theorem. A parameter called 'forecast gain' measures (and for the first time quantitatively) what is gained in probabilistic terms by applying the (automatic) failure forecast method. The clear correlation between the obtained forecasts and the occurrence of (Volcano-)Tectonic seismic events - a clear indication of a relationship between the continuous seismic noise and the discrete seismic events - is the explanation for the high value of this 'forecast gain' in both 2004 and 2005 and an indication that the events are Volcano-Tectonic rather than purely Tectonic

    Sistema electroeaoquim

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    Hipotiroidismo subclínico y factores de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia del hipotiroidismo subclínico en la población general de un centro de salud urbano y describir las características clínicas y factores de riesgo cardiovascular de los pacientes con hipotiroidismo subclínico. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo, revisando las historias clínicas de los pacientes incluidos en la muestra desde junio de 2005 hasta julio de 2007. Se analizaron las siguientes variables; Datos generales: edad y sexo. Antecedentes familiares: patología tiroidea y otras enfermedades. Antecedentes personales: cardiovasculares, pulmonares, enfermedades autoinmunes, alteraciones gineco-obstétricas, diabetes, hipertensión (HT), dislipemia, obesidad, alteraciones psiquiátricas y hematológicas. Datos de laboratorio: niveles de TSH, niveles de T4 libre,presencia de anticuerpos antiperoxidasa, niveles de colesterol total y sus fracciones. Resultados: La prevalencia de la muestra de 100 pacientes recogida durante 8 meses fue de 3,8% de la población general mayor de 14 años, de la cual 79 eran mujeres y 21 eran hombres. El 13% eran diabéticos tipo 2, 23% tenían HT y un 40% tenían dislipemia. Sobrepeso y obesidad estaban presentes en un 26%. El nivel medio de TSH fue 6.92 ± 2,29 U/ml y el nivel medio de T4 libre fue 1,16 ± 0,16 ng/ml. Conclusiones: La prevalencia del hipotiroidismo subclínico fue 3,8%. sobre todo en mujeres con una edad media de 46 años. La incidencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en los sujetos estudiados es mayor en DM (13%), similar a la población general en cuanto a la dislipemia (40%) y obesidad (20%) y menor en HTA (23%). En nuestro estudio no se observa una pauta común en el manejo del hipotiroidismo subclínico, siendo necesaria la implementación y promoción de guías de actuación en Atención PrimariaObjective: To determine the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in the general population of an urban health center and describe the clinical characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Methods: An observational study, retrospective, reviewing the medical histories of patients sampled from June 2005 until July 2007. We analyzed the following variables; facts: age and sex. Family history thyroid disease and other diseases. Personal history: cardiovascular pulmonary autoimmune, alterations gynecology obstetric diabetes, hypertension (HT) dislipemia, obesity, psychiatric alterations and haematological. Laboratory data: novel TSH, free T4, antiperoxidase antibodies, total cholesterol and its fractions. Results: The prevalence of the sample of 100 patients collected over 8 months was 3.8% in the general population over 14 years, of which 79 were women and 21 were men. 13% were type 2 diabetics, 23% had HT and 40% had dyslipidemia. Overweight and obesity were present in 26%. The average level of TSH was 6.92 ± 2.29 U/ml and the average level of free T4 was 1.16 ± 0.16 ng/ml. Conclusions: Prevalence subclinical hypothyroidism was 3.8%. especially in women with a mean age of 46. The incidence of cardiovascular risk factors in the subjects studied is higher in DM (13%), similar to general population in terms of dyslipidemia (40%) and obesity (23%) and lowest in hypertension (23%). In our study we observed a common pattern in the management of subclinical hypothyroidism, requiring the implementation and promotion of practice guidelines in primary car

    Effects of the Mediterranean diet on the cardiovascular risk factors

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    Background: Eating habits have been modified, which together with a more sedentary lifestyle has contributed to a significant increase in cardiovascular risk factors and consequently in cardiovascular disease. It is believed that this epidemic could be reduced with a change to a healthier lifestyle and diet, such as the Mediterranean diet. Objetive: To demonstrate the benefit of the Mediterranean diet as a valid dietary pattern for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease Methods: study of the articles found in bibliographic review of different databases through systematic technique Results: In interventions with Mediterranean diet, a global beneficial effect on blood pressure has been observed with significant reductions in systolic, diastolic or both depending on the study. There is also a positive effect on glucose levels, HbA1c and incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus with a significant level of significance. Regarding the lipid profile, the results are more variable, although generally it is considered that there is a reduction of total cholesterol, triglycerides, concentration and oxidation of LDL and ApoB and an increase of HDL. Inflammatory markers such as CRP, IL6, IL8, TNF alpha, ICAM, P-selectin, are also reduced in several of the studies analyzed. Likewise, the Mediterranean diet has proven to be an useful tool in the reversal of the metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: After a few decades in which prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases focused on the use of low-fat diets, the Mediterranean diet is currently emerging as a healthier alternative since it has shown a greater reduction in blood pressure, glycaemia, lipid profile, markers of inflammation and endothelial damage

    Actitudes de los docentes hacia la educación inclusiva. Análisis de las variables que influyen en su configuración

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    El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar las actitudes de los docentes hacia la educación inclusiva en educación infantil y primaria, y determinar algunos de los factores que influyen en la configuración de estas actitudes. Ciento veintiocho docentes de diferentes escuelas de la Comunidad Valenciana (España) completaron un cuestionario que evalúa las actitudes del profesorado hacia la inclusión. Se analizó mediante un ANOVA la influencia del puesto de trabajo (maestro/a generalista o especialista de educación especial) y del modelo inclusivo de centro educativo donde desarrollaban su trabajo. Asimismo, se realizaron correlaciones entre las actitudes hacia la inclusión, y dos variables sobre la trayectoria de los docentes: su experiencia con alumnado con necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo (NEAE) y sus años totales de experiencia docente. Los resultados muestran que estos cuatro factores están estrechamente relacionados con las actitudes del profesorado hacia la educación inclusiva. El artículo concluye con algunas recomendaciones en el ámbito de la formación inicial y continua del profesorado, y además destaca la necesidad de intensificar la formación en materia de inclusión para todos los docentes (no solo para los especialistas en educación especial), y la conveniencia de desarrollar en la formación inicial prácticas escolares en contextos inclusivos

    BABELOMICS: a systems biology perspective in the functional annotation of genome-scale experiments

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    We present a new version of Babelomics, a complete suite of web tools for functional analysis of genome-scale experiments, with new and improved tools. New functionally relevant terms have been included such as CisRed motifs or bioentities obtained by text-mining procedures. An improved indexing has considerably speeded up several of the modules. An improved version of the FatiScan method for studying the coordinate behaviour of groups of functionally related genes is presented, along with a similar tool, the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis. Babelomics is now more oriented to test systems biology inspired hypotheses. Babelomics can be found at

    Aminopropyltransferases Involved in Polyamine Biosynthesis Localize Preferentially in the Nucleus of Plant Cells

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    Plant aminopropyltransferases consist of a group of enzymes that transfer aminopropyl groups derived from decarboxylated S-adenosyl-methionine (dcAdoMet or dcSAM) to propylamine acceptors to produce polyamines, ubiquitous metabolites with positive charge at physiological pH. Spermidine synthase (SPDS) uses putrescine as amino acceptor to form spermidine, whereas spermine synthase (SPMS) and thermospermine synthase (TSPMS) use spermidine as acceptor to synthesize the isomers spermine and thermospermine respectively. In previous work it was shown that both SPDS1 and SPDS2 can physically interact with SPMS although no data concerning the subcellular localization was reported. Here we study the subcellular localization of these enzymes and their protein dimer complexes with gateway-based Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (BiFC) binary vectors. In addition, we have characterized the molecular weight of the enzyme complexes by gel filtration chromatography with in vitro assembled recombinant enzymes and with endogenous plant protein extracts. Our data suggest that aminopropyltransferases display a dual subcellular localization both in the cytosol and nuclear enriched fractions, and they assemble preferably as dimers. The BiFC transient expression data suggest that aminopropyltransferase heterodimer complexes take place preferentially inside the nucleus

    A new parallel pipeline for DNA methylation analysis of long reads datasets.

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    BACKGROUND: DNA methylation is an important mechanism of epigenetic regulation in development and disease. New generation sequencers allow genome-wide measurements of the methylation status by reading short stretches of the DNA sequence (Methyl-seq). Several software tools for methylation analysis have been proposed over recent years. However, the current trend is that the new sequencers and the ones expected for an upcoming future yield sequences of increasing length, making these software tools inefficient and obsolete. RESULTS: In this paper, we propose a new software based on a strategy for methylation analysis of Methyl-seq sequencing data that requires much shorter execution times while yielding a better level of sensitivity, particularly for datasets composed of long reads. This strategy can be exported to other methylation, DNA and RNA analysis tools. CONCLUSIONS: The developed software tool achieves execution times one order of magnitude shorter than the existing tools, while yielding equal sensitivity for short reads and even better sensitivity for long reads

    Evaluación entre iguales a través de blogs en formación de maestros. Valoraciones de los estudiantes.

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    La evaluación entre iguales online presenta algunas ventajas que pueden ser beneficiosas para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios, especialmente en la formación de futuros docentes. La presente investigación plantea como objetivos: a) implementar una experiencia de evaluación entre iguales online en una asignatura de los grados de Maestro/a en Educación Infantil y en Educación Primaria;b) evaluar la valoración de los estudiantes de esta experiencia.Estudiantes universitarios (N= 36) publicaron sus trabajos durante la asignatura en un blog para que fueran evaluados por sus compañeros de aula. Tras la experiencia, se recabó su valoración del proceso de evaluación entre iguales online mediante la aplicación del cuestionario diseñado por Wen y Tsai (2006).Los resultados sugieren a) que los estudiantes valoraron positivamente la experiencia de evaluación entre iguales; b) que el formato online no parece suponer una ventaja especialmente relevante respecto al formato lápiz y papel; c) que los estudiantes prefieren que en la confección de los criterios de evaluación participe tanto el profesorado como los propios estudiantes;d) que los estudiantes prefieren una modalidad de evaluación en la que tanto evaluadores como evaluados conozcan la identidad de quien valora y realiza los trabajos, en lugar de una evaluación anónima.La valoración del profesorado sobre la experiencia es positiva, si bien en futuras experiencias se propone hacer partícipes a los estudiantes en el diseño de las rúbricas y criterios de evaluación, además de llevar a cabo la evaluación en la propia aula, en lugar de realizarla online
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