866 research outputs found

    A Chicana feminist epistemology in adult education: A literature review

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    The purpose of this literature review was to identify research in adult education literature that used a Chicana feminist theoretical framework. The review was conducted using the Elton B. Stephen CO. (EBSCO) database. Although a thorough review of the most notable adult education journals revealed a lack of scholarly articles using Chicana Feminist Epistemology (CFE), the authors were able to identify three themes within the literature that could aid in incorporating CFE into adult education research. Future implications of embedding a Chicana feminist epistemology in adult education research and practice can create well-rounded studies centered around authentic Latina experiences

    Nefroblastoma espinal en un Rottweiler

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    El nefroblastoma espinal es una neoplasia infrecuente en el perro. Se diagnostica en animales jóvenes, afectando, casi exclusivamente, al segmento medular T10 -L2. En este trabajo, e describen los signos clínicos, resultados de las pruebas complementarias y los hallazgos histopatológicos de un perro con un nefroblastoma espinal.

    Educateca: A Web 2.0 Approach to e-Learning with SCORM

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    Microfaunal soil food webs in Mediterranean semi-arid agroecosystems. Does organic management improve soil health?

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    Soil food webs, which are responsible for relevant ecological functions in agroecosystems such as nutrient cycling and pest and disease suppression, represent a crucial aspect of agricultural sustainability. We studied soil properties and microfaunal food web diversity and functioning in six paired organic and conventional fields located in Central Spain to assess the effects of organic farming on soil diversity and functioning in semi-arid conditions. We hypothesized that organic farming may enhance functioning of soil food webs. Our results showed larger differences between crop types, namely olive groves and vineyards, than between farming scheme, i.e. organic and conventional fields, and few benefits of organic farming in terms of soil fertility. Soil properties (total N, C, and P, available P and K, electrical conductivity, NH4+, NO3−, soil moisture, pH) tended to present higher values in vineyards than in olive groves and in conventional than in organic fields. Some plant-parasitic nematodes were associated to organic fields, especially in vineyards, and all soils fell within a degraded soil food web condition, with low Structure and Enrichment Index values. Nematode metabolic footprints showed relevant seasonal dynamics, with the more intensive herbivore activity in spring. We conclude that the lack of conventional pesticides and mineral fertilizers is probably not enough to improve soil conservation in semi-arid Mediterranean agroecosystems, and thus active soil conservation practices, as reduced tillage or cover cropping, are required to increase agroecosystem sustainability.Fundación Internacional para la Restauración de EcosistemasMinisterio de Economía y Competitivida

    Application of multivariate statistical analyses to Itrax core scanner data for the identification of deep-marine sedimentary facies: a case study in the Galician Continental Margin

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    The validity and usefulness of multivariate statistical tools for the facies characterization in deep-marine environments have been applied on the geochemical, sedimentological and magnetic data from a piston core extracted from the Transitional Zone in the Galician Continental Margin. The combination of geochemical profiles of Fe, Mn, Ti, Ba and Ca and magnetic susceptibility (MS) obtained using the ItraxTM Core Scanner at the University of Vigo, together with the grain-size, grey level and R (red) G (green) B (blue) colour analyses have allowed characterizing and classifying the sediments of the core PC13-3 using SPSS package v. 23. Cluster Analysis (CA) displays, in the first level of the hierarchy, two major groups that correspond with clay-silt and sand facies. In a second level, it is possible to observe six subfacies that match de visu preliminary classification and allowed us to complete and improve the characterization and the facies limits in the whole core. Discriminant Analysis (DA) confirmed the validity of the cluster analyses and enhanced the results of the classification. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows four principal components: coarse lithogenic fraction (PC1), fine lithogenic fraction (PC2), high density fraction (PC3) and biogenic fraction (PC4). These results are in concordance with the Pearson correlation coefficient and the SEM observations. In general terms, the results confirm the utility of the multivariate statistical methods applied on high resolution geochemical and magnetic data acquired with ItraxTM corer scanner, as a quick and complementary tool in sedimentary facies analysis and description in deep marine environments.publishe

    Late Quaternary tectono-sedimentary processes on an isolated offshore high marginal platform (NW Iberian Continental Margin)

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    Studies of the most surficial sedimentary record from passive continental margins provide crucial knowledge about sedimentary dynamics and its changes through recent geological times. These studies allow understanding in detail the influence of both tectonic activity and long-term bottom-current circulation over the Late Quaternary sedimentary dynamics. Using a large dataset of multibeam bathymetry, chirp and multi-channel seismic (MCS) records, ROV seabed direct observations and a magneto-chemical facies characterisation, we provide a well-dated record of the tectono-sedimentary processes on an isolated high marginal platform over the Late Quaternary. Our results display several structural and geomorphological features and tectonic pulses that indicate intense faulting, folding, and deformation of the most recent sedimentary cover. Furthermore, we document four main sedimentary systems acting at the study area and controlled by different water masses (MOW, LSW and NADW): the (hemi)pelagic, bottom current-controlled (hemi)pelagic, contourite and downslope sedimentary systems; as well as a new typology of contourite associated to giant depressions, named as pockmarks-related drift. The record also shows erosive features and extremely low sedimentation rates for the last 172 cal ka BP. Results suggest that the topographic configuration of the high marginal platform and reorganizations of the water masses associated to climate changes causes a constriction of the water masses that induce an enhancement of the bottom-current activity, favouring erosion, winnowing and redistribution of sediments. Therefore, this study provides new insight into the tectonic control and bottom current activity effect over the Late Quaternary sedimentary cover from an isolated and elevate offshore morphostructural province, located at the Galician Continental Margin.publishe

    Oral lichen planus and its relationship with systemic diseases. A review of evidence

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is one of the most common dermatological diseases which are present in the oral cavity. It is a chronic autoimmune, mucocutaneous disease that affects the oral mucosa as well as the skin, genital mucosa and other sites. Review the relevant information to OLP and its relationship with systemic diseases. Searches were carried out in the Medline/PubMed, Lilacs, Bireme, BVS, and SciELO databases by using key-words. After an initial search that provided us with 243 papers, this number was reduced to 78 from the last seven years. One of the first criteria adopted was a selective reading of the abstracts of articles for the elimination of publications that presented less information regarding the subject proposed for this work. All the selected articles were read in their entirety by all of the authors, who came to a consensus about their level of evidence. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) criteria were used as the criteria of methodological validation. Only 9 articles showed an evidence level of 1+, 2+, 3 or 4, as well as a recommendation level of A, B, C or D. Three of them were non-systematic reviews, one was a cohort study and only one was a controlled clinical trial. Three of the studies were case series, with respective sample sizes of 45, 171 and 633 patients. Several factors have been associated with OLP. Patients with OLP are carriers of a disease with systemic implications and may need the care of a multidisciplinary team. The correct diagnosis of any pathology is critical to making effective treatment and minimizes iatrogenic harm. For OLP is no different, taking into account its association with numerous systemic diseases that require special attention from health professionals. Periodic follow-up of all patients with OLP is recommended

    Body composition and fitness in elite Spanish children tennis players

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    The aims of this study were to describe body composition and physical fitness changes during a whole-season in elite children tennis players. A total of 7 elite children tennis players participated in the study. Whole body composition by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and physical fitness were assessed during a season. Subjects increased lean and bone percentage, and decreased abdominal fat and total body fat percentage (all p<0.05). From month1 to month5 subjects improved in handgrip right test, standing broad jump and 20m shuttle run test (all p<0.05). From month5 to month10 there were not significant differences in physical fitness, although some showed a decline (back-saver sit and reach and shuttle run 20 m test). During the whole season, subjects decreased sit and reach in the left leg, but increased handgrip dominant test and standing broad jump (all p<0.05). During a season, children tennis players increased lean and bone percentage, and decreased abdominal and total fat percentage (all p<0.05). However, waist circumference and waist to height ratio were not useful to detect body composition changes. In addition, there were asymmetric changes in fitness (maximal isometric strength increased in the dominant hand and flexibility decreased in the contra lateral leg)

    Upwelling and outwelling effects on the benthic regime of the continental shelf off Galicia, NW Spain

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    The benthic regime off the Galician coast of NW Spain was surveyed to assess biogenic enrichment from coastal upwelling and detritus outwelling from the rías, large coastal embayments: the Rías Altas along the northern and the Rías Bajas along the western coast, which have intense mussel aquaculture. Sediment samples were collected from 1984 to 1986 and used for geological, microbiological, and macrofaunal studies. Sub-bottom acoustic profiler records and grab and core samples identified two main mud deposits on the western shelf that were aligned north to south and parallel with the coastline. The major axis of the mud deposit, which extended south to the Portuguese border, is associated with the three most southern rías (Arosa, Pontevedra and Vigo) along the western shelf. Sediment particle size analysis showed that sediments on the western shelf were heterogeneous, and grain size increased from the inner shelf to the shelf break. On the northern shelf, sediments exhibited a more homogeneous textural distribution. Sediment organic matter followed a similar pattern with that of particle size. The highest organic matter values, 10%, occurred on the western shelf nearest the Rías Bajas, but these values decreased offshore to between 2 and 4%. On the northern shelf organic matter content was generally less than 4% but with patches of higher organic content. The composition and structure of macroinfauna on the northern shelf, where seasonal coastal upwelling results in benthic enrichment, showed mainly small, surface feeding, and fast growing polychaetes. In contrast, macroinfauna on the western shelf showed more subsurface, deposit-feeding polychaetes. A main difference between the two shelves is that off the rías Bajas, besides coastal upwelling, outwelling from the highly productive rías Bajas, with their intense mussel aquaculture, also enriches the coastal sediment regime with a steady source of organic matter. Although seasonal and interannual variations occurred in the benthic bacteria, their general density distribution followed the pattern of organic matter content and particle grain size seasonally and interannually. The highest numbers of bacteria occurred in the upwelling region off the northern shelf and nearest the Rías Bajas on the western shelf. Both coastal upwelling and organic outwelling from the rías Bajas support benthic production alongthe western Galician shelf. The main commercialdemersal finfishalongthis coast is hake, Merluccius merluccius and blue-whiting, Micomesistius poutassou. The norwegian lobster, Nephrops norvegicus is also an important crop, and is more abundant off the rías Bajas in the finer and organic-richsediments where there are abundant prey resources of benthic infauna