5,473 research outputs found

    Análisis de lineamientos detectados por sensores remotos sobre imágenes landsat: la influencia del factor humano y su relevancia en estudios tectónicos o de investigación minera

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    [Abstract] In the present work we deal with the influence of the so-called «human component » on lineament photointerpretation and LANDSAT images. The statistical study of the lineaments drawn by three different analysts on the same LANDSTAT image is performed, being the tested a geologically well-known portion of the Iberian Hercynian Mássif: the Badajoz-C6rdoba Shear Zone. The results obtained let us consider attentively the role played by the analyst subjectivity on the finallineament networks. As a result, the consequence of the studies of this type on mineral exploration and tectonics are discussed, being undeniable the validity of this technique.[Resumen] En este trabajo se estudia la influe'ncia del que se ha dado en denominar «componente humano» en la fotointerpretación de lineamentos estructurales sobre imágenes LANDSAT. Se realiza un estudio estadístico de las fotolíneas dibujadas sobre un mismo soporte fotográfico por tres analistas diferentes. El área uálizada para la realización de la prueba es el Corredor Blastomilonítico de Badajoz Córdoba, una región relativamente bien conocida del Macizo Ibérico. Los resultados y conclusiones alcanzados permiten efectuar una estimación semicuantitativa del papel jugado por la subjetividad del analista sobre las redes de fotolíneas obtenidas. Las principales consecuencias que se derivan de este estudio son discutidas desde la perspectiva de la tectónica y de la exploración mineral, resaltando la validez de la técnica de teledetección utilizada

    Radiative corrections to all charge assignments of heavy quark baryon semileptonic decays

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    In semileptonic decays of spin-1/2 baryons containing heavy quarks up to six charge assignments for the baryons and lepton are possible. We show that the radiative corrections to four of these possibilities can be directly obtained from the final results of the two possibilities previously studied. There is no need to recalculate integrals over virtual or real photon momentum or any traces.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, RevTex. Extended discussion. Final version to appear in Physical Review

    Alternative symplectic structures for SO(3,1) and SO(4) four-dimensional BF theories

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    The most general action, quadratic in the B fields as well as in the curvature F, having SO(3,1) or SO(4) as the internal gauge group for a four-dimensional BF theory is presented and its symplectic geometry is displayed. It is shown that the space of solutions to the equations of motion for the BF theory can be endowed with symplectic structures alternative to the usual one. The analysis also includes topological terms and cosmological constant. The implications of this fact for gravity are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    Integral field spectroscopy of type-II QSOs at z=0.3-0.4

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    We present and analyse integral-field observations of six type-II QSOs with z=0.3-0.4, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Two of our sample are found to be surrounded by a nebula of warm ionized gas, with the largest nebula extending across 8" (40 kpc). Some regions of the extended nebulae show kinematics that are consistent with gravitational motion, while other regions show relatively perturbed kinematics: velocity shifts and line widths too large to be readily explained by gravitational motion. We propose that a ~20 kpc x20 kpc outflow is present in one of the galaxies. Possible mechanisms for triggering the outflow are discussed. In this object, we also find evidence for ionization both by shocks and the radiation field of the AGN.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRAS Letter

    Visions of the World by Pepper and its application to Health Education

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Las metáforas impregnan nuestra vida cotidiana y no sólo el lenguaje también el pensamiento y la acción. La enfermera usa las metáforas como recurso didáctico para facilitar la comunicación y la comprensión de conceptos abstractos. Los usuarios expresan sus vivencias de salud o enfermedad a través de metáforas de su ámbito personal y cotidiano. La comprensión del uso de las metáforas en Educación para la Salud (EpS) requiere examinar también los paradigmas dentro de los cuales las metáforas son construidas. Este estudio pretende conocer las metáforas básicas o “visones del mundo” que utilizan la enfermera en la consulta de atención primaria en sus intervenciones educativas-asistenciales con usuarios afectados enfermedades crónicas

    Distribución temporal del tamaño de los molariformes de Ursus spelaeus Ros.-Hein.ibérico

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    [Abstract] This paper deals with a metrical comparison of cheek-teeth length of Ursus spelaeus Ros.-Hein.Iberian population representatives

    Application of text mining techniques to the analysis of discourse in eWOM communications from a gender perspective

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    The emergence of online user-generated content has raised numerous questions about discourse gender differences as compared to face-to-face interactions. The intended gender-free equality of Internet has been challenged by numerous studies, and significant differences have been found in online communications. This paper proposes the application of text mining techniques to online gender discourse through the analysis of shared reviews in electronic word-of-mouth communities (eWOM), which is a form of user-generated content. More specifically, linguistic issues, sentiment analysis and content analysis were applied to online reviews from a gender perspective. The methodological approach includes gathering online reviews, pre-processing collected reviews and a statistical analysis of documents features to extract the differences between male and female discourses in a specific product category. Findings reveal not only the discourse differences between women and men but also their different preferences and the feasibility of predicting gender using a set of frequent key terms. These findings are interesting both for retailers so they can adapt their offer to the gender of customers, and for online recommender systems, as the proposed methodology can be used to predict the gender of users in those cases where the gender is not explicitly stated

    Interactions, star formation and extended nebulae in SDSS type 2 quasars at 0.3<~ z <~ 0.6

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    We present long-slit spectroscopy and imaging data obtained with FORS2 on the Very Large Telescope of 13 optically selected type 2 quasars at z~0.3-0.6 from the original sample of Zakamska et al. (2003). The sample is likely to be affected by different selection biases. We investigate the evidence for: a) mergers/interactions b) star formation activity in the neighborhood of the quasars and c) extended emission line regions and their nature. Evidence for mergers/interactions is found in 5/13 objects. This is a lower limit for our sample, given the shallowness of most of our continuum images. Although AGN photoionization cannot be totally discarded, line ratios consistent with stellar photoionization are found in general in companion galaxies/knots/nuclei near these same objects. On the contrary, the gas in the neighborhood of the quasar nucleus shows line ratios inconsistent with HII galaxies and typical of AGN photoionized nebulae. A natural scenario to explain the observations is that star formation is ongoing in companion galaxies/knots/nuclei, possibly triggered by the interactions. These systems are, therefore, composite in their emission line properties showing a combination of AGN and star formation features. Extended emission line regions (EELRs) have been found in 7/13 objects, although this fraction might be higher if a complete spatial coverage around the quasars was performed. The sizes vary between few and up to 64 kpc. In general, the EELRs apparently consist of an extended nebula associated with the quasar. In at least one case the EELR is associated with ionized tidal features.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 19 pages, 30 figure

    "Invisible burials" and fragmentation practices in Iron Age Europe:Excavations at the Monte Bernorio Necropolis (Northern Spain)

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    The scarcity of burial remains in large parts of Iron Age Europe, particularly in the Atlantic regions, has often led scholars to discuss the apparent “invisibility” of graves. This paper presents the results from several excavation campaigns at Monte Bernorio, one of the most important sites of the 1st millennium b.c. on the Iberian Peninsula. The fieldwork and post-excavation work carried out in the area of the necropolis have identified numerous burial pits, with complex ritual activities characterized by fragmentation and the practice of the pars pro toto. In addition, evidence for later rituals in some of the graves can be linked to ancestor worship. The results provide important insights into funerary practices in Late Iron Age Europe, leading us to rethink the very meaning of cemeteries in the study area and beyond.- Burial Traditions in Iron Age Europe - The Monte Bernorio Archaeological Zone - The 2007–2008 Necropolis Excavations - The 2015–2016 Necropolis Excavations - Post-Excavation Work and Interpretation: The Faunal and Human Remains - Structure and Chronology of Monte Bernorio Area 7 - Destruction of the Body, Commemoration in the Absence of a Corpse, and Visibility of the Mortuary Rite