106 research outputs found

    A Note on Anomalies in the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We test the AdS/CFT correspondence in the case of a d=4 N=2 SCFT by comparing chiral anomalies which are of order N in the 't Hooft large N limit. These include corrections of order 1/N to the conformal anomaly, thus testing the correspondence beyond the extreme large N limit. The field theory anomalies are reproduced by terms in the 7-brane effective action in the bulk.Comment: 13 pages, harvma

    Multi-Instanton Corrections to Superpotentials in Type II Compactifications

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    We consider two simple examples of multi-instanton configurations in type II 4d N=1 superstring compactifications. The first one involves O(1) and U(1) D2-instantons embedded in T^6/(Z_2 x Z_2') geometry with SU(4) gauge symmetry coming from D6-branes and the second is related to quiver gauge theory of orientifolded orbifold of conifold containing fractional D(-1)-instantons and D3-branes. The additional zero modes of instantons which appear at the intersection points are lifted through interactions stemming from dimensionally reduced F- and D-terms. It is shown that multi-instanton configurations effectively generate corrections to the usual non-perturbative superpotential for chiral matter.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    The Subleading Term of the Strong Coupling Expansion of the Heavy-Quark Potential in a N=4\mathcal N=4 Super Yang-Mills Vacuum

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    Applying the AdS/CFT correspondence, the expansion of the heavy-quark potential of the N=4{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at large NcN_c is carried out to the sub-leading term in the large 't Hooft coupling at zero temperature. The strong coupling corresponds to the semi-classical expansion of the string-sigma model, the gravity dual of the Wilson loop operator, with the sub-leading term expressed in terms of functional determinants of fluctuations. The singularities of these determinants are examined and their contributions are evaluated numerically.Comment: Updated version with minor typo corrections and new reference

    Spatio‐temporal patterns of tree growth as related to carbon isotope fractionation in European forests under changing climate

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    Aim To decipher Europe-wide spatiotemporal patterns of forest growth dynamics and their associations with carbon isotope fractionation processes inferred from tree rings as modulated by climate warming. Location Europe and North Africa (30‒70°N, 10°W‒35°E). Time period 1901‒2003. Major taxa studied Temperate and Euro-Siberian trees. Methods We characterize changes in the relationship between tree growth and carbon isotope fractionation over the 20th century using a European network consisting of 20 site chronologies. Using indexed tree-ring widths (TRWi), we assess shifts in the temporal coherence of radial growth across sites (synchrony) for five forest ecosystems (Atlantic, Boreal, cold continental, Mediterranean and temperate). We also examine whether TRWi shows variable coupling with leaf-level gas exchange, inferred from indexed carbon isotope discrimination of tree-ring cellulose (Δ13Ci). Results We find spatial autocorrelation for TRWi and Δ13Ci extending over up to 1,000 km among forest stands. However, growth synchrony is not uniform across Europe, but increases along a latitudinal gradient concurrent with decreasing temperature and evapotranspiration. Latitudinal relationships between TRWi and Δ13Ci (changing from negative to positive southwards) point to drought impairing carbon uptake via stomatal regulation for water saving occurring at forests below 60°N in continental Europe. A rise in forest growth synchrony over the 20th century together with increasingly positive relationships between TRWi and Δ13Ci indicate intensifying drought impacts on tree performance. These effects are noticeable in drought-prone biomes (Mediterranean, temperate and cold continental). Main conclusions At the turn of this century, convergence in growth synchrony across European forest ecosystems is coupled with coordinated warming-induced drought effects on leaf physiology and tree growth spreading northwards. Such a tendency towards exacerbated moisture-sensitive growth and physiology could override positive effects of enhanced leaf intercellular CO2 concentrations, possibly resulting in Europe-wide declines of forest carbon gain in the coming decades

    Higher Derivative Corrections to Holographic Entanglement Entropy for AdS Solitons

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    We investigate the behaviors of holographic entanglement entropy for AdS soliton geometries in the presence of higher derivative corrections. We calculate the leading higher derivative corrections for the AdS5 setup in type IIB string and for the AdS4,7 ones in M-theory. We also study the holographic entanglement entropy in Gauss-Bonnet gravity and study how the confinement/deconfinement phase transition observed in AdS solitons is affected by the higher derivative corrections.Comment: 1+25 pages, 12 figures, LaTeX; v2: footnotes and references adde

    Winter Temperature and Forest Cover Have Shaped Red Deer Distribution in Europe and the Ural Mountains Since the Late Pleistocene

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    Aim: The Expansion-Contraction model has been used to explain the responses of species to climatic changes. During periods of unfavourable climatic conditions, species retreat to refugia from where they may later expand. This paper focuses on the palaeoecology of red deer over the past 54 ka across Europe and the Urals, to reveal patterns of change in their range and explore the role of environmental conditions in determining their distribution. Location: Europe and western Asia to 63°E. Taxon: Red deer (Cervus elaphus). Methods: We collected 984 records of radiocarbon-dated red deer subfossils from the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene, including 93 original dates. For each deer sample we compiled climatic and biome type data for the corresponding time intervals. Results: During the last 54 ka changes in red deer range in Europe and the Urals were asynchronous and differed between western and eastern Europe and western Asia due to different environmental conditions in those regions. The range of suitable areas for deer during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was larger than previously thought and covered vast regions not only in southern but also in western and eastern Europe. Throughout the period investigated the majority of specimens inhabited forests in the temperate climatic zone. The contribution of forests in deer localities significantly decreased during the last 4 ka, due to deforestation of Europe caused by humans. Mean January temperature was the main limiting factor for species distribution. Over 90% of the samples were found in areas where mean January temperature was above −10°C. Main conclusions: Red deer response to climatic oscillations are in agreement with the Expansion-Contraction model but in contradiction to the statement of only the southernmost LGM refugia of the species. During the last 54 ka red deer occurred mostly in forests of the temperate climatic zone. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.European Social Fund, Grant/Award Number: UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-072/09-00; University of Wroclaw, Grant/Award Number: 0410/2990/18; Institute of Environmental Biology, University of Wrocław, Grant/Award Number: 0410/2990/18; Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences; Narodowe Centrum Nauki , Grant/Award Number: DEC-2013/11/B/NZ8/00888 and UMO-2016/23/B/HS3/00387; Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, UEFISCDI, Grant/Award Number: PN-IIIP4-ID-PCE-2016-0676; National Centre for Atmospheric Science and the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, UK; Faunal Database of the Stage Three Project; Leverhulme Trust, Grant/Award Number: F00568W

    Winter temperature and forest cover have shaped red deer distribution in Europe and the Ural Mountains since the Late Pleistocene

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    Aim: The Expansion-Contraction model has been used to explain the responses of species to climatic changes. During periods of unfavourable climatic conditions, species retreat to refugia from where they may later expand. This paper focuses on the palaeoecology of red deer over the past 54 ka across Europe and the Urals, to reveal patterns of change in their range and explore the role of environmental conditions in determining their distribution. Location: Europe and western Asia to 63°E. Taxon: Red deer (Cervus elaphus). Methods: We collected 984 records of radiocarbon-dated red deer subfossils from the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene, including 93 original dates. For each deer sample we compiled climatic and biome type data for the corresponding time intervals. Results: During the last 54 ka changes in red deer range in Europe and the Urals were asynchronous and differed between western and eastern Europe and western Asia due to different environmental conditions in those regions. The range of suitable areas for deer during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was larger than previously thought and covered vast regions not only in southern but also in western and eastern Europe. Throughout the period investigated the majority of specimens inhabited forests in the temperate climatic zone. The contribution of forests in deer localities significantly decreased during the last 4 ka, due to deforestation of Europe caused by humans. Mean January temperature was the main limiting factor for species distribution. Over 90% of the samples were found in areas where mean January temperature was above −10°C. Main conclusions: Red deer response to climatic oscillations are in agreement with the Expansion-Contraction model but in contradiction to the statement of only the southernmost LGM refugia of the species. During the last 54 ka red deer occurred mostly in forests of the temperate climatic zone. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.European Social Fund, Grant/Award Number: UDA-POKL.04.01.01-00-072/09-00; University of Wroclaw, Grant/Award Number: 0410/2990/18; Institute of Environmental Biology, University of Wrocław, Grant/Award Number: 0410/2990/18; Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences; Narodowe Centrum Nauki , Grant/Award Number: DEC-2013/11/B/NZ8/00888 and UMO-2016/23/B/HS3/00387; Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, UEFISCDI, Grant/Award Number: PN-IIIP4-ID-PCE-2016-0676; National Centre for Atmospheric Science and the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, UK; Faunal Database of the Stage Three Project; Leverhulme Trust, Grant/Award Number: F00568W