48 research outputs found

    ¿Pagamos las bolsas de plástico? trabajando en el aula con los objetivos de la educación ambiental en mente

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    En esta comunicación se presenta una actividad de Educación Ambiental (EA) llevada a cabo con alumnado de 3º de la Diplomatura de Educación Social, en la que se pretendía trabajar los cinco objetivos de la EA. La actividad ha consistido en la búsqueda de información y toma de decisión, por parte del alumnado, en torno a la imposición de una hipotética tasa a las bolsas de plástico. Los primeros resultados indican que buena parte del alumnado participante cree que ha conocido diferentes aspectos de las bolsas de plástico, que se ha sensibilizado sobre la problemática generada, que se siente más responsable de ésta, que ha trabajado competencias de resolución de problemas y toma de decisión y, finalmente, que ha modificado sus hábitos

    Proceso de modelización y transferencia del sistema inmunológico a partir de diversos contextos en futuros docentes

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    Este trabajo analiza qué modelo de sistema inmunológico construye el alumnado del Grado de Educación Primaria y cómo lo transfiere a diferentes contextos, siguiendo planteamientos suscitados en una investigación anterior. Así, durante este curso 2016-17 se han utilizado contextos cotidianos relacionados con enfermedades infecciosas, la infección de heridas, las alergias y las vacunas. 76 estudiantes han buscado información para utilizarla durante la construcción de maquetas y, con la ayuda de sus profesoras, han generalizado los aspectos comunes del sistema inmunológico. Se han analizado los cuestionarios escritos del alumnado y las discusiones mientras confeccionan y presentaban las maquetas. Los resultados muestran que el modelo construido de sistema inmunológico posee mayor nivel de calidad y de transferencia lejano que el del alumnado del curso anterior

    Deciphering past and present atmospheric metal pollution of urban environments: The role of black crusts formed on historical constructions

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    Construction materials affected by black crusts (BCs) can be subjected to restoration, demolition, recycling or even to their management as waste products. Therefore, the determination of their chemical features should be considered a crucial step before undertaking any action. In this work, we present the development of an analytical methodology useful to be implemented as a routine screening tool to detect recent and past atmospheric emissions of heavy metals, nowadays superficially deposited or even encapsulated in BCs. For its development, BCs together with the underneath original substrate/construction material were sampled from the historical construction Punta Begona Galleries (Getxo, Basque Country, North of Spain). In order to detect quickly and in a cost-effective way the stratification of the metallic deposits in the BCs over time (surface or external/recent and internal/past), thin sections were analyzed by elemental spectroscopic imaging techniques (SEM-EDS and mu-ED-XRF). In the external part of the BCs, iron particles were mainly identified, whereas in the inner areas (past deposition events) of the most exposed BCs to the atmosphere, lead accumulations together with zinc and copper were identified. Additional Raman imaging studies allowed to perform the molecular speciation study of lead, identifying mainly laurionite (PbClOH) together with hydrocerussite (Pb-3(CO3)(2)(OH)(2)). The presence of the mentioned lead chloride hydroxide confirms the role of the marine aerosol (chloride input) in the formation of the metallic compounds. These experimental evidences were used to assist the chemical equilibrium models developed to explain the reactivity pathway, which lead to the formation of the identified compounds. Through ICP-MS and lead isotopic ratio analysis, more than 3000 mg kg(-1) of lead were quantified in the BCs, probably coming from the old emissions conducted by the old power station close to the construction,. That lead content can be high enough to consider those crusts as a source of metallic contamination and a possible risk to the environment and human health

    Ecology and morphology of the dwarf bromeliad boa Ungaliophis panamensis (Squamata, Boidae, Ungaliophiinae) in Costa Rica and Panama

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    Ecological and morphological data on Ungaliophis panamensis is extremely limited as this species is rarely encountered. These knowledge gaps have been advanced in this study where data was analysed from a small sample of snakes collected in two tropical forested environments in Costa Rica and Pana-ma. Standardised major axis testing and a Bayesian latent variable ordination revealed that the species is sexually dimorphic, closely associated with tree trunks in natural forested areas, and occasionally discovered in rural buildings. Although further investigation into its natural history is warranted, this study shows that even with just a few individuals it is possible to elucidate ecological information that is relevant to the conservation of snake species

    Evaluation of antimony availability in a mining context: Impact for the environment, and for mineral exploration and exploitation.

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    This work aims to establish Sb mobility, its transfer to biota and its effect on soil health in a semi-arid climate. The results show the presence of stibnite (Sb2S3) as the main primary Sb compound, bindhemite (Pb2Sb2O6(O,OH)), and minor proportions of stibiconite (Sb3+(Sb5+)2O6(OH)) as oxidised Sb species. This research also observes very high total Sb contents in mining materials (max: 20,000 mg kg−1) and soils (400–3000 mg kg−1), with physical dispersion around mining materials restricted to 450 m. The soil-to-plant transfer is very low, (bioaccumulation factor: 0.0002–0.1520). Most Sb remains in a residual fraction (99.9%), a very low fraction is bound to Fe and Mn oxy-hydroxides or organic matter, and a negligible proportion of Sb is leachable. The higher Sb mobility rates has been found under oxidising conditions with a long contact time between solids and water. The main factors that explain the poor Sb mobility and dispersion in the mining area are the low annual rainfall rates that slow down the Sb mobilisation process and the scarce formation of oxidised Sb compounds. All these data suggest poor Sb (III) formation and a low toxicological risk in the area associated with past mining activities. The low mobility of Sb suggests advantages for future sustainable mining of such ore deposits in a semi-arid climate and is also indicative of the limitations of geochemical exploration in the search for new Sb deposits

    Overview of the techniques used for the study of non-terrestrial bodies: Proposition of novel non-destructive methodology

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    Meteorites and impact glasses have been largely analysed using different techniques, but most studies have been focused on their geologicalemineralogical characterization and isotopic ratios, mainly of a destructive nature. However, much more information can be gained by applying novel non-destructive analytical procedures and techniques that have been scarcely used to analyse these materials. This overview presents some new methodologies to study these materials and compares these new approaches with the commonly used ones. Techniques such as X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), for elemental characterization, the hyphenated Raman spectroscopy- SEM/EDS and the combination of them, allow extracting simultaneous information from elemental, molecular and structural data of the studied sample; furthermore, the spectroscopic image capabilities of such techniques allow a better understanding of the mineralogical distribution. © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project ESP2014-56138-C3-2-R

    Microclimate monitoring of Ariadne's house (Pompeii, Italy) for preventive conservation of fresco paintings

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    Background: Ariadne's house, located at the city center of ancient Pompeii, is of great archaeological value due to the fresco paintings decorating several rooms. In order to assess the risks for long-term conservation affecting the valuable mural paintings, 26 temperature data-loggers and 26 relative humidity data-loggers were located in four rooms of the house for the monitoring of ambient conditions. Results: Data recorded during 372 days were analyzed by means of graphical descriptive methods and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results revealed an effect of the roof type and number of walls of the room. Excessive temperatures were observed during the summer in rooms covered with transparent roofs, and corrective actions were taken. Moreover, higher humidity values were recorded by sensors on the floor level. Conclusions: The present work provides guidelines about the type, number, calibration and position of thermohygrometric sensors recommended for the microclimate monitoring of mural paintings in outdoor or semi-confined environments. © 2012 Merello et al.; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion) under projects HAR2010-21944-C02-01 and HAR2010-21944-C02-02.Merello Giménez, P.; García Diego, FJ.; Zarzo Castelló, M. (2012). Microclimate monitoring of Ariadne's house (Pompeii, Italy) for preventive conservation of fresco paintings. Chemistry Central Journal. 6:145-161. https://doi.org/10.1186/1752-153X-6-145S1451616Ribera A, Olcina M, Ballester C: Pompeya Bajo Pompeya, las Excavaciones en la Casa de Ariadna. Valencia: Fundación MARQ; 2007.World Monuments Fund: World Monuments Watch: 100 Most Endangered Sites. 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J Raman Spectrosc 2008,39(2):295–301.Maguregui M, Knuutinen U, Castro K, Madariaga JM: Raman spectroscopy as a tool to diagnose the impact and conservation state of Pompeian second and fourth style wall paintings exposed to diverse environments (House of Marcus Lucretius). J Raman Spectrosc 2010,41(11):1400–1409.Genestar C, Pons C, Más A: Analytical characterisation of ancient mortars from the archaeological Roman city of Pollentia (Balearic Islands, Spain). Anal Chim Acta 2006, 557:373–379.Duran A, Perez-Maqueda LA, Poyato J, Perez-Rodriguez JL: A thermal study approach to roman age wall painting mortars. J Therm Anal Calorim 2010,99(3):803–809.Pérez MC, García Diego F-J, Merello P, D’Antoni P, Fernández Navajas A, Ribera Lacomba A, Ferrazza L, Pérez Miralles J, Baró JL, Merce P, D’Antoni H, Curiel Esparza J: Ariadne’s house (Pompeii, Italy) wall paintings: a multidisciplinary study of its present state focused on a future restoration and preventive conservation. 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