36 research outputs found

    Исследование индивидуальных мотиваторов выпускников транспортных учебных заведений

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    The article substantiates the relevance of studying individual motivators of future civil aviation pilots and future railway employees in the context of their professional education and describes the results of the study that had the objective to determine degree of evidence and conjunction of mean group motivators of two categories of respondents, as well as influence of obtained motivational profiles on the peculiarities of perception of the future profession by students of transport educational institutions.The chosen empirical research method was based on diagnostics according to the «Motivation profile» test developed by S. Ritchie and P. Martin. This motivation test is a reliable and valid tool for measuring person’s individual motivations for activity, based on the study of 1355 motivation profiles of an international group of respondents suitable for analysis. The authors of the test identified 12 factors, which are human needs that drive people at work, the severity of which is reflected in the motivation profile of a person or a group.The present study involved 144 cadets of the 5th year at Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute named after Air Chief Marshal B. P. Bugaev pursuing «Organisation of flight work» specialised study course, and 50 3rd year students at Ulyanovsk Railway College, pursuing the «Technical operation of rail rolling stock of railways: Assistant driver of a diesel locomotive» study course.The diagnostic experiment namely allowed to develop mean group motivation profiles of these categories of respondents and to carry out their analysis in terms of the requirements for the future occupation of the respondents. Particular attention was paid to a comparative analysis of motivation profiles of future civil aviation pilots and future railway employees.Recommendations based on the results of the study are aimed at improving the educational process of a transport educational institution.В статье обоснована актуальность изучения индивидуальных мотиваторов будущих пилотов гражданской авиации и будущих железнодорожников в условиях получения ими профессионального образования. Приведены результаты исследования, целью которого было определение выраженности и сочетания среднегрупповых мотиваторов двух категорий респондентов, а также влияние полученных мотивационных профилей на особенности восприятия будущей профессии обучающимися транспортных учебных заведений.В качестве эмпирического метода исследования была выбрана диагностика по тесту «Мотивационный профиль», разработанному Ш. Ричи и П. Мартином. Данный мотивационный тест является надёжным и валидным инструментом измерения индивидуальных побуждений человека к деятельности, основанным на изучении 1355 пригодных для анализа мотивационных профилей международной группы респондентов. Авторами теста были выделены 12 мотивационных факторов – потребностей человека, стимулирующих его к работе, выраженность которых отражается в мотивационном профиле человека или группы.В представленном исследовании участвовало 144 курсанта 5 курса Ульяновского института гражданской авиации им. Главного маршала авиации Б. П. Бугаева, обучающихся по специализации «Организация лётной работы», и 50 студентов 3 курса Ульяновского железнодорожного техникума, обучающихся по направлению «Техническая эксплуатация подвижного состава железных дорог» – «помощник машиниста тепловоза».В рамках диагностического эксперимента были построены среднегрупповые мотивационные профили данных категорий респондентов, проведён их анализ с точки зрения требований будущей профессии опрошенных. Особое внимание уделено сравнительному анализу мотивационных профилей будущих пилотов ГА и будущих железнодорожников.Даны рекомендации по совершенствованию учебно-воспитательного процесса транспортного учебного заведения с учётом полученных результатов исследования


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    Los análisis de Gal-Khaya y Khaidarkan dieron, respectivamente, Hg 47,60, 49,02; Cu 3,49, 2,85; Zn 3,00, 0,60; Fe 0,31, nada ; Tl 0,46, 2,90; As 23,60, 19,49; Sb 0,59, 5,51; S 21,00, 19,31; Se 3 ppm, 150 ppm; total 100,05, 99,695 %.(...

    Violation of the communicative identity of modern man

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    The purpose of the study is to identify the causes of the violation of the communicative identity of a modern person.Цель исследования – выявить причины нарушения коммуникативной идентичности современного человека

    Expression of rice OsMyb4 transcription factor improves tolerance to copper or zinc in canola plants.

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    The effects of copper and zinc salts on transgenic canola plants expressing rice transcription factor (TF) OsMYB4 were investigated. Transgenic plants (TPs), which showed a high OsMyb4 expression in response to either Cu or to Zn excess, were used for the current study. In leaves of TPs, the content of Cu was equal and the content of Zn was significantly higher than in non-transformed plants (NTPs). The TPs grown on an extremely high concentration of heavy metals (HMs; 150 mu De CuSO4 or 5 000 mu De ZnSO4) were able to survive for more than 15 d, while NTPs died after 7 - 9 d of incubation. This indicates that expression of OsMyb4 in canola plants improved their HM tolerance. The TPs tolerance to HMs was confirmed by a higher shoot biomass than that in NTPs. Excess of HMs caused oxidative stress (indicated by increase in malondialdehyde content) especially in leaves of NTPs. This data suggests a protective role of the OsMyb4 TF in oxidative stress. The HMs caused a lower decrease in activities of superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase in TPs than in NTPs. Higher tolerance of TPs to HMs was also suggested by a considerable increase in the content of low-molecular phenolic compounds, including flavonoids and anthocyanins, as well as proline (a potential antioxidant and chaperone). These data suggest that OsMYB4 may play a role as a positive regulator of phenylpropanoid pathway and proline synthesis. The created canola OsMyb4 TPs may be useful for future applications in phytoremediation of HM-polluted soils


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    The paper deals with problem of air passengers’ non-verbal signs identification while ensuring aviation security. The danger is not only the passengers intentionally preparing acts of unlawful interference in civil aviation, but also unbalanced passengers with increased anxiety. The non-verbal signs of both passenger categories are frequently identical. Safety control on the ground and in the air depends on the timely transfer in information about potentially dangerous passengers from aviation security profilers to flight attendants.В статье рассматриваются проблемы идентификации невербальных признаков авиапассажиров при обеспечении авиационной безопасности. Опасность представляют не только пассажиры, целенаправленно подготавливающие акты незаконного вмешательства в деятельность гражданской авиации, но и неуравновешенные пассажиры, обладающие повышенной тревожностью, невербальные признаки которых зачастую совпадают. Обеспечение безопасности на земле и в воздухе зависит от своевременной передачи информации о потенциально опасных пассажирах от профайлеров службы авиационной безопасности бортпроводникам

    Хронический риносинусит у взрослых больных муковисцидозом: клинические проявления и подходы к лечению

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate prevalence of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and nasal polyps in adult patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in Russian Federation. Additionally, we investigated the clinical course of CRS and developed the optimal therapeutic strategy.Methods. Three hundred and forty eight CF patients were involved in the study. Physical examination, computed tomography (CT) of paranasal sinuses and audiometry, if needed, were used. CRS and bilateral nasal polyps were diagnosed in 28 patients. Nasal endoscopy, SNOT-20 questionnaire, rhinomanometry, micro - biological examination of sputum and mucus from paranasal sinuses (obtained during puncture or surgery), spirometry, and measurement of serum markers of inflammation were used. Endoscopic sinus surgery was used in 14 patients (the group 1) and others were treated non-surgically (the group 2). Both group were treated during 6 months using intranasal mometasone, mucolytics and antibiotics via PARI SINUSTM nebulizer.Results. An improvement in symptoms, CT signs, rhinomanometry parameters and endoscopic signs was seen in both groups after treatment and was more prominent in the surgical treatment group compared to the non-surgical treatment group. Bacterial load reduction in nasal sinuses, decrease in the rate of pulmonary disease exacerbations, and an improvement in oxygen blood saturation were found in the surgical treatment group only. Treatment of CRS did not affect lung function, sputum microbiology and serum inflammatory markers.Conclusion. Endoscopic sinus surgery followed by intranasal mucolytics and antibacterials is an effective and well-tolerated treatment in adult CF patients with CRS. Хронический риносинусит (ХРС) с полипами носа (ПН) или без таковых распространен среди взрослых больных муковисцидозом (МВ) в 90–100 % случаев. Околоносовые пазухи (ОНП) являются резервуаром хронической инфекции, что отрицательно сказывается на общем состоянии и прогнозе у пациентов с МВ. При этом методы лечения ХРС у больных этой категории в мире определены недостаточно.Целью настоящего исследования явилось определение распространенности ХРС с ПН или без таковых среди взрослых пациентов с МВ в России, изучение особенностей течения ХРС, выработка оптимальной тактики лечения.Материалы и методы. Изучение структуры оториноларингологической патологии выполнялось на выборке пациентов (n = 348) – граждан Российской Федерации (осмотр, опрос, компьютерная томография (КТ) пазух носа и аудиометрия по показаниям). Изучение ХРС производилось у пациентов (n = 28) с ХРС с ПН II степени с обеих сторон; больные были распределены на 2 равные группы. В обеих группах проведены эндоскопический осмотр, сбор анамнеза и жалоб при помощи опросника SNOT-20, КТ ОНП, риноманометрия, микробиологическое исследование мокроты и образцов из ОНП (полученных при пункции или интраоперационно), спирометрия, лабораторное исследование воспалительных маркеров в периферической крови). В 1-й группе (n = 14) выполнена эндоскопическая полисинусотомия, во 2-й – только консервативное лечение. Больные 1-й и 2-й групп получали консервативное лечение в течение 6 мес. (мометазон в полость носа, ингаляции муколитических и антибактериальных препаратов в область пазух носа через PARI SinusTM). Оценены результаты обследования до и после лечения, частота обострений легочной патологии.Результаты. У больных обеих групп выявлено уменьшение жалоб пациентов, достоверное улучшение показателей КТ, риноманометрии, эндоскопической картины. В группе хирургического лечения отмечена более высокая положительная динамика перечисленных показателей. Понижение степени инфицирования патогенной флорой пазух носа и частоты обострений легочной патологии, повышение сатурации периферической крови кислородом и понижение достигнуто только у больных 1-й группы. Лечение ХРС не оказало значимого влияния на показатели спирометрии, микробный состав мокроты и уровень маркеров воспаления в периферической крови.Заключение. Эндоскопическая полисинустотомия с последующей муколитической и антибактериальной терапией области пазух носа является эффективным и хорошо переносимым методом лечения ХРС для взрослых больных МВ.

    Improved functionalization of oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can providemultiple benefits for biomedical applications in aqueous environments such asmagnetic separation or magnetic resonance imaging. To increase the colloidal stability and allow subsequent reactions, the introduction of hydrophilic functional groups onto the particles’ surface is essential. During this process, the original coating is exchanged by preferably covalently bonded ligands such as trialkoxysilanes. The duration of the silane exchange reaction, which commonly takes more than 24 h, is an important drawback for this approach. In this paper, we present a novel method, which introduces ultrasonication as an energy source to dramatically accelerate this process, resulting in high-quality waterdispersible nanoparticles around 10 nmin size. To prove the generic character, different functional groups were introduced on the surface including polyethylene glycol chains, carboxylic acid, amine, and thiol groups. Their colloidal stability in various aqueous buffer solutions as well as human plasma and serum was investigated to allow implementation in biomedical and sensing applications.status: publishe

    Albiglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Harmony Outcomes): a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists differ in chemical structure, duration of action, and in their effects on clinical outcomes. The cardiovascular effects of once-weekly albiglutide in type 2 diabetes are unknown. We aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of albiglutide in preventing cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. Methods: We did a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 610 sites across 28 countries. We randomly assigned patients aged 40 years and older with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (at a 1:1 ratio) to groups that either received a subcutaneous injection of albiglutide (30–50 mg, based on glycaemic response and tolerability) or of a matched volume of placebo once a week, in addition to their standard care. Investigators used an interactive voice or web response system to obtain treatment assignment, and patients and all study investigators were masked to their treatment allocation. We hypothesised that albiglutide would be non-inferior to placebo for the primary outcome of the first occurrence of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke, which was assessed in the intention-to-treat population. If non-inferiority was confirmed by an upper limit of the 95% CI for a hazard ratio of less than 1·30, closed testing for superiority was prespecified. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02465515. Findings: Patients were screened between July 1, 2015, and Nov 24, 2016. 10 793 patients were screened and 9463 participants were enrolled and randomly assigned to groups: 4731 patients were assigned to receive albiglutide and 4732 patients to receive placebo. On Nov 8, 2017, it was determined that 611 primary endpoints and a median follow-up of at least 1·5 years had accrued, and participants returned for a final visit and discontinuation from study treatment; the last patient visit was on March 12, 2018. These 9463 patients, the intention-to-treat population, were evaluated for a median duration of 1·6 years and were assessed for the primary outcome. The primary composite outcome occurred in 338 (7%) of 4731 patients at an incidence rate of 4·6 events per 100 person-years in the albiglutide group and in 428 (9%) of 4732 patients at an incidence rate of 5·9 events per 100 person-years in the placebo group (hazard ratio 0·78, 95% CI 0·68–0·90), which indicated that albiglutide was superior to placebo (p<0·0001 for non-inferiority; p=0·0006 for superiority). The incidence of acute pancreatitis (ten patients in the albiglutide group and seven patients in the placebo group), pancreatic cancer (six patients in the albiglutide group and five patients in the placebo group), medullary thyroid carcinoma (zero patients in both groups), and other serious adverse events did not differ between the two groups. There were three (<1%) deaths in the placebo group that were assessed by investigators, who were masked to study drug assignment, to be treatment-related and two (<1%) deaths in the albiglutide group. Interpretation: In patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, albiglutide was superior to placebo with respect to major adverse cardiovascular events. Evidence-based glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists should therefore be considered as part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Funding: GlaxoSmithKline

    Effects of Once-Weekly Exenatide on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: The cardiovascular effects of adding once-weekly treatment with exenatide to usual care in patients with type 2 diabetes are unknown. METHODS: We randomly assigned patients with type 2 diabetes, with or without previous cardiovascular disease, to receive subcutaneous injections of extended-release exenatide at a dose of 2 mg or matching placebo once weekly. The primary composite outcome was the first occurrence of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. The coprimary hypotheses were that exenatide, administered once weekly, would be noninferior to placebo with respect to safety and superior to placebo with respect to efficacy. RESULTS: In all, 14,752 patients (of whom 10,782 [73.1%] had previous cardiovascular disease) were followed for a median of 3.2 years (interquartile range, 2.2 to 4.4). A primary composite outcome event occurred in 839 of 7356 patients (11.4%; 3.7 events per 100 person-years) in the exenatide group and in 905 of 7396 patients (12.2%; 4.0 events per 100 person-years) in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83 to 1.00), with the intention-to-treat analysis indicating that exenatide, administered once weekly, was noninferior to placebo with respect to safety (P<0.001 for noninferiority) but was not superior to placebo with respect to efficacy (P=0.06 for superiority). The rates of death from cardiovascular causes, fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction, fatal or nonfatal stroke, hospitalization for heart failure, and hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome, and the incidence of acute pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, medullary thyroid carcinoma, and serious adverse events did not differ significantly between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with type 2 diabetes with or without previous cardiovascular disease, the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events did not differ significantly between patients who received exenatide and those who received placebo. (Funded by Amylin Pharmaceuticals; EXSCEL ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01144338 .)