181 research outputs found

    Generation Rx Initiative

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    IMPACT. 1: Partnering with the Cardinal Health Foundation, the program has created educational resources aimed at specific populations that are available to the public for free. These toolkits provide presentations, handouts, activities, and other related materials. -- 2. The original community-based toolkit has been used in every state in the country. Additional toolkits have also been developed for youth, teens, college students, and seniors. A new elementary toolkit entitled "Medication Safety Patrol" debuted in the spring of 2014.OSU PARTNERS: College of Pharmacy; College of Social Work; Counseling and Consultation Services; OSU Extension; Office of Student WellnessCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Cardinal Health Foundation; Drug Free Action Alliance; National Council on Patient Information and Education; Ohio Department of Health; Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services; American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP); The BACCHUS Network; InterACT; NOPE Task Force; Ohio Pharmacists Association; WOSU@COSI; Other colleges and universitiesPRIMARY CONTACT: Kenneth M. Hale ([email protected]); Nicole Cartwright Kwiek ([email protected])Unintentional drug poisoning is now the leading cause of accidental death in the country. On average, five people in Ohio and 100 across the U.S. die from these drug overdoses each day. The Generation Rx Initiative was created by the College of Pharmacy in 2007 to address this serious public health problem of prescription drug misuse and abuse

    Generation Rx Initiative

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    IMPACT. 1: Partnering with the Cardinal Health Foundation, the program has created educational resources aimed at specific populations that are available to the public for free. These kits provide presentations, handouts, activities, and other related materials. -- 2. Its original community-based toolkit has been used in every state in the country. Toolkits have also been developed for youth, teens, college students, and seniors. Nearly half of the 127 Schools of Pharmacy in the U.S. now have an active Generation Rx Program.OSU PARTNERS: College of Pharmacy; College of Social Work; Counseling and Consultation; Services; OSU Extension; Office of Student WellnessCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Cardinal Health Foundation; Drug Free Action Alliance; National Council on Patient Information and Education; Ohio Department of Health; Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services; American Pharmacists Association; - Academy of Student Pharmacists; (APhA-ASP); The BACCHUS Network; InterACT; NOPE Task Force; Ohio Pharmacists Association; WOSU@COSI; Other colleges and universitiesPRIMARY CONTACT: Kenneth M. Hale ([email protected]); Nicole Cartwright Kwiek ([email protected])Unintentional drug poisoning is now the leading cause of accidental death in the country. On average, four people in Ohio and 100 across the U.S. die from these drug overdoses each day. The Generation Rx Initiative was created by the College of Pharmacy in 2007 to address this serious public health problem

    Competing for Public Resources: Higher Education and Academic Research in Europe. A Cross-Sectoral Perspective

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    The chapter focuses on the increasing cross-sectoral competition for public resources between various types of public sector institutions in Europe and its implications for future public funding for both higher education and academic research. It views the major models of the institution of the modern (Continental) university and the major types of the modern institution of the state, and of the welfare state in particular, as traditionally closely linked (following Kogan et al., 2000; Kogan and Hanney, 2000; Becher and Kogan, 1992). Historically, in the post-war period in Europe, the unprecedented growth of welfare states and state-funded public services was paralleled by the unprecedented growth of public universities. The massification and universalization of higher education in Europe coincided with the growth of the welfare state in general. Currently, both processes in higher education are in full swing across Europe while welfare states are under the most far-reaching restructuring in their postwar history. The major implication is the fierce competition for public resources, studied in this chapter from a cross-sectoral perspective, in which the future levels of public funding for higher education in tax-based European systems are highly dependent on social attitudes towards what higher education brings to society and the economy, relative to what other claimants to the public purse can bring to them

    Customer Focus in European Higher Education Systems

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    This article looks at the idea and practice of “customer focus” in higher education. As a global trend with origins in the business and corporate world, customer focus has come to increasingly shape public services worldwide. Influenced by business thinking, terminology, and practices, governmental organizations across policy areas have used customer focus to reform public services in order to bring them closer to the demands and expectations of their users. The paper particularly analyzes changes in customer focus understanding and its implications for the European higher education policies. The aim of the article is to contribute to a better conceptualization and policy understanding of this growing approach to higher education reform.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Malaria during pregnancy and foetal haematological status in Blantyre, Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Although maternal anaemia often stems from malaria infection during pregnancy, its effects on foetal haemoglobin levels are not straightforward. Lower-than-expected cord haemoglobin values in malarious versus non-malarious regions were noted by one review, which hypothesized they resulted from foetal immune activation to maternal malaria. This study addressed this idea by examining cord haemoglobin levels in relation to maternal malaria, anaemia, and markers of foetal immune activation. METHODS: Cord haemoglobin levels were examined in 32 malaria-infected and 58 uninfected women in Blantyre, Malawi, in relation to maternal haemoglobin levels, malaria status, and markers of foetal haematological status, hypoxia, and inflammation, including TNF-α, TGF-β, and ferritin. All women were HIV-negative. RESULTS: Although malaria was associated with a reduction in maternal haemoglobin (10.8 g/dL vs. 12.1 g/dL, p < 0.001), no reduction in cord haemoglobin and no significant relationship between maternal and cord haemoglobin levels were found. Cord blood markers of haematological and hypoxic statuses did not differ between malaria-infected and uninfected women. Maternal malaria was associated with decreased TGF-β and increased cord ferritin, the latter of which was positively correlated with parasitaemia (r = 0.474, p = 0.009). Increased cord ferritin was associated with significantly decreased birth weight and gestational length, although maternal and cord haemoglobin levels and malaria status had no effect on birth outcome. CONCLUSION: In this population, cord haemoglobin levels were protected from the effect of maternal malaria. However, decreased TGF-β and elevated ferritin levels in cord blood suggest foetal immune activation to maternal malaria, which may help explain poor birth outcomes


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    Geometri sekolah mempunyai peluang besar untuk dipahami oleh siswa dibandingkan dengan cabang ilmu matematika yang lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan pengenalan konsep dasar geometri sudah dikenal oleh siswa sejak usia dini, seperti mengenal bangun-bangun geometri. Namun beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar geeometri, khususnya pada tingkat SMP. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian terhadap level berpikir geometri siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) level berpikir geometri siswa di SMP Negeri percontohan di Lembang, dan (2) menelaah apakah pembelajaran geometri yang berlangsung di sekolah menerapkan tahapan pembelajaran Van Hiele atau tidak. Metode dalam penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IX dari dua sekolah menengah pertama di Lembang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: (1) instrumen tes, yaitu tes level berpikir geometri Van Hiele pada materi bangun datar. Hasil dari tes ini dianalisis dengan kategori level berpikir sebagai berikut: level 0 adalah tahap pengenalan; level 1 adalah tahap analisis; level 2 adalah tahap pengurutan; level 3 adalah tahap deduksi formal; dan level 4 adalah tahap akurasi. (2) Instrumen non tes, yaitu berupa wawancara terhadap guru dan murid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1) secara keseluruhan siswa SMP telah memasuki tahap berpikir geometri Van Hiele. Sebagian besar siswa berada pada tahap pengenalan (level 0) yaitu 81,16%, sedangkan sisanya telah memasuki tahap analisis (level 1) sebesar 17,39% dan tahap pengurutan (level 2) sebesar 1,45%. (2) Pembelajaran geometri di sekolah kurang memperhatikan tahapan pembelajaran geometri Van Hiele---------- Student has a big opportunity to understand geometry because the basic concept has early familiar, such as know the geometry’s objects. However, some of the research were show that many student difficult to learn geometry, specifically for junior high school. Because of that, it necessary to research about the geometry level thinking. The goal of the research are to know: (1) student geometry level thinking at the model of junior high school in Lembang, and (2) observe the lesson geometry at school by use the phase of Van Hiele geometry learning. The method is descriptive study with the subject are the student from IX class of two junior high school in Lembang. The instrument is: (1) test instrument, is Van Hiele geometry level test. The result will be analysis by categories of Van Hiele: level 0 is visualization; level 1 is analysis; level 2 is informal deduction; level 3 is deduction; and level 4 is rigor. (2) Non-test instrument, is interview to the teacher and student. Base of the research, the conclusion are: (1) by and large the student has include the Van Hiele geometry level. Student at level 0 is 81, 16%, at level 1 is 17,3% and at level 2 is 1,45%. (2) School did’nt use the phase of Van Hiele geometry learning

    Academic careers and the valuation of academics. A discursive perspective on status categories and academic salaries in France as compared to the U.S., Germany and Great Britain

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    Academic careers are social processes which involve many members of large populations over long periods of time. This paper outlines a discursive perspective which looks into how academics are categorized in academic systems. From a discursive view, academic careers are organized by categories which can define who academics are (subjectivation) and what they are worth (valuation). The question of this paper is what institutional categorizations such as status and salaries can tell us about academic subject positions and their valuation. By comparing formal status systems and salary scales in France with those in the U.S., Great Britain and Germany, this paper reveals the constraints of institutional categorization systems on academic careers. Special attention is given to the French system of status categories which is relatively homogeneous and restricts the competitive valuation of academics between institutions. The comparison shows that academic systems such as the U.S. which are characterized by a high level of heterogeneity typically present more negotiation opportunities for the valuation of academics. From a discursive perspective, institutional categories, therefore, can reflect the ways in which academics are valuated in the inter-institutional job market, by national bureaucracies or in professional oligarchies

    Functional Genetic Variants in DC-SIGNR Are Associated with Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-1

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    BACKGROUND: Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) is the main cause of HIV-1 infection in children worldwide. Given that the C-type lectin receptor, dendritic cell-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin-related (DC-SIGNR, also known as CD209L or liver/lymph node-specific ICAM-grabbing non-integrin (L-SIGN)), can interact with pathogens including HIV-1 and is expressed at the maternal-fetal interface, we hypothesized that it could influence MTCT of HIV-1. METHODS AND FINDINGS: To investigate the potential role of DC-SIGNR in MTCT of HIV-1, we carried out a genetic association study of DC-SIGNR in a well-characterized cohort of 197 HIV-infected mothers and their infants recruited in Harare, Zimbabwe. Infants harbouring two copies of DC-SIGNR H1 and/or H3 haplotypes (H1-H1, H1-H3, H3-H3) had a 3.6-fold increased risk of in utero (IU) (P = 0.013) HIV-1 infection and a 5.7-fold increased risk of intrapartum (IP) (P = 0.025) HIV-1 infection after adjusting for a number of maternal factors. The implicated H1 and H3 haplotypes share two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in promoter region (p-198A) and intron 2 (int2-180A) that were associated with increased risk of both IU (P = 0.045 and P = 0.003, respectively) and IP (P = 0.025, for int2-180A) HIV-1 infection. The promoter variant reduced transcriptional activity in vitro. In homozygous H1 infants bearing both the p-198A and int2-180A mutations, we observed a 4-fold decrease in the level of placental DC-SIGNR transcripts, disproportionately affecting the expression of membrane-bound isoforms compared to infant noncarriers (P = 0.011). CONCLUSION: These results suggest that DC-SIGNR plays a crucial role in MTCT of HIV-1 and that impaired placental DC-SIGNR expression increases risk of transmission