214 research outputs found

    Role of Thrips Omnivory and Their Aggregation Pheromone on Multitrophic Interactions Between Sweet Pepper Plants, Aphids, and Hoverflies

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    In complex food webs, plants are commonly attacked by multiple herbivorous species, affecting the preference and performance of other herbivores and natural enemies. The role of omnivorous insects in ecosystems may be more complex because of the consumption of both plant and animal organisms. However, the effect of omnivorous insects on herbivores and natural enemies, has received little attention so far. The main goal of this study was to investigate whether the dual herbivore interaction between aphids and thrips, an omnivorous pest, on a sweet pepper system, may affect different trophic levels, from plant and aphid performance until the third trophic level, i.e., preference and performance of the predatory hoverfly Sphaerophoria rueppellii. Additionally, we tested whether the aggregation pheromone of the thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, could disturb the oviposition behavior of the predatory hoverfly. Our results show that the presence of thrips decreases host plant and aphid performance. Furthermore, despite not affecting syrphid larval performance, thrips presence reduces fecundity of the adults that emerge from those larvae. Additionally, we observed that syrphids avoid ovipositing on plants with either thrips or thrips aggregation pheromone. The present study reveals how the presence of thrips or a semiochemical compound related to thrips, can impact the behavior and performance of an aphidophagous predator.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (CGL2016-79054)

    Sexual Dysfunction and Quality of Life in Chronic Heroin-Dependent Individuals on Methadone Maintenance Treatment.

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    Agradecimiento: El artículo está publicado en la revista Journal of Clinical Medicine [MDPI] y disponible en: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/8/3/321[EN]This study examined whether methadone (hereinafter referred to as MTD) maintenance treatment (MMT) is correlated with sexual dysfunction (SD) in heroin-dependent men. This was conducted to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and if there is a relationship between duration and dose among men on MMT and its impact on the quality of life. The study combined a retrospective and a cross-sectional survey based on the Kinsey Scale, TECVASP, and PRSexDQ-SALSEX clinical interviews of 85 patients who are currently engaged in MMT. Sexual dysfunction in all five PRSexDQ-SALSEX domains (lack of libido, delay in orgasm, inability to orgasm, erectile dysfunction, and tolerance or acceptance of changes in sexual function) was associated with dose and long-term use of heroin. All dimensions of SD were affected by the MTD intake. From the analysis of our sample, we may conclude that dose of MTD and overall score of SD were directly associated. However, no evidence was found to prove that treatment duration and severity of SD were linked. It is notable that only one tenth of the patients spontaneously reported their symptoms of the sexual sphere, but up to a third considered leaving the MMT for this reason

    Acetaminofen vs ibuprofen for the pain from episiotomy in the 42 hours of postpartum care

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    Objetivo: Evaluación de la eficacia analgésica para el dolor de la episiotomía entre el paracetamol y el Ibuprofeno, en las primeras 42 horas postparto. Método: Estudio cuasi-experimental (prospectivo y simple ciego) en mujeres que dieron a luz en el HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO CENTRAL DE ASTURIAS (OVIEDO), excluyendo alérgicas, patologías asociadas ó aquellas que el idioma impidiese un correcto entendimiento. Dos grupos: 1) Paracetamol 1 gr; 2) Ibuprofeno 600 mg. Tamaño de muestra: 110 por grupo para alcanzar mínimo de 80. Variable principal: grado de dolor según puntuación de escala (0 a 3). Otras variables: edad de paciente, semanas de gestación, peso neonatal, paridad, inicio del parto, anestesia epidural, tipo de parto, desgarro, inflamación y enrojecimiento, hematoma, hemorroides, necesidad de sondaje evacuador, aplicación de hielo y solicitud de analgesia. Tamaño final de la muestra: 88 grupo paracetamol y 97 grupo ibuprofeno. La escala de dolor se midió a las 2 horas postparto (previo al tratamiento) y, posteriormente, cada 8 hasta 42 horas. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y comparación entre grupos. Resultados: No encontramos diferencias significativas en la escala de dolor entre ambos fármacos, ni en los subgrupos analizados, salvo en el subgrupo de partos eutócicos, donde el ibuprofeno fue superior al paracetamol. En el global de la serie, el grupo de paracetamol solicitó hielo y otra medicación con mayor frecuencia que el grupo de ibuprofeno. Conclusiones: El ibuprofeno 600 mg y el paracetamol de 1 gr obtienen una respuesta similar en las primeras 42 horas postparto, si bien el ibuprofeno parece tener algunas ventajas adicionales.Objective: Assessment of the analgesic effectiveness of acetaminofen and ibuprofen in cases of epsiotomy, within the first 42 hours pospartum. Methods: Quasi-experimental research (prospective,singel-blind trial) on women who gave birth at the HUCA (Oviedo), excluding those who suffered from allergies or associated pathologies and the ones whose language skills in Spanish led to misunderstanding. Two groups: 1) Acetaminofen 1 gr; 2) Ibuprofen 600mg. Sample size: 110 per group to amount to a minimum of 80. Main variable: The degree of pain, which was marked on a rating scale (0 to 3). Other variables: The age of the patient, gestational age, neonatal weight, parity, onset of labour, epidural anesthesia, type of delivery, inflammation and reddening, tears, hematoma or hemorrhoids, need for catheter evacuation, application of ice and request for analgesia. Final sample size: 88 group acetaminofen and 97 group ibuprofen. Pain levels were measured through the scale 2 hours after delivery (previous to the treatment), afterwards, every 8 within the first 42 hours postpartum. A descriptive research was carried out and there was a comparison drawn between both groups. Results: The pain scale did not reveal any significant difference between both drugs. The result was the same in the analized subgroups; except for that of eutocic deliveries, where ibuprofen was superior to acetaminofen. The overall series results show that the request for ice and additional medication was more frequent among group acetaminofen. Conclusions: Ibuprofen 600 mg and acetaminofen 1gr get a similar response within the first 42 hours after delivery, even though ibuprofen seems to have some extra advantages

    Equilibrium and kinetics studies on bibrachial lariat aza-crown/Cu(II) systems reveal different behavior associated with small changes in the structure

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    The high-yield synthesis of a new bibrachial lariat azacrown constituted by two tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) units functionalized in one of its arms with a 4-methylquinoline group linked by dimethylene pyridine spacers (L2) is reported for the first time. The speciation studies show formation of mono- and binuclear Cu2+ complexes of similar stability. Comparisons are established with the complexes formed by the precursor tren-quinoline derivative (L4) and with the previously reported ligands containing naphthalene instead of quinoline as the fluorophore (L1, L3). The kinetics of formation and decomposition of Cu2+ complexes with L1 and L2 has been studied. For L1, the acid-promoted decomposition of mono and dinuclear complexes occurs in all cases with a rapid step within the stopped-flow mixing time that leads to the formation of an intermediate that decomposes in two additional steps. In the dinuclear complexes, both metal ions dissociate from the ligand with statistically-controlled kinetics. Complex formation with L1 occurs through the same intermediate observed during the decomposition. For L2, only the formation and decomposition of binuclear complexes could be studied, and the kinetic data show that the metal ion can coordinate both in square pyramidal sp and trigonal bipyramidal (tbp) geometries, coordination being faster in the sp environment and dissociation being faster from tbp. DFT and TD-DFT have been also carried out to determine the geometries with both coordination environments as well as their electronic spectra. The results of calculations indicate that the appearance or not of a mixture of coordination geometries does not necessarily require the participation of the quinoline ring

    Highly functionalized 2-oxopiperazine-based peptidomimetics: An approach to PAR1 antagonists

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    A series of pseudodipeptide-based chiral 1,3,4,5-tetrasubstituted-2- oxopiperazines has been designed and synthesized as potential PAR1 antagonists. These highly functionalized piperazines were synthesized from aromatic and basic amino acid derived Ψ[CH(CN)NH]pseudodipeptides through a four step pathway that involves reduction of the cyano group to build the 2-oxopiperazine ring, followed by selective functionalization at the N4-, N 1-positions, and at the exocyclic moiety at position C5. This regioselective functionalization required the fine tuning of reaction conditions. All new compounds were screened as inhibitors of human platelet aggregation induced by the PAR1 agonist SFLLRN and as cytotoxic agents in human cancer cell lines. Some of the compounds displayed moderate PAR1 antagonist activity, while, others were cytotoxic at μM concentration. No correlation was observed between both types of activities.Peer Reviewe

    Modulation of plant-mediated interactions between herbivores of different feeding guilds: Effects of parasitism and belowground interactions

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    Herbivory affects subsequent herbivores, mainly regulated by the phytohormones jasmonic (JA) and salicylic acid (SA). Additionally, organisms such as soil microbes belowground or parasitoids that develop inside their herbivorous hosts aboveground, can change plant responses to herbivory. However, it is not yet well known how organisms of trophic levels other than herbivores, below- and above-ground, alter the interactions between insect species sharing a host plant. Here, we investigated whether the parasitoid Aphidius colemani and different soil microbial communities (created through plant-soil feedbacks) affect the JA and SA signalling pathways in response to the aphid Myzus persicae and the thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, as well as subsequent thrips performance. Our results show that the expression of the JA-responsive gene CaPINII in sweet pepper was more suppressed by aphids than by parasitised aphids. However, parasitism did not affect the expression of CaPAL1, a biosynthetic gene of SA. Furthermore, aphid feeding enhanced thrips performance compared with uninfested plants, but this was not observed when aphids were parasitised. Soils where different plant species were previously grown, did not affect plant responses or the interaction between herbivores. Our study shows that members of the third trophic level can modify herbivore interactions by altering plant physiology.This work and T.V.’s activities were supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, (CGL2016-79054), the Open Technology Program of NWO (TTW-13848), and the STSM Cost Action FA1405 funded by the European Union. A.P. research activities were supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, project no. 870.15.080)

    Single-molecule conductance of a chemically modified, {\pi}-extended tetrathiafulvalene and its charge-transfer complex with F4TCNQ

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    We describe the synthesis and single molecule electrical transport properties of a molecular wire containing a π{\pi}-extended tetrathiafulvalene (exTTF) group and its charge-transfer complex with F4TCNQ. We form single molecule junctions using the in-situ break junction technique using a home-built scanning tunneling microscope with a range of conductance between 10 G0_{0} down to 107^{-7} G0_{0}. Within this range we do not observe a clear conductance signature of the neutral parent molecule, suggesting either that its conductance is too low or that it does not form stable junctions. Conversely, we do find a clear conductance signature in the experiments carried out on the charge-transfer complex. Due to the fact we expected this species to have a higher conductance than the neutral molecule, we believe this supports the idea that the conductance of the neutral molecule is very low, below our measurement sensitivity. This is further supported by our theoretical calculations. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first reported single molecule conductance measurements on a molecular charge-transfer species

    Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 Trauma on Developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Emergency Medical Workers in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThe early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic presented the characteristics of a traumatic event that could trigger post-traumatic stress disorder. Emergency Medical Services workers are already a high-risk group due to their professional development. The research project aimed to analyse the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on EMS professionals in terms of their mental health. For this purpose, we present a descriptive crosssectional study with survey methodology. A total of 317 EMS workers (doctors, nurses, and emergency medical technicians) were recruited voluntarily. Psychological distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and insomnia were assessed. The instruments were the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), the Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS-8), and the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS-8). We found that 36% of respondents had psychological distress, 30.9% potentially had PTSD, and 60.9% experienced insomnia. Years of work experience were found to be positively correlated, albeit with low effect, with the PTSD score (r = 0.133). Finally, it can be stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has been a traumatic event for EMS workers. The number of professionals presenting psychological distress, possible PTSD, or insomnia increased dramatically during the early phases of the pandemic. This study highlights the need for mental health disorder prevention programmes for EMS workers in the face of a pandemic.Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Valladoli