474 research outputs found

    A Review of Sociological Issues in Fire Safety Regulation

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    This paper presents an overview of contemporary sociological issues in fire safety. The most obviously social aspects of fire safety—those that relate to the socioeconomic distribution of fire casualties and damage—are discussed first. The means that society uses to mitigate fire risks through regulation are treated next; focusing on the shift towards fire engineered solutions and the particular challenges this poses for the social distribution and communication of fire safety knowledge and expertise. Finally, the social construction of fire safety knowledge is discussed, raising questions about whether the confidence in the application of this knowledge by the full range of participants in the fire safety design and approvals process is always justified, given the specific assumptions involved in both the production of the knowledge and its extension to applications significantly removed from the original knowledge production; and the requisite competence that is therefore needed to apply this knowledge. The overarching objective is to argue that the fire safety professions ought to be more reflexive and informed about the nature of the knowledge and expertise that they develop and apply, and to suggest that fire safety scientists and engineers ought to actively collaborate with social scientists in research designed to study the way people interact with fire safety technology

    One simulation to fit them all - changing the background parameters of a cosmological N-body simulation

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    We demonstrate that the output of a cosmological N-body simulation can, to remarkable accuracy, be scaled to represent the growth of large-scale structure in a cosmology with parameters similar to but different from those originally assumed. Our algorithm involves three steps: a reassignment of length, mass and velocity units, a relabelling of the time axis, and a rescaling of the amplitudes of individual large-scale fluctuation modes. We test it using two matched pairs of simulations. Within each pair, one simulation assumes parameters consistent with analyses of the first-year WMAP data. The other has lower matter and baryon densities and a 15% lower fluctuation amplitude, consistent with analyses of the three-year WMAP data. The pairs differ by a factor of a thousand in mass resolution, enabling performance tests on both linear and nonlinear scales. Our scaling reproduces the mass power spectra of the target cosmology to better than 0.5% on large scales (k < 0.1 h/Mpc) both in real and in redshift space. In particular, the BAO features of the original cosmology are removed and are correctly replaced by those of the target cosmology. Errors are still below 3% for k < 1 h/Mpc. Power spectra of the dark halo distribution are even more precisely reproduced, with errors below 1% on all scales tested. A halo-by-halo comparison shows that centre-of-mass positions and velocities are reproduced to better than 90 kpc/h and 5%, respectively. Halo masses, concentrations and spins are also reproduced at about the 10% level, although with small biases. Halo assembly histories are accurately reproduced, leading to central galaxy magnitudes with errors of about 0.25 magnitudes and a bias of about 0.13 magnitudes for a representative semi-analytic model.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Long-term woodland restoration on lowland farmland through passive rewilding.

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    Natural succession of vegetation on abandoned farmland provides opportunities for passive rewilding to re-establish native woodlands, but in Western Europe the patterns and outcomes of vegetation colonisation are poorly known. We combine time series of field surveys and remote sensing (lidar and photogrammetry) to study woodland development on two farmland fields in England over 24 and 59 years respectively: the New Wilderness (2.1 ha) abandoned in 1996, and the Old Wilderness (3.9 ha) abandoned in 1961, both adjacent to ancient woodland. Woody vegetation colonisation of the New Wilderness was rapid, with 86% vegetation cover averaging 2.9 m tall after 23 years post-abandonment. The Old Wilderness had 100% woody cover averaging 13.1 m tall after 53 years, with an overstorey tree-canopy (≄ 8 m tall) covering 91%. By this stage, the structural characteristics of the Old Wilderness were approaching those of neighbouring ancient woodlands. The woody species composition of both Wildernesses differed from ancient woodland, being dominated by animal-dispersed pedunculate oak Quercus robur and berry-bearing shrubs. Tree colonisation was spatially clustered, with wind-dispersed common ash Fraxinus excelsior mostly occurring near seed sources in adjacent woodland and hedgerows, and clusters of oaks probably resulting from acorn hoarding by birds and rodents. After 24 years the density of live trees in the New Wilderness was 132/ha (57% oak), with 390/ha (52% oak) in the Old Wilderness after 59 years; deadwood accounted for 8% of tree stems in the former and 14% in the latter. Passive rewilding of these 'Wilderness' sites shows that closed-canopy woodland readily re-established on abandoned farmland close to existing woodland, it was resilient to the presence of herbivores and variable weather, and approached the height structure of older woods within approximately 50 years. This study provides valuable long-term reference data in temperate Europe, helping to inform predictions of the potential outcomes of widespread abandonment of agricultural land in this region

    Physical restraint in residential child care : the experiences of young people and residential workers

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    There have long been concerns about the use of physical restraint in residential care. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study which explores the experiences of children, young people and residential workers about physical restraint. The research identifies the dilemmas and ambiguities for both staff and young people, and participants discuss the situations where they feel physical restraint is appropriate as well as their concerns about unjustified or painful restraints. They describe the negative emotions involved in restraint but also those situations where, through positive relationships and trust, restraint can help young people through unsafe situations

    Modeling the cosmological co-evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies: II. The clustering of quasars and their dark environment

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    We use semi-analytic modeling on top of the Millennium simulation to study the joint formation of galaxies and their embedded supermassive black holes. Our goal is to test scenarios in which black hole accretion and quasar activity are triggered by galaxy mergers, and to constrain different models for the lightcurves associated with individual quasar events. In the present work we focus on studying the spatial distribution of simulated quasars. At all luminosities, we find that the simulated quasar two-point correlation function is fit well by a single power-law in the range 0.5 < r < 20 h^{-1} Mpc, but its normalization is a strong function of redshift. When we select only quasars with luminosities within the range typically accessible by today's quasar surveys, their clustering strength depends only weakly on luminosity, in agreement with observations. This holds independently of the assumed lightcurve model, since bright quasars are black holes accreting close to the Eddington limit, and are hosted by dark matter haloes with a narrow mass range of a few 10^12 h^{-1} M_sun. Therefore the clustering of bright quasars cannot be used to disentangle lightcurve models, but such a discrimination would become possible if the observational samples can be pushed to significantly fainter limits. Overall, our clustering results for the simulated quasar population agree rather well with observations, lending support to the conjecture that galaxy mergers could be the main physical process responsible for triggering black hole accretion and quasar activity.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, to be published on MNRA

    Building research capital to facilitate research

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    The National Institute for Health Research, Research Design Service (NIHR RDS) was set up to increase the number and proportion of high quality applications for funding for applied and patient focused health and social care research. Access to specialist expertise and collaboration between researchers and health practitioners at the proposal development stage is crucial for high quality applied health research. In this essay we develop the concept of 'research capital' to describe the wide range of resources and expertise required to develop fundable research projects. It highlights the key role the RDS plays supporting researchers to broker relationships to access the requisite 'research capital'. © 2013 Green and Rein; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Satellite abundances around bright isolated galaxies

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    We study satellite galaxy abundances in SDSS by counting photometric galaxies around isolated bright primaries. We present results as a function of the luminosity, stellar mass and colour of the satellites, and of the stellar mass and colour of the primaries. For massive primaries the luminosity and stellar mass functions of satellites are similar in shape to those of field galaxies, but for lower mass primaries they are significantly steeper. The steepening is particularly marked for the stellar mass function. Satellite abundance increases strongly with primary stellar mass, approximately in proportion to expected dark halo mass. Massive red primaries have up to a factor of 2 more satellites than blue ones of the same stellar mass. Satellite galaxies are systematically redder than field galaxies of the same stellar mass. Satellites are also systematically redder around more massive primaries. At fixed primary mass, they are redder around red primaries. We select similarly isolated galaxies from mock catalogues based on the simulations of Guo et al.(2011) and analyze them in parallel with the SDSS data. The simulation reproduces all the above trends qualitatively, except for the steepening of the satellite luminosity and stellar mass functions. Model satellites, however, are systematically redder than in the SDSS, particularly at low mass and around low-mass primaries. Simulated haloes of a given mass have satellite abundances that are independent of central galaxy colour, but red centrals tend to have lower stellar masses, reflecting earlier quenching of their star formation by feedback. This explains the correlation between satellite abundance and primary colour in the simulation. The correlation between satellite colour and primary colour arises because red centrals live in haloes which are more massive, older and more gas-rich, so that satellite quenching is more efficient.Comment: 29 pages, 24 figure
