29 research outputs found

    Engagement of the Mannose Receptor by Tumoral Mucins Activates an Immune Suppressive Phenotype in Human Tumor-Associated Macrophages

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    Tumor-Associated Macrophages (TAMs) are abundantly present in the stroma of solid tumors and modulate several important biological processes, such as neoangiogenesis, cancer cell proliferation and invasion, and suppression of adaptive immune responses. Myeloid C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) constitute a large family of transmembrane carbohydrate-binding receptors that recognize pathogens as well as endogenous glycoproteins. Several lines of evidence demonstrate that some CLRs can inhibit the immune response. In this study we investigated TAM-associated molecules potentially involved in their immune suppressive activity. We found that TAMs isolated from human ovarian carcinoma samples predominantly express the CLRs Dectin-1, MDL-1, MGL, DCIR, and most abundantly the Mannose Receptor (MR). Components of carcinomatous ascites and purified tumoral mucins (CA125 and TAG-72) bound the MR and induced its internalization. MR engagement by tumoral mucins and by an agonist anti-MR antibody modulated cytokine production by TAM toward an immune-suppressive profile: increase of IL-10, absence of IL-12, and decrease of the Th1-attracting chemokine CCL3. This study highlights that tumoral mucin-mediated ligation of the MR on infiltrating TAM may contribute to their immune suppressive phenotype

    Gene Expression Profiling of Human Decidual Macrophages: Evidence for Immunosuppressive Phenotype

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    Background: Although uterine macrophages are thought to play an important regulatory role at the maternal-fetal interface, their global gene expression profile is not known. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using micro-array comprising approximately 14,000 genes, the gene expression pattern of human first trimester decidual CD14+ monocytes/macrophages was characterized and compared with the expression profile of the corresponding cells in blood. Some of the key findings were confirmed by real time PCR or by secreted protein. A unique gene expression pattern intrinsic of first trimester decidual CD14+ cells was demonstrated. A large number of regulated genes were functionally related to immunomodulation and tissue remodelling, corroborating polarization patterns of differentiated macrophages mainly of the alternatively activated M2 phenotype. These include known M2 markers such as CCL-18, CD209, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, mannose receptor c type (MRC)-1 and fibronectin-1. Further, the selective up-regulation of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM)-2, alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) and prostaglandin D2 synthase (PGDS) provides new insights into the regulatory function of decidual macrophages in pregnancy that may have implications in pregnancy complications. Conclusions/Significance: The molecular characterization of decidual macrophages presents a unique transcriptional profile replete with important components for fetal immunoprotection and provides several clues for further studies of these cells.Original Publication:Charlotte Gustafsson (Lidström), Jenny Mjösberg, Andreas Matussek, Robert Geffers, Leif Matthiesen, Göran Berg, Surendra Sharma, Jan Buer and Jan Ernerudh, Gene expression profiling of human decidual macrophages: Evidence for immunosuppressive phenotype, 2008, PLoS ONE, (3), 4, e2078.http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0002078Copyright: Public Library of Science (PLoS)http://www.plos.org

    Monocytes and macrophages in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is an important complication in pregnancy, characterized byhypertension and proteinuria in the second half of pregnancy. Generalizedactivation of the inflammatory response is thought to play a role in thepathogenesis of preeclampsia. Monocytes may play a central role in thisinflammatory response. Monocytes are short lived cells, that mature in thecirculation and invade into tissues upon an inflammatory stimulus anddevelop into macrophages. Macrophages are abundantly present in theendometrium and play a role in implantation and placentation in normalpregnancy. In preeclampsia, these macrophages appear to be present in largernumbers and are also activated. In the present review we focused on the roleof monocytes and macrophages in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia

    Engagement of the Mannose receptor by tumoral mucins activates an immune suppressive phenotype in human tumor-associated macrophages

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    Tumor-Associated Macrophages (TAMs) are abundantly present in the stroma of solid tumors and modulate several important biological processes, such as neoangiogenesis, cancer cell proliferation and invasion, and suppression of adaptive immune responses. Myeloid C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) constitute a large family of transmembrane carbohydrate-binding receptors that recognize pathogens as well as endogenous glycoproteins. Several lines of evidence demonstrate that some CLRs can inhibit the immune response. In this study we investigated TAM-associated molecules potentially involved in their immune suppressive activity. We found that TAMs isolated from human ovarian carcinoma samples predominantly express the CLRs Dectin-1, MDL-1, MGL, DCIR, and most abundantly the Mannose Receptor (MR). Components of carcinomatous ascites and purified tumoral mucins (CA125 and TAG-72) bound the MR and induced its internalization. MR engagement by tumoral mucins and by an agonist anti-MR antibody modulated cytokine production by TAM toward an immune-suppressive profile: increase of IL-10, absence of IL-12, and decrease of the Th1-attracting chemokine CCL3. This study highlights that tumoral mucin-mediated ligation of the MR on infiltrating TAM may contribute to their immune suppressive phenotype. Copyright © 2010 P. Allavena et al

    Cross-Linking of the Mannose Receptor on Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells Activates an Anti-Inflammatory Immunosuppressive Program

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    Immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC) strongly express the endocytic mannose receptor (MR). Addition of a specific anti-MR mAb (clone PAM-1) for 24 h to cultures of immature DC induced phenotypical and functional maturation of the cells, assessed as up-regulation of costimulatory molecules and CD83, and chemotactic response to CCL19. A different isotype-matched anti-MR mAb (clone 19.2) had no significant effect. Engagement of MR with mAb PAM-1 induced the production of the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10, IL-1R antagonist, and of the nonsignaling IL-1R type II. In contrast IL-1β, TNF, and IL-12 were not produced. PAM-1-treated DC were unable to polarize Th1 effector cells and did not secrete the chemokines CXCL10 and CCL19; in turn, they produced large amounts of CCL22 and CCL17, thus favoring the amplification of Th2 circuits. T cells cocultured with PAM-1-matured DC initially proliferated but later became anergic and behaved as suppressor/regulatory cells. Natural ligands binding to MR had differential effects. MUC III (a partially purified mucin), biglycan (a purified complex proteoglycan), and mannosylated lipoarabinomannan from Mycobacterium tuberculosis affected cytokine production with high IL-10, IL-1R antagonist, IL-1R type II, and inhibition of IL-12. In contrast, mannan, dextran, and thyroglobulin had no significant effect. In conclusion, the appropriate engagement of the MR by mAb PAM-1 and selected natural ligands elicit a secretory program in mono-derived DC characterized by a distinct profile of cytokines/chemokines with the ability to dampen inflammation and to inhibit the generation of Th1-polarized immune responses

    Cross-linking of the mannose receptor on monocyte-derived dendritic cells activates an anti-inflammatory immunosuppressive program.

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    Immature monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC) strongly express the endocytic mannose receptor (MR). Addition of a specific anti-MR mAb (clone PAM-1) for 24 h to cultures of immature DC induced phenotypical and functional maturation of the cells, assessed as up-regulation of costimulatory molecules and CD83, and chemotactic response to CCL19. A different isotype-matched anti-MR mAb (clone 19.2) had no significant effect. Engagement of MR with mAb PAM-1 induced the production of the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10, IL-1R antagonist, and of the nonsignaling IL-1R type II. In contrast IL-1β, TNF, and IL-12 were not produced. PAM-1-treated DC were unable to polarize Th1 effector cells and did not secrete the chemokines CXCL10 and CCL19; in turn, they produced large amounts of CCL22 and CCL17, thus favoring the amplification of Th2 circuits. T cells cocultured with PAM-1-matured DC initially proliferated but later became anergic and behaved as suppressor/regulatory cells. Natural ligands binding to MR had differential effects. MUC III (a partially purified mucin), biglycan (a purified complex proteoglycan), and mannosylated lipoarabinomannan from Mycobacterium tuberculosis affected cytokine production with high IL-10, IL-1R antagonist, IL-1R type II, and inhibition of IL-12. In contrast, mannan, dextran, and thyroglobulin had no significant effect. In conclusion, the appropriate engagement of the MR by mAb PAM-1 and selected natural ligands elicit a secretory program in mono-derived DC characterized by a distinct profile of cytokines/chemokines with the ability to dampen inflammation and to inhibit the generation of Th1-polarized immune responses

    Short-term Cytolytic Mediators' Expression in Decidual Lymphocytes is Enhanced by Interleukin-15

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    We investigated whether decidual adherent cells (DAC) and interleukin (IL)-15, in comparison to interleukin (IL)-2 affect cytolytic potential of first trimester decidual lymphocytes (DL). Decidual mononuclear cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion and density gradient centrifugation. Non-adherent DL were collected after 2-hr adherence and cultured for 18 or 72 hr with: IL-15 (0.5-5 ng/mL), IL-2 (100-1000 U/mL) or both of these cytokines, DAC (ratio 3:1 and 1:1) or DAC and anti-IL-15 antibody. Perforin, Fas ligand (FasL) and granzyme B were detected at mRNA level in indicated culture conditions. Cytolytic activity of DL against K-562, P815 and P815-Fas was measured by 2-hr PKH-26 cytotoxicity assay. The dynamics of perforin protein and mRNA expression were measured in DL after a contact with K-562 targets. Interleukin-15 enhanced perforin, FasL and granzyme B transcription after 18-hr culture and prevented perforin protein downregulation, observed after DL culture. IL-2 had similar effects. DAC sustained perforin expression in DL and anti-IL-15 monoclonal antibody abrogated this effect. DAC increased cytotoxicity of DL against K-562 which was mediated by IL-15. Interleukin-15, probably produced by DAC, upregulates cytolytic mediators' expression and perforin-mediated cytotoxicity of DL, with equal efficiency as high concentrations of IL-2

    Differential Migration and Activation Profile of Monocytes after Trophoblast Interaction

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    Macrophages at the maternal-placental interface coordinate opposite demands under the control of trophoblast cells such as the response against pathogens on one hand, and apoptotic cell clearance and wound healing with the production of suppressor cytokines. Here, we investigated whether trophoblast cells induce maternal monocyte activation towards an alternative activated macrophage profile and whether bacterial or viral stimuli modulate their migratory properties. We used an in vitro model of the maternal-placental interface represented by co-cultures of CD14+ cells isolated from fertile women with first trimester trophoblast cell line (Swan-71 cells) in the presence or absence of pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP) stimuli lipopolysaccharide (LPS), peptidoglycan (PGN) or poly [I:C]). Maternal CD14+ cells showed increased CD16 and CD39 expression, both markers associated to an alternative activation profile, with no changes in CD80 expression after trophoblast cell interaction. These changes were accompanied by increased IL-10 and decreased IL-12 production by CD14+ cells. After stimulation with LPS, PGN or poly [I:C], monocytes co-cultured with trophoblast cells had lower production of TNF-α and IL-1β compared with non co-cultured monocytes. Interestingly, monocyte migration towards trophoblast cells was prevented in the presence of LPS or PGN but not after 24h of stimulation with poly [I:C]. LPS or PGN also decreased CCR5, CXCL-8 and CCL5 expression. Finally, trophoblast cells co-cultured with monocytes in the presence of pathological stimuli failed to increase chemokine expression, indicating a bidirectional effect. In conclusion, trophoblast might 'instruct' maternal monocytes to express an alternative activation profile and restrain their early recruitment under pathological threats as one of the first strategies to avoid potential tissue damage at the maternal-placental interface