33 research outputs found

    Nuclear pores as versatile reference standards for quantitative superresolution microscopy

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    Quantitative fluorescence and superresolution microscopy are often limited by insufficient data quality or artifacts. In this context, it is essential to have biologically relevant control samples to benchmark and optimize the quality of microscopes, labels and imaging conditions. Here, we exploit the stereotypic arrangement of proteins in the nuclear pore complex as in situ reference structures to characterize the performance of a variety of microscopy modalities. We created four genome edited cell lines in which we endogenously labeled the nucleoporin Nup96 with mEGFP, SNAP-tag, HaloTag or the photoconvertible fluorescent protein mMaple. We demonstrate their use (1) as three-dimensional resolution standards for calibration and quality control, (2) to quantify absolute labeling efficiencies and (3) as precise reference standards for molecular counting. These cell lines will enable the broader community to assess the quality of their microscopes and labels, and to perform quantitative, absolute measurements

    What research agenda could be generated from the European General Practice Research Network concept of Multimorbidity in Family Practice?

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.BACKGROUND: Multimorbidity is an intuitively appealing, yet challenging, concept for Family Medicine (FM). An EGPRN working group has published a comprehensive definition of the concept based on a systematic review of the literature which is closely linked to patient complexity and to the biopsychosocial model. This concept was identified by European Family Physicians (FPs) throughout Europe using 13 qualitative surveys. To further our understanding of the issues around multimorbidity, we needed to do innovative research to clarify this concept. The research question for this survey was: what research agenda could be generated for Family Medicine from the EGPRN concept of Multimorbidity? METHODS: Nominal group design with a purposive panel of experts in the field of multimorbidity. The nominal group worked through four phases: ideas generation phase, ideas recording phase, evaluation and analysis phase and a prioritization phase. RESULTS: Fifteen international experts participated. A research agenda was established, featuring 6 topics and 11 themes with their corresponding study designs. The highest priorities were given to the following topics: measuring multimorbidity and the impact of multimorbidity. In addition the experts stressed that the concept should be simplified. This would be best achieved by working in reverse: starting with the outcomes and working back to find the useful variables within the concept. CONCLUSION: The highest priority for future research on multimorbidity should be given to measuring multimorbidity and to simplifying the EGPRN model, using a pragmatic approach to determine the useful variables within the concept from its outcomes.The study had a Grant of 8000 Euros from the EGPRN

    Enhanced model of gear transmission dynamics for condition monitoring applications: Effects of torque, friction and bearing clearance

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    Gear transmissions remain as one of the most complex mechanical systems from the point of view of noise and vibration behavior. Research on gear modeling leading to the obtaining of models capable of accurately reproduce the dynamic behavior of real gear transmissions has spread out the last decades. Most of these models, although useful for design stages, often include simplifications that impede their application for condition monitoring purposes. Trying to filling this gap, the model presented in this paper allows us to simulate gear transmission dynamics including most of these features usually neglected by the state of the art models. This work presents a model capable of considering simultaneously the internal excitations due to the variable meshing stiffness (including the coupling among successive tooth pairs in contact, the non-linearity linked with the contacts between surfaces and the dissipative effects), and those excitations consequence of the bearing variable compliance (including clearances or pre-loads). The model can also simulate gear dynamics in a realistic torque dependent scenario. The proposed model combines a hybrid formulation for calculation of meshing forces with a non-linear variable compliance approach for bearings. Meshing forces are obtained by means of a double approach which combines numerical and analytical aspects. The methodology used provides a detailed description of the meshing forces, allowing their calculation even when gear center distance is modified due to shaft and bearing flexibilities, which are unavoidable in real transmissions. On the other hand, forces at bearing level were obtained considering a variable number of supporting rolling elements, depending on the applied load and clearances. Both formulations have been developed and applied to the simulation of the vibration of a sample transmission, focusing the attention on the transmitted load, friction meshing forces and bearing preloads.The authors would like to acknowledge Project DPI 2013-44860 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and Project PRX14/00451 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports

    A study protocol for the evaluation of occupational mutagenic/carcinogenic risks in subjects exposed to antineoplastic drugs: a multicentric project

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Some industrial hygiene studies have assessed occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs; other epidemiological investigations have detected various toxicological effects in exposure groups labeled with the job title. In no research has the same population been studied both environmentally and epidemiologically. The protocol of the epidemiological study presented here uses an integrated environmental and biological monitoring approach. The aim is to assess in hospital nurses preparing and/or administering therapy to cancer patients the current level of occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs, DNA and chromosome damage as cancer predictive effects, and the association between the two.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>About 80 healthy non-smoking female nurses, who job it is to prepare or handle antineoplastic drugs, and a reference group of about 80 healthy non-smoking female nurses not occupationally exposed to chemicals will be examined simultaneously in a cross-sectional study. All the workers will be recruited from five hospitals in northern and central Italy after their informed consent has been obtained.</p> <p>Evaluation of surface contamination and dermal exposure to antineoplastic drugs will be assessed by determining cyclophosphamide on selected surfaces (wipes) and on the exposed nurses' clothes (pads). The concentration of unmetabolized cyclophosphamide as a biomarker of internal dose will be measured in end-shift urine samples from exposed nurses.</p> <p>Biomarkers of effect and susceptibility will be assessed in exposed and unexposed nurses: urinary concentration of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine; DNA damage detected using the single-cell microgel electrophoresis (comet) assay in peripheral white blood cells; micronuclei and chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Genetic polymorphisms for enzymes involved in metabolic detoxification (i.e. glutathione <it>S</it>-transferases) will also be analysed.</p> <p>Using standardized questionnaires, occupational exposure will be determined in exposed nurses only, whereas potential confounders (medicine consumption, lifestyle habits, diet and other non-occupational exposures) will be assessed in both groups of hospital workers.</p> <p>Statistical analysis will be performed to ascertain the association between occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs and biomarkers of DNA and chromosome damage, after taking into account the effects of individual genetic susceptibility, and the presence of confounding exposures.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The findings of the study will be useful in updating prevention procedures for handling antineoplastic drugs.</p

    Neurons differentiate magnitude and location of mechanical stimuli

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    Neuronal activity can be modulated by mechanical stimuli. To study this phenomenon quantitatively, we mechanically stimulated rat cortical neurons by shear stress and local indentation. Neurons show 2 distinct responses, classified as transient and sustained. Transient responses display fast kinetics, similar to spontaneous neuronal activity, whereas sustained responses last several minutes before returning to baseline. Local soma stimulations with micrometersized beads evoke transient responses at low forces of similar to 220 nN and pressures of similar to 5.6 kPa and sustained responses at higher forces of similar to 360 nN and pressures of similar to 9.2 kPa. Among the neuronal compartments, axons are highly susceptible to mechanical stimulation and predominantly show sustained responses, whereas the less susceptible dendrites predominantly respond transiently. Chemical perturbation experiments suggest that mechanically evoked responses require the influx of extracellular calcium through ion channels. We propose that subtraumatic forces/pressures applied to neurons evoke neuronal responses via nonspecific gating of ion channels

    Mass Spectroscopy Imaging of Hair Strands Captures Short-Term and Long-Term Changes in Emtricitabine Adherence

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    Most measures of adherence to antiretroviral therapy require a blood sample, and none capture longitudinal daily adherence. A new noninvasive method for measuring daily adherence to antiretroviral regimens containing emtricitabine (FTC) was developed for intact hair strands using infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption electrospray ionization (IR-MALDESI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). A directly observed therapy study of daily and intermittent (3, 1, and 0 doses/week) FTC dosing (n = 12) benchmarked adherence in hair, revealing distinct accumulation patterns and median FTC signal abundance (1,702, 495, 352, and 0, respectively) with each dosing frequency. A threshold value of FTCsignal abundance of 500 differentiated daily dosing from 3 or fewer doses/week (specificity, 100%; sensitivity, 100% over 30 days and 80% over 60 days). Using these criteria, daily FTC hair adherence was classified in young men (n = 8) who have sex with men (YMSM) engaged in or initiating preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Four types of adherence profiles were observed in sequential 30-day periods: consistently high, occasional missed doses, improvement following study initiation, and intermittent. Discrete days of nonadherence were identified across the 60-day window, with the average number of consecutive days classified as nonadherent increasing across the four profile types (1, 2, 19, and 58 days, respectively). Additionally, cumulative FTC response in hair (60-day average) significantly correlated with dried blood spot tenofovir diphosphate concentrations collected simultaneously (rs = 0.79, P = 0.03). Based on these data, IR-MALDESI FTC adherence classification in hair strands can better delineate short-term changes in adherence behaviors over a long retrospective window, offering great potential for noninvasive adherence monitoring and quick supportive interventions

    Mechanical stimulation and electrophysiological monitoring at subcellular resolution reveals differential mechanosensation of neurons within networks

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    A growing consensus that the brain is a mechanosensitive organ is driving the need for tools that mechanically stimulate and simultaneously record the electrophysiological response of neurons within neuronal networks. Here we introduce a synchronized combination of atomic force microscopy, high-density microelectrode array and fluorescence microscopy to monitor neuronal networks and to mechanically characterize and stimulate individual neurons at piconewton force sensitivity and nanometre precision while monitoring their electrophysiological activity at subcellular spatial and millisecond temporal resolution. No correlation is found between mechanical stiffness and electrophysiological activity of neuronal compartments. Furthermore, spontaneously active neurons show exceptional functional resilience to static mechanical compression of their soma. However, application of fast transient (∼500 ms) mechanical stimuli to the neuronal soma can evoke action potentials, which depend on the anchoring of neuronal membrane and actin cytoskeleton. Neurons show higher responsivity, including bursts of action potentials, to slower transient mechanical stimuli (∼60 s). Moreover, transient and repetitive application of the same compression modulates the neuronal firing rate. Seemingly, neuronal networks can differentiate and respond to specific characteristics of mechanical stimulation. Ultimately, the developed multiparametric tool opens the door to explore manifold nanomechanobiological responses of neuronal systems and new ways of mechanical control.ISSN:1748-3387ISSN:1748-339