898 research outputs found

    Population trends of waders on their boreal and arctic breeding grounds in northern Europe

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    Waders form a conspicuous part of the bird fauna in boreal and arctic areas, where they inhabit forests, wetlands, mires and tundra. These are important breeding areas for a large set of wader species, and may be particularly vulnerable to climate change. However, large-scale and systematic monitoring data from the breeding grounds of boreal and arctic waders are largely lacking. We present population trends for 22 wader species breeding in the boreal and arctic parts of Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden and Finland) between 2006 and 2018. The trends are based on 9,713 surveys of 1,505 unique routes (6–8 km), each surveyed in at least two years, evenly distributed over an area of ~1 million km2. The trends were significantly negative for three species: Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus (–7.9% year-1), Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus (–5.4% year-1), and Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus (–1.3% year-1). The trends were significantly positive for three species: Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus (+4.9% year-1), Dunlin Calidris a. alpina (+4.2% year-1) and Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola (+0.8% year-1). For the remaining species, we found no statistically significant trends. On average, as shown by a multi-species indicator, there was no general change in numbers over time. On 1,539 routes with at least one survey, wader species richness as well as total number of wader pairs increased significantly with increasing latitude. Species population trend was not correlated with breeding latitude, but population trends of long-distance migrants tended to be more negative than those of medium-distance migrants. The recent fortunes of waders breeding in northern Fennoscandia have been more buoyant than those in other parts of Europe, but the trends for some species are worrying. © 2019, International Wader Study Group. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Davvisámegiela loddenamat

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    Denne utredningen har som delmål å ta vare på nordsamiske fuglenavn, og legge til rette for at disse kan tas i bruk. Mer konkret betyr det at formålet med dette arbeidet hovedsakelig er å: 1) Samle inn og gi en oversikt over publiserte nordsamiske fuglenavn, og samle inn nordsamiske fuglenavn som er i bruk i befolkningen som ikke er publisert. Det kan være fuglenavn som er i bruk i den eldre del av befolkningen og derved er navn som er i ferd med å dø ut. 2) Legge ut de offisielle nordsamiske fuglenavnene på nettsiden www.birdid.no, som er en nettside for trening og opplæring i artskunnskap om fugl. Ettersom brukerne kan velge nordsamiske fuglenavn og få riktig navn knyttet til riktig art, vil det bidra til å bevare språket og øke kunnskapen om fugl i den nordsamiske befolkningen. Informasjonen på nettsiden er oversatt til nordsamisk. Dán prošeavtta oasseulbmil lea seailluhit davvisámegiela loddenamaid, ja láhčit dan láhkai ahte geavahuvvojit. Dán barggu váldoulbmilat leat : 1) Čohkket ja almmuhit almmuhuvvon davvisámegielat loddenamaid, ja čohkket loddenamaid mat leat geavahusas, muhto mat eai leat almmuhuvvon. Sáhttet leat loddenamat maid vuorrasat buolva geavaha ja mat leat jávkamin. 2) almmuhit almmolaš davvisámegielat loddenamaid www.birdid.no neahttasiiddus, mii lea neahttasiidu mas sáhttá hárjehallat ja oahppat loddešlájaid. Dás sáhttet geavaheaddjit hárjehallat válljet rievttes nama rievttes loddái, ja nu sáhttáge neahttasiidu lasihit ja seailluhit davvisámi álbmoga máhtu lottiid birra. Neahttasiiddu dieđut leat jorgaluvvon davvisámegillii.Sametinge

    Comparative support for the expensive tissue hypothesis: Big brains are correlated with smaller gut and greater parental investment in Lake Tanganyika cichlids

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The brain is one of the most energetically expensive organs in the vertebrate body. Consequently, the energetic requirements of encephalization are suggested to impose considerable constraints on brain size evolution. Three main hypotheses concerning how energetic constraints might affect brain evolution predict covariation between brain investment and (1) investment into other costly tissues, (2) overall metabolic rate, and (3) reproductive investment. To date, these hypotheses have mainly been tested in homeothermic animals and the existing data are inconclusive. However, there are good reasons to believe that energetic limitations might play a role in large-scale patterns of brain size evolution also in ectothermic vertebrates. Here, we test these hypotheses in a group of ectothermic vertebrates, the Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes. After controlling for the effect of shared ancestry and confounding ecological variables, we find a negative association between brain size and gut size. Furthermore, we find that the evolution of a larger brain is accompanied by increased reproductive investment into egg size and parental care. Our results indicate that the energetic costs of encephalization may be an important general factor involved in the evolution of brain size also in ectothermic vertebrates.The authors thank the staff of the Department of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives at Mpulungu, Zambia, for their cooperation during fieldwork, especially for collecting fishes from the deeper levels. They also thank H. Tanaka for collecting fish samples for us. This study was funded through the student exchange support program (scholarship for long-term study abroad) from the Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO) to MT, the Zoologiska foundation to MT and AK, a Davis Expedition Fund grant, Helge Axelsson Johnson grant, and a Stiftelsen Hierta-Retzius stipendiefond grant to AH, the Austrian Science Fund (J 3304-B24) to AK, and a Swedish Research Council grant to NK. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare

    Rapid changes in DNA methylation associated with the initiation of reproduction in a small songbird

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    Species with a circannual life cycle need to match the timing of their life history events to the environment to maximize fitness. However, our understanding of how circannual traits such as timing of reproduction are regulated on a molecular level remains limited. Recent studies have implicated that epigenetic mechanisms can be an important part in the processes that regulate circannual traits. Here, we explore the role of DNA methylation in mediating reproductive timing in a seasonally breeding bird species, the great tit (Parus major), using genome-wide DNA methylation data from individual females that were blood sampled repeatedly throughout the breeding season. We demonstrate rapid and directional changes in DNA methylation within the promoter region of several genes, including a key transcription factor (NR5A1) known from earlier studies to be involved in the initiation of timing of reproduction. Interestingly, the observed changes in DNA methylation at NR5A1 identified here are in line with earlier gene expression studies of reproduction in chicken, indicating that the observed shifts in DNA methylation at this gene can have a regulatory role. Our findings provide an important step towards elucidating the genomic mechanism that mediates seasonal timing of a key life history traits and provide support for the idea that epigenetic mechanisms may play an important role in circannual traits.Peer reviewe

    A Nordic survey of CT doses in hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT examinations

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    Background Computed tomography (CT) scans are routinely performed in positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) examinations globally, yet few surveys have been conducted to gather national diagnostic reference level (NDRL) data for CT radiation doses in positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT). In this first Nordic-wide study of CT doses in hybrid imaging, Nordic NDRL CT doses are suggested for PET/CT and SPECT/CT examinations specific to the clinical purpose of CT, and the scope for optimisation is evaluated. Data on hybrid imaging CT exposures and clinical purpose of CT were gathered for 5 PET/CT and 8 SPECT/CT examinations via designed booklet. For each included dataset for a given facility and scanner type, the computed tomography dose index by volume (CTDIvol) and dose length product (DLP) was interpolated for a 75-kg person (referred to as CTDIvol,75kg and DLP75kg). Suggested NDRL (75th percentile) and achievable doses (50th percentile) were determined for CTDIvol,75kg and DLP75kg according to clinical purpose of CT. Differences in maximum and minimum doses (derived for a 75-kg patient) between facilities were also calculated for each examination and clinical purpose. Results Data were processed from 83 scanners from 43 facilities. Data were sufficient to suggest Nordic NDRL CT doses for the following: PET/CT oncology (localisation/characterisation, 15 systems); infection/inflammation (localisation/characterisation, 13 systems); brain (attenuation correction (AC) only, 11 systems); cardiac PET/CT and SPECT/CT (AC only, 30 systems); SPECT/CT lung (localisation/characterisation, 12 systems); bone (localisation/characterisation, 30 systems); and parathyroid (localisation/characterisation, 13 systems). Great variations in dose were seen for all aforementioned examinations. Greatest differences in DLP75kg for each examination, specific to clinical purpose, were as follows: SPECT/CT lung AC only (27.4); PET/CT and SPECT/CT cardiac AC only (19.6); infection/inflammation AC only (18.1); PET/CT brain localisation/characterisation (16.8); SPECT/CT bone localisation/characterisation (10.0); PET/CT oncology AC only (9.0); and SPECT/CT parathyroid localisation/characterisation (7.8). Conclusions Suggested Nordic NDRL CT doses are presented according to clinical purpose of CT for PET/CT oncology, infection/inflammation, brain, PET/CT and SPECT/CT cardiac, and SPECT/CT lung, bone, and parathyroid. The large variation in doses suggests great scope for optimisation in all 8 examinations.Peer reviewe

    Intervention effects on dietary intake among children by maternal education level: results of the Copenhagen School Child Intervention Study (CoSCIS)

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    Dietary intake among Danish children, in general, does not comply with the official recommendations. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the 3-year effect of a multi-component school-based intervention on nutrient intake in children, and to examine whether an intervention effect depended on maternal education level. A total of 307 children (intervention group: n 184; comparison group: n 123) were included in the present study. All had information on dietary intake pre- and post-intervention (mean age 6·8 and 9·5 years for intervention and comparison groups, respectively) assessed by a 7-d food record. Analyses were conducted based on the daily intake of macronutrients (energy percentage (E%)), fatty acids (E%), added sugar (E%) and dietary fibre (g/d and g/MJ). Analyses were stratified by maternal education level into three categories. Changes in nutrient intake were observed in the intervention group, mainly among children of mothers with a short education ( < 10 years). Here, intake of dietary fibre increased (β = 2·1 g/d, 95 % CI 0·5, 3·6, P= 0·01). Intake of protein tended to increase (β = 0·6 E%, 95 % CI − 0·01, 1·2, P= 0·05), while intake of fat (β = − 1·7 E%, 95 % CI − 3·8, 0·3, P= 0·09) and SFA (β = − 0·9, 95 % CI − 2·0, 0·2, P= 0·10) tended to decrease. Also, a significant intervention effect was observed on the intake of SFA among children of mothers with a long education (β = − 0·8, 95 % CI − 1·5, − 0·03, P= 0·04). This multi-component school-based intervention resulted in changes in the dietary intake, particularly among children of mothers with a short education. As the dietary intake of this subgroup generally differs most from the recommendations, the results of the present study are particularly encouraging

    Implant and Midterm Outcomes of the Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Registry: The EFFORTLESS Study.

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    BACKGROUND: The subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD) was developed to defibrillate ventricular arrhythmias, avoiding drawbacks of transvenous leads. The global EFFORTLESS S-ICD (Evaluation oF FactORs ImpacTing CLinical Outcome and Cost EffectiveneSS of the S-ICD) registry is collecting outcomes in 985 patients during a 5-year follow-up. OBJECTIVES: The primary goal of the EFFORTLESS registry is to determine the safety of the S-ICD by evaluating complications and inappropriate shock rate. METHODS: This is the first report on the full patient cohort and study endpoints with follow-up ≥1 year. The predefined endpoints are 30- and 360-day complications, and shocks for atrial fibrillation or supraventricular tachycardia. RESULTS: Patients were followed for 3.1 ± 1.5 years and 82 completed the study protocol 5-year visit. Average age was 48 years, 28% were women, ejection fraction was 43 ± 18%, and 65% had a primary prevention indication. The S-ICD system and procedure complication rate was 4.1% at 30 days and 8.4% at 360 days. The 1-year complication rate trended toward improvement from the first to last quartile of enrollment (11.3% [quartile 1]) to 7.8% [quartile 2], 6.6% [quartile 3], and 7.4% [quartile 4]; quartile 1 vs. quartiles 2 to 4; p = 0.06). Few device extractions occurred due to need for antitachycardia (n = 5), or biventricular (n = 4) or bradycardia pacing (n = 1). Inappropriate shocks occurred in 8.1% at 1 year and 11.7% after 3.1 years. At implant, 99.5% of patients had a successful conversion of induced ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. The 1- and 5-year rates of appropriate shock were 5.8% and 13.5%, respectively. Conversion success for discrete spontaneous episodes was 97.4% overall. CONCLUSIONS: This registry demonstrates that the S-ICD fulfills predefined endpoints for safety and efficacy. Midterm performance rates on complications, inappropriate shocks, and conversion efficacy were comparable to rates observed in transvenous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator studies. (Evaluation oF Factors ImpacTing CLinical Outcome and Cost EffectiveneSS of the S-ICD [The EFFORTLESS S-ICD Registry]; NCT01085435)

    A Practical Guide for the Diagnosis of Primary Enteric Nervous System Disorders

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    Objective:Primary gastrointestinal neuropathies are a heterogeneous group of enteric nervous system (ENS) disorders that continue to cause difficulties in diagnosis and histological interpretation. Recently, an international working group published guidelines for histological techniques and reporting, along with a classification of gastrointestinal neuromuscular pathology. The aim of this article was to review and summarize the key issues for pediatric gastroenterologists on the diagnostic workup of congenital ENS disorders. In addition, we provide further commentary on the continuing controversies in the field.Results:Although the diagnostic criteria for Hirschsprung disease are well established, those for other forms of dysganglionosis remain ill-defined. Appropriate tissue sampling, handling, and expert interpretation are crucial to maximize diagnostic accuracy and reduce interobserver variability. The absence of validated age-related normal values for neuronal density, along with the lack of correlation between clinical and histological findings, result in significant diagnostic uncertainties while diagnosing quantitative aberrations such as hypoganglionosis or ultrashort Hirschsprung disease. Intestinal neuronal dysplasia remains a histological description of unclear significance.Conclusions:The evaluation of cellular quantitative or qualitative abnormalities of the ENS for clinical diagnosis remains complex. Such analysis should be carried out in laboratories that have the necessary expertise and access to their own validated reference values