163 research outputs found

    Aktifitas Ekstrak Jahe Merah Dalam Menurunkan Asam Urat Pada Kelinci Serta Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Senyawa Bioaktifnya

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    Jahe merah (Zingiber officinalle var. Amarum) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang banyak digunakan sebagai bumbu makanan sehari-hari dan juga berkhasiat sebagai obat tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit termasuk asam urat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktifitas biologi dari jahe merah dan mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi senyawa bioaktif yang tekandung di dalam ekstraknya. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap ekstrak etanol jahe merah memperlihatkan kemampuannya dalam menurunkan asam urat pada kelinci yang diinduksi dengan kalium bromat (KBrO3) pada konsentrasi 0,6 b/v yang diamati pada 1 dan 3 jam setelah diinduksi dan dibandingkan dengan allopurinol yang digunakan sebagai positif kontrolnya. Ekstrak etanol jahe merah juga memperlihatkan hubungan konsentrasi dengan penurunan asam urat pada kelinci. Isolasi senyawa bioaktif dalam tanaman ini telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kromatografi dan identifikasi stukturnya didasarkan pada analisis data spektrofotometri dan NMR. Berdasarkan data spectra yang diperoleh terhadap senyawa yang paling dominan yang berhasil diisolasi dan diidentifikasi adalah senyawa 6-gingerol. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol jahe merah memiliki aktifitas dalam menurunkan kadar asam urat dengan senyawa utama 6-gingerol

    Aktivitas Anti Inflamasi dan Penyembuhan Luka dari Ekstrak Kulit Batang Murbei (Morus Alba L.) : Anti-inflammatory And Wound Healing Activities Of Mulberry Barks (Morus Alba L.) Extract

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    Mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaf has been used as a traditional medicine for treatment of some tropical diseases and also popular using for silkworm feed. On this research, anti-inflammatory and wound healing activities of the bark extract has been investigated in vivo. The bark was extracted with three organic solvent in a different polarity to carry out a group compounds in n-hexane extract (EH), Eto-Ac extract (EE), and EtOH extract (EO). Anti-inflammatory was investigated on inflammatory mice induced by 1% carrageenan. Among the extract (200mg/kg BW), EE showed strongly decrease inflammation by 42% than the other extract and stronger than the positive control, Na-diclofenac. Further investigation on healing effect of wound and burn injury which was tested at concentration of 1% topically to each extract. All the extract significantly showed healing activity, among them EE was observed as the stronger one while slightly less than the positive control. This result indicated that the most active compounds on anti-inflammatory and healing wounded was extracted with ethyl acetate that could be used for drug discovery

    Launching the ARV roll-out debate into the public arena

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    Estudo da longevidade de diferentes raças de cães na cidade de São Paulo

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    Sebagian besar pasien penyakit ginjal stadium akhir (ESRD) yang menyebabkan hemodialisis, dapat mengalami hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas dan efek samping penggunaan antihipertensi  amlodipin tunggal dan kombinasi amlodipin dengan telmisartan,  dan kombinasi  amlodipin dengan Valsartan  pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik selama rawat inap di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di ruangan rekam medik RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo  selama periode September sampai oktober 2018. penelitian ini merupakan  penelitian observasional noneksperimental. pengambilan data dilakukan secara retrospektif. pengambilan data berdasarkan rekam medik pasien gagal ginjal kronik  (ESRD) yang mendapat  terapi obat antihipertensi amlodipin tunggal, amlodipin kombinasi telmisartan, amlodipin kombinasi valsartan periode Januari sampai Agustus 2018. Dari hasil penelitian dengan melihat persen penurunan dan waktu penurunan tekanan darah pasien dan efek samping  maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kombinasi amlodipin dan telmisartan paling efektif di antara amlodipin tunggal dan amlodipin  kombinasi valsartan dalam menurunkan hipertensi pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik . Efek samping yang ditimbulkan dari kelompok amlodipin  dalah adalah  udem  sebanyak  7,14%, efek samping yang ditimbulkan dari kelompok amlodipin kombinasi Telmisartan adalah hiperkalemia sebanyak 14,28 %, dan efek samping yang ditimbulkan oleh kelompok amlodipin kombinasi valsartan adalah pusing  sebanyak 14, 28

    Serum steroid profiling by isotopic dilution-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: comparison with current immunoassays and reference intervals in healthy adults.

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    BACKGROUND: The simultaneous, rapid and reliable measurement of a wide steroid panel is a powerful tool to unravel physiological and pathological hormone status. Clinical laboratories are currently dominated by high-throughput immunoassays, but these methods lack specificity due to cross-reactivity and matrix interferences. We developed and validated an isotopic dilution-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous measurement of cortisol, corticosterone, 11deoxycortisol, androstenedione, deoxycorticosterone (DOC), testosterone, 17OHprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and progesterone in serum, and compared it to routine immunoassays employed in our laboratory. We also established adult reference intervals in 416 healthy subjects. METHODS: 0.9 ml of serum were spiked with labelled internal standards (IS) and extracted on C18 cartridges. Eluate was injected into a two-dimensional LC-system, purified in a perfusion column and separated on a C8 column during a 21 min gradient run. Analytes were revealed by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) followed by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) analysis. RESULTS: Of the four immunoassays compared with the ID-LC-MS/MS method, only the results of ElecsysE170 for cortisol, testosterone in males and progesterone>1 ng/ml were in agreement with ID-LC-MS/MS. ElecsysE170 for testosterone in females and progesterone<1 ng/ml, Immulite2000 for androstenedione, DSL-9000 for DHEA and 17OHP Bridge for 17OHprogesterone, respectively, showed poor agreement. Reference intervals and steroid age and fertility related fluctuations were established. CONCLUSION: Our ID-LC-MS/MS method proved to be reliable and sensitive in revealing steroid circulating concentrations in adults and in highlighting the limits of routine immunoassays at low concentrations

    Obstetric near-miss cases among women admitted to intensive care units in Italy

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    Objective. Maternal near-miss defines a narrow category of morbidity encompassing potentially life-threatening episodes. The purpose of this study was to detect near-miss instances among women admitted to intensive care units or coronary units, analyze associated causes, and compute absolute and specific maternal morbidity rates in six Italian regions. Design. Observational retrospective study. Setting. Six Italian regions representing 49% of all resident Italian women aged 15-49 years. Population. The study population included all pregnant women aged 15-49 years admitted to intensive care units or coronary care units in the participating regions. Cases were defined as women aged 15-49 years resident in the participating regions, with one or more hospitalizations in intensive care for pregnancy or any pregnancy outcome between 2004 and 2005. Methods. Cases were identified through the Hospital Discharge Database. Enrolled cases were diagnosed according to the 9th International Classification of Diseases. Main outcome measure. Maternal near-miss rate (number of women experiencing an admission to intensive care units/all women with live or stillborn babies). Results. A total of 1259 near-miss cases were identified and the total maternal near-miss rate was 2.0/1000 deliveries. Seventy percent of the women were admitted to intensive care units or coronary units after a cesarean section. The leading associated risk factors were obstetric hemorrhage/disseminated intravascular coagulation (40%) and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (29%). Conclusions. Monitoring of near-miss morbidity in conjunction with mortality surveillance could help to identify effective preventive measures for potentially life-threatening episodes

    Performance of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph after SM4

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    On May 17, 2009, during the fourth EVA of SM4, astronauts Michael Good and Mike Massimino replaced the failed LVPS-2 circuit board on the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), restoring this HST instrument to operation after a nearly 6 year hiatus. STIS after this 2009 repair operates in much the same way as it did during the 2001-2004 period of operations with the Side-2 electronics. Internal and external alignments of the instrument are similar to what they had been in 2004, and most changes in performance are modest. The STIS CCD detector continued to experience radiation damage during the hiatus in operations, leading to decreased charge transfer efficiency (CTE) and an increased number of hot pixels. The sensitivities for most modes are surprisingly close to what was expected from simple extrapolation of the 2003-2004 trends, although the echelle modes show somewhat more complex behavior. The biggest surprise was that the dark count rate for the NUV MAMA detector after SM4 has been much larger than had been expected; it is currently about 2.5 times bigger than it was in 2004 and is only slowly decreasing. We discuss how these changes will affect science with STIS now and in the future

    Combining PARP Inhibition with Platinum, Ruthenium or Gold Complexes for Cancer Therapy

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    Platinum drugs are heavily used first-line chemotherapeutic agents for many solid tumours and have stimulated substantial interest in the biological activity of DNA-binding metal complexes. These complexes generate DNA lesions which trigger the activation of DNA damage response (DDR) pathways that are essential to maintain genomic integrity. Cancer cells exploit this intrinsic DNA repair network to counteract many types of chemotherapies. Now, advances in the molecular biology of cancer has paved the way for the combination of DDR inhibitors such as poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (PARPi) and agents that induce high levels of DNA replication stress or single-strand break damage for synergistic cancer cell killing. In this review, we summarise early-stage, preclinical and clinical findings exploring platinum and emerging ruthenium anti-cancer complexes alongside PARPi in combination therapy for cancer and also describe emerging work on the ability of ruthenium and gold complexes to directly inhibit PARP activity