161 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Dividend Payments And Firm Performance: A Study Of Listed Companies In Morocco

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    Many theories have been documented on the relevance and irrelevance of dividend policy. Authors continue to come up with various conclusions with regard to dividend policy from their empirical studies. This paper sought to examine the relationship between dividend policies and financial performance of selected listed firms in Morocco. Data were sourced through secondary means from the annual reports of the sampled quoted firms and was analyzed using panel data regression model. Two models were developed in an attempt to provide a theoretical explanation on the birds-in-hand dividend relevance theory and the Modigliani and Miller’s (MM) dividend irrelevance theory. The findings indicated that Dividend policy is an important factor affecting firm performance. Their relationship was also strong and positive. This therefore showed that dividend policy was relevant. It can be concluded, based on the findings of this research that dividend policy is relevant and that managers should devote adequate time in designing a dividend policy that will enhance firm performance and therefore shareholder value. Management of companies should also invest in projects that give positive Net Present Values, thereby generating huge earnings, which can be partly used to pay dividends to their equity shareholders


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    L’avènement du concept de la juste valeur a été la conséquence d’une évolution de la pratique du monde des affaires et la sophistication croissante des instruments financiers. Cette nouvelle ère a justifié le passage d’un modèle d’évaluation basé sur les transactions (coût historique) à un modèle basé sur la valeur de marché. Introduite initialement par le normalisateur américain (FSB) en 1975, la juste valeur a été ensuite reprise par l’organisme de normalisation européen (IASC) et a vite connu une évolution importante au fil du temps à travers les différentes normes d’évaluation des actifs et passifs ayant consacré beaucoup de littérature au sujet et, ensuite, par la mise en place de normes spécifiques à la juste valeur. L’objectif du présent papier est de mettre en exergue cette évolution normative de la juste valeur allant des normes du FASB, de l’IASC et jusqu’à l’avènement de la norme IFRS 9 dont l’application sera obligatoire à partir du 01 janvier 2018


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    Las crónicas sobre la historia de al-Andalus son numerosas y variadas, nos ofrecen datos sobre la presencia islámica en la península ibérica en sus diferentes periodos. Entre estas encontramos a la de Ibn ‘Idári Al-Murrakuṣhi Al-bayān al-muġrib. El objetivo de este artículo es determinar el periodo omeya en al-Andalus a través de esta fuente histórica

    La rhodophycée Gelidium spinosum (S.G. Gmelin) P.C. Silva, des côtes de Monastir (Tunisie) : quelques éléments hydrobiologiques et potentialités en agar-agar

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    La rhodophycée Gelidium spinosum (S.G. Gmelin) P.C. Silva (Rhodophycées ; Gélidiales) a été étudiée pendant une année, depuis septembre 2000 jusqu’à août 2001, sur la côte de Monastir (Est de la Tunisie). Les résultats globaux obtenus montrent que le poids humide maximum (environ 37 g/individu) a été atteint en mai. La longueur maximale (environ 11 cm) a été enregistrée en juin. La biomasse maximale en poids humide (environ 7000 g/m2) a été obtenue en mai. Quant à la fertilité, elle a varié entre 0%(Mai) et 100% (Septembre, Juin, Juillet et Août). Concernant le rendement en agar, le maximum a été obtenu en avril (33.4 % du poids sec), La force de gel maximale a atteint environ 705 g.cm-² (juin). Le point de gélification et le point de fusion les plus élevés ont été obtenus respectivement en août (34.33°C) et septembre (94.33°C).Mots-clés : Gelidium spinosum, poids, longueur, biomasse, fertilité, agar-agar

    El estrecho de Gibraltar: protección internacional y nacional de su medio ambiente marino

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    Esta tesis tiene el objeto de resaltar el marco jurídico internacional y nacional aplicado en la zona del estrecho de Gibraltar, con el propósito de poner, después, en relieve la ausencia de un marco jurídico adecuadamente protector de su medio ambiente marino, que convenga a un estrecho de su índole. Sin embargo el régimen del estrecho, regido por los artículos 37 y 38 del CNUDM, hace que el nacimiento de un eventual marco jurídico sea reconocido por el Derecho internacional y obviamente bajo su auspicio. Este reto supone la implicación de los pilares fundamentales como RU, los Estados usuarios y las ONGs locales junto a los Estados ribereños: España y Marruecos y otros actores a saber la colonia británica de Gibraltar, la UE y la OMI. Sin desde luego omitir los intereses económicos que suelen ir en contra de la protección del medio ambiente en general y marino en particular.This thesis witch title is “ Strait of Gibraltar: international and notional protection of its marine environment”, is intended to highlight the international and national legal framework applied in the Strait of Gibraltar area, with the aim to focus attention on the absence of a properly protective legal framework for the marine environment of a Strait of its nature. However, the regime of the Strait, governed by articles 37 and 38 of UNCLOS, makes the birth of a possible legal framework shall be recognized by international law and under its auspices. This challenge entails the involvement of key pillars such as UK, user States and local NGOs, next to the States bordering: Spain and Morocco and other actors, namely the British colony of Gibraltar, the EU and IMO. Without of course omit the economic interests that tend to go against the protection of the environment in general and marine in particular.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Derecho Público y Común Europeo. Leída el 13 de julio de 2017


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    Defined for the first time by US accounting standards, the notion of fair value has become in recent years an increasingly important part of the international normative arsenal. Thought initially as an accounting concept, it quickly becomes a cornerstone of a new economic paradigm in which the investor is considered as the preferred recipient of accounting information. The aim of the accounting system in this regard, is to provide relevant information in order to make the optimal allocation of resources in the financial market. Thus, the ultimate goal of fair value is to enrich the informational content of accounting information delivered to the market in order to minimize information asymmetry between managers and investors. This paper, which aims to highlight the impact of fair value accounting on reducing the asymmetry of information in the financial market, will focus on the analysis of the conceptual framework of international standards and the synthesis of the results of the main empirical research on this specific issue

    Effects of oleuropein-rich olive leaf extract on the oxidative stability of refined sunflower oil

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of oleuropein-rich olive leaf extract (OLE) to improve the quality and oxidative stability of sunflower oil subjected to accelerated thermal oxidation. Oleuropein was the major phenolic compound determined by HPLC-DAD with a content ranging from 20.81 to 32.56 mg·g-1 of dry extract (DE). The evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant capacity of OLE showed good scavenging capacity of the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (1.01 and 0.96 mmol Trolox equivalents (ET·g-1 DE, respectively). The enrichment of sunflower oil with 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5% OLE (w/v) significantly inhibited thermal-induced peroxidation in a dose-dependent fashion. 0.25% OLE was the most effective concentration and showed a significant reduction in peroxide value and conjugated dienes by 61.4 and 17.4%. These results indicate that OLE can be considered a good natural alternative for extending the shelf-life of polyunsaturated vegetable oils

    Distribución y abundancia de los primeros estadios de desarrollo de Sardina pilchardus en el golfo de Túnez (Mediterráneo central) en relación con los factores ambientales

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    Four seasonal surveys were carried out in the Gulf of Tunis between summer 2002 and spring 2003 to study the abundance and distribution of Sardina pilchardus eggs and larvae in relation to environmental parameters. In the Gulf of Tunis, Sardina pilchardus begins spawning in autumn (23 eggs/10 m²) and attains its peak in winter (257 eggs/10 m²) when the mean SST is lowest (13.4°C). Sardine reproduction seems to be triggered by the decrease in the SST. In winter, the main spawning areas were located to the south of Zembra Island and the north of Cape Bon. Larvae were more abundant in winter (38 larvae/10 m²), while lower densities were collected in autumn and spring (1 larva/10 m²). The highest abundance of larvae (288 larvae/10 m²) was recorded southwest of Zembra Island. Eggs and larvae were mainly concentrated in the relatively warmer and saltier waters with high zooplankton abundance and, inversely, with a low concentration of nitrate and chlorophyll a and a low diatom abundance.Se llevaron a cabo cuatro campañas en el golfo de Túnez, entre verano del 2002 y primavera del 2003, con el objetivo de estudiar la abundancia y distribución de los huevos y larvas de Sardina pilchardus en relación con parámetros ambientales. En el golfo de Túnez Sardina pilchardus inicia la freza en otoño (23 huevos/10 m²), alcanzando el pico de puesta en invierno (257 huevos/10 m²), cuando la temperatura superficial media (SST) es mínima (13.4°C). La reproducción de la sardina se dispara al parecer por el descenso de la SST. En invierno, las principales áreas de puesta se localizaron al sur de la isla de Zembra y en el norte del Cabo Bon. Las larvas fueron más abundantes en invierno (38 larvas/10 m²); mientras que se recogieron menores densidades en otoño y primavera (1 larva/10 m²). La mayor abundancia larvaria (288 larvas/10 m²) fue observada en el suroeste de la isla de Zembra. Los huevos y larvas se concentraron principalmente en las aguas relativamente más cálidas y salinas, con altas abundancias de zooplancton, e inversamente bajas concentraciones de nitrato, clorofila a y abundancia de diatomeas

    Un carcinome épidermoïde du col utérin récidivant sous forme d’une métastase pulmonaire isolée: à propos d’un cas et revue de la literature

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    Les métastases pulmonaires du carcinome épidermoïde (CE) du col utérin sont rares. C'est un cancer à évolution locorégionale, rarement extra pelvienne, et qui est intimement lié à l'infection par HPV (humain papilloma virus). Nous rapportons un nouveau cas d'une patiente âgée de 40 ans, traitée pour CE du col utérin il y a 3 ans, traitées par RTH externe, curiethérapie et chirurgie et qui présente une récidive de sa maladie sous forme d'une masse pulmonaire isolée mimant un primitif pulmonaire. Le diagnostic a été posé par génotypage HPV sur le prélèvement biopsique de la masse pulmonaire. La patiente a été mise sous chimiothérapie type col utérin, avec une bonne réponse clinique et biologique.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Reflexiones jurídicas en torno al posible papel mediador de la Unión Europea en el contencioso de Gibraltar

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    En el presente trabajo se partirá de un análisis del estado de la cuestión sobre el contencioso entre España y Reino Unido por la soberanía del territorio y las aguas, así como el estatuto particularizado que ha tenido la aplicación del Derecho comunitario a raíz del Acta de Adhesión de Reino Unido a la Unión Europea, para intentar determinar hasta qué punto es aplicable un plan de mediación que hasta el momento actual se entendía asumible por la Unión. Tras el Brexit y el cambio de posicionamiento de la Unión se avecina un replanteamiento de los términos de todas las posibilidades de llegar a un acuerdo.This paper will be based on an analysis of the state of play on the issue of the dispute between Spain and the United Kingdom over sovereignty of the territory and waters, as well as the particular status of the application of Community law following the Act of Accession of the United Kingdom to the European Union, in order to try to determine to what extent a mediation plan, which until now was understood to be acceptable to the Union, is applicable. Following the Brexit and the change in the Union’s position, a rethinking of the terms of all the possibilities of reaching an agreement is approaching