11 research outputs found

    Estimation of parameters of charge carriers in dielectric materials by CELIV method

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Measuring the mobility of charge carriers by the time-of-flight method has been used for several decades to study organic semiconductors and dielectrics. Modern research in the field of polymer semiconductor devices focuses on the properties of single- and multi-layer thin-film structures with thicknesses less than 100 nm. Such structures are of considerable interest for research, since they are the basis for organic light-emitting diodes, organic solar cells and other electronic devices

    Estimation of parameters of charge carriers in dielectric materials by CELIV method

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Measuring the mobility of charge carriers by the time-of-flight method has been used for several decades to study organic semiconductors and dielectrics. Modern research in the field of polymer semiconductor devices focuses on the properties of single- and multi-layer thin-film structures with thicknesses less than 100 nm. Such structures are of considerable interest for research, since they are the basis for organic light-emitting diodes, organic solar cells and other electronic devices

    Links between Palaeoproterozoic palaeogeography and rise and decline of stromatolites: Fennoscandian Shield

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    Through a review of literature and new data we have documented two major events in the Palaeoproterozoic history of stromatolites as indicated by palaeontological and palaeoenvironmental studies. With a time resolution of between 40 and 200 Ma we confirm Semikhatov and Raaben's, and Awramik's (albeit approximately) maximum in diversity and abundance of stromatolites between 2330 and 2060 Ma ago (Jatulian diversification). We suggest that this taxonomic diversity was driven by a major phase of cratonisation, formation of the Karelian carbonate platform and numerous rift-related shallow-water carbonate basins supersaturated with Ca+2, Mg+2 and CO2. The Jatulian stromatolite explosion is synchronised with a positive δ13Ccarb shift of Jatulian age carbonates. We also document stromatolite decline which occurred on the Fennoscandian Shield somewhere between 2060 and 1900 Ma ago. This decline, both in abundance and in taxonomic diversity, is interpreted as having been caused by the first phase of 'oceanisation'. The oceanisation led to the considerable reduction in ecological niches that could be utilised by cyanobacteria. The post-Jatulian decline of stromatolites coincides with an abrupt, downward δ13Corg shift from -19% to -38% and is roughly coeval with the appearance of the first eukaryotic algae documented elsewhere. The systematics of the Fennoscandian diversity of Palaeoproterozoic stromatolites is identical to that reported from India and China and reveals a dissimilarity with abundance and diversity patterns in Australia and Northern America

    Baltica in the Cryogenian, 850-630 Ma, in S.V. Bogdanova, X-X. Li, E.M. Moores and S.A. Pisarevsky (Eds.), Testing the Rodinia Hypothesis: Records in its Building Blocks

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    This new tectonic synthesis provides a framework for understanding the dynamic evolution of Baltica and for constraining tectonic correlations within the context of the Neoproterozoic break-up of Rodinia–Pannotia. Cryogenian Baltica is described with respect to five geographic regions: the northwest, northeast, east, south, and southwest (modern coordinates). These geographic regions define three principal Cryogenian tectonic margins: a rifting northwestern margin, a passive northeastern margin, and a poorly understood southern margin. The northwest region is characterized by Neoproterozoic to lower Ordovician sedimentary successions deposited on Archean to late Mesoproterozoic crystalline complexes, reworked during Caledonian orogenesis. Lare Neoproterozoic to lower Ordovician sedimentary strata record the change from an alluvial setting to a marine environment, and eventually to a partially starved (?) turbidite basin. They document rifting from the Rodinian-Pannotian supercontinent, which was unsuccessful until ca. 620–550 Ma when voluminous dikes and mafic/ultramafic complexes were intruded. Baltica's northeastern and eastern regions document episodic intracratonic rifting throughout the Mesoproterozoic, followed by pericontinental passive margin deposition throughout the Cryogenian. In the northeast platformal and deeper-water basin deposits are preserved, whereas the eastern region was later affected by Paleozoic rifting and preserves only shelf deposits. The northeastern and eastern regions define Baltica's Cryogenian northeastern tectonic margin, which was an ocean-facing passive margin of the Rodinia–Pannotia supercontinent. It remained a passive margin until the onset of Timanian orogenesis at ca. 615 Ma, approximately synchronous with the time of Rodinia–Pannotia rifting. Baltica's southern and southwestern regions remain enigmatic and controversial. Precambrian basement is generally hidden beneath thick successions of Ediacaran and younger platform sediments. Similarities between these regions exist, however, and suggest that they may share a similar tectonic evolution in the Cryogenian and therefore define the southern tectonic margin of Baltica at this time. Paleo- to Mesoproterozic basement was affected by Neoproterozoic and younger tectonism, including Cryogenian (?) and Ediacaran rifting. This was followed by Ediacaran (ca. 550 Ma) passive margin sediment deposition at the time of Rodinia–Pannotia break-up, until Early Paleozoic accretion of allochthonous terranes record the transition from rifting to a compressional regime. Paleomagnetic and paleontological data are consistent with Baltica and Laurentia drifting together between ca. 750 and 550 Ma, when they had similar apparent polar wander paths. Microfossil assemblages along the eastern margin of Laurentia and the western margin of Baltica (modern coordinates), suggest proximity between these two margins at this time. At ca. 550 Ma, Laurentia and Baltica separated, consistent with paleomagnetic, paleontological, and geological data, and a late break-up for Rodinia–Pannotia.Neoproterozoic microbial diversificatio


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