93 research outputs found

    Severe Lactic Acidosis in a Patient with B-Cell Lymphoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Lactic acidosis is commonly observed in clinical situations such as shock and sepsis, as a result of tissue hypoperfusion and hypoxia. Lymphoma and leukemia are among other clinical situations where lactic acidosis has been reported. We present a case of a 59-year-old female with lactic acidosis who was found to have aggressive B-cell lymphoma. There have been 29 cases of lymphoma induced lactic acidosis reported thus far; however all reported cases have abnormal vital signs or concomitant medical conditions that may lead to lactic acidosis. The pathogenesis of malignancy-induced lactic acidosis is not well understood; however associated factors include increased glycolysis, increased lactate production by cancer cells, and decreased hepatic clearance of lactate. When it occurs, lactic acidosis is a poor prognostic sign in these patients. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of underlying lymphoma or leukemia remains the only way to achieve complete resolution of lactic acidosis in these patients

    Burnout in health-care professionals during reorganizations and downsizing. A cohort study in nurses

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    Background: Burnout is a psychological reaction triggered by interaction between personal characteristics and stress factors. Reorganizations and downsizing with increased workload imply stress for health-care professionals. This is a study of burnout in nurses during a period with two comprehensive reorganizations. Methods: In this quasi-experimental retrospective cohort study, burnout was assessed in nurses with long work experience in three surveys during a 30 months' period with two comprehensive reorganizations and downsizing of a hospital unit with mostly seriously ill patients with cancer. Burnout was measured with Bergen Burnout Indicator (BBI) at each survey, and "Sense of Coherence" (SOC) with Antonovsky's questionnaire at the last survey. Results: One man and 45 women aged 30 to 65 years were invited to the surveys. There was a significant increase in burnout during the study period, the mean increase in BBI-score was 12.5 pr year (p<0.001). The proportion of satisfied nurses at the first and last survey were 84% and 35% respectively, and the proportions with burnout were 0% and 29% respectively (p<0.001). Except for auxiliary nurses with experience from the medical department, all subgroups experienced a significant increase in BBI. Burnout was associated with low SOC (p<0.001, r square 0.33). Conclusions: There was a significant development of burnout in a group of nurses during a period with two reorganizations and downsizing. Burnout was associated with low SOC. Working with seriously ill patients with cancer has probably made the nurses exceptionally vulnerable to the stress and workload related to the reorganizations

    An exploration of the implementation of open disclosure of adverse events in the UK : a scoping review and qualitative exploration

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    Background: In 2009 the UK National Patient Safety Agency relaunched its Being Open framework to facilitate the open disclosure of adverse events to patients in the NHS. The implementation of the framework has been, and remains, challenging in practice. Aim: The aim of this work was to both critically evaluate and extend the current evidence base relating to open disclosure, with a view to supporting the implementation of a policy of open disclosure of adverse events in the NHS. Methods: This work was conducted in three phases. The first phase comprised two focused systematic literature reviews, one summarising empirical research on the effectiveness of interventions to enhance open disclosure, and a second, broader scoping review, looking at reports of current opinion and practice and wider knowledge. The second phase involved primary qualitative research with the objective of generating new knowledge about UK-based stakeholders' views on their role in and experiences of open disclosure. Stakeholder interviews were analysed using the framework approach. The third phase synthesised the findings from the first two phases to inform and develop a set of short pragmatic suggestions for NHS trust management, to facilitate the implementation and evaluation of open disclosure. Results: A total of 610 papers met the inclusion criteria for the broad review. A large body of literature discussed open disclosure from a number of related, but sometimes conflicted, perspectives. Evidential gaps persist and current practice is based largely on expert consensus rather than evidence. There appears to be a tension between the existing pragmatic guidance and the more in-depth critiques of what being consistent and transparent in health care really means. Eleven papers met the inclusion criteria for the more focused review. There was little evidence for the effectiveness of disclosure alone on organisational or individual outcomes or of interventions to promote and support open disclosure. Interviews with stakeholders identified strong support for the basic principle of being honest with patients or relatives when someone was seriously harmed by health care. In practice however, the issues are complex and there is confusion about a number of issues relating to disclosure policies in the UK. The interviews generated insights into the difficulties perceived within health care at individual and institutional levels, in relation to fully implementing the Being Open guidance. Conclusions: There are several clear strategies that the NHS could learn from to implement and sustain a policy of openness. Literature reviews and stakeholder accounts both identified the potential benefits of a culture that was generally more open (not just retrospectively open about serious harm). Future work could usefully evaluate the impact of disclosure on legal challenges within the NHS, best practice in models of support and training for open disclosure, embedding disclosure conversations in critical incident analysis and disclosure of less serious events

    ”Are you recording the conversation?” - A study of individuals' attitudes and needs of the recording of phone calls.

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    Den hÀr studien handlar om inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal. Studiens syfte var att undersöka privatpersoners instÀllning samt behov av inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal och identifiera hur de anses kunna dra nytta av denna funktionalitet. För att fÄ reda pÄ huruvida privatpersoner förhÄller sig till detta intervjuades 15 respondenter utifrÄn en kvalitativ ansats. I studiens insamlade material framkom det att respondenterna hade blandade Äsikter kring inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal. Den viktigaste aspekten som framkom under studien var hanteringen av kÀnslig information och hur den personliga integriteten skall skyddas frÄn krÀnkning. Baserat pÄ de utmaningar som identifierades i studien har ett stort behov varit att kunna anvÀnda de inspelade samtalen för att lyssna igenom vad som har sagts under samtalen, men Àven för att pÄvisa vad som har sagts. NÄgot som var förvÄnande i studien var att mÄnga var skeptiska kring delningen av kÀnslig information och hur individers integritet skall skyddas frÄn krÀnkning, trots detta var majoriteten av respondenterna positiva till de fiktiva funktioner av delning för de inspelade mobiltelefonsamtalen och sÄg sig ha ett behov för att anvÀnda dem. Resultatet som vi fÄtt fram Àr att det finns ett behov till inspelning av mobiltelefonsamtal bland privatpersoner och att de flesta har en positiv instÀllning till denna funktionalitet, samtidigt finns det faktorer som tillit till andra individer och integritetsaspekter som kan göra att individer vÀljer att inte anvÀnda vissa funktioner

    Internetdroger-En kvalitativ studie om fenomenet internetdroger : En studie om Internetdrogernas pÄverkan i samhÀllet

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    Studien Àr en kvalitativ ansats inom det socialvetenskapliga forskningsomrÄdet som syftar till att studera hur internetdroger marknadsförs pÄ hemsidan MysteriousPlants, hur medlemmar pÄ det sociala internetforumet Flashback diskuterar kring Àmnet internetdroger samt att undersöka hur myndighetspersoner arbetar för att motverka internetdroger. Studien har genomförts med hjÀlp av retrospektiva observationer av MysteriousPlants och Flashback samt av intervjuer med myndighetspersoner. Studiens teoretiska utgÄngspunkter bestÄr av hÀlsopsykologi, ekologisk systemteori och interaktionsteori. I resultatet framkommer hur MysteriousPlants marknadsför sina varor. En slutsats som framkommer i analysen Àr att marknadsföringen pÄ hemsidor som sÀljer internetdroger inte skiljer sig avsevÀrt frÄn internetsidor som sÀljer andra varor. Det framkommer hur medlemmar pÄ Flashback interagerar med varandra i diskussionerna. En slutsats som har kunnat dras utifrÄn detta Àr att forumet Flashback bidrar till en mer öppen interaktion angÄende internetdroger jÀmfört med i den fysiska vÀrlden. I resultatet framgÄr det ocksÄ hur myndighetspersonerna i sina professioner arbetar utifrÄn rÄdande lagstiftning och med befintliga metoder, det finns bÄde nationella och internationella strategier. En slutsats Àr att internetdroger Àr ett relativt nytt fenomen och ett vÀxande problem nationellt som globalt

    Internetdroger-En kvalitativ studie om fenomenet internetdroger : En studie om Internetdrogernas pÄverkan i samhÀllet

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    Studien Àr en kvalitativ ansats inom det socialvetenskapliga forskningsomrÄdet som syftar till att studera hur internetdroger marknadsförs pÄ hemsidan MysteriousPlants, hur medlemmar pÄ det sociala internetforumet Flashback diskuterar kring Àmnet internetdroger samt att undersöka hur myndighetspersoner arbetar för att motverka internetdroger. Studien har genomförts med hjÀlp av retrospektiva observationer av MysteriousPlants och Flashback samt av intervjuer med myndighetspersoner. Studiens teoretiska utgÄngspunkter bestÄr av hÀlsopsykologi, ekologisk systemteori och interaktionsteori. I resultatet framkommer hur MysteriousPlants marknadsför sina varor. En slutsats som framkommer i analysen Àr att marknadsföringen pÄ hemsidor som sÀljer internetdroger inte skiljer sig avsevÀrt frÄn internetsidor som sÀljer andra varor. Det framkommer hur medlemmar pÄ Flashback interagerar med varandra i diskussionerna. En slutsats som har kunnat dras utifrÄn detta Àr att forumet Flashback bidrar till en mer öppen interaktion angÄende internetdroger jÀmfört med i den fysiska vÀrlden. I resultatet framgÄr det ocksÄ hur myndighetspersonerna i sina professioner arbetar utifrÄn rÄdande lagstiftning och med befintliga metoder, det finns bÄde nationella och internationella strategier. En slutsats Àr att internetdroger Àr ett relativt nytt fenomen och ett vÀxande problem nationellt som globalt

    Delivery of cancer care to inmates of correctional facilities through telemedicine

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