67 research outputs found

    Formaldehyde protection of syrup off based diets for pigs.Feeding value and nutrient utilization

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    Two trials, each involving 12 crossbred (YLD) pigs, were conducted to evaluate diets containing 61.7% syrup off protected or not with formaldehyde (2 mL/kg). The remaining 38.3% of the diet was torula yeast, minerals and vitamins. In trial 1 higher (P<.05) voluntary feed intake and rate of gain were observed in finishing pigs (50-90 kg) fed the protected as opposed to unprotected syrup off stored at ambient temperature. In trial 2, unprotected syrup stored under refrigeration was consumed in slightly greater quantity than the protected material. Digestibility of DM and OM were unaffected (P<.10) by dietary variables and, although formaldehyde protection depressed (P<.05) energy andNdigestibility, there were no differences between treatments in N and energy retention. The protection of syrup off for pig feeding by formaldehyde addition is suggested as a useful option

    Análisis de los factores operativos que afectan al despacho anticipado en el retiro de carga contenerizada del puerto DP World Callao en el período 2018 - 2020

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    El terminal portuario del Callao es el más importante del Perú, ya que es considerado como la principal conexión del país con el mundo por concentrar diversas operaciones de carga. El servicio de despacho anticipado es una modalidad de despacho aduanero que permite numerar la declaración de la importación antes de que ésta llegue al puerto. Para realizar el despacho anticipado, se deben cumplir con algunos requisitos como, por ejemplo, tener la Declaración Única de Aduanas (DUA) numerada y cancelada, con lo cual se podrá realizar el levante de su mercancía cuando ésta llegue al terminal portuario, en un plazo de 48 horas computados a partir del día siguiente del término de descarga, además de reducir costos. Sin embargo, no todos acceden a este beneficio. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar cuáles fueron los factores operativos que afectaron al despacho anticipado. Para ello se utilizó un enfoque de investigación cualitativa. Del mismo modo, se realizaron entrevistas, que constaron de 12 preguntas, a 20 trabajadores de las agencias aduaneras, la cual arrojó como resultado que los factores operativos que dificultaron al despacho anticipado de carga contenerizada fueron los trámites burocráticos, así como también la carencia de una infraestructura vial adecuada y la presencia de un parque automotor antiguo de transporte terrestre. En general, estos factores impactaron en sobrecostos y demoras excesivas en el despacho anticipado no pudiendo obtener los beneficios aduaneros. Luego del análisis se brindaron recomendaciones necesarias para poder optimizar la cadena logística.The Callao port terminal is the most important in Peru, since it is considered the main connection between Peru and the world for concentrating various operations. The advance clearance service is a customs clearance modality that allows the import declaration to be numbered before it arrives at the port; To carry out the early dispatch, some requirements must be met, such as having the Unique Customs Declaration numbered and canceled, with which your merchandise can be released when it arrives at the port terminal, within a period of 48 hours computed at starting the day after the discharge term, in addition to reducing costs; however, not everyone has access to this benefit. For this reason, the objective of this investigation was to identify which were the operational factors that affected the anticipated dispatch. For this, a qualitative research approach was used. In the same way, interviews, consisting of 12 questions, were conducted with 20 workers of the customs agencies, which showed as a result that the operational factors that made it difficult to dispatch containerized cargo in advance were bureaucratic procedures, as well as the lack of a Adequate road infrastructure and the presence of an old land transport vehicle fleet, in general these factors impacted on cost overruns and excessive delays in early clearance, not being able to obtain customs benefits. After the analysis, the necessary recommendations were provided to optimize the logistics chain.Tesi

    Growth performance of pigs feed sugar cane juice (Saccharum officinarum) and mulberry leaf meal (Morus alba).

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    An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of including sugarcane juice and mulberry (Morus alba) leaf meal (MLM) in the diets of growing pigs. Forty-eight crossbred pigs (24 gilts and 24 barrows of mean initial weight 40 ± 2 kg) were randomly allotted to one of eight dietary treatments, with three replications per treatment of two pigs each. Dietary treatments consisted of T1, a cornmeal basal diet (BD) + 0% MLM; T2, BD + 8% MLM; T3, BD + 16% MLM; T4, BD + 24% MLM; T5, sugarcane juice + high-protein mix (CJP) + 0% NKN; T6, CJP + 8% MLM; T7, CJP + 16% MLM; T8, CJP + 24% MLM. Pigs were allowed ad libitum access to sugarcane juice and BD, while the intake of the high-protein mix was restricted. The dependent variables included intakes of total feed (TFI) of a high-protein mix (HPI), and of crude protein (CPI); mean daily gain (DG), feed conversion ration (FCR) and feed costs (FC). TFI decreased (P < 0.01) as dietary MLM level increased to 16 and 24% in CJP diets (T7 and 78) and to 24% in the BD (T4), although the BD without MLM (T1) showed similar low intake. DG was lowest for T8 and T4 and lower for T7 than for T6 or T2, which gave the highest growth rates (P < 0.05). There were no differences among treatments (P > 0.05) in FCR. CPI and FC were lower when CJP was fed with or without added MLM. Inclusion of 8 o 16% MLM and use of CJP permitted substituting 89 and 91.6% of conventional ingredients, respectively, while maintaining satisfactory growth performance, especially at the 8% MLM level (In Spanish)

    Acceptability and pattern of feed intake in pigs fed sugarcane molasses type B mixed with graded levels of Gliricidia sepium forage

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    The effects of addition of Gliricidia sepium foliage meal (GSFM) to molasses on feed acceptability and pattern of intake were studied in six crossbred, castrate male pigs of 35 kg mean liveweight, distributed in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square design with a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement. The factors evaluated were three levels of dietary substitution (0, 15, and 30% of GSFM) and two daily observational sessions (morning and afternoon). Feed intake was restricted to 8% of W3/4 and water was provided ad libitum. The experiment lasted 18 d with each of the three 6-d periods divided between 3 d for diet adaptation and 3 d for sampling. The interaction of the two factors had effects on meal size (P<0.001) and number of visits to the feed and water trough (P<0.001). Progressive inclusion of GSFM in the diets resulted in an extension (P<0.001) of eating time (from 13.0 to 75.9 min) and a decrease (P<0.001) in eating rate (from 51.6 to 10.4 g of fresh feed/min). Meal size was correlated (P<0.001) to dietary contents of crude fiber (-0.677) and neutral detergent fiber (-0.678) and more so to dietary water holding capacity (-0.999). The acceptability of a molasses diet with addition of GSFM was shown as was the efficacy of early morning feeding. Water holding capacity may be a good indicator to predict voluntary feed intake by pigs

    Learning from Participatory Research and Action Approaches to Transforming Food Systems

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    Now more than ever, evidence overwhelmingly concludes that our food systems are not currently working to nourish our populations, ecosystems, economies, or social connectionNow more than ever, evidence overwhelmingly concludes that our food systems are not currently working to nourish our populations, ecosystems, economies, or social connections. Agroecological approaches have been shown as having potential to address many of these problems in the mainstream food system, particularly when combined with concepts of food sovereignty, which localise control, and place producers and consumers at the centre of decision-making (Pretty et al 2006, Chappell and LaValle 2009, Sevilla Guzman and Woodgate 2003). However, knowing the principles and the end goals, while invaluable, is not enough. We need to transition from the food systems we currently have to the food systems we envision for future generations. Where do we begin and who should lead that process? In line with principles of food sovereignty, that transition needs to be led and owned not by outside experts or researchers but by the people most directly affected by and typically excluded from decision making within the current food system (i.e. small- and medium -scale farmers, workers involved in harvesting and food processing, cottage manufacturers and consumers across socioeconomic classes). It must also respond to the current level of globalisation of our food systems. For example, a decision to localise consumption in one country can greatly affect export-focused producers and economies in another

    Índice del progreso social del distrito de Surquillo

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito determinar y analizar el nivel de progreso social alcanzado en el distrito de Surquillo a través del cálculo del índice de Progreso Social, cuya finalidad es medir la calidad de vida de las personas, independientemente de los niveles de ingreso económico. El método utilizado para estos fines es el propuesto por el Social Progress Imperative, que analiza indicadores de resultados sociales y ambientales divididos en tres dimensiones de progreso social: necesidades humanas básicas, fundamentos del bienestar y oportunidades; a su vez cada una de estas dimensiones está dividida en cuatro componentes. De las tres dimensiones evaluadas en el distrito de Surquillo, la que obtiene un nivel más alto es la que estima la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas básicas con 73.06 sobre un total de 100 puntos; en este caso, los componentes nutrición y cuidados médicos básicos y agua potable y saneamiento básico fueron los de mejor desarrollo, en cambio, vivienda y seguridad personal alcanzaron menor puntaje. La dimensión fundamentos del bienestar se encuentra en el segundo lugar con un total de 66.23 puntos, de la cual destacan los componentes acceso al conocimiento básico y acceso a información y telecomunicaciones. Ahora bien, la dimensión oportunidades es la menos desarrollada entre los habitantes del distrito de Surquillo con solamente 62.77 sobre un total de 100 puntos. En tal sentido, se deben enfocar los esfuerzos de las autoridades del distrito sobre esta dimensión. Finalmente, el Índice de Progreso Social calculado para dicho distrito es de 67.35, considerado un nivel medio altoThe nature of this thesis is to determine and analyze the social progress level reached at Surquillo district via the Social Progess Index calculation, whose purpose is to measure people’s life quality, excluding income levels. The results of this study were obtained using the framework proposed by the Social Progress Imperative, which analyzes social and environmental indicators results, divided into three dimensions of social progress: basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing and opportunities, and each of these dimensions is divided into four components. According to the assessment performed on these three dimensions in Surquillo district, the one with the highest level is the one that estimates the basic human needs fulfillment with 73.06 over 100 points; in this case, the components with best development were nutrition, basic medical care, clean water and basic sanitation, while dwelling and personal security obtained a lower score. Foundations of wellbeing dimension is in the second place with 66.23 points in total, of which Access to basic knowledge and Access to Information and telecommunications components highlight. Now, the opportunities dimension is the least developed within the citizens of Surquillo district with only 62.77 points out of 100. Thus, the district authorities efforts must be focused on improving this dimension. Finally, the Social Progress Index calculated for the district is 67.35, considered an upper middle social progress levelTesi

    Lysyl hydroxylase 3 localizes to epidermal basement membrane and Is reduced in patients with Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa

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    Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is caused by mutations in COL7A1 resulting in reduced or absent type VII collagen, aberrant anchoring fibril formation and subsequent dermal-epidermal fragility. Here, we identify a significant decrease in PLOD3 expression and its encoded protein, the collagen modifying enzyme lysyl hydroxylase 3 (LH3), in RDEB. We show abundant LH3 localising to the basement membrane in normal skin which is severely depleted in RDEB patient skin. We demonstrate expression is in-part regulated by endogenous type VII collagen and that, in agreement with previous studies, even small reductions in LH3 expression lead to significantly less secreted LH3 protein. Exogenous type VII collagen did not alter LH3 expression in cultured RDEB keratinocytes and we show that RDEB patients receiving bone marrow transplantation who demonstrate significant increase in type VII collagen do not show increased levels of LH3 at the basement membrane. Our data report a direct link between LH3 and endogenous type VII collagen expression concluding that reduction of LH3 at the basement membrane in patients with RDEB will likely have significant implications for disease progression and therapeutic intervention

    Serum Neurotrophin Profile in Systemic Sclerosis

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Neurotrophins (NTs) are able to activate lymphocytes and fibroblasts; they can modulate angiogenesis and sympathic vascular function. Thus, they can be implicated in the three pathogenic processes of systemic sclerosis (SSc). The aims of this study are to determine blood levels of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in SSc and to correlate them with clinical and biological data.METHODS: Serum samples were obtained from 55 SSc patients and 32 control subjects to measure NTs levels by ELISA and to determine their relationships with SSc profiles. FINDINGS: Serum NGF levels were higher in SSc patients (288.26 ± 170.34 pg/mL) than in control subjects (170.34 ± 50.8 pg/mL, p<0.001) and correlated with gammaglobulins levels and the presence of both anti-cardiolipin and anti-Scl-70 antibodies (p<0.05). In contrast, BDNF levels were lower in SSc patients than in controls (1121.9 ± 158.1 vs 1372.9 ± 190.9 pg/mL, p<0.0001), especially in pulmonary arterial hypertension and diffuse SSc as compared to limited forms (all p<0.05). NT-3 levels were similar in SSc and in the control group (2657.2 ± 2296 vs 2959.3 ± 2555 pg/mL, NS). BDNF levels correlated negatively with increased NGF levels in the SSc group (and not in controls). CONCLUSION: Low BDNF serum levels were not previously documented in SSc, particularly in the diffuse SSc subset and in patients with pulmonary hypertension or anti-Scl-70 antibodies. The negative correlation between NGF and BDNF levels observed in SSc and not in healthy controls could be implicated in sympathic vascular dysfunction in SSc

    A genome-wide association study identifies risk alleles in plasminogen and P4HA2 associated with giant cell arteritis

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common form of vasculitis in individuals older than 50 years in Western countries. To shed light onto the genetic background influencing susceptibility for GCA, we performed a genome-wide association screening in a well-powered study cohort. After imputation, 1,844,133 genetic variants were analysed in 2,134 cases and 9,125 unaffected controls from ten independent populations of European ancestry. Our data confirmed HLA class II as the strongest associated region (independent signals: rs9268905, P = 1.94E-54, per-allele OR = 1.79; and rs9275592, P = 1.14E-40, OR = 2.08). Additionally, PLG and P4HA2 were identified as GCA risk genes at the genome-wide level of significance (rs4252134, P = 1.23E-10, OR = 1.28; and rs128738, P = 4.60E-09, OR = 1.32, respectively). Interestingly, we observed that the association peaks overlapped with different regulatory elements related to cell types and tissues involved in the pathophysiology of GCA. PLG and P4HA2 are involved in vascular remodelling and angiogenesis, suggesting a high relevance of these processes for the pathogenic mechanisms underlying this type of vasculitis