950 research outputs found

    Tremorogeni učinci ekstrakata plijesni izoliranih iz prašine drveta u štakora

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    Among workers in the Swedish wood industry acute alveolitis, known as “woodtrimmer\u27s disease” has been recognized for some time. One of the signs in the acute phase of the disease is transitory tremor. The etiology of the disease is still not clearly understood, but it is assumed to be associated with wood dust containing fungal spores. One of the dominant fungal strains isolated from wood at the saw-mills was found to be Aspergillus fumigatus. As it is known that Aspergillus fumigatus has the ability to produce tremorgenic mycotoxins, the moulds from the working environment were isolated, cultivated and tested for the ability to produce mycotoxins, to estimate a possible relation between fungal spores and tremorgenic effects. Extracts of moulds were prepared and tested on rats after oral administration. The ability to induce tremors in rats was found in six out of nine extracts tested. A very good agreement was found between the results of the chemical analysis of extracts and those of the study in vivo. The results imply that woodtrimmer\u27s disease may at least partly, be mycotoxicosis.U Švedskoj, u radnika zaposlenih u drvnoj industriji, javlja se akutni alveolitis poznat i pod nazivom Woodtrimmer\u27s disease, popraćen prolaznim tremorom. Pojava je nepoznate etiologije ali se povezuje s izloženošću drvenoj prašini u kojoj se nalaze spore različitih plijesni. Aspergillus fumigatus je plijesan koja se najčešće izolira u sušarama drveta. Iz radne sredine izolirane su plijesni Aspergillus flavusa te je nakon kultivacije testirana njihova sposobnost stvaranja tremorogenih mikotoksina analitičkim metodama i u pokusima na štakorima. Ekstrakti plijesni aplicirani su pokusnim životinjama oralno. Šest od devet ekstrakata izazvalo je pojavu tremora u tretiranih životinja. Nađena je vrlo dobra korelacija rezultata kemijskih analiza i rezultata dobivenih u pokusima in vivo. Podaci upućuju na moguću vezu između Woodtrimmer\u27s disease i izloženosti radnika tremorogenim mikotoksinima

    Skew Category Algebras Associated with Partially Defined Dynamical Systems

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    We introduce partially defined dynamical systems defined on a topological space. To each such system we associate a functor ss from a category GG to \Top^{\op} and show that it defines what we call a skew category algebra AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. We study the connection between topological freeness of ss and, on the one hand, ideal properties of AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G and, on the other hand, maximal commutativity of AA in AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. In particular, we show that if GG is a groupoid and for each e \in \ob(G) the group of all morphisms eee \rightarrow e is countable and the topological space s(e)s(e) is Tychonoff and Baire, then the following assertions are equivalent: (i) ss is topologically free; (ii) AA has the ideal intersection property, that is if II is a nonzero ideal of AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G, then IA{0}I \cap A \neq \{0\}; (iii) the ring AA is a maximal abelian complex subalgebra of AσGA \rtimes^{\sigma} G. Thereby, we generalize a result by Svensson, Silvestrov and de Jeu from the additive group of integers to a large class of groupoids.Comment: 16 pages. This article is an improvement of, and hereby a replacement for, version 1 (arXiv:1006.4776v1) entitled "Category Dynamical Systems and Skew Category Algebras

    Adsorption of Fibrinogen on Thin Oriented Poly(Tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) Fibres Studied by Scanning Force Microscopy

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    We have investigated fibrinogen adsorption on ordered poly(tetrafluoroethylene), PTFE, fibres deposited on hydrophilic and hydrophobic silicon substrates. Fibrinogen molecules appear to adsorb with their long axis perpendicular to the fibre direction for PTFE fibres having widths of less than 100 nm. On these thin fibres, fibrinogen apparently forms close packed bands or clusters, consisting of small integer numbers of molecules arranged parallel to each other. On broader (\u3e 100 nm) PTFE fibres, the fibrinogen forms two dimensional networks. The orientation of the molecules in these networks is random in the central flat part of the fibres but perpendicular to the fibre direction at the fibre edges. As a tentative explanation, we propose that the observed orientation may be linked to the radius of curvature of the fibre surface

    Biopolymeric Anticorrosion Coatings from Cellulose Nanofibrils and Colloidal Lignin Particles

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    This study presents a process for preparation of cellulose–lignin barrier coatings for hot-dip galvanized (HDG) steel by aqueous electrophoretic deposition. Initially, a solution of softwood kraft lignin and diethylene glycol monobutyl ether was used to prepare an aqueous dispersion of colloidal lignin particles (CLPs) via solvent exchange. Analysis of the dispersion showed that it comprised submicron particles (D = 146 nm) with spherical morphologies and colloidal stability (ζ-potential = −40 mV). Following successful formation, the CLP dispersion was mixed with a suspension of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers (TOCN, 1 and 2 g·L–1) at a fixed volumetric ratio (1:1, TOCN–CLPs), and biopolymers were deposited onto HDG steel surfaces at different potentials (0.5 and 3 V). The effects of these variables on coating formation, dry adhesion, and electrochemical properties (3.5% NaCl) were investigated. The scanning electron microscopy results showed that coalescence of CLPs occurs during the drying of composite coatings, resulting in formation of a barrier layer on HDG steel. The scanning vibrating electrode technique results demonstrated that the TOCN–CLP layers reduced the penetration of the electrolyte (3.5% NaCl) to the metal–coating interface for at least 48 h of immersion, with a more prolonged barrier performance for 3 V-deposited coatings. Additional electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies showed that all four coatings provided increased levels of charge transfer resistance (Rct)—compared to bare HDG steel—although coatings deposited at a higher potential (3 V) and a higher TOCN concentration provided the maximum charge transfer resistance after 15 days of immersion (13.7 cf. 0.2 kΩ·cm2 for HDG steel). Overall, these results highlight the potential of TOCN–CLP biopolymeric composites as a basis for sustainable corrosion protection coatings

    fish freshness decay measurement with a colorimetric artificial olfactory system

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    Abstract This paper reports about the application of an artificial olfactory system based on optical imaging technology. This arrangement is formed by a distributed layer of chemical indicators illuminated by a computer screen and imaged by a digital camera. The system has been applied to monitor the freshness decay in fish. The set of indicators is formed by porphyrinoids and acid–base indicators, this combination provides an optimal capture of the process with some of the indicators sensitive to first stage, when the product is still fresh, and others more sensitive to the last part of the freshness deca

    Population genetic structure in Fennoscandian landrace rye (Secale cereale L.) spanning 350 years

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    Rye (Secale cereale L.) was for centuries the economically most important crop in Fennoscandia (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden). Historical records tell of a range of different types adapted to climate and varying cultivation practices. Genetic analyses of genebank maintained landrace rye have yet failed, with a few exceptions, to detect differentiation between rye types. Concerns have been raised that genebank material does not truly reflect the historical variation in landrace rye. In this study, we have therefore genotyped old and historical samples of rye as well as extant material. Two historical seventeenth century samples were obtained from a grave and a museum archive respectively, and 35 old samples were taken from 100 to 140-year-old seed collections and museum artefacts made of straw. We could confirm the results of previous studies suggesting Fennoscandian landrace rye to be one major meta-population, genetically different from other European rye landraces, but with no support for slash-and-burn types of rye being genetically different from other rye landraces. Only small differences in genetic diversity and allele distribution was found between old landrace rye from museum collections and extant genebank accessions, arguing against a substantial change in the genetic diversity during twentieth century cultivation and several regenerations during genebank maintenance. The genotypes of the old and historical samples suggest that the genetic structure of Fennoscandian landrace rye has been relatively stable for 350years. In contrast, we find that the younger samples and early improved cultivars belong to a different genetic group, more related to landraces from Central Europe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Severe Outbreak of Sorbitol-Fermenting Escherichia coli O157 via Unpasteurized Milk and Farm Visits, Finland 2012

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    Shiga toxin-producing, sorbitol-fermenting Escherichia coli O157 (SF O157) has emerged as a cause of severe human illness. Despite frequent human findings, its transmission routes and reservoirs remain largely unknown. Foodborne transmission and reservoir in cattle have been suspected, but with limited supporting evidence. This study describes the outbreak of SF O157 that occurred in Finland in 2012. The outbreak originated from a recreational farm selling unpasteurized milk, as revealed by epidemiologic and microbiological investigations, and involved six hospitalized children and two asymptomatic adults with culture-confirmed infection. An identical strain of SF O157 was isolated from patients, cattle and the farm environment, and epidemiologic analysis suggested unpasteurized milk as the vehicle of transmission. This study reports the first milkborne outbreak of SF O157, provides supporting evidence of cattle as a reservoir and highlights the health risks related to the consumption of unpasteurized milk

    Individual tree biomass equations or biomass expansion factors for assessment of carbon stock changes in living biomass - A comparative study

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    AbstractSignatory countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its supplementary Kyoto Protocol (KP) are obliged to report greenhouse gas emissions and removals. Changes in the carbon stock of living biomass should be reported using either the default or stock change methods of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) under the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry sector. Traditionally, volume estimates are used as a forestry measures. Changes in living biomass may be assessed by first estimating the change in the volume of stem wood and then converting this volume to whole tree biomass using biomass expansion factors (BEFs). However, this conversion is often non-trivial because the proportion of stem wood increases with tree size at the expense of branches, foliage, stump and roots. Therefore, BEFs typically vary over time and their use may result in biased estimates. The objective of this study was to evaluate differences between biomass estimates obtained using biomass equations and BEFs with particular focus on uncertainty analysis. Assuming that the development of tree fractions in different ways can be handled by individual biomass equations, BEFs for standing stock were shown to overestimate the biomass sink capacity (Sweden). Although estimates for BEFs derived for changes in stock were found to be unbiased, the estimated BEFs varied substantially over time (0.85–1.22ton CO2/m3). However, to some extent this variation may be due to random sampling errors rather than actual changes. The highest accuracy was obtained for estimates based on biomass equations for different tree fractions, applied to data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory using a permanent sample design (estimated change in stock 1990–2005: 420million tons CO2, with a standard error amounting to 26.7million tons CO2) Many countries have adopted such a design combined with the stock change method for reporting carbon stock changes under the UNFCCC/KP