56 research outputs found

    CTG repeat-targeting oligonucleotides for down-regulating Huntingtin expression

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    Sjuksköterskeyrket innebĂ€r ofta lĂ„ngvarig stress och bristfĂ€llig arbetsmiljö. Personalbrist, hög arbetsbelastning och bristande inflytande pĂ„ arbetsplatsen Ă€r orsaker till att sjuksköterskor vĂ€ljer att sluta inom yrket. För lite forskning gĂ€llande den upplevda stressen pĂ„ arbetsplatsen inom sjuksköterskeyrket rĂ„der. DĂ€rför finns anledning till ökad kunskap kring Ă€mnet. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka i hur hög utstrĂ€ckning sjuksköterskor upplever stress i sin arbetsmiljö, och studien Ă€r baserad pĂ„ 1044 yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor över hela landet som Ă€r medlemmar i Facebookgruppen ”Sjuksköterskan”. Dessa personer har fĂ„tt svara pĂ„ enkĂ€ten Work Stress Questionnaire med 21 frĂ„gor. Resultatet frĂ„n denna studie visar att arbetsbelastningen ökat och personalen har inte möjlighet att pĂ„verka beslut som tas pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. Konflikter Ă€r ocksĂ„ förekommande dĂ€r chefen, i de flesta fall, inte gör nĂ„got för att lösa dessa konflikter. Sjuksköterskorna sĂ€tter höga krav pĂ„ sig sjĂ€lva och Ă€r mycket engagerade i arbetet, men har ofta svĂ„rt att sĂ€tta grĂ€nser. Resultatet visar ocksĂ„ att en hög andel har svĂ„rt att hinna med familj, vĂ€nner och fritidsintressen. Det finns tidigare studier med samma mĂ€tinstrument som visar att arbetsbelastningen och ansvarstagandet har ökat under de senaste Ă„ren. Eventuellt kan detta i slutĂ€ndan innebĂ€ra en risk för ökad utbrĂ€ndhet och fler sjukskrivningar

    Outcome of a psychosocial health promotion intervention aimed at improving physical health and reducing alcohol use in patients with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders (MINT)

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    Background: Life expectancy is reduced by 19 years in men and 17 in women with psychosis in Sweden, largely due to cardiovascular disease. Aim: Assess whether a psychosocial health promotion intervention improves cardiometabolic risk factors, quality of life, and severity of illness in patients with psychotic disorders more than treatment as usual. Methods: A pragmatic intervention trial testing a manual-based multi-component health promotion intervention targeting patients with psychosis. The Swedish intervention was adapted from IMPaCT therapy, a health-promotion program based on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy, designed to be incorporated into routine care. The intervention group consisted of 119 patients and a control group of 570 patients from specialized psychosis departments. Outcome variables were assessed 6 months before intervention during the run-in period, again at the start of intervention, and 12 months after the intervention began. The control group received treatment as usual. Results: The intervention had no significant effect on any of the outcome variables. However, BMI, waist circumference, systolic BP, heart rate, HbA1c, general health, and Clinical Global Impressions Scale score improved significantly during the run-in period before the start of the active intervention (observer effect). The multi-component design meant that treatment effects could only be calculated for the intervention as a whole. Conclusion: The results of the intervention are similar to those of the U.K. IMPaCT study, in which the modular health-promotion intervention had little effect on cardiovascular risk indicators. However, in the current study, the run-in period had a positive effect on cardiometabolic risk factors

    Optimizing anti-gene oligonucleotide ‘Zorro-LNA’ for improved strand invasion into duplex DNA

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    Zorro-LNA (Zorro) is a newly developed, oligonucleotide (ON)-based, Z-shaped construct with the potential of specific binding to each strand of duplex DNA. The first-generation Zorros are formed by two hybridized LNA/DNA mixmers (2-ON Zorros) and was hypothesized to strand invade. We have now established a method, which conclusively demonstrates that an LNA ON can strand invade into duplex DNA. To make Zorros smaller in size and easier to design, we synthesized 3â€Č–5â€Č–5â€Č–3â€Č single-stranded Zorro-LNA (ssZorro) by using both 3â€Č- and 5â€Č-phosphoramidites. With ssZorro, a significantly greater extent and rate of double-strand invasion (DSI) was obtained than with conventional 2-ON Zorros. Introducing hydrophilic PEG-linkers connecting the two strands did not significantly change the rate or extent of DSI as compared to ssZorro with a nucleotide-based linker, while the longest alkyl-chain linker tested (36 carbons) resulted in a very slow DSI. The shortest alkyl-chain linker (3 carbons) did not reduce the extent of DSI of ssZorro, but significantly decreased the DSI rate. Collectively, ssZorro is smaller in size, easier to design and more efficient than conventional 2-ON Zorro in inducing DSI. Analysis of the chemical composition of the linker suggests that it could be of importance for future therapeutic considerations

    Translational Database Selection and Multiplexed Sequence Capture for Up Front Filtering of Reliable Breast Cancer Biomarker Candidates

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    Biomarker identification is of utmost importance for the development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics. Here we make use of a translational database selection strategy, utilizing data from the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) on differentially expressed protein patterns in healthy and breast cancer tissues as a means to filter out potential biomarkers for underlying genetic causatives of the disease. DNA was isolated from ten breast cancer biopsies, and the protein coding and flanking non-coding genomic regions corresponding to the selected proteins were extracted in a multiplexed format from the samples using a single DNA sequence capture array. Deep sequencing revealed an even enrichment of the multiplexed samples and a great variation of genetic alterations in the tumors of the sampled individuals. Benefiting from the upstream filtering method, the final set of biomarker candidates could be completely verified through bidirectional Sanger sequencing, revealing a 40 percent false positive rate despite high read coverage. Of the variants encountered in translated regions, nine novel non-synonymous variations were identified and verified, two of which were present in more than one of the ten tumor samples

    A synthetic snRNA m3G-CAP enhances nuclear delivery of exogenous proteins and nucleic acids

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    Accessing the nucleus through the surrounding membrane poses one of the major obstacles for therapeutic molecules large enough to be excluded due to nuclear pore size limits. In some therapeutic applications the large size of some nucleic acids, like plasmid DNA, hampers their access to the nuclear compartment. However, also for small oligonucleotides, achieving higher nuclear concentrations could be of great benefit. We report on the synthesis and possible applications of a natural RNA 5â€Č-end nuclear localization signal composed of a 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine cap (m3G-CAP). The cap is found in the small nuclear RNAs that are constitutive part of the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes involved in nuclear splicing. We demonstrate the use of the m3G signal as an adaptor that can be attached to different oligonucleotides, thereby conferring nuclear targeting capabilities with capacity to transport large-size cargo molecules. The synthetic capping of oligos interfering with splicing may have immediate clinical applications

    Consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of angiogenesis assays

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    The formation of new blood vessels, or angiogenesis, is a complex process that plays important roles in growth and development, tissue and organ regeneration, as well as numerous pathological conditions. Angiogenesis undergoes multiple discrete steps that can be individually evaluated and quantified by a large number of bioassays. These independent assessments hold advantages but also have limitations. This article describes in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro bioassays that are available for the evaluation of angiogenesis and highlights critical aspects that are relevant for their execution and proper interpretation. As such, this collaborative work is the first edition of consensus guidelines on angiogenesis bioassays to serve for current and future reference

    Oligonucleotide Binding to Non-B-DNA in MYC

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    MYC, originally named c-myc, is an oncogene deregulated in many different forms of cancer. Translocation of the MYC gene to an immunoglobulin gene leads to an overexpression and the development of Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) [1]. Sporadic BL constitutes one subgroup where one of the translocation sites is located at the 5′-vicinity of the two major MYC promoters P1 and P2. A non-B-DNA forming sequence within this region has been reported with the ability to form an intramolecular triplex (H-DNA) or a G-quadruplex[2,3]. We have examined triplex formation at this site first by using a 17 bp triplex-forming oligonucleotide (TFO) and a double strand DNA (dsDNA) target corresponding to the MYC sequence. An antiparallel purine-motif triplex was detected using electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Furthermore, we probed for H-DNA formation using the BQQ-OP based triplex-specific cleavage assay, which indicated the formation of the structure in the supercoiled plasmid containing the corresponding region of the MYC promoter. Targeting non-B-DNA structures has therapeutic potential; therefore, we investigated their influence on strand-invasion of anti-gene oligonucleotides (ON)s. We show that in vitro, non-B-DNA formation at the vicinity of the ON target site facilitates dsDNA strand-invasion of the anti-gene ONs

    Oligonucleotide–Palladacycle Conjugates as Splice-Correcting Agents

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    2’-O-Methylribo phosphorothioate oligonucleotides incorporating cyclopalladated benzylamine conjugate groups at their 5’-termini have been prepared and their ability to hybridize with a designated target sequence was assessed by conventional UV melting experiments. The oligonucleotides were further examined in splice-switching experiments in human cervical cancer (HeLa Luc/705), human liver (HuH7_705), and human osteosarcoma (U-2 OS_705) reporter cell lines. Melting temperatures of duplexes formed by the modified oligonucleotides were approximately 5 °C lower than melting temperatures of the respective unmodified duplexes. The cyclopalladated oligonucleotides functioned as splice-correcting agents in the HeLa Luc/705 cell line somewhat more efficiently than their unmodified counterparts. Furthermore, the introduction of this chemical modification did not induce toxicity in cells. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using covalently metalated oligonucleotides as therapeutic agents
