105 research outputs found

    Instruments for assessing the risk of falls in acute hospitalized patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Falls are a serious problem for hospitalized patients, reducing the duration and quality of life. It is estimated that over 84% of all adverse events in hospitalized patients are related to falls. Some fall risk assessment tools have been developed and tested in environments other than those for which they were developed with serious validity discrepancies. The aim of this review is to determine the accuracy of instruments for detecting fall risk and predicting falls in acute hospitalized patients. Methods Systematic review and meta-analysis. Main databases, related websites and grey literature were searched. Two blinded reviewers evaluated title and abstracts of the selected articles and, if they met inclusion criteria, methodological quality was assessed in a new blinded process. Meta-analyses of diagnostic ORs (DOR) and likelihood (LH) coefficients were performed with the random effects method. Forest plots were calculated for sensitivity and specificity, DOR and LH. Additionally, summary ROC (SROC) curves were calculated for every analysis. Results Fourteen studies were selected for the review. The meta-analysis was performed with the Morse (MFS), STRATIFY and Hendrich II Fall Risk Model scales. The STRATIFY tool provided greater diagnostic validity, with a DOR value of 7.64 (4.86 - 12.00). A meta-regression was performed to assess the effect of average patient age over 65 years and the performance or otherwise of risk reassessments during the patient’s stay. The reassessment showed a significant reduction in the DOR on the MFS (rDOR 0.75, 95% CI: 0.64 - 0.89, p = 0.017). Conclusions The STRATIFY scale was found to be the best tool for assessing the risk of falls by hospitalized acutely-ill adults. However, the behaviour of these instruments varies considerably depending on the population and the environment, and so their operation should be tested prior to implementation. Further studies are needed to investigate the effect of the reassessment of these instruments with respect to hospitalized adult patients, and to consider the real compliance by healthcare personnel with procedures related to patient safety, and in particular concerning the prevention of falls

    Utjecaj nanočestica kitozana koje sadrĆŸavaju antioksidanse izolirane iz biljke Salvia hispanica L. na svojstva filmova pripremljenih od ơćirovog braĆĄna

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    Research background. Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) flour produces films with excellent barrier properties against water vapor, allowing food preservation, but the mechanical properties are poor compared to synthetic films. One strategy to improve these properties is the incorporation of nanoparticles. The particles can also serve as a vehicle for the addition of antioxidant agents into the films. The objective of this work is to optimize the formulation for the preparation of amaranth flour films treated with antioxidant chia (Salvia hispanica L.) extract-loaded chitosan particles using response surface methodology (RSM). Experimental approach. Chitosan nanoparticles with the extract were synthesized by ionic gelation, and the films were made by the casting method. Three independent variables were assigned: amaranth flour (4-6%), glycerol (25-35%) and chitosan nanoparticles loaded with the chia extract (0-0.75%). We then evaluated the physical (thickness), mechanical (tensile strength, YoungÂŽs modulus and elongation), barrier (water vapor permeability, moisture and water solubility) and antioxidant properties of the films. The experimental results of the properties were analyzed using a Box-Behnken experimental design generating 15 runs with three replicates at the central point. Results and conclusions. Second and third order polynomial models were obtained from the ANOVA analysis of the evaluated responses, and high coefficients of determination were found (0.91–1.0). The water vapor permeability of the films was 0.82−2.39·10-7 (g·mm)/(Pa·s·m2), tensile strength was 0.33−1.63 MPa and antioxidant activity 2.24−5.65%. The variables had different effects on the films: glycerol negatively affected their properties, and the permeability values increased with increased amaranth flour content. The nanoparticles improved the mechanical, barrier and antioxidant properties of the films compared to the films without nanosystems. The optimal formulation was 4% amaranth flour, 25% glycerol and 0.36% chitosan nanoparticles. The optimized films had better mechanical (1.62 MPa) properties, a low water vapor permeability value (0.91·10-7 (g·mm)/(Pa·s·m2)) and moderate antioxidant activity (6.43%). Novelty and scientific contribution. The results show the effect of chitosan nanoparticles on the properties of amaranth flour films for the first time. The resulting equations are useful in the design of food packaging.Pozadina istraĆŸivanja. BraĆĄno od amaranta odnosno ơćira (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) moĆŸe se upotrijebiti za izradu filmova s odličnim svojstvom propusnosti vodene pare, ĆĄto omogućuje čuvanje hrane, no ti filmovi imaju loĆĄija mehanička svojstva od sintetičkih filmova. Jedan od mogućih načina poboljĆĄanja mehaničkih svojstava filmova je dodatak nanočestica, koje ujedno mogu posluĆŸiti kao nosač antioksidansa. Svrha je ovoga rada bila metodom odzivnih povrĆĄina optimirati pripremu filmova od ơćirovog braĆĄna dodatkom čestica kitozana koje sadrĆŸavaju antioksidanse iz ekstrakta chia (Salvia hispanica L.) sjemenki. Eksperimentalni pristup. Nanočestice kitozana s ekstraktom chia sjemenki dobivene su ionskim geliranjem, a filmovi su pripremljeni metodom izlijevanja. Određene su tri nezavisne varijable: ơćirovo braĆĄno (4-6 %), glicerol (25–35 %) i nanočestice kitozana s ekstraktom chia sjemenki (0–0,75 %). Zatim su procijenjena fizikalna (gustoća), mehanička (vlačna čvrstoća, Youngov modul elastičnosti i istezljivost), barijerna (propusnost vodene pare, vlaga i topljivost u vodi) i antioksidacijska svojstva filmova. Dobiveni su rezultati ispitani pomoću Box-Behnkenovog plana izvođenjem 15 eksperimenata s tri ponavljanja u centralnoj točki. Rezultati i zaključci. Analizom odziva pomoću ANOVA testa dobiveni su modeli oblika polinoma drugog i trećeg stupnja te visoki koeficijenti određivanja (0,91–1,0). Propusnost vodene pare bila je 0,82−2,39·10–7 (g·mm)/(Pa·s·m2), vlačna čvrstoća 0,33−1,63 MPa, a antioksidacijska aktivnost filmova 2,24−5,65 %. Svaka je varijabla imala drugačiji učinak: povećanje udjela glicerola negativno je utjecalo na svojstva flimova, a njihova propusnost se povećala s povećanjem udjela ơćirovog braĆĄna. Dodatkom nanočestica poboljĆĄana su mehanička i antioksidacijska svojstva te propusnost filmova u usporedbi s filmovima koji nisu sadrĆŸavali nanočestice. Optimalni dodatak filmovima bio je 4 % ơćirovog braĆĄna, 25 % glicerola i 0,36 % nanočestica kitozana. Optimirani filmovi imali su bolja mehanička svojstva (1,62 MPa), malu propusnost vodene pare (0,91·10–7 (g·mm)/(Pa·s·m2)) i umjerenu antioksidacijsku aktivnost (6,43 %). Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Rezultati ispitivanja po prvi put prikazuju utjecaj nanočestica kitozana na svojstva filmova od ơćirovog braĆĄna. Dobivene jednadĆŸbe mogu se korisno upotrijebiti u projektiranju jestive ambalaĆŸe

    Hard-to-Heal Wound Healing: Superiority of Hydrogel EHO-85 (Containing Olea europaea Leaf Extract) vs. a Standard Hydrogel. A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Chronic wounds, especially those that are hard-to-heal, constitute a serious public-health problem. Although progress has been made in the development of wound dressings for healing, there is little high-quality evidence of their efficacy, with no evidence of superiority in the use of one hydrogel over another. To evaluate the superiority of a hydrogel (EHO-85), containing Olea europaea leaf extract (OELE), over a standard hydrogel (SH), the promotion and/or improvement of healing of difficult-to-heal wounds was compared in a prospective, parallel-group multicenter, randomized, observer-blinded, controlled trial (“MACAON”). Non-hospitalized patients with pressure, venous or diabetic foot-ulcers difficult-to-heal were recruited and treated with standard care, and EHO-85 (n = 35) or VariHesive (n = 34) as SH. Wound-area reduction (WAR; percentage) and healing rate (HR; mm2/day) were measured. EHO-85 showed a statistically significant superior effect over VariHesive. At the end of the follow-up period, the relative WAR decreased by 51.6% vs. 18.9% (p < 0.001), with a HR mean of 10.5 ± 5.7 vs. 1.0 ± 7.5 mm2/day (p = 0.036). EHO-85 superiority is probably based on its optimal ability to balance the ulcer bed, by modulating pH and oxidative stress. That complements the wetting and barrier functions, characteristics of conventional hydrogels. These results support the use of EHO-85 dressing, for treatment of hard-to-heal ulcers. Trial Registration AEMPS:PS/CR623/17/CE.This research was developed by QUESPER R&D, and partially funded by INNCORPO-RA-TU-2011-1886 subprogram (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain) and the programme for the Reinforcement of Research Activity in the Clinical Management Units of the Andalusian Health Service (Department of Health, Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain)

    Expression, purification and thermal stability evaluation of an engineered amaranth protein expressed in Escherichia coli

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    Background: The acidic subunit of amarantin (AAC)\u2014the predominant amaranth seed storage protein\u2014has functional potential and its third variable region (VR) has been modified with antihypertensive peptides to improve this potential. Here, we modified the C-terminal in the fourth VR of AAC by inserting four VY antihypertensive peptides. This modified protein (AACM.4) was expressed in Escherichia coli. In addition, we also recombinantly expressed other derivatives of the amarantin protein. These include: unmodified amarantin acidic subunit (AAC); amarantin acidic subunit modified at the third VR with four VY peptides (AACM.3); and amarantin acidic subunit doubly modified, in the third VR with four VY peptides and in the fourth VR with the RIPP peptide (AACM.3.4). Results: E. coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3)-RIL was the most favorable strain for the expression of proteins. After 6 h of induction, it showed the best recombinant protein titer. The AAC and AACM.4 were obtained at higher titers (0.56 g/L) while proteins modified in the third VR showed lower titers: 0.44 g/L and 0.33 g/L for AACM.3 and AACM.3.4, respectively. As these AAC variants were mostly expressed in an insoluble form, we applied a refolding protocol. This made it possible to obtain all proteins in soluble form. Modification of the VR 4 improves the thermal stability of amarantin acidic subunit; AAC manifested melting temperature (Tm) at 34\ub0C and AACM.4 at 37.2\ub0C. The AACM.3 and AACM.3.4 did not show transition curves. Conclusions: Modifications to the third VR affect the thermal stability of amarantin acidic subunit

    Superiority of a Novel Multifunctional Amorphous Hydrogel Containing Olea europaea Leaf Extract (EHO-85) for the Treatment of Skin Ulcers: A Randomized, Active-Controlled Clinical Trial

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    This 8-week, multicenter, randomized, active-controlled, observer-blinded clinical trial was designed to demonstrate the accelerating effect on wound healing of the novel Olea europaea leaf extract hydrogel (EHO-85) by comparing it to a widely used amorphous hydrogel. Results showed that EHO-85 significantly accelerated wound healing, regardless of ulcer etiology (pressure, venous leg or diabetic foot) and prognosis, doubling the median wound area reduction compared with a reference amorphous hydrogel (79.4% vs. 39.7%; difference: −39.7%, 95% CI: −71.1 to −21.3%; p < 0.001). The intention-to-treat analysis was conducted on 195 patients from 23 Spanish health centers/nursing homes. This novel treatment balances the ulcer microenvironment by modulating reactive oxygen species and pH. These actions complement the moistening and barrier functions inherent to amorphous hydrogels, whilst also conferring EHO-85 its documented granulation formation and pain relief properties. Furthermore, efficacy was achieved safely and in a cost-efficient manner due to its multi-dose format, which reduced the amount of product needed by 85.8% over 8 weeks compared to single-use hydrogel. The present randomized controlled trial is a relevant milestone in evidence-based practice for being the first to demonstrate (i) the effectiveness of an amorphous hydrogel in accelerating wound healing and (ii) the superiority of a specific hydrogel over another.This research was funded by QUESPER R&D (Córdoba, Spain) and partially by the programme for the Reinforcement of Research Activity in the Clinical Management Units of the Andalusian Health Service (Department of Health. Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain)

    Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia after Bariatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Management Experience from a Spanish Multicenter Registry

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    Background: Severe postprandial hypoglycemia after bariatric surgery is a rare but invalidating complication. Our aim was to describe the different tests performed for its diagnosis and their outcomes as well as the response to the prescribed pharmacological and surgical treatments. Methods: Multicenter, retrospective systematic review of cases with recurrent severe postprandial hypoglycemia. Results: Over 11 years of follow-up, 22 patients were identified. The test most used to provoke hypoglycemia was the oral glucose load test followed by the mixed meal test which was the least standardized test. With pharmacological treatment, 3 patients were symptom-free (with octreotide) and in 12 patients hypoglycemic episodes were attenuated. Seven patients had persistent hypoglycemic episodes and underwent surgery. Partial pancreatectomy was performed in 3 patients who had positive selective arterial calcium stimulation, and nesidioblastosis was confirmed in 2 patients. Reconversion to normal anatomy was performed in 3 patients, and 1 patient underwent a resection of the 'candy cane' roux limb, with resolution of hypoglycemia in all cases. Conclusions: There is high heterogeneity in the evaluation and treatment options for postoperative hypoglycemia. In patients that do not respond to pharmacological treatment, reconstruction of gastrojejunal continuity may be the safest and most successful procedure

    Impact of treatment and clinical characteristics on the survival of children with medulloblastoma in Mexico

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    IntroductionData on medulloblastoma outcomes and experiences in low- and middle-income countries, especially in Latin America, is limited. This study examines challenges in Mexico’s healthcare system, focusing on assessing outcomes for children with medulloblastoma in a tertiary care setting.MethodsA retrospective analysis was conducted, involving 284 patients treated at 21 pediatric oncology centers in Mexico.ResultsHigh-risk patients exhibited markedly lower event-free survival than standard-risk patients (43.5% vs. 78.3%, p&lt;0.001). Influential factors on survival included anaplastic subtype (HR 2.4, p=0.003), metastatic disease (HR 1.9, p=0.001); residual tumor &gt;1.5cmÂČ, and lower radiotherapy doses significantly impacted event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS). Platinum-based chemotherapy showed better results compared to the ICE protocol in terms of OS and EFS, which was associated with higher toxicity. Patients under 3 years old displayed notably lower OS and EFS compared to older children (36.1% vs. 55.9%, p=0.01)

    Risk factors associated with adverse fetal outcomes in pregnancies affected by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a secondary analysis of the WAPM study on COVID-19.

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    Objectives To evaluate the strength of association between maternal and pregnancy characteristics and the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with laboratory confirmed COVID-19. Methods Secondary analysis of a multinational, cohort study on all consecutive pregnant women with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 from February 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020 from 73 centers from 22 different countries. A confirmed case of COVID-19 was defined as a positive result on real-time reverse-transcriptase-polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay of nasal and pharyngeal swab specimens. The primary outcome was a composite adverse fetal outcome, defined as the presence of either abortion (pregnancy loss before 22 weeks of gestations), stillbirth (intrauterine fetal death after 22 weeks of gestation), neonatal death (death of a live-born infant within the first 28 days of life), and perinatal death (either stillbirth or neonatal death). Logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate parameters independently associated with the primary outcome. Logistic regression was reported as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Results Mean gestational age at diagnosis was 30.6+/-9.5 weeks, with 8.0% of women being diagnosed in the first, 22.2% in the second and 69.8% in the third trimester of pregnancy. There were six miscarriage (2.3%), six intrauterine device (IUD) (2.3) and 5 (2.0%) neonatal deaths, with an overall rate of perinatal death of 4.2% (11/265), thus resulting into 17 cases experiencing and 226 not experiencing composite adverse fetal outcome. Neither stillbirths nor neonatal deaths had congenital anomalies found at antenatal or postnatal evaluation. Furthermore, none of the cases experiencing IUD had signs of impending demise at arterial or venous Doppler. Neonatal deaths were all considered as prematurity-related adverse events. Of the 250 live-born neonates, one (0.4%) was found positive at RT-PCR pharyngeal swabs performed after delivery. The mother was tested positive during the third trimester of pregnancy. The newborn was asymptomatic and had negative RT-PCR test after 14 days of life. At logistic regression analysis, gestational age at diagnosis (OR: 0.85, 95% CI 0.8-0.9 per week increase; pPeer reviewe

    Diversity and ethics in trauma and acute care surgery teams: results from an international survey

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    Background Investigating the context of trauma and acute care surgery, the article aims at understanding the factors that can enhance some ethical aspects, namely the importance of patient consent, the perceptiveness of the ethical role of the trauma leader, and the perceived importance of ethics as an educational subject. Methods The article employs an international questionnaire promoted by the World Society of Emergency Surgery. Results Through the analysis of 402 fully filled questionnaires by surgeons from 72 different countries, the three main ethical topics are investigated through the lens of gender, membership of an academic or non-academic institution, an official trauma team, and a diverse group. In general terms, results highlight greater attention paid by surgeons belonging to academic institutions, official trauma teams, and diverse groups. Conclusions Our results underline that some organizational factors (e.g., the fact that the team belongs to a university context or is more diverse) might lead to the development of a higher sensibility on ethical matters. Embracing cultural diversity forces trauma teams to deal with different mindsets. Organizations should, therefore, consider those elements in defining their organizational procedures. Level of evidence Trauma and acute care teams work under tremendous pressure and complex circumstances, with their members needing to make ethical decisions quickly. The international survey allowed to shed light on how team assembly decisions might represent an opportunity to coordinate team member actions and increase performance

    Global Retinoblastoma Presentation and Analysis by National Income Level.

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    Importance: Early diagnosis of retinoblastoma, the most common intraocular cancer, can save both a child's life and vision. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that many children across the world are diagnosed late. To our knowledge, the clinical presentation of retinoblastoma has never been assessed on a global scale. Objectives: To report the retinoblastoma stage at diagnosis in patients across the world during a single year, to investigate associations between clinical variables and national income level, and to investigate risk factors for advanced disease at diagnosis. Design, Setting, and Participants: A total of 278 retinoblastoma treatment centers were recruited from June 2017 through December 2018 to participate in a cross-sectional analysis of treatment-naive patients with retinoblastoma who were diagnosed in 2017. Main Outcomes and Measures: Age at presentation, proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, and tumor stage and metastasis. Results: The cohort included 4351 new patients from 153 countries; the median age at diagnosis was 30.5 (interquartile range, 18.3-45.9) months, and 1976 patients (45.4%) were female. Most patients (n = 3685 [84.7%]) were from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Globally, the most common indication for referral was leukocoria (n = 2638 [62.8%]), followed by strabismus (n = 429 [10.2%]) and proptosis (n = 309 [7.4%]). Patients from high-income countries (HICs) were diagnosed at a median age of 14.1 months, with 656 of 666 (98.5%) patients having intraocular retinoblastoma and 2 (0.3%) having metastasis. Patients from low-income countries were diagnosed at a median age of 30.5 months, with 256 of 521 (49.1%) having extraocular retinoblastoma and 94 of 498 (18.9%) having metastasis. Lower national income level was associated with older presentation age, higher proportion of locally advanced disease and distant metastasis, and smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma. Advanced disease at diagnosis was more common in LMICs even after adjusting for age (odds ratio for low-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 17.92 [95% CI, 12.94-24.80], and for lower-middle-income countries vs upper-middle-income countries and HICs, 5.74 [95% CI, 4.30-7.68]). Conclusions and Relevance: This study is estimated to have included more than half of all new retinoblastoma cases worldwide in 2017. Children from LMICs, where the main global retinoblastoma burden lies, presented at an older age with more advanced disease and demonstrated a smaller proportion of familial history of retinoblastoma, likely because many do not reach a childbearing age. Given that retinoblastoma is curable, these data are concerning and mandate intervention at national and international levels. Further studies are needed to investigate factors, other than age at presentation, that may be associated with advanced disease in LMICs
