417 research outputs found

    Perceptions on construction-related factors that affect concrete quality, costs and production

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    Structured and unstructured factors affect concrete product. Structured factors are related to concrete production and unstructured factors are related to the construction process. This study focuses on examining the perceived importance of unstructured factors (i.e., construction-related factors) on concrete compressive strength, concrete costs and production rates on the jobsite and understanding the influence of construction experts’ characteristics, such as profession, on their perceptions. A comprehensive literature review was performed to identify unstructured factors. A survey was then designed and deployed to 297 experts from the construction industry and academia to examine the importance of the identified factors through the relative importance index (RII) method and to further identify additional unstructured factors. Likert aggregation and tests for equality of odds were used to compare and analyze responses of two groups of participants, namely architects and engineers. Curing humidity, crew experience and compaction method are the top three factors perceived to affect concrete compressive strength, whereas crew experience, mixing time and compaction method are the factors perceived to affect concrete costs and production rates the most. Crew experience, compaction method and mixing time dominate the global ranking of perceived affecting factors for concrete compressive strength, costs and production rates. Architects were found to be more likely to perceive high or very high impacts of these factors on concrete. The present study increases our understanding of construction-related factors to facilitate project management and preserve concrete characteristics

    TFEA.ChIP: A tool kit for transcription factor binding site enrichment analysis capitalizing on ChIP-seq datasets

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Bioinformatics Published by Oxford University PressThe identification of transcription factors (TFs) responsible for the co-regulation of specific sets of genes is a common problem in transcriptomics. Herein we describe TFEA.ChIP, a tool to estimate and visualize TF enrichment in gene lists representing transcriptional profiles. To generate the gene sets representing TF targets, we gathered ChIP-Seq experiments from the ENCODE Consortium and GEO datasets and used the correlation between Dnase Hypersensitive Sites across cell lines to generate a database linking TFs with the genes they interact with in each ChIP-Seq experiment. In its current state, TFEA.ChIP covers 327 different transcription factors from 1075 ChIP-Seq experiments, with over 150 cell types being represented. TFEA.ChIP accepts gene sets as well as sorted lists differentially expressed genes to compute enrichment scores for each of the datasets in its internal database using an Fisher's exact association test or a Gene Set Enrichment Analysis. We validated TFEA.ChIP using a wide variety of gene sets representing signatures of genetic and chemical perturbations as input and found that the relevant TF was correctly identified in 103 of a total of 144 analyzed datasets with a median area under the curve (AUC) of 0.86. In depth analysis of an RNAseq dataset, illustrates that the use of ChIP-Seq data instead of PWM-based provides key biological context to interpret the results of the analysis. To facilitate its integration into transcriptome analysis pipelines and allow easy expansion and customization of the TF-gene database, we implemented TFEA.ChIP as an R package that can be downloaded from Bioconductor: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/TFEA.ChIP.html and github: https://github.com/LauraPS1/TFEA-drafts In addition, make it available to a wide range of researches, we have also developed a web application that runs the package from the server side and enables easy exploratory analysis through interactive graphs: https://www.iib.uam.es/TFEA.ChIP/This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, MICINN) [SAF2014-53819-R to Ldel P, SAF2017-88771-R to L del P] by Fundacion Caja Madrid (Beca de Movilidad para Profesores de las Universidades Publicas de Madrid 2011-2012 to LPO

    Human Translational Research in Psoriasis Using CLA+ T Cells

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    Focusing on the study of human memory CLA+ T cells to understand psoriasis pathology constitutes an innovative approach to explore the pathological mechanism of this chronic cutaneous inflammatory disease. CLA+ T cells can be considered peripheral cell biomarkers in the study of T-cell mediated human skin diseases. During the last few years, new evidences have been found that link streptococcal infection with IL-17 response in psoriasis by studying the interaction between Streptococcus pyogenes with CLA+ T cells and autologous epidermal cells. S. pyogenes constitutes the best clinically characterized trigger of psoriasis and by exploring its effect on CLA+ T cells and epidermal cells in psoriasis may allow understanding psoriasis by using patient’s clinical samples ex vivo

    Procesos de aprendizaje del autocuidado en relación con la calidad de vida de los usuarios permanentes del multifuerza del gimnasio de la UMNG

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    Este ensayo caracteriza algunos procesos de aprendizaje que experimentan los usuarios permanentes del multifuerza del gimnasio de la UMNG en relación con su auto cuidado y calidad de vida. Describe las particularidades y los usos del multifuerza en la actualidad, enfocándose en algunos procesos de aprendizaje que evidenciaron los usuarios del gimnasio a través de unas encuestas y sondeos, entre los cuales encontramos: la autodisciplina del hábito del ejercicio, la sensación de bienestar e integridad, el incremento de la relajación, vitalidad, autoestima, fuerza de voluntad, el aumento de la concentración basada en la auto observación de las sensaciones kinestésicas y cinestésicas y el replanteamiento de las relaciones sociales en un ambiente de cooperación solidaridad y de competición consigo mismo

    Evolutionary dynamics of insertion sequences in relation to the evolutionary histories of the chromosome and symbiotic plasmid genes of Rhizobium etli populations

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    Insertion sequences (IS) are mobile genetic elements that are distributed in many prokaryotes. In particular, in the genomes of the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria collectively known as rhizobia, IS are fairly abundant in plasmids or chromosomal islands that carry the genes needed for symbiosis. Here, we report an analysis of the distribution and genetic conservation of the IS found in the genome of Rhizobium etli CFN42 in a collection of 87 Rhizobium strains belonging to populations with different geographical origins. We used PCR to generate presence/absence profiles of the 39 IS found in R. etli CFN42 and evaluated whether the IS were located in consistent genomic contexts. We found that the IS from the symbiotic plasmid were frequently present in the analyzed strains, whereas the chromosomal IS were observed less frequently. We then examined the evolutionary dynamics of these strains based on a population genetic analysis of two chromosomal housekeeping genes (glyA and dnaB) and three symbiotic sequences (nodC and the two IS elements). Our results indicate that the IS contained within the symbiotic plasmid have a higher degree of genomic context conservation, lower nucleotide diversity and genetic differentiation, and fewer recombination events than the chromosomal housekeeping genes. These results suggest that the R. etli populations diverged recently in Mexico, that the symbiotic plasmid also had a recent origin, and that the IS elements have undergone a process of cyclic infection and expansion

    Diversidad y estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos en el río Tumbes durante las épocas seca y húmeda (Tumbes-Perú)

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDetermina la variación de la diversidad y estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos en el río Tumbes durante las épocas seca (setiembre, 2014) y húmeda (febrero, 2015). Se establece ocho estaciones de muestreo a lo largo del río, de las cuales cinco estaciones están ubicadas fuera del Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape (experimentales) y tres estaciones dentro de ella (control). Asimismo, por cada estación de muestreo se obtienen cuatro réplicas, considerándose para ello los microhábitats presentes.Tesi

    El control de identidad para la ubicación de personas con orden de captura en el Distrito Judicial de Huánuco. 2016

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    The present investigation was as objective to determine the influence on the actions of police personnel in the execution of the operations of identity control with the inclusion of the purpose" location of persons with arrest warrant "of article 205 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Of applied type, descriptive-correlational level, non-experimental descriptive, transverse, correlational design. The population was made up of 110 police personnel and the sample conformed by the same population. As a result, the actions of police personnel have a positive influence on the execution of identity control operations with the inclusion of the purpose "location of persons with arrest warrants" in article 205 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, since 87% of The police officers believe that the actions are efficient, 11% believe that they are regularly efficient and 2% believe that they are deficient. This influence is based on the hypothesis test where in the resulting model is: Vd = 0.412Vi - 0.596; It is observed that there is a positive influence between the actions of police personnel and the inclusion of the purpose "location of persons with arrest warrants". Just as the ratio has a value of 0.844 and the coefficient of determination (R squared) is 0.713 (71.3%) indicates that the resulting model determines a high adjustment of police personnel and the inclusion of the purpose of "location of persons with capture order ", where the influence is 71.3%.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar de qué manera influye en el accionar del personal policial que ejecuta los operativos de control de identidad, la modificatoria del artículo 205º del Código Procesal Penal, con la inclusión del propósito “ubicación de personas con orden de captura”. De tipo aplicada, nivel descriptivo-correlacional, diseño no experimental descriptivo, transversal, correlacional. La población conformada por 110 efectivos policiales y la muestra conformada por la misma población. Como resultados se tiene que el accionar del personal policial tiene influencia positiva en la ejecución de operativos en control de identidad con la inclusión del propósito “ubicación de personas con orden de captura” del artículo 205º del Código Procesal Penal, puesto que el 87% de los efectivos policiales opinan que el accionar es eficiente, el 11% opina que es regularmente eficiente y el 2%, opina que es deficiente. Esta influencia se fundamenta con la prueba de hipótesis donde en el modelo resultante es: Vd = 0.412Vi - 0.596; se observa, que existe una influencia positiva entre el accionar del personal policial y la inclusión del propósito “ubicación de personas con orden de captura”. Del mismo modo como la relación tiene un valor de 0.844 y el coeficiente de determinación (R cuadrado) es de 0.713 (71.3%) indica que el modelo resultante determina un ajuste alto el accionar del personal policial y la inclusión del propósito “ubicación de personas con orden de captura”, donde la influencia es del 71.3%

    La Criminología Mediática y el Derecho Penal del Enemigo en la configuración del Robo Agravado en el Perú

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    Esta investigación se orienta por la tarea que conllevó a determinar si la influencia de la criminología mediática sobre la política pública constituye la instauración del derecho penal del enemigo en la configuración del robo agravado en el Perú; lo cual se desarrolló bajo los lineamientos metodológicos de la interpretación jurídica tanto exegética como así la sistemática jurídica. Tales elementos permitieron que se consolide una postura específica la cual indica que la influencia de la criminología mediática en la política pública promueve una estrategia basada en el sensacionalismo que genera una opinión pública de inseguridad ciudadana; lo que trae como consecuencia la intervención del derecho penal del enemigo que se vincula con la estrategia pública penal y genera la configuración del robo agravado en el Perú, incorporando sanciones desproporcionales. En tal sentido se alcanzó a sugerir la reconstrucción del tipo penal de robo agravado en lo referente a la determinación de las sanciones a imponer en razón del carácter gravoso de la acción delictiva, a fin de que no superen la determinación sancionadora del homicidio, lo que servirá de indicador dado que protege un derecho fundamental más trascendente como es la vida