987 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Factors Present During Labor Stress

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    Se define el estrés como un constructo interactivo, que constituye una reacción de la persona tanto en el ámbito fisiológico como psicológico, ante un estímulo configurado por la interacción de factores individuales, ambientales y sociales, y que conlleva a un proceso de adaptación o desequilibrio del organismo.A partir de esta definición, este estudio constituye una evaluación del estrés en la empresa, mediante la medición de cinco variables: a) Estrés Percibido; b) Percepción de Apoyo Social Familiar; c) Percepción de Apoyo Social de las Amistades; d) Nivel de Sintomatología y e) Nivel de Estrés generado por la Preocupación u Ocurrencia de Sucesos de Vida.Estas variables se estudian en una muestra de 107 trabajadores que presentan elevados índices de accidentalidad y que forman parte de una importante empresa minera del país.El análisis de los resultados fue realizado a través de un procedimiento descriptivo y correlacional. El primero de ellos orientado a determinar los niveles de estrés y sus variables asociadas en la muestra en estudio. El análisis correlacional tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de relación existente entre las variables evaluadas y como éstas se encuentran relacionadas con el nivel de estrés.Como principales conclusiones del estudio pueden establecerse; a) la calidad psicométrica de una batería de escalas sometidas a exhaustivo tratamiento estadístico, b) la presencia de niveles significativos de estrés y de sus variables asociadas en la muestra evaluada, lo que vincularía potencialmente la accidentabilidad y el estrés, y c) la presencia de correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre las variables evaluadas.Del análisis de variables se extraen factores claves a ser considerados como puntos de partida en futuros programas de intervención para el manejo del estrés en los trabajadores.Stress has been defined as an interactive construct. It constitutes the reaction of a person both at a physiological and psychological level, when confronting a stimulus configured by the interaction of individual, environmental and social factors, leading to an adaptation or an imbalance of the organism.Departing from this definition which globalizes the theoretical perspective on thematter, this study constitutes an analysis of stress mechanisms through the evaluation of five variables: a) perceived stress; b) perception of family social support; c) perception of friends’ social support; d) the level of stress generated by worries or life events.These variables were studied in a group of 107 workers presenting a high index of accidents, belonging to an important mining company of Chile.Analysis of results was done through descriptive and correlated procedures. Thefirst was oriented at determining stress levels and its associated variables in the sample studied. The correlational analysis has as its objective to determine the degree of existing relationship among the variables and how these are associated with stress.The main conclusions are: a) the quality of a battery of scales undergoing an exhaustive statistical analysis; b) the presence of significant levels of stress and the associated variables in the sample being evaluated and c) the presence of statistically significant correlations among the evaluated variables.From the analysis of variables, key factors are extracted to be considered as points of departure for future programs of intervention in stress management of workers

    Revisión del género Salvia L. (Lamiaceae) en el Mediterráneo Occidental: la sección Salvia

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    Se efectúa la revisión de la sect. Salvia en el Mediterráneo Occidental. Se delimitan los distintos táxones de la misma y se discute el valor de los caracteres morfológicos, en la separación de éstos. Se reconocen 3 especies, 10 subespecies y 4 variedades. Para cada taxon se indica el nombre correcto, sinonimias, descripción, tipo, número cromosómico, distribución, ecología, fitosociología y localidades estudiadas. Se proponen las siguientes nuevas combinaciones: S. lavandulifolia subsp. mesatlantica (Maire) Rosúa S Blanca, S. lavandulifolia subsp. amethystea (Emberger E Maire in Maire) Rosúa E Blanca, S. lavandulifolia subsp. maurorum (Ball) Rosúa & Blanca, S. lavandulifolia subsp. blancoana (Webb E Heldr.) Rosúa E Blanca, S. lavandulifolia subsp. blancoana var. aurasiaca (Maire) Rosúa E Blanca, S. lavandulifolia subsp. vellerea (Cuatr.) Rivas Goday E Rivas Martinez var. lagascana (Webb) Rosúa C Blanca.We have effect taxonomic review of the sect. Salvia from W Mediterranean region. The different taxa are delimited and we discuss the importance of the morphologic characters for the separation of these. 3 species, 10 subspecies and 4 varieties are recognized. For each taxon we show the correct name, synonyms, description, type, cromosomic number, distribution, ecology, fitosociology and the localities studies. We propose the new combinations wich are related in the Spanish summar

    Reducción de los salarios de los trabajadores con educación universitaria en México: ¿son los más jóvenes o los más viejos los más perjudicados?

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    A reduction in the wage premium for skilled labor –and a consistent reduction of overall wage inequality-has played an important role in explaining the fall of income inequality in Latin America during the 2000-2014 period. Consistent with that pattern, wage inequality declined in Mexico since 2000. This paper investigates the possible channels on why the wages of high-skilled workers have declined. Using data from Mexican labor surveys for the period between 2000 and 2014, we investigate if the decline was driven by wages declining more sharply for younger or older workers. We find that wages of older workers declined and the decline was more pronounced the older the cohort. This would seem to support the hypothesis that older workers’ skills became obsoleteUna reducción en la prima salarial del trabajo calificado -y una reducción constante de la desigualdad salarial global- ha jugado un papel importante en la explicación de la caída de la desigualdad del ingreso en América Latina durante el período 2000-2014. En consonancia con ese patrón, la desigualdad salarial disminuyó en México desde el año 2000. Este trabajo investiga las posibles causas de por qué los salarios de los trabajadores altamente cualificados han disminuido. Utilizando datos de encuestas sobre el trabajo de México para el periodo 2000- 2014, se investiga si la reducción se debió a una disminución de salarios más acusada para los trabajadores más jóvenes o más viejos. Nos encontramos con que los salarios de los trabajadores de edad se redujeron y el descenso fue más pronunciado cuanto mayor es la cohorte. Esto parece apoyar la hipótesis de que las cualificaciones de los trabajadores de más edad se volvieron obsoleta

    Neurobehavioral changes in people with post-stroke aphasia

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    At present, research on neurobehavioral disorders in people with post-stroke aphasia is scarce, especially in Spanish. The objective of this study is to design a new scale on neurobehavioral change, the Scale of Neurobehavioral Affectation in Aphasia (EANA, in Spanish) and to evaluate 14 people affected by chronic post-stroke aphasia (mean age: 51/ DT: 7.2) together with their main informants. At the same time, psychiatric (Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire), cognitive (Mini Mental State examination, Informer Test) and functional instruments (Stroke and Aphaisa Quality of Life Scale and Barthel Index) have been used to provide a multidimensional description of the affected persons. The results show statistically significant neurobehavioral changes in multiple domains. According to the EANA, those affected with post-stroke aphasia communicate with less frequently, show more introversion, shyness, dependence and apathy, behave in a more infantile manner ("makes me grimaces"), in addition to showing heightened anxiety and impulsivity. Finally, the informants report more aggressive acts, both verbal (insults) and physical (throwing objects, hitting both objects as persons), that did not occur before the stroke. According to the psychiatric instruments, many of the affected cope with anxiety, agitation and apathy, as well as mild depression. At a cognitive level, affected individuals show mild to moderate deficits, especially in working memory and temporal orientation. Functionally most individuals maintain a medium-high level of functional independence in daily activities. These findings support the inclusion of recommendations for the routine assessment and management of neurobehavioral changes to help optimize long-term recovery in people with stroke and aphasia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Medio de carga para máquinas de musculación

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    ES2617959 A1 (20.06.2017) ES2617959 B2 (03.11.2017) P201700130 (30.01.2017)Medio de carga del tipo de los utilizados en máquinas de musculación. El medio de carga incorpora dos guías curvas (1a, 1b) colocadas de forma simétrica y cuyas caras exteriores definen sendas pistas de rodadura (11a, 11b) sobre las que pueden desplazarse sendos rodillos (3a, 3b). Los ejes (4a, 4b) de dichos rodillos (3a, 3b) están unidos entre sí mediante un resorte de extensión (5). Dos tirantes (6a, 6b) unen los ejes (4a, 4b) de sendos rodillos (3a, 3b) con un cable de carga (8). La geometría de la curva definida por las pistas de rodadura (11a, 11b) es tal que la fuerza exterior aplicada sobre el cable de carga (8) es la misma independientemente de la posición en la que se encuentren los rodillos (3a, 3b).UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍ

    Efectos de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración

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    In this work, we have carrled out a stereological and ultrastructural study in order to verify the action of Pirenzepine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 1, 5 and 25 mg/kg/day Pirenzepine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Parietal cells in operated groups showed mitochondria with altered crests, a fine granular matrix and a large number of tubulo-vesicles. The comparative stereological analysis demonstrates a generalized decrease in the mitochondria, canaliculi and lisosomal volume density, and an increase in the tubulo-vesicle volume density. Changes detected in these cellular structures would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la pirenzepina sobre células parietales en regeneración, hemos realizado un estudio estereológico y ultraestructural. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de 1, 5 y 25 mg/kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente, las células parietales de los grupos operados presentaban mitocondrias con alteración de crestas y una matriz finamente granular, así como gran cantidad de tubulovesículas. El análisis estereológico comparativo entre grupos controles y de tratamiento muestra un descenso generalizado en la densidad de volumen mitocondrial, canalicular y lisosomal, y un aumento de la densidad de volumen tubulovesicular. Los cambios detectados en estas estructuras celulares provocarían un descenso en la producción de ClH

    Efectos de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración : Estudio estereológico

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    In this work, we have carried out a stereological and morphological study in order to verify the effects of Ranitidine on regenerating parietal cells. We have used a control group and operated or non-operated groups treated with 2, 10 and 50 mg/kglday Ranitidine. In operated groups an ulcer was provoked by cauterization with a metallic plate in the gastric fundus. Groups treated with high doses of Ranitidine showed an increase in the connective tissue of the gastrlc mucosa. The stereological study in treated groups shows a decrease in the parietal voiume density, and an increase in the cellular profile. Changes detected in the parietal volume density would originate a decrease in the production of CIHPara comprobar la acción de la ranitidina sobre células parietales en regeneración hemos realizado un estudio morfológico y estereológico. Para ello utilizamos grupos controles y de tratamiento con el fármaco a dosis de dos, 10 y 50 mg!kg/día, operados y no operados. En los grupos operados se realizó una úlcera por cauterización mediante una platina metálica a nivel de fundus gástrico. Morfológicamente los animales bajo la acción del fármaco ofrecieron un aumento del componente conectivo de la mucosa fúndica a las mayores dosis utilizadas. El estudio estereológico en los grupos de tratamiento muestra un descenso en la densidad de volumen de células parietales directamente proporcional a la dosis utilizada, este descenso va aparejado a un aumento del área celular. La disminución de la densidad de volumen de células parietales podría provocar un descenso en la producción de CIH, y, por tanto explicaría, en parte, la eficacia de este fármaco en el tratamiento de la úlcera gástrica en regeneración

    Determinants in the Underdiagnosis of COPD in Spain—CONOCEPOC Study

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    Respiratory symptoms; Spirometry; UnderdiagnosisSíntomas respiratorios; Espirometría; InfradiagnósticoSímptomes respiratoris; Espirometria; InfradiagnòsticFactors such as seeking medical attention for respiratory symptoms and health professionals ordering spirometry come into play in the underdiagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The objective of this study was to analyze seeking medical attention and the use of spirometry in individuals with chronic respiratory symptoms and to compare these results with those obtained in the 2005 and 2011 surveys. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional, observational, epidemiological study was conducted via phone interview in December 2020 in Spain, with a representative sample from 17 autonomous communities. The study design was identical to that of the studies carried out in 2005 and 2011 to evaluate the changes that have occurred in seeking medical attention and performing spirometry in Spain, as well as the variability between autonomous communities. Results: From 89,601 phone contacts, a total of 6534 respondents were obtained. A total of 24.8% reported having some chronic respiratory symptom, and 17.9% reported a respiratory disease. Only 51.6% of those who had some chronic respiratory symptom had seen their doctor, which was less likely among current smokers (OR: 0.599, 95% CI: 0.467–0.769, p < 0.001) and those living in a rural setting (OR: 0.797, 95% CI: 0.651–0.975, p = 0.027). A total of 68.7% of the individuals who saw a doctor reported having undergone spirometry, most frequently males (OR: 1.535, 95% CI: 2.074–1.136, p < 0.005), former smokers (OR: 1.696, 95% CI: 2.407–1.195, p < 0.003), and those seen by a pulmonologist (OR: 6.151, 95% CI: 8.869–4.265, p < 0.001). With respect to the 2005 survey, more frequent use of spirometry has been observed (42.6 vs. 68.7%), without any change in seeking medical attention for respiratory symptoms. There is a clear variability according to the autonomous community (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Many individuals with chronic respiratory symptoms do not seek medical attention and although the use of spirometry has increased in the past 15 years, it is still an important area that needs improving in the primary care setting, especially among women. Both of these factors can be determinants in the underdiagnosis of COPD and its variability between autonomous communities.This study has been promoted and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). We thank GlaxoSmithKline Spain for its financial support in carrying out the study; grant number 214465. The financing entities did not participate in the design of the study, data collection, analysis, publication, or preparation of this manuscript

    Smoking and COPD Knowledge in the General Spanish Population: A CONOCEPOC Study

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Knowledge; Tobacco useMalaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica; Coneixement; Consum de tabacEnfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica; Conocimiento; Consumo de tabacoBackground: The objective of this analysis is to evaluate tobacco use and the level of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) knowledge among the general adult population in Spain and to compare these results to those obtained in the 2011 survey. Methods: A cross-sectional, observational, epidemiological study was conducted by telephone interviews and stratified by sex, age, and setting. The study design was identical to that of the study conducted in 2011. Results: Of a total of 89,601 phone contacts, there were 6534 respondents. The average age was 61.5 years. With respect to smoking, 30.9% reported being former smokers and 14.7% were current smokers, 63.6% of whom reported having attempted to quit. Among the current smokers, 19.7% claimed to use electronic cigarettes, although 88% believe these pose a health risk. No significant differences were found in smoking prevalence or frequency of attempts to quit according to residential setting (rural/urban). The highest prevalence of current smoking in men was recorded in the 55–64 years age range (31.6%), while in women it was from 45 to 54 years (34.6%). Smoking has decreased with respect to 2011, from 21.1% to 16.1% in men and from 17.9% to 13.2% in women, with a clear variability according to region. Of the population surveyed, 32.5% had spontaneous knowledge about COPD, with significant geographic variability. The most frequent sources of information about the disease were social media and the Internet (39.6%), followed by the media (35.2%). Conclusions: The prevalence of tobacco use in adults has considerably decreased and there is greater knowledge about COPD in Spain, although there is significant variability according to region, which could explain the geographic variability in the prevalence of COPD. Strategies are needed to increase COPD education and awareness and to reinforce smoking prevention measures among women.This study has been promoted and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). We thank GlaxoSmithKline Spain for its financial support in carrying out the study (grant number 214465). The financing entities did not participate in the design of the study, data collection, analysis, publication, or preparation of this manuscript