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    Obra ressenyada: Laura ZANFRINI, Sociologia delle migrazioni. Bari: Laterza, 2004

    Argentinos y ecuatorianos en Barcelona y Milán : trayectorias, dimensión urbana y capital cultural

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    El presente artículo presenta una parte de las aportaciones de una tesis doctoral reciente sobre las trayectorias biográficas de inmigrantes argentinos y ecuatorianos en Barcelona (España) y Milán (Italia). Éstas están marcadas por la inserción de un determinado perfil de inmigrantes provistos de un no desdeñable volumen de capital cultural y social, en una ciudad que se encuentra inmersa en un proceso de transformación y el tránsito desde una economía de servicios a una economía industrial. El artículo pone énfasis en la dimensión urbana de la integración.This paper presents some of the findings of a doctoral thesis on biographical trajectories of Argentinean and Ecuadorian immigrants in Barcelona (Spain) and Milano (Italy). These trajectories are characterized by the insertion of a given profile of immigrants characterized by a high volume of cultural and social capital in a city which is immersed in a process of transformation and in the transit from a service economy to an industrial economy. The paper emphasizes precisely the urban dimensions of integration


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: G. PLEYERS, Alterglobalization, becoming actors in the global ag

    Environmental controls on the terrestrial water cycle in forested mountain ecosystems.

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    Water is a key resource to natural ecosystems and human societies alike, and the water cycle is fundamentally linked to the climate and the characteristics of catchments. However, the challenges posed by environmental change makes it imperative to understand how the water cycle is affected by biotic and abiotic factors, in particular, in areas that are crucial sources of water like forested headwater catchments. Therefore, this doctoral dissertation aims to advance the knowledge on the dynamics between climate, vegetation and landscape that determine the water balance of forested mountain ecosystems. This document presents five chapters, an introductory chapter, three standalone scientific manuscripts and a concluding chapter. The research follows the common theme of evaporation controls, going from long-term and large scales, to the study of daily variations and the forest stand scale, showing the critical importance of scale on studying the relationships between forests, climate and the water balance. The first manuscript tests the assumption of stability in reference catchments of classic US experimental catchments by investigating stability in long-term hydroclimatology records. Two methods are used: trend and break-point analyses, and a Budyko-based energy model to quantify the sensitivity of partitioning to changes in precipitation, potential evaporation and catchment properties. Several catchments presented instability in the partitioning of precipitation, yet most were hydrologically stable. Lower stability was linked to larger changes in the catchment characteristics, than to the changes in long-term precipitation and potential evaporation. This research is relevant to improve paired catchment studies and for understanding fundamental questions about the dynamics between long-term climate variables, climate controls, seasonality, and vegetation dynamics. The second investigation studies the precipitation partitioning controls in the central Appalachian mountain regions (US). The Budyko framework was applied to study the relative importance of overall climate regimes, partial correlation analysis and multivariate regressions were used to find the principal partitioning controls. Mean annual temperature and fraction of precipitation falling in the form of snow exerted a higher influence on partitioning than landscape controls (e.g. forest cover, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, slope). Moreover, the study found that partitioning controls are scale dependent and could differ between basins in the same climate region, especially in a complex, mountainous topography setting. The third investigation quantified the degree to which the sap velocities of two dominant broadleaved species (Acer saccharum L. (sugar maple) and Quercus velutina Lam. (black oak)) in the central Appalachian mountain region, responded to ambient and experimentally altered soil moisture conditions using a throughfall displacement experiment. Also, future climates under two emissions scenarios were used to predict hypothetical forest evapotranspiration rates. Sap velocity in maples was higher and had a more plastic response to vapor pressure deficit than sap velocity in oaks. Increased vapor pressure deficits could increase transpiration, and potentially reduce the water available to the heavily populated areas downstream. This dissertation highlights the importance of studying ecohydrological processes at different temporal and spatial scales, as they reveal the complexity of tree-soil-water-atmosphere relationships

    Diferentes enfoques para el estudio de algunas relaciones de inscripción y dualidad en el mundo de los poliedros regulares

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    En este trabajo presentamos diferentes enfoques para el estudio de las relaciones de inscripción y de dualidad en el mundo de los poliedros regulares, delimitados y experimentados con estudiantes de Magisterio, describimos los análisis del contenido realizados que nos llevan a un nuevo enfoque posible y mostramos cómo el estudio de relaciones de inscripción puede surgir, en el contexto de la actividad de clase, también con diferentes enfoques: “Construir o generar formas”, “Formas rígidas y formas que se deforman”, “Recopilar características de los poliedros regulares. Búsqueda de relaciones”

    Influencia de la psicología milliana en la teoría económica: problemática asociada al caso particular del comportamiento altruista

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    El altruismo es una experiencia y un tipo de comportamiento universales que han sido estudiados por los economistas. Sin embargo, los supuestos normalmente admitidos sobre los fundamentos psicológicos de la naturaleza humana por las doctrinas utilitaristas, como es el caso de la Economía, han causado diversos problemas que dificultan la formulación de una teoría general del altruismo. Esto se debe principalmente a que el altruismo utilitarista no es realmente altruismo. Explicamos la teoría psicológica que une las doctrinas utilitarias de James y John Stuart Mill, y mostramos cómo sus principales contenidos, y problemas teóricos en relación con el altruismo, aparecen nuevamente replicados en los modernos modelos neoclásicos, como el de Gary S. Becker, que explican el altruismo con un análisis formal más desarrollado. Proponemos la necesidad de actualizar la tradición utilitarista sobre el altruismo, considerando los actuales descubrimientos de la neurociencia cognitiva. Curiosamente, estos hallazgos conectan el funcionamiento del cerebro con los supuestos teóricos considerados por Adam Smith, y la tradición de la psicología de la simpatía

    Procedimiento para el análisis de muestras de aceite usado en la agroindustria

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    Ser una herramienta y guía de apoyo al procedimiento de cómo monitorear algunos equipos que actualmente se encuentran operando en la agroindustria, dejando entrever las ventajas que este procedimiento nos proporciona, tales como una mayor vida útil de los componentes que se analizan, monitoreo de las unidades, estado del lubricante y drástica reducción de costos e inventarios. Así mismo el conocimiento de cuales son los aparatos que se utilizan para este procedimiento y la forma correcta de utilizarlos

    Influencia de la psicología milliana en la teoría económica: problemática asociada al caso particular del comportamiento altruista

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    Altruism is an universal experience and kind of behavior that has been studied by economists. However, the assump-tions frequently accepted about psychological foundations of human nature in utilitarian doctrines, as it’s the case of Economics, have caused several problems that make difficult to formulate a general theory of altruism. That is main-ly because utilitarian altruism is not really altruism. We explain the psychological theory that link James & John S. Mill utilitarian doctrines, and show how it’s principal contents, and theoretical problems dealed with altruism, appear again replicated in modern neoclassical models, as Gary S. Becker’s, that explain altruism by means of more devel-oped formal analysis. We propose the need for updating utilitarian tradition on altruism, taking into account the cur-rent findings in cognitive neuroscience. Curiously, these findings connect brain running with the theoretical assump-tions considered by Adam Smith, and the psychology of sympathy tradition.El altruismo es una experiencia y un tipo de comportamiento universales que han sido estudiados por los economis-tas. Sin embargo, los supuestos normalmente admitidos sobre los fundamentos psicológicos de la naturaleza humana por las doctrinas utilitaristas, como es el caso de la Economía, han causado diversos problemas que dificultan la formulación de una teoría general del altruismo. Esto se debe principalmente a que el altruismo utilitarista no es realmente altruismo. Explicamos la teoría psicológica que une las doctrinas utilitarias de James y John Stuart Mill, y mostramos cómo sus principales contenidos, y problemas teóricos en relación con el altruismo, aparecen nuevamente replicados en los modernos modelos neoclásicos, como el de Gary S. Becker, que explican el altruismo con un análi-sis formal más desarrollado. Proponemos la necesidad de actualizar la tradición utilitarista sobre el altruismo, consi-derando los actuales descubrimientos de la neurociencia cognitiva. Curiosamente, estos hallazgos conectan el funcio-namiento del cerebro con los supuestos teóricos considerados por Adam Smith, y la tradición de la psicología de la simpatía

    Social capital in small-scale forestry: a local case study in Southern Sweden

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    Small-scale forestry builds upon interactions among local stakeholders. Forest management entails multiple social situations such as consultations or cooperative engagements between owners and forest professionals. Successful social endeavours rest on positive social capital as operationalised via trust. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews with forest owners, managers and other forestry stakeholders, this study explores how trust influences the social relationships in a local context of Southern Swedish forestry. Most strikingly, the analysis reveals large differences in owners' trust towards twomajor actors: the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and the forest owner association (FOA) Södra. Permanence of personnel, a client-based approach, and personal features of SFA's local forest officer lead to strong local anchoring and high trust towards SFA. Södra proved to be a trustful partner in the aftermath of calamities; however its industrial priorities seem to erode owners' trust. The empirical findings of this study demonstrate the importance of recognising personal relationships and the catalysing role of bonding social capital in order to understand the local forest management situations. Our results are useful for forestry organisations and policy-makers willing to comprehend the local context and implement best practices in small-scale forestr

    Translation-invariant generalized topologies induced by probabilistic norms

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    One considers probabilistic normed spaces as defined by Alsina,Schweizer and Sklar, but with non necessarily continuous triangle functions. Such spaces are endowed with a generalized topology that is Fréchet-separated, translation-invariant and countably generated by radial and circled 0-neighborhoods. Conversely, we show that such generalized topologies are probabilistically normable