11 research outputs found

    Chromophores in operative surgery: Current practice and rationalized development

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    BackgroundChromophore-containing molecules feature extensively in surgical practice, with synthetic dyes gaining popularity over endogenous optical adjuncts. New applications for chromophores in diagnostics and operative treatment exploit unique chemical structures suited for illuminating target tissues beyond the visual spectrum, ranging from ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (NIR). This review outlines the rationale for surgical chromophore application, the weaknesses and risks in each class of these compounds, and areas of foreseeable potential for employment of specialized contrast agents.MethodAn English-language literature search applied the following Boolean Search String: “dye OR Lake OR Stain OR chromophore” AND “toxORteratoORcarcino OR terato* OR carcino OR AllergORsurg OR surg OR clinic” using EMBASE, PUBMED, PUBMED central and OVIDSp, with back-referencing through Web of Knowledge™.ResultsBased on the primary literature, this study proposes a surgically relevant classification system of chromophores in current use, which facilitates risk/benefit consideration for the surgeon who employs them, and which facilitates clinically oriented development.ConclusionsThe next stage of development for optically active surgical adjuncts must address practical constraints whilst minimizing risks of adverse effects. Exploiting the technology's full potential also requires improvements in the usefulness of imagery equipment

    Employee fluctuation in JYSK s.r.o. Company

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    This Bachelor's Thesis focuses on challenges with employee fluctuation in JYSK s.r.o. company. It explains the following terms; fluctuation, employee satisfaction, employee motivation. It analyzes the cause, impact and solution of fluctuation, reasons of employee resignations and methods of satisfaction research. Included in the practical application section are secondary data analyses (fluctuation analysis, seniority analysis of resigning employees, entry surveys analysis) and primary data analysis acquired in employee satisfaction survey which was administered in form of in-person surveys and written surveys. Based on these analyses recommended solutions lowering fluctuation were suggested. The goal of this Bachelor's Thesis is application of these recommendations which will lower employee fluctuation in the company

    Employee fluctuation in JYSK s.r.o. Company

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    This Bachelor's Thesis focuses on challenges with employee fluctuation in JYSK s.r.o. company. It explains the following terms; fluctuation, employee satisfaction, employee motivation. It analyzes the cause, impact and solution of fluctuation, reasons of employee resignations and methods of satisfaction research. Included in the practical application section are secondary data analyses (fluctuation analysis, seniority analysis of resigning employees, entry surveys analysis) and primary data analysis acquired in employee satisfaction survey which was administered in form of in-person surveys and written surveys. Based on these analyses recommended solutions lowering fluctuation were suggested. The goal of this Bachelor's Thesis is application of these recommendations which will lower employee fluctuation in the company.Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problém fluktuace zaměstnanců ve společnosti JYSK s.r.o. Vysvětluje pojmy fluktuace, spokojenost zaměstnanců, motivace zaměstnanců. Uvádí příčiny, důsledky a řešení fluktuace, důvody odchodů zaměstnanců a metody průzkumu spokojenosti. Součástí praktické části jsou analýzy sekundárních dat (analýza fluktuace, analýza seniority odchozích zaměstnanců, analýza výstupních dotazníků) a analýza primárních dat získaných z průzkumu spokojenosti zaměstnanců prováděného formou osobních rozhovorů a dotazníkového šetření. Na základě těchto analýz byla navržena doporučení vedoucí ke snížení fluktuace. Cílem práce je navržení těchto doporučení vedoucích ke snížení fluktuace ve společnosti

    Selected forms of inappropriate behavior in organizations

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    Tématem diplomové práce je nevhodné chování v organizacích. Cílem práce je hlubší porozumění problematice prostřednictvím kvalitativního výzkumu a nalezení předpokladů pro další kvantitativní zkoumání. V úvodu jsou poskytnuty ucelené informace k tématu nevhodného chování v organizacích. Pozornost je věnována vymezení nevhodného chování, jeho průběhu, jednotlivým aktérům - pachateli a oběti, ale také obraně a řešení těchto problémových situací. Praktická část vychází z analýzy rozhovorů s oběťmi nevhodného chování a také z analýzy příběhů obětí. Výsledky zkoumání poukazují na konkrétní charakteristiky pachatele, charakteristiky oběti, projevy nevhodného chování, dopady nevhodného chování na oběť a způsoby řešení situace. U každé z výše uvedených kategorií jsou v praktické části shrnuty odlišnosti a podobnosti jednotlivých aspektů. Na základě zjištění byla provedena generalizace a stanoveny předpoklady, které se mohou stát základem pro další kvantitativní zkoumání.The topic of the thesis is inappropriate behavior in organizations. The aim of the thesis is a deeper understanding of the issue through qualitative research and finding assumptions for further quantitative research. The introduction is providing comprehensive information on the topic of inappropriate behavior in organizations. Attention is given to the definition of inappropriate behavior, its phases, actors - offender and victim, as well as possibilities of defending and resolving these problematic situations. The practical part is based on an analysis of interviews with victims of inappropriate behavior and also analyzes the stories of the victims. The findings point to the specific characteristics of the offender, the victim's characteristics, signs of inappropriate behavior, inappropriate behaviors impact on the victim and ways to deal with the situation. For each of the above categories are summarizes the differences and similarities of individual aspects. Generalizations were made based on the findings and assumptions that can become the basis for further quantitative research were set

    Changing and shielded magnetic fields suppress c-Fos expression in the navigation circuit: input from the magnetosensory system contributes to the internal representation of space in a subterranean rodent

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    The neural substrate subserving magnetoreception and magnetic orientation in mammals is largely unknown. Previous experiments have demonstrated that the processing of magnetic sensory information takes place in the superior colliculus. Here, the effects of magnetic field conditions on neuronal activity in the rodent navigation circuit were assessed by quantifying c-Fos expression. Ansell's mole-rats (Fukomys anselli), a mammalian model to study the mechanisms of magnetic compass orientation, were subjected to natural, periodically changing, and shielded magnetic fields while exploring an unfamiliar circular arena. In the undisturbed local geomagnetic field, the exploration of the novel environment and/or nesting behaviour induced c-Fos expression throughout the head direction system and the entorhinal–hippocampal spatial representation system. This induction was significantly suppressed by exposure to periodically changing and/or shielded magnetic fields; discrete decreases in c-Fos were seen in the dorsal tegmental nucleus, the anterodorsal and the laterodorsal thalamic nuclei, the postsubiculum, the retrosplenial and entorhinal cortices, and the hippocampus. Moreover, in inactive animals, magnetic field intensity manipulation suppressed c-Fos expression in the CA1 and CA3 fields of the hippocampus and the dorsal subiculum, but induced expression in the polymorph layer of the dentate gyrus. These findings suggest that key constituents of the rodent navigation circuit contain populations of neurons responsive to magnetic stimuli. Thus, magnetic information may be integrated with multimodal sensory and motor information into a common spatial representation of allocentric space within this circuit