147 research outputs found

    Puente Bulnes como lugar de memoria : tipos de apropiación y generación del memorial

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    En este artículo analizamos los procesos de apropiación característicos de un lugar de me-moria en Chile llamado Puente Bulnes. Este análisis se hace en función de una investigación etnográfica, en la cual realizamos observaciones participantes y entrevistas etnográficas en distintos días y momentos del día en el memorial. Consideramos como aspecto central la apropiación, siendo ésta necesaria para establecer el vínculo con el lugar de memoria y su consecuente mantención, apropiación que es específica a los sujetos que la protagonizan, a los significados que la sustentan, y a los usos que la despliegan.In this article we analyze the characteristic appropriation process of a memorial place in Chile called Puente Bulnes. This analysis is made in function of an ethnographic investiga-tion, in which participants observation and ethnographic interviews were made by us at different moments of different days in the memorial place. We consider appropriation as a central aspect, being it needed to establish the link with the memorial place and it subse-quence maintenance, appropriation which is specific to subjects that are responsible for it, of meanings that support it, and the uses that display it

    Problematizando la identidad de género desde la Investigación Feminista en una experiencia Drag King

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    En aquest treball presentem una experiència d'Investigació Feminista desenvolupada en el marc del curs Innovacions Metodològiques en Investigació Qualitativa, dictat en la carrera de Psicologia de la Universitat de Xile. La investigació va consistir en una autoetnografía d'una experiència Drag-King desenvolupada en tres espais públics de la ciutat de Santiago de Xile, i el nostre propòsit aquí és problematitzar l'articulació entre la metodologia utilitzada i la perspectiva epistemològica feminista. Partint d'un diàleg col·laboratiu s'analitzen alguns resultats d'aquesta investigació i les decisions metodològiques que es van anar adoptant durant el procés. L'eix d'anàlisi és la conformació d'una identitat ambigua que tensiona les normes socials i que permet la seva revisió crítica, produint al mateix temps una experiència física i emocional complexa que interpel·la no solament als que l'experimenten sinó també a les formes de donar compte de ella a través de determinades narratives.This paper presents an experience of Feminist Research developed within the course Methodological Innovations in Qualitative Research, taught in the career of Psychology at the University of Chile. The research consisted of a autoethnography of a Drag-King experience developed in three public places in the city of Santiago in Chile, and our purpose here is to discuss the joint between the methodology developed and the feminist epistemological perspective. Based on a collaborative dialogue we analyse some results of this research and the methodological decisions that were taken during the process. The focus of analysis is the creation of an ambiguous identity that stresses the social norms and allows its critical review, while producing at the same time a complex physical and emotional experience that challenges not only to the persons but also the ways of accounting that through specific narratives.En este trabajo presentamos una experiencia de Investigación Feminista desarrollada en el marco del curso Innovaciones Metodológicas en Investigación Cualitativa, dictado en la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad de Chile. La investigación consistió en una autoetnografía de una experiencia Drag-King desarrollada en tres espacios públicos de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, y nuestro propósito aquí es problematizar la articulación entre la metodología utilizada y la perspectiva epistemológica feminista. Partiendo de un dialogo colaborativo se analizan algunos resultados de esta investigación y las decisiones metodológicas que se fueron adoptando durante el proceso. El eje de análisis es la conformación de una identidad ambigua que tensiona las normas sociales y que permite su revisión crítica, produciendo al mismo tiempo una experiencia física y emocional compleja que interpela no solamente a quienes la experimentan sino también a las formas de dar cuenta de ella a través de determinadas narrativas

    Intravital placenta imaging reveals microcirculatory dynamics impact on sequestration and phagocytosis of Plasmodium-infected erythrocytes

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    Malaria in pregnancy is exquisitely aggressive, causing a range of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes prominently linked to Plasmodium-infected erythrocyte cytoadherence to fetal trophoblast. To elucidate the physiopathology of infected erythrocytes (IE) sequestration in the placenta we devised an experimental system for intravital placental examination of P. berghei-infected mice. BALB/c females were mated to C57Bl/6 CFP+ male mice and infected with GFP+ P. berghei IE, and at gestational day 18, placentas were exposed for time-lapse imaging acquisition under two-photon microscopy. Real-time images and quantitative measurements revealed that trophoblast conformational changes transiently restrain blood flow in the mouse placental labyrinth. The complex dynamics of placental microcirculation promotes IE accumulation in maternal blood spaces with low blood flow and allows the establishment of stable IE-trophoblast contacts. Further, we show that the fate of sequestered IE includes engulfment by both macrophagic and trophoblastic fetal-derived cells. These findings reinforce the current paradigm that IE interact with the trophoblast and provide definitive evidence on two novel pathogenesis mechanisms: (1) trophoblast layer controls placental microcirculation promoting IE sequestration; and (2) fetal-derived placental cells engulf sequestered IE

    Anthropogenic impact on a protected area, Rio Doce Park

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    This study aimed to assess the anthropogenic activities at Rio Doce Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from ethnopharmacological surveys in Timóteo and Marliéria, which are located around the park. Interviews were conducted with previously identified, key informants, 15 in Timóteo and 10 in Marliéria. Two respondents collected medicinal plants in the forest of the park (from a few trees) but kept the same vulnerability of the use of their barks. Among the 141 surveyed botanical terms, we identified 95 species of 44 different botanical families. On the basis of statistical analyses, the 12 most used species were selected by respondents considering their therapeutic purposes and also obtaining the purpose of the use and dosage, among others. The knowledge about the use of medicinal plants has been maintained through generations but away from the formal health system and a sustainable management plan to encourage the preservation of the park

    Ethnopharmacology in the Vicinity of the Botanical Garden of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil

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    This study aimed to collect ethnopharmacological data in communities in the vicinity of the Botanical Garden of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora regarding the use of medicinal plants, and to scientifically validate the information with the scientific literature, aiming to inform the future planting of a community medicinal garden. Data and botanical material were collected with the population and key informants. The collected material was identified and registered at the CESJ herbarium. The informant community identified 104 medicinal species, with 25 species highlighted for further analysis based on consensus by a subset of key informants. The use-value and agreement regarding the main use of each species were calculated, and the primary use was validated through scientific literature. From statistical analysis and pharmacological confirmations of the listed species, we found that Mentha spicata L., Vernonanthura phosphorica (Vell.) H.Rob., and Gossypium hirsutum L. were considered the most important species relative to use-value among the 25 listed species that could be used in the proposed community medicinal garden. Sixteen species were scientifically confirmed regarding agreement and main use. Among the plants with the highest agreement taking into account the main use index, only V. phosphorica showed no concordance between popular knowledge and academic science

    Escola, trabalho e perspectiva de futuro de jovens estudantes

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    This article addresses the relationship of young students with work and your future perspectives. It is noticed that the work is a reality among young people surveyed, involving remunerated activities or carried out by internships, as well as others systematic and everyday activities such as the care of siblings and housework. The work occupies a significant portion of the student's time out of school, so that this competes strongly to the studies, preventing young people fully live their student status. The submission to work earlier and increasingly in precarious conditions, in the current capitalist sociability, compromises not only the professional projects of these students, but especially strengthens your class condition, limiting increasingly its training possibilities, creation and human development.El artículo aborda la relación de los jóvenes estudiantes con el trabajo y sus perspectivas de futuro. Se percibe que el trabajo es una realidad entre los jóvenes investigados, involucrando actividades remuneradas o realizadas por medio de pasantías, además de otras actividades sistemáticas y cotidianas, como el cuidado de los hermanos y el trabajo doméstico. Fuera de la escuela, los estudiantes ocupam una parte significativa de su tiempo trabajando, así que éste compete fuertemente con los estudios, impidiendo que los jóvenes vivan su condición de estudiante plenamente. La sumisión precoz al trabajo y en condiciones cada vez más precarias, en la actual sociedad capitalista, causa perjuicio no sólo a los proyectos profesionales de los estudiantes, sino, sobre todo, refuerza su condición como clase, limitando cada vez más sus posibilidades de formación, creación y desarrollo humano.O artigo aborda a relação dos jovens estudantes com o trabalho e suas perspectivas de futuro. Percebe-se que o trabalho é uma realidade entre os jovens pesquisados, envolvendo atividades remuneradas ou realizadas por meio de estágios, além de outras atividades sistemáticas e cotidianas, como o cuidado dos irmãos e o trabalho doméstico. O trabalho ocupa parte significativa do tempo dos estudantes fora da escola, de tal modo que este concorre fortemente com os estudos, impedindo que os jovens vivam sua condição de estudante plenamente. A submissão precoce ao trabalho e em condições cada vez mais precárias, na atual sociabilidade capitalista, compromete não apenas os projetos profissionais dos estudantes, mas, sobretudo, reforça sua condição de classe, limitando, cada vez mais, suas possibilidades de formação, criação e desenvolvimento humano


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    Este texto é um ensaio que traz uma discussão de ideias a respeito dos diferentes pontos de vista com os quais podemos olhar para os arranjos que interpõem a vida. Ao apresentar as ideias de Fritjof Capra, em A Teia da Vida e de Edgar Morin, em Terra-Pátria, propomos um diálogo entre os autores, a partir de uma perspectiva relacional inerente ao conceito que tentamos redefinir: o escambo. Nosso intento é demonstrar a primazia dada à superespecialização, que mascara aspectos sistêmicos e complexos na compreensão da realidade e, assim, condiciona diferentes campos da cognição humana, tais como a ciência, a política, a filosofia, a arte, entre outros, a um acomodamento financista/monetarista que não se atenta para a importância das relações de troca entre as partes. Como resultado das trocas de ideias discutidas, propomos um novo significado para o conceito de escambo mediante a apresentação de uma composição musical.  Assim, procuramos demonstrar a possibilidade de cunhar um conceito e criar um trabalho orientado pela mescla de características artísticas e filosóficocientíficas

    Local ecological knowledge and its relationship with biodiversity conservation among two Quilombola groups living in the Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil

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    Information on the knowledge, uses, and abundance of natural resources in local communities can provide insight on conservation status and conservation strategies in these locations. The aim of this research was to evaluate the uses, knowledge and conservation status of plants in two Quilombolas (descendants of slaves of African origin) communities in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil, Sao Sebastiao da Boa Vista (SSBV) and Sao Bento (SB). We used a combination of ethnobotanical and ecological survey methods to ask: 1) What ethnobotanical knowledge do the communities hold? 2) What native species are most valuable to them? 3) What is the conservation status of the native species used? Thirteen local experts described the names and uses of 212 species in SSBV (105 native species) and 221 in SB (96 native species). Shannon Wiener diversity and Pielou's Equitability indices of ethnobotanical knowledge of species were very high (5.27/0.96 and 5.28/0.96, respectively). Species with the highest cultural significance and use-value indexes in SSBV were Dalbergia hortensis (26/2.14), Eremanthus erythropappus (6.88/1), and Tibouchina granulosa (6.02/1); while Piptadenia gonoacantha (3.32/1), Sparattosperma leucanthum (3.32/1) and Cecropia glaziovii (3.32/0.67) were the highest in SB. Thirty-three native species ranked in the highest conservation priority category at SSBV and 31 at SB. D. hortensis was noteworthy because of its extremely high cultural importance at SSBV, and its categorization as a conservation priority in both communities. This information can be used towards generating sustainable use and conservation plans that are appropriate for the local communities.Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ecologia of Universidade Federal de Juiz de ForaCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)University of Hawaii at ManoaUniv Fed Juiz de Fora, Dept Bot, Juiz De Fora, MG, BrazilUniv Hawaii Manoa, Dept Bot, Honolulu, HI 96822 USACtr Ensino Super Juiz de Fora, Dept Ciencias Biol, Juiz De Fora, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Fluminense, Dept Quim Organ, Niteroi, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Juiz de Fora, Dept Geog, Juiz De Fora, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Ambientais, Diadema, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Ambientais, Diadema, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Capacity building for local coastal managers: a participatory approach for Inte- grated Coastal and Marine Zones Management in Uruguay *

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    Summary In this paper we present a capacity building experience for local coastal managers in Uruguay which was designed to promote interactions between relevant institutions and stakeholders. The objective was to increase local stakeholders' knowledge of coastal zone problems and of the implications of adaptive, integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) for informed decision making. The course, which was offered to stakeholders at different levels of the governance network, was designed to increase the capacity of participants to understand the reality of Uruguay´s coastal zone, meet development challenges, evaluate the need for action to prevent or remedy these challenges, as well as to achieve changes in attitude which are necessary for sustainable communities. Through participating in the course, stakeholders gained the capacity to promote interactions between state interests, government and their own communities since they live in connection with the occupations and dynamism of the zone. ICZM training is the basis for natural resource protection and for improving the quality of life of coastal dwellers. Not only did technicians and local leaders receive training, a regional network of local knowledge and experience in comprehensive ICZM was also created, which has the potential to capitalize on the natural resources found in each area. In addition, the course generated continued commitment to coastal areas management and networking, and promoted new synergies. The link between local managers and academia which was created during this shared educational experience is of fundamental importance for advancing ICZM in Uruguay

    Polivictimización y agencia de niños y niñas migrantes en Chile desde una mirada interseccional

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    Desde una perspectiva crítica de los estudios de infancia y desde un enfoque interseccional, presentamos la articulación en las formas de violencias que cruzan niñas y niños migrantes en Chile y las prácticas de agencia que desarrollan a estos procesos de victimización. A partir de una metodología de carácter cualitativo se analizan distintas prácticas en relación a la violencia; un campo que resulta aún poco estudiado en este contexto. Planteamos cómo los/las niños/as migrantes enfrentan situaciones de violencia múltiple y específica en diversos espacios sociales -desde los más próximos hasta aquellos más institucionales-, en el cruce de ejes de diferenciación como son la edad, la procedencia nacional, el género y la posición socioeconómica, posibilitando efectos de subalternización. A la vez, rastreamos prácticas diversas de agencia de niños/as que rompen la configuración monolítica de un sujeto "víctima".From a critical perspective of childhood studies and from an intersectional approach, we present the articulation in the forms of violence that migrant children cross in Chile and the agency practices that develop these processes of victimization. Based on a qualitative methodology, different practices are analyzed in relation to violence, a field of research not sufficiently explored in this context. We propose how migrant children live situations of multiple and specific violence, in various social spaces - close and institutional spaces - at the intersection of axes of differentiation such as age, national origin, gender and the socioeconomic position, enabling effects of subalternization. At the same time, we trace diverse child agency practices that break the monolithic configuration of a "victim"