131 research outputs found

    A pre-feasibility study of a concentrating solar power system to offset electricity consumption at the Spier Estate

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    Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Spier Estate - a wine estate in the Western Cape Province of South Africa - is engaged in a transition towards operating according to the principles of sustainable development. Besides changes in social and other environmental aspects, the company has set itself the goal to be carbon neutral by 2017. To this end, Spier is considering the on-site generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. This study was initiated to explore the technical and economic feasibility of a concentrating solar power plant for this purpose on the estate. The investigation was carried out to identify the most appropriate solar thermal energy technology and the dimensions of a system that fulfils the carbon-offset requirements of the estate. In particular, potential to offset the annual electricity consumption of the currently 5 570 MWh needed at Spier, using a concentrating solar power (CSP) system, was investigated. Due to rising utility-provided electricity prices, and the expected initial higher cost of the generated power, it is assumed that implemented efficiency measures would lead to a reduction in demand of 50% by 2017. However, sufficient suitable land was identified to allow electricity production exceeding today’s demand. The outcome of this study is the recommendation of a linear Fresnel collector field without additional heat storage and a saturated steam Rankine cycle power block with evaporative wet cooling. This decision was based on the system’s minimal impact on the sensitive environment in combination with the highest potential for local development. A simulation model was written to evaluate the plant performance, dimension and cost. The analysis was based on a literature review of prototype system behaviour and system simulations. The direct normal irradiation (DNI) data that was used is based on calibrated satellite data. The result of the study is a levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) of R2.741 per kWh, which is cost competitive to the power provided by diesel generators, but more expensive than current and predicted near-future utility rates. The system contains a 1.8 ha aperture area and a 2.0 MWe power block. Operating the plant as a research facility would provide significant potential for LCOE reduction with R2.01 per kWh or less (favourable funding conditions would allow for LCOE of R1.49 per kWh) appearing feasible, which results in cost competitiveness in comparison a photovoltaic (PV) solution. Depending on tariff development, Eskom rates are predicted to reach a similar level between 2017, the time of commissioning, and the year 2025. The downside is that the plant would not solely serve the purpose of electricity offsetting for Spier, which may result in a reduced amount of electricity that may be generated. Further studies are proposed to refine the full potential of cost reduction by local development and manufacturing as well as external funding. This includes identification of suitable technology vendors for plant construction. An EIA is required to be triggered at an early stage to compensate for its long preparation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Spier wynlandgoed in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika is tans in ‘n oorgangsfase tot besigheids-praktyke gebaseer op volhoubare ontwikkeling. Afgesien van die sosiale en omgewingsaspekte het die groep hom ook ten doel gestel om koolstof neutraal te wees teen 2017. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, moet die maatskappy sy algehele elektrisiteitsverbruik vervang met hernubare bronne. Hierdie studie is dus geloods om die tegniese en ekonomiese uitvoerbaarheid van 'n gekonsentreerde sonkragstasie op die landgoed te ondersoek. Hierdie ondersoek is gedoen om die mees toepaslike sontermiese tegnologie en die grootte van 'n termiese sonkragstelsel te bepaal, wat aan die koolstof vereistes van die landgoed voldoen. Die potensiaal om die jaarlikse elektrisiteitsverbruik van 5 570 MWh met 'n gekonsentreerde elektriese sonkragstelsel te vervang, is ondersoek. Weens die toename in die elektrisiteitsprys en die verwagte hoërkoste van opgewekte elektrisiteit word aanvaar dat die implementering van voorgestelde doeltreffendheidsverbeteringe, sal lei tot 'n afname in die aanvraag na elektrisiteit van tot 50% teen die jaar 2017. Voldoende beskikbare grond is geïdentifiseer om genoeg elektrisiteit te produseer om die huidige vraag na elektrisiteit te oorskry. Die uitkoms van die studie is die aanbeveling van 'n lineêre Fresnel kollektorveld sonder addisionele warmte storing, asook 'n versadigde stoom Rankine sikluskragblok met ‘n nat-verdamping verkoelingstelsel. Die besluit is gebaseer op die stelsel se minimale impak op die omgewing, tesame met die hoogste potensiaal vir plaaslike ontwikkeling. 'n Simulasie is ontwikkel om die aanleg se werkverrigting, grootte en koste te evalueer. Die analise is gebaseer op 'n literatuuroorsig van 'n prototipe stelsel gedrag en stelsel-simulasies. Die direkte normale sonstralings data wat gebruik is, is gebaseer op gekalibreerde satelliet data. Die bevinding van die studie is 'n gebalanseerd koste van elektrisiteit van R2.74 per kWh, wat mededingend is met die koste van elektrisiteit wat deur diesel kragopwekkers verskaf word, maar is aansienlik duurder as die huidige en toekomstige voorspellings van Eskom-tariewe. Die stelsel bevat 'n 1.8 ha son kollektor oppervlakte en 'n 2.0 MWe krag-blok. Daarbenewens, sal die gebruik van die aanleg as 'n navorsingsfasiliteit die potensiaal hê om die gebalanseerd koste van elektrisiteit te verminder na R2.01 per kWh of minder (gunstig befondsing voorwaardes sal gebalanseerd koste van elektrisiteit van R1.49 per kWh tot gevolg hê), wat mededingend is met die koste van 'n fotovoltaïese alternatief. Daar word voorspel dat Eskom-tariewe dieselfde sal bly vanaf 2017, die jaar van inbedryfstelling van die aanleg, tot en met die jaar 2025. Die nadeel is dat die aanleg nie noodwendig uitsluitlik vir die opwek van elektrisiteit vir Spier gebruik sal word nie, en daarom kan dit lei tot 'n vermindering in die hoeveelheid elektrisiteit wat deur die aanleg opgewek word. Daar word voorgestel dat verdere studies onderneem word om die moontlikheid van koste-besparings vir die aanleg te ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van plaaslike ontwikkeling en vervaardiging, asook eksterne befondsing. Dit sluit die identifisering van geskikte tegnologie verskaffers vir die aanleg-kostruksie in. 'n Omgewingsimpakstudie, volgens die EIA regulasies, moet ook so gou as moontlik gedoen word aangesien dit n langsame proses is

    Impingement heat transfer with pressure recovery

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    A conventional impinging jet is effective at transferring a large heat flux. However a significant pressure loss is also experienced by the free jet of a jet impingement heat transfer device due to rapid expansion because it does not incorporate effective pressure recovery. A novel high-flux impingement heat transfer device, called the Tadpole, is developed to improve the heat transfer and pressure loss (performance) characteristics of the conventional impingement domain by incorporating pressure recovery with a diffuser. The Tadpole is scrutinized through an experimental comparison with a conventional jet impinging on the inner wall of a hemisphere under the turbulent flow regime. The Tadpole demonstrates promising capability by exceeding the performance characteristics of the impinging jet by up to 7.3% for the heat transfer coefficient while reducing the pressure loss by 13%. Multiple dimensional degrees of freedom in the Tadpole’s flow domain can be manipulated for an enhanced heat transfer coefficient, a reduced total pressure loss or a favourable combination of both metrics. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is developed, the Four-Equation Transition SST turbulence model demonstrates satisfactory experimental validation with a deviation of < 5% for the heat transfer coefficient and < 23% for the total pressure loss. The Tadpole is a promising heat transfer device for high-flux applications and is recommended for further work incorporating design improvements and multidimensional optimization.The Solar Thermal Energy Research Group (STERG) at Stellenbosch University.https://link.springer.com/journal/231hj2023Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    Thermal performance characteristics of a tessellated-impinging central receiver

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    Current central receiver Concentrating Solar Power plants using molten salt as a heat transfer fluid add heat at around 565 °C in a power plant. Adding heat at a higher temperature can improve the thermodynamic performance and may reduce the cost of power. One way to achieve this is by using pressurized air solar receivers. Current receivers have achieved thermal efficiencies of around 80% at an outlet temperature of 800 °C. This paper investigates a novel central receiver technology that makes use of a tessellated array of heat transfer units. The units employ impingement heat transfer within a concave surface. The receiver can be scaled for a desired thermal rating by the number of heat transfer units. The convolution-projection flux modelling approach is used to model and project an incoming flux distribution on the receiver’s surface. This flux distribution is interpreted by a Computational Fluid Dynamics model as a volumetric heat source. Radiative and convective heat losses are considered. An initial performance outlook estimates that an outlet temperature of 801 °C can be reached at a thermal efficiency of 59% and an exterior surface temperature of 1142 °C for an aperture flux of 635 kW/m2. A limitation is an insufficient exterior surface area to absorb the incoming flux which causes a high surface temperature and thermal losses. Similar thermal performance is estimated at high and low pressures, with increased pumping losses at low pressures. The efficiency may be improved by taking advantage of a larger surface area relative to the aperture area.An Erasmus+ mobility grant awarded by Alliance4Universities which made a collaboration at UC3M possible.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/atehj2023Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineerin

    Gaining insight into reactivity differences between malonic acid half thioester (MAHT) and malonic acid half oxyesters (MAHO)

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    An efficient two-step synthesis of structure- and function-diverse thiophenol- and (cyclo)alkyl-derived malonic acid half thioesters (MAHTs) and phenol-derived malonic acid half oxyesters (MAHOs) has been achieved using cheap, readily available and easily handled starting materials. Our syntheses of MAHTs and MAHOs, the majority of which have not been previously reported, is readily scalable affording gram quantities of product. In a hydrogen deuterium exchange, an interesting stereoelectronic effect was observed when different aryl groups were incorporated. Significant changes in the rates of hydrogen deuterium exchange and levels of isotope incorporation were observed. By way of example, using [2H]methanol and 4-bromophenol-derived MAHO afforded only 14% [2H]-incorporation (9 minutes, k = 31) whereas the corresponding 4-bromothiophenol-derived MAHT afforded 97% [2H]-incorporation (9 minutes, k = 208). In a benchmarked procedure and comprehensive DFT study 54 ester and thioester configurations and conformations where characterised. This established in the MAHT series a sulfur-containing molecular orbital provides a path for increased delocalisation of electron-density into the enol which is unavailable in MAHOs, which facilitates keto-enol tautomerisation and consequently enhances the rate and percentage of hydrogen deuterium exchange
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