483 research outputs found


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    This article analyzes the "Allocution to poetry" (1823) and "The agriculture of the torrid zone" (1826) by Andrés Bello under the notion of historical poem (LÓPEZ; PÉREZ ANZOLA; SAAVEDRA, 2021), hybrid modality of the poetic genre between history and fiction that works discursively with the same characteristics of the critical / deconstructionist historical novel (FLECK, 2017): offering alternative and / or questioning resignifications of the official historiographic discourse. The focus of the analysis is focused on describing the enunciative locus of the beautiful poet in correspondence with the historiographic versions about the historical beauty as a character linked to the process of the independence of America.En el presente artículo se analizan la “Alocución a la poesía” (1823) y “La agricultura de la zona tórrida” (1826) de Andrés Bello bajo la noción de poema histórico (LÓPEZ; PÉREZ ANZOLA; SAAVEDRA, 2021), modalidad híbrida del género poético entre historia y ficción que funciona discursivamente con las mismas características de la novela histórica crítica/deconstruccionista (FLECK, 2017): ofreciendo resignificaciones alternativas y/o cuestionadoras del discurso historiográfico oficial. El foco del análisis se centra en describir el locus enunciativo del Bello poeta en correspondencia con las versiones historiográficas sobre el Bello histórico como personaje vinculado al proceso de la independencia de América.   &nbsp

    Prediction error signaling explains neuronal mismatch responses in the medial prefrontal cortex

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    The mismatch negativity (MMN) is a key biomarker of automatic deviance detection thought to emerge from 2 cortical sources. First, the auditory cortex (AC) encodes spectral regularities and reports frequency-specific deviances. Then, more abstract representations in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) allow to detect contextual changes of potential behavioral relevance. However, the precise location and time asynchronies between neuronal correlates underlying this frontotemporal network remain unclear and elusive. Our study presented auditory oddball paradigms along with “no-repetition” controls to record mismatch responses in neuronal spiking activity and local field potentials at the rat medial PFC. Whereas mismatch responses in the auditory system are mainly induced by stimulus-dependent effects, we found that auditory responsiveness in the PFC was driven by unpredictability, yielding context-dependent, comparatively delayed, more robust and longer-lasting mismatch responses mostly comprised of prediction error signaling activity. This characteristically different composition discarded that mismatch responses in the PFC could be simply inherited or amplified downstream from the auditory system. Conversely, it is more plausible for the PFC to exert top-down influences on the AC, since the PFC exhibited flexible and potent predictive processing, capable of suppressing redundant input more efficiently than the AC. Remarkably, the time course of the mismatch responses we observed in the spiking activity and local field potentials of the AC and the PFC combined coincided with the time course of the large-scale MMN-like signals reported in the rat brain, thereby linking the microscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic levels of automatic deviance detectio

    Reparación del manguito rotador. Tratamiento quirúrgico. Caso clínico

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    Las lesiones del manguito rotador resultan muy frecuentes y causan un cambio total y repentino en los hábitos diarios de las personas que laspadecen, ya que muchos de ellos deben buscar otra profesión u oficio en el cual desempeñarse o simplemente cambiar su calidad de vida familiar o social. Se evaluó este caso: el paciente ha pasado por todos los estadios llegando a última alternativade tratamiento, permitiendo así ver el avance de la enfermedad, siendo este uno de los principales objetivos de esta investigación. El tratamiento quirúrgico en la enfermedad del manguito rotador es altamente efectivo, siempre y cuando el diagnóstico sea adecuado y no se confunda con otra patología de hombro.AbstractRotator cuff injuries are very common and cause a sudden, total change in daily habits of the people who suffer, since many of them should find another profession or trade in which function or simply change your quality of family life social. We evaluated this case the patient has gone through all the stages thus reaching the last treatment option, allowing to see the progress of the disease,which is one of the main objectives of this research. The surgical treatment of rotator cuff disease, is highly effective, provided the appropriate diagnosis and not confused with other shoulder pathology. KeyWords: Rotator cuff repair, surgical treatment, case repor

    Efecto del método Singapur en el desarrollo de competencias matemáticas para niños de 3º de básica primaria

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    Maestría en EducaciónThis research presents a detailed analysis of the effect of The Singapore Method in the development of Math skills in 3TH Grade students. In order to determine this impact, an instrument of study was designed, validated and applied. This instrument evaluated four Math skills established by Curricular Standards such as: formulation, processing and problem solving; communication, reasoning and formulation, comparison and practice of procedures. This study was applied to 98 students from two public schools in Barranquilla, Colombia. One of the schools was already familiar with the Singapore Method since it was the first school that started the pilot trial of such methodology in the city. The other school’s teaching and learning process is based on the teachers own methodologies and the institution’s benchmarks.El presente trabajo investigativo presenta de manera detallada cuál ha sido el efecto del Método Singapur en el desarrollo de las competencias matemáticas para niños de 3° Básico. Para determinar tal efecto, se diseñó, validó y aplicó un instrumento que evaluó cuatro de las competencias matemáticas establecidas por los Estándares Curriculares como lo son: Formulación, tratamiento y solución de problemas; Comunicación, Razonamiento y Formulación, comparación y ejercitación de procedimientos. Esta prueba, se aplicó a 98 estudiantes de dos Instituciones Educativas Distritales de la ciudad de Barranquilla. En una de ellas, se encuentran familiarizados, desde hace más de tres años, con la aplicación de la Metodología Singapur en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas, haciendo parte del grupo piloto con el que se inició el proyecto en la ciudad y otra en la cual trabajan con la metodología propia de sus maestros y de acuerdo a la filosofía institucional. Palabras claves: Competencias matemáticas, método Singapur, didácticas de las matemáticas

    Diseño y desarrollo de stand ecológicos para las ferias de Medellín

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    En el siguiente artículo se mencionan las bases teóricas fundamentales para el desarrollo del proyecto de grado titulado Diseño y desarrollo de stand ecológicos para las ferias de Medellín -- Los temas que se abordarán son: las ferias y los Stands en la ciudad de Medellín, tipos de Stand, disposición final y las necesidades del mercado, el ecodiseño y la implementación de la metodología Ihobe con el fin de diagnosticar y solucionar los problemas medioambientales del producto y por último la descripción y formalización del diseño fina

    Comparison of CuO oxidation, analytical pyrolysis and IR spectroscopy to study the lignin signature in soil humic acids

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    2 pages, 1 figure, 4 references.-- Póster presentado al citado congreso en la Sesión II: Soil (S) Nº 496.-- Book of Abstracts of the Communications presented to the 26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), held in Costa Adeje, Tenerife – Spain, September 15 – 20, 2013.One of the most common methodologies in the study of lignins in soils is alkaline CuO oxidation [1]. This method allows quantification of the released lignin-derived phenols, however, it is time-consuming and requires previous derivatization before GC. In order to compare the information on lignin composition provided by current routine techniques used on soil humic acids (HA), this research compares molecular assemblages obtained from 16 HA samples by using either CuO degradation, or analytical pyrolysis (Py), as well as a nondestructive technique such as infrared (IR) spectroscopy.Peer reviewe

    Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Psychological Flexibility among Geriatric Nurses: A Multicenter Study in Spain

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    Nurses working at nursing homes are one of the most vulnerable populations for suffering burnout and compassion fatigue. In Spain, the concept of compassion fatigue and psychological flexibility related to stress in geriatric nurses has not been fully explored until now. It is important to analyze their situation in order to design robust coping and management strategies. The aim was to analyze the relationship between burnout, compassion fatigue and psychological flexibility in geriatric nurses in Spain. Participants included 291 nurses from 97 centers in 51 cities across Spain. Psychological flexibility (AAQ-II), burnout (MBI) and compassion fatigue (ProQOL) were evaluated. Responses were recievced from 281 nurses (91% women), with an average of 7.6 years of work experience. The MBI results were average (26.71), and the ProQOL scores were average for compassion fatigue (40.2%) and high for compassion satisfaction (70.3%), whereas for AAQ-II, the mean score was 37.34 (SD 4.21). The correlation was significant and negative for flexibility, burnout and compassion fatigue, and positive for compassion satisfaction. The ANOVA indicated a significant association between all variables (p < 0.05). We can conclude that geriatric nurses suffer from medium levels of burnout and compassion fatigue, together with high levels of psychological flexibility, which appears to act as a stress reliever, supporting compassion satisfaction

    Formulation Strategies, Characterization, and In Vitro Evaluation of Lecithin-Based Nanoparticles for siRNA Delivery

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    The aim of the present work was to take advantage of lecithin's biocompatibility along with its physicochemical properties for the preparation of lecithin-based nanocarriers for small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery. Water lecithin dispersions were prepared in different conditions, loaded with siRNA at different N/P ratios, and evaluated for loading capacity. The most appropriate ones were then assayed for cytotoxicity and characterized in terms of particle size distribution, zeta potential, and morphology. Results demonstrated that formulations prepared at pH 5.0 and 7.0 were able to load siRNA at broad N/P ratios, and cellular uptake assays showed an efficient delivery of oligos in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells; fluorescent-labeled dsRNA mainly located next to its target, near the nucleus of the cells. No signs of toxicity were observed for broad compositions of lecithin. The physicochemical characterization of the siRNA-loaded dispersions exhibited particles of nanometric sizes and pH-dependant shapes, which make them suitable for ex vivo and in vivo further evaluation

    Perceptivas que posibilitan Los Cursos Virtuales en Moodle en Programas de Pregrado de la Universidad de Pamplona

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    El estudio se realizó con el propósito de evaluar las características perceptivas que posibilitan los cursos de formación Ciudadana y Cultura de la Paz y Educación Ambiental en el marco de las asignaturas virtuales (Moodle) en los programas de pregrado de la Universidad de Pamplona, Sede Villa del Rosario, Norte de Santander, Colombia, desde la perspectiva de la teoría de la Gestalt. La metodología se basó en la filosofía post positivista bajo un enfoque cualitativo, con método descriptivo y de corte transversal. Los informantes claves estuvieron representados por siete (7) estudiantes seleccionados aleatoriamente, matriculados para el periodo 2020-1. Se aplicó una encuesta con preguntas abiertas que buscaban recabar la mayor cantidad de información necesaria que sirviera de insumo para la validación de la estructura gestáltica de los diferentes cursos virtuales de la Universidad de Pamplona. La información recolectada se trabajó mediante las fases de la investigación en tres grandes momentos: observación, recolección de información y análisis e interpretación. El estudio permitió concluir que la aplicación de una fundamentación teórica como la de Gestalt, mejoraría significativamente la percepción del estudiante en los cursos virtuales, permitiendo contar con estándares audiovisuales idóneos y superar la carencia de habilidades en la ejecución de procesos académicos fundamentados en TIC, que dificultan el adecuado funcionamiento dentro de la ejecución de las actividades en asignaturas de tipo virtual