4,229 research outputs found

    Photolysis of frozen iodate salts as a source of active iodine in the polar environment

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    Reactive halogens play a key role in the oxidation capacity of the polar troposphere. However, sources and mechanisms, particularly those involving active iodine, are still poorly understood. In this paper, the photolysis of an atmospherically relevant frozen iodate salt has been experimentally studied using infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The samples were generated at low temperatures in the presence of different amounts of water. The IR spectra have confirmed that under near-UV/Vis radiation iodate is efficiently photolyzed. The integrated IR absorption coefficient of the iodate anion on the band at 750 cm¿1 has been measured to be A = 9.5 × 10¿17 cm molec¿1. Using this value, a lower limit of the integrated absorption cross section of iodate, in an ammonium frozen salt, has been estimated for the first time at wavelengths relevant for tropospheric studies (¿ = 1.1 × 10¿20 cm2 nm molec¿1 from 300 to 900 nm). According to this, we suggest that the photolysis of iodate in frozen salt can potentially provide a pathway for the release of active iodine to the polar atmosphere.Peer Reviewe

    On the extraction of cellulose nanowhiskers from food by-products and their comparative reinforcing effect on a polyhydroxybutyrate-co-valerate polymer

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    The present work reports on the characterization of cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) extracted from three different food by-products, i.e., wheat straw (WSCNW), Brewers spent grains (BGCNW) and olive pomace (OPCNW), by using an optimized hydrolysis method similar to that developed to extract bacterial cellulose nanowhiskers (BCNW). WSCNW and BGCNW were seen to present optimal properties, with aspect ratio, crystallinity and thermal stability values comparable to those of BCNW. Additionally, the optimized hydrolysis treatment led to extraction yields higher than those previously reported for food by-products. The CNW were subsequently incorporated into a commercial polyhydroxybutyrate-co-valerate polymer (PHBV) by solution casting, and the produced nanocomposites were characterized. Although the addition of BGCNW and WSCNW was advantageous in terms of mechanical performance in comparison with OPCNW, no significant enhancement of the pure PHBV mechanical properties was reported because of the low nanofiller loadings used and the inherent difficulty of achieving a high degree of dispersion by the casting method. Interestingly, BGCNW and WSCNW presented reduced moisture sensitivity as compared with BCNW, leading to greater barrier performance and resulting in oxygen permeability reductions up to 26 % with WSCNW and 44 % with BGCNW.Noelle Peutat, on leave from the University of Grenoble in France, is acknowledged for her great dedication and support in the experimental work. M. Martinez-Sanz would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for FPU Grant 1484. The authors acknowledge financial support from the EU FP7 ECOBIOCAP Project. The Electronic Microscopy Department in the SCIE from the University of Valencia is acknowledged for the support with SEM and TEM analyses. The Portuguese authors also acknowledge support from the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) through strategic project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013

    Evidence for the activity and paleoseismicity of the Padul fault (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain)

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    There is evidence of recent tectonic activity in the proximity of Padul, in the central sector of the Betic Cordillera. The principal active fault in this region is the Padul normal fault, running NW-SE, which displays spectacular geomorphological and structural features owing to its recent activity. However, there is no evidence of earthquakes of moderate-high magnitude occurring in this area during the historical or the instrumental period. In the vicinity of Padul we identified various soft-sediment deformation structures produced by liquefaction which we attributed to seismic shocks of a moderate-high magnitude. These structures are situated in detritic sediments, intercalated with layers of peat, which have enabled dating of these paleoearthquakes to the late Pleistocene (approx. 30,000 to 35,000 yr BP). Moreover, field observations in sediments of alluvial fans in the vicinity of the Padul fault, together with a retrodeformation analysis of an outcrop, enabled various deformation events to be dated to the recent Quaternary period

    High-Linearity Self-Biased CMOS Current Buffer

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    A highly linear fully self-biased class AB current buffer designed in a standard 0.18 mu m CMOS process with 1.8 V power supply is presented in this paper. It is a simple structure that, with a static power consumption of 48 mu W, features an input resistance as low as 89 Omega, high accuracy in the input-output current ratio and total harmonic distortion (THD) figures lower than -60 dB at 30 mu A amplitude signal and 1 kHz frequency. Robustness was proved through Monte Carlo and corner simulations, and finally validated through experimental measurements, showing that the proposed configuration is a suitable choice for high performance low voltage low power applications

    Macroalgae suspensions prepared by physical treatments: Effect of polysaccharide composition and microstructure on the rheological properties

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    The use of macroalgae in food products is growing due to their techno-functionality and nutritional properties. In this context, an increased understanding of the rheological properties which are relevant for manufacturing and texture is needed. Here we investigated the impact of thermal and mechanical treatments, including high pressure homogenisation (HPH), on the polysaccharide composition, microstructure, and rheological properties of brown algae Laminaria digitata suspensions (5 wt %). Monosaccharide analysis and immunolabeling of alginate in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy, revealed a sequential release of different polysaccharides as result of the applied shear. Results showed that thermal treatment (70 \ub0C 1 h) and mild shear lead to suspensions of clusters of cells and release of fucoidan and laminarin into the liquid phase, conferring shear thinning properties to the suspensions. High pressure homogenisation was able to completely break the macroalgae cells, reducing particle size and releasing other soluble polysaccharides, in particular alginate, conferring gel properties (G\u27>G\u27\u27) to the suspensions. This study contributes to the knowledge of how to design sustainable, innovative and nutritious liquid/semiliquid food products containing macroalgae biomass

    In vitro mutagenicity assessment of fried meat-based food from mass catering companies

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    The current article aimed to evaluate the in vitro mutagenicity of ten fried meat-based food extracts obtained from different catering companies from Navarra (Spain). A miniaturized 6-well version of the Ames test in Salmonella typhimurium TA98, and the in vitro micronucleus test (OECD TG 487) in TK6 cells were performed. None of the ten extracts of fried meat-based food induced gene mutations in S. typhimurium TA98 with or without metabolic activation, but five induced chromosomal aberrations after 24 h treatment of TK6 without metabolic activation. More studies are needed to check the biological relevance of these in vitro studies

    A Fundamental Theorem on the Structure of Symplectic Integrators

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    I show that the basic structure of symplectic integrators is governed by a theorem which states {\it precisely}, how symplectic integrators with positive coefficients cannot be corrected beyond second order. All previous known results can now be derived quantitatively from this theorem. The theorem provided sharp bounds on second-order error coefficients explicitly in terms of factorization coefficients. By saturating these bounds, one can derive fourth-order algorithms analytically with arbitrary numbers of operators.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Practices of deep-frying processes among food handlers in social food services in Navarra, Spain

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    Deep frying is one of the most used worldwide methods in food preparation, but controlling the oil quality (temperature and formation of polar compounds) is crucial. The main objective of this work was to assess the practices of food handlers with regard to the frying processes in social food services located in Navarra (a region of northern Spain). The study was performed in two phases: in the first one, a self-administrable questionnaire regarding the usual practices on food deep-frying processes was sent to the food services through the main social catering companies of Navarra participating in the study. In the second one, in situ monitoring of the frying practices was performed as verification tools of frying practices reported by food services and to check the oil quality. Almost half of the fryers exceeded the maximum recommended temperature to avoid the formation of toxic compounds (175 ◦C). Despite only one the fryers exceeded the maximum limit of polar compounds established by current Spanish regulation, the obtained values indicated that the oil had begun to degrade in 20% of the fryers. Oil temperature is an important factor that affects the quality of the oil. In addition, significant differences were found between the different frequencies of change or types of oils. We have noticed a lack of knowledge in relation to the risks associated to the bad management of frying oil. Therefore, it would be desirable to improve food handlers training in relation to this matter. Defining a periodic frequency of oil change according to its use and periodic controls of temperature and polar compounds (as part of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point system), could be adequate tools to improve management of frying oil in food services

    ¿Es realmente fiable la evaluación no individualizada en el trabajo cooperativo?

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    Se presentan y discuten los resultados de una experiencia de trabajo cooperativo empleando la plataforma BSCW en alumnos de la titulación de Maestro de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Barcelona, con el fin de detectar posibles sesgos de las coevaluaciones y las autoevaluaciones, y para valorar la incidencia que tienen los comportamientos disruptivos en el proceso cooperativo de evaluación. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado es honesto en las calificaciones que otorga, y que los comportamientos disruptivos detectados en los distintos grupos de trabajo cooperativo, causados por una baja ciudadanía de equipo, no tienen una incidencia significativa en las calificaciones otorgadas por el grupo clase. Por tanto, se legitiman las coevaluaciones y las autoevaluaciones como instrumentos fiables de evaluación en un contexto de trabajo cooperativo


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    L'origine et la construction des Cordillères Bétiques, en tant que partie des chaines alpines qui bordent la Méditerranée, garde un étroit rapport avec l'évolution géodynamique de toute la région méditerrané­enne occidentale. Pendant l'étape néoalpine eut lieu la subduction de l'Afrique vers le Nord et l'ouverture du bassin Algéro-Provençal, avec la création d'une croute océanique. L'effet combiné des deux facteurs origina un manque d'espace entre l'Ibérie et l'Afrique et en conséquence l'expulsion des Zones lnternes vers l'Ouest, ju­squ'à collision avec les marges passives d'Ibérie et d'Afrique (Zones Externes bétiques et rifaines, respective­ment). Cela se produisit essentiellement pendant l'Aquitanien? - Burdigalien et, bien qu'avec moins d'intensité, continua pendant le Miocène moyen jusqu'à suture du contact Zones Internes/Zones Externes. Immédiatement après cela d'importantes failles N60-90E et NO-SE s'originèrent. Pendant ce processus les directions de compression ont été ONO-ESE à NO-SE dans les Cordillères Bé­tiques tandis que, à partir du Miocène supérieur, la direction changea graduellement à NNO-SSE, donnant lieu alors aux bassins néogènes intramontagneux les plus importants. Le bassin d'Alboran, avec une croute continentale amincie, se forma camme le prolongement occidental de l'ouverture du bassin Algéro-Provençal et ses caractéristiques essentielles furent déjà établies au Burdigalien