3,151 research outputs found

    Revisão sistemática da literatura na Ciência da Informação: uma descrição detalhada dos passos metodológicos

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    Systematic literature review is a type of scientific investigation that follows rigid, transparent, and specific protocols to describe all the steps of search, identification, selection, data collection, analysis and description of a research. The article discusses some renowned organizations that perform systematic reviews, such as Cochrane and Campbell Collaboration, highlighting the dissemination of this method in different areas of knowledge. Systematic review is vital in consolidating theories and methods in Information Science, with an improving frequency of use of the method in IS publications according to indicators on the Information Science Database Portal. By means of a narrative bibliographic review on the systematic literature review we describe an exemplary process applied to Information Science, detailing its four phases (plan, execute, audit, report and publish), consisting of 27 activities. The method described in this article will facilitate the understanding of Information Science students and professors, collaborating to expand its use in their investigations.A revisão sistemática da literatura é uma modalidade de investigação científica que segue protocolos rígidos, transparentes e específicos com o intuito de explicitar todos os passos de busca, identificação, seleção, obtenção de dados, análise e descrição de uma pesquisa. São mencionadas, neste artigo, algumas organizações renomadas que executam revisões sistemáticas, como a Cochrane e a Campbell Collaboration, destacando a disseminação desse método para diversas áreas de conhecimento. Para a ciência da informação, a revisão sistemática é vital na consolidação de teorias e métodos, sendo detectada a melhora da frequência de uso do método em publicações na área, conforme indicadores no portal da base de dados em ciência da informação. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de realizar uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa sobre a revisão sistemática de literatura e descrever um processo exemplificativo aplicado à ciência da informação, detalhando suas quatro fases (planejar; executar; auditar; relatar e publicar), compostas por 27 atividades. Conclui-se que a abordagem do método descrito neste artigo facilitará a compreensão dos discentes e docentes da ciência da informação, colaborando para ampliar o uso da técnica em suas investigações

    An MLSA-based online scheme for the rapid identification of Stenotrophomonas isolates

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    An online scheme to assign Stenotrophomonas isolates to genomic groups was developed using the multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), which is based on the DNA sequencing of selected fragments of the housekeeping genes ATP synthase alpha subunit (atpA), the recombination repair protein (recA), the RNA polymerase alpha subunit (rpoA) and the excision repair beta subunit (uvrB). This MLSA-based scheme was validated using eight of the 10 Stenotrophomonas species that have been previously described. The environmental and nosocomial Stenotrophomonas strains were characterised using MLSA, 16S rRNA sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridisation (DDH) analyses. Strains of the same species were found to have greater than 95% concatenated sequence similarity and specific strains formed cohesive readily recognisable phylogenetic groups. Therefore, MLSA appeared to be an effective alternative methodology to amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprint and DDH techniques. Strains of Stenotrophomonas can be readily assigned through the open database resource that was developed in the current study (www.steno.lncc.br/)

    Performance of Hevea brasiliensis under drought conditions on osmoregulation and antioxidant activity through evaluation of vacuolar invertase and reducing sugars

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    Rubber tree cultivation is limited in many regions by abiotic factors such as drought. We investigated the biochemical mechanisms responsible for responses to, and recovery from, drought conditions during the establishment phase of four high latex producing rubber tree clones (RRIM600, IAC40, PR255 and GT1). Five-month-old plants were exposed to 32 days of water restriction, followed by 15 days of soil rehydration. Leaf area, as well as their osmolyte accumulations, saccharolytic enzyme activity, and oxidative stress markers, were accompanied. Although clones IAC40 and PR255 responded more precociously to drought conditions, halting leaf expansion before clones GT1 and RRIM600, they demonstrated slow recuperation after reestablishing irrigation. The greater tolerances of clones RRIM600 and GT1 to drought conditions were related to greater vacuolar invertase (VINV) activity in their leaves, which guaranteed more significant accumulations of vacuolar reducing sugars (RS). Similar to RS, glycine betaine accumulations were related to osmoprotection and to reducing oxidative damage (lipidic peroxidation) caused by water deficit conditions. The observed decreases in cytosol neutral invertase (AINV) and cell wall insoluble invertase (CWINV) activities, which resulted in cytosol hexose decreases, may be related to increases in antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase) activities in the leaves in response to water deficit conditions. As such, the introduction of specific sugars (RS) and the modulation of key carbon metabolism enzymes, such as VINV, are promising strategies for promoting drought tolerance in rubber tree clones

    Comparison of findings using ultrasonography and cystoscopy in urogenital schistosomiasis in a public health centre in rural Angola

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    Background. Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by infection with parasitic worms of the genus Schistosoma. In sub-Saharan Africa, infections with S. haematobium are most common. Cystoscopic examination (CE) has been accepted as the gold-standard test for detecting the late manifestations of schistosomiasis, including urothelial cancer of the bladder. However, this procedure is invasive and 10 - 40% of tumours may remain undetected. A non-invasive examination and a new generation of biomarkers are needed for better monitoring of the disease. Objective. To assess the usefulness of ultrasound (US) scans for monitoring of structural urinary tract disease by local public health services in areas of Angola in which urogenital schistosomiasis is endemic. Methods. A cohort of 80 S. haematobium-infected patients was selected in order to compare changes in the bladder wall detected by US with those observed on CE. Results. There was a notable correlation between the findings observed on CE and US. Patients with lesions of the bladder mucosa such as neoplasms, ulcers or granulomas detected by CE also had changes in bladder wall thickness on US. The results support increased use of portable ultrasound machines for non-invasive examination of the bladder by local general practitioners. Conclusion. US examination should be an integral part of the investigation of haematuria and used in all S. haematobium control programmes. General practitioners may find it useful for more accurate diagnosis of haematuria and to identify bladder wall alterations in both adults and children in schistosomiasis-endemic regions

    Single resistance training session leads to muscle damage without isometric strength decrease

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    Here we demonstrated that a single resistance exercise session causes muscle damage, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), higher creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, and increased IL-6 concentration without changes in muscle strength. Sixteen healthy untrained subjects performed five exercises consisting of three sets of 10 maximum repetitions for each exercise and 1 minute rest period between sets and exercises. Blood samples were taken after 30 minutes, 24, 48 and 72 hours and before exercise. Muscular performance was assessed by maximum isometric strength (MIS) before, 24h, 48h and 72h exercise session. We have concluded that the single resistance exercise session, performed on this study, led to muscle damage and this variable cannot be evaluated through maximal isometric strength. Among those markers, CK was more sensitive to muscle damage. This information might be important for adequate recovery between training sessions

    Modelling Bulk Density According to Structure Development: Toward an Indicator of Microstructure Development in Ferralsols.

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    Ferralsols have a ferralic horizon at some depth between 30 and 200 cm that results from long and intense weathering. Their clay fraction is usually mainly low-activity clay consisting of kaolinite with hematite, goethite and gibbsite in different proportions. Ferralsols show little or no horizonation, and their macrostructure is absent to moderate. On the other hand, they have typically a strong microstructure consisting of microaggregates < 1 mm in size. Because of the lack or small development of macrostructure, porosity of Ferralsols is closely related to the development of microstructure and the assemblage of elementary particles within the microaggregates with a small contribution of large pores resulting from root development and macrofaunal activity. Their physical properties are then closely related to the development of this microstructure. However, there is still no model in the literature that predicts changes of microstructure of these soils using easily accessible soil properties when land-use is modified. The objective of this work was to relate microstructure development to the bulk density (Db) in Ferralsols and then to make possible the use of Db as an indicator of microstructure development

    Teor de nutrientes foliares e produtividade de híbridos de eucalipto submetidos à irrigação localizada em Aquidauana – MS

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    A silvicultura apresenta forte papel no desenvolvimento econômico e social brasileiro e no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. O eucalipto é a cultura florestal mais bem cultivada, devido aos altos investimentos tecnológicos em sua produção, uso de pesquisa de ponta e consequentes aumentos na demanda dos produtos oriundos desta espécie. Porém, como qualquer vegetal exposto as mais variadas situações a campo, entre as mais comuns de se achar são a deficiência hídrica e nutricional, que desencadeiam comportamentos fisiológicos indesejáveis. Assim esse trabalho teve como objetivo relacionar a concentração de nutrientes foliares (nitrogênio, fósforo e boro) com o volume de madeira do eucalipto submetidos à dois sistemas de irrigação. O experimento foi realizado na área experimental de irrigação da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, em Aquidauana-MS. O delineamento experimental empregado foi em blocos casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas, utilizando quatro repetições. As parcelas foram compostas pelos tratamentos de irrigação (gotejamento e microaspersão) e área sem irrigação; e as subparcelas compostas pelos híbridos de eucalipto, apenas com adubação de plantio. Os maiores acúmulos de biomassa foram apresentados pelos tratamentos irrigados. O nitrogênio foliar não variou significativamente nos períodos avaliados, porém, obteve correlação positiva com o volume de madeira para o manejo sem irrigação. Os tratamentos irrigados proporcionaram maiores concentrações foliares de fósforo e volume de madeira. O boro foi o nutriente mais suscetível a variações foliares

    Coleta e caracterização morfológica de populações de porongo – Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl. - Cucurbitaceae

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    Fruits of Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl. were collected in the municipal district of Santa Maria and Jaguarí (RS) with the objective of characterizing some local races used by the producers. Three populations of L. siceraria were characterized and classified as casco-grosso caciquense, casco-fino caciquense and casco-grosso precoce. It was made a morphologic characterization based on descriptors of mature fruit, seeking to verify the existent genetic divergence among these local races. The data were submitted the grouping analysis, as dissimilarity measure was used the distance of Mahalanobis (D²) and the used grouping methods were the "Método do vizinho mais próximo" (Single Linkage Method) and the method of Tocher, these methods obtained the populations in two heterogeneous groups. The porongo populations collected in Santa Maria didn't show genetic divergence being placed in the same group and the population collected in Jaguarí it was placed in another group.Foram coletados frutos de Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl. nos municípios de Santa Maria e Jaguari (RS) com o objetivo de caracterizar algumas raças locais utilizadas pelos produtores. Três populações de L. siceraria foram caracterizadas e classificadas como casco-grosso caciquense, casco-fino caciquence e casco-grosso precoce. Foi feita uma caracterização morfológica baseada em descritores de fruto maduro, visando verificar a divergência genética existente entre estas raças locais. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de agrupamento, tendo como medida de dissimilaridade a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2) e os métodos de agrupamento utilizados foram o Método do vizinho mais próximo (Single Linkage Method) e o método de Tocher, estes métodos arranjaram as populações em dois grupos heterogêneos. As populações de porongo coletados em Santa Maria não mostram divergência genética sendo colocadas no mesmo grupo e a população coletada em Jaguari foi colocada em outro grupo