1,359 research outputs found

    Rusty the Mustang

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    La enseñanza de habilidades gimnásticas y acrobáticas en la etapa escolar

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cuál es la metodología de trabajo empleada por los docentes que abordan el contenido de habilidades gimnásticas y acrobáticas en sus clases de Educación Física en la Etapa Enseñanza Primaria y Secundaria. Para ello hemos utilizado el Cuestionario para el Análisis de la Enseñanza de Habilidades Gimnásticas y Acrobáticas (C.A.E.H.G.A), analizando una muestra de 91 sujetos. Tras diversos análisis descriptivos de todas las variables y análisis de independencia entre variables mediante las pruebas de Chi cuadrado de Pearson completada con análisis de residuos, las principales conclusiones han sido que para la enseñanza del contenido gimnástico y acrobático, la estrategia de enseñanza analítica es más empleada que la estrategia global, y que la importancia que el docente concede a las ayudas depende de la etapa y del contenido acrobático elegido, dando menor importancia a las ayudas en Enseñanza Primaria que en Secundaria y mayor importancia cuando el contenido trabajado es el acrosport

    Estudio del comportamiento de pinturas acrílicas sobre tablero contrachapado tras envejecimiento artificial

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    Entre los soportes más empleados en arte contemporáneo se encuentran los tableros derivados de la madera. Hasta el momento, las investigaciones para determinar la influencia de un soporte de tablero contrachapado en capas pictóricas acrílicas así como las condiciones óptimas para su conservación, resultan insuficientes o completamente ausentes. En la elaboración de estos tableros se utilizan adhesivos para darles consistencia pero la influencia de estos adhesivos en las capas pictóricas artísticas estará en función del tipo de tablero, del tipo de adhesivo empleado, de las condiciones ambientales y de las características de las capas pictóricas. Es evidente pues, la necesidad de modelos comparativos. Por todos estos motivos, el objetivo principal de esta investigación ha sido comprender la transformación que experimentan estos materiales durante su envejecimiento y las causas que pueden desestabilizar las obras, con el fin de adoptar las medidas necesarias para evitar un envejecimiento prematuro. Mediantela Espectroscopía Infrarroja por Transformada de Fourier FTIR se han analizado los cambios sufridos por modelos experimentales realizados con pinturas acrílicas imprimidas sobre tablero contrachapado trasser sometidos a ciclos de envejecimiento por choquetérmico (Cold-check test) y envejecimiento en condiciones de alta humedad

    Standing-stock Biomass and Diversity of Caulerpa (Chlorophyta) in Solong-on, Siquijor Island, Philippines

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    Caulerpa species growing on shallow to deep waters are considered to be both economically nuisance and important. Although invasive in the temperate regions, Caulerpa species mainly C. racemosa and C. lentillifera (lato) are harvested and consumed as food, especially in the Philippines. Caulerpa communities in Solong-on, Siquijor are one of the sources for export to neighbouring municipalities. This study aimed to determine the present standing stock biomass, percent cover and diversity of Caulerpa in Solong-on, as well as to determine the environmental parameters that may affect its abundance and diversity. The results showed a total of eight species of Caulerpa were identified in the shallow Caulerpa community in Solong-on, Siquijor. The highest standing stock biomass was obtained by C. cupressoides with mean biomass of 26.16±2.44 (SE) g dry wt m-2, whereas C. microphysa has the least standing stock biomass with an average mean of 9.16±0.26 g dry wt m-2. In general, the total standing stock biomass for all species obtained throughout the sampling period was 132.57±2.06 g dry wt m-2. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') ranged from 1.7-2 suggesting a relatively diverse Caulerpa community. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that temperature and type of substrate were the main drivers of Caulerpa biomass

    High-Resolution Analysis of Cytosine Methylation in Ancient DNA

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    Epigenetic changes to gene expression can result in heritable phenotypic characteristics that are not encoded in the DNA itself, but rather by biochemical modifications to the DNA or associated chromatin proteins. Interposed between genes and environment, these epigenetic modifications can be influenced by environmental factors to affect phenotype for multiple generations. This raises the possibility that epigenetic states provide a substrate for natural selection, with the potential to participate in the rapid adaptation of species to changes in environment. Any direct test of this hypothesis would require the ability to measure epigenetic states over evolutionary timescales. Here we describe the first single-base resolution of cytosine methylation patterns in an ancient mammalian genome, by bisulphite allelic sequencing of loci from late Pleistocene Bison priscus remains. Retrotransposons and the differentially methylated regions of imprinted loci displayed methylation patterns identical to those derived from fresh bovine tissue, indicating that methylation patterns are preserved in the ancient DNA. Our findings establish the biochemical stability of methylated cytosines over extensive time frames, and provide the first direct evidence that cytosine methylation patterns are retained in DNA from ancient specimens. The ability to resolve cytosine methylation in ancient DNA provides a powerful means to study the role of epigenetics in evolution

    Muerte de un lince ibérico. Establecimiento de la causa y la autoría

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    Las ciencias forenses se aplican desde hace poco tiempo como herramientas en las investigaciones de delitos contra el medio ambiente. En este trabajo se expone un caso pionero en cuanto a la utilización de estas técnicas en un caso de un delit o contra la fauna silvestre. La investigación se inicia tras la apari ción de un lince ibérico muerto en el interior de una finca, donde se encontraron también varios pollos supuestamente utilizados como cebos envenenados y otro cadáver, el de un zorro. El lince ib érico es uno de los mamíferos más amenazados del planeta. Se llevaron a cabo distintos análisis a partir de la necropsia de los cadáveres en el Centro de Análisis y Diagnóstico de la Fauna Silvestre (CAD), el laboratorio de referencia para la fauna silvestre pertene ciente a la Junta de Andalucía. Los resultados fuer on concluyentes, ambas muertes se produjeron como consecuencia de la ingestión de cebos envenenados con un plaguicida extremadamente tóxico, el aldicarb. También se encontró esta sustancia en los pollos recogidos en el interior de la finca. Con el fin de e stablecer la culpabilidad de los propietarios de la finca, que negaron tener nada que ver con las muertes y la colocación de los cebos, se utilizó una herramienta novedosa en este tipo de investigaciones, la genética forens e. En base a los resultados se co nsiguió establecer una relación de parentesco entre los pollos utilizados como cebos envenenados y los pollos propiedad reconocida de los sospechosos, que permitió demostrar que todos tenían el mismo origen. Gracias al trabajo conjunto y coordinado durante toda la investigación y el informe pericial elaborado por el laboratorio del CAD, la Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Organización del Territorio de la Junta de Andalucía consiguió una sentencia ejemplar contra los envenenador es.The application of forensic science as a research tool to resolve crimes against the environment is relatively rec ent. To our knowledge this is the first instance in which the forensic genetic have been used as a definitive evidence to find out guilty in crimes against the wildlife. Our research starts when an Iberian lynx was found dead into a farm; very close to sev eral chickens used as poisoned baits and a fox carcass. Iberian lynx is one of the most endangered mammals in the planet. A comprehensive investigation from the carcasses was performed in the Analysis and Diagnostic Center for Wildlife in Andalucia (CAD), the reference laboratory for wildlife of the Andalusian Government (Spain). The results determined that the deaths occurred as a result of ingestion o f baits poisoned with an extremely toxic pesticide, aldicarb. This substance was also found in chickens ga thered inside the farm. In order to establish the guilt of the owners of the farm, who refused to be related to the deaths and the placement of the b aits, an innovative tool was used in this kind of research, the forensic genetic. Based on the results we got, we established a relationship between the chickens used as poisoned baits and the chickens from the farmer, all of them had the same origin. Thanks to the coordinated actuation during the complete investigation and the official report by the CAD labor atory used in the trial, the Ministry of Environmental and Territorial Organization got an exemplary sentence against the poisoners

    Did COVID-19 policies have the same effect on covid-19 incidence among women and men? Evidence from Spain and Switzerland

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    Objective: This study aimed to investigate how COVID-19 prevention policies influenced the COVID-19 incidence in men and women. Methods: We conducted a retrospective longitudinal study using the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and the Spanish Ministry of Health surveillance data for February 2020-June 2021 to explore sex and age differences in COVID-19 cases and testing. The female-male incidence rate ratios (IRR) were estimated for each week of the pandemic. We complemented our analysis with qualitative information on relevant containment measures in each country. Results: In Switzerland and in Spain, there was an excess of cases in women of 20-59 years old and 80+. This excess of cases was significant during the waves of the pandemic in both countries. In Switzerland, the biggest difference was observed for the age group 20-29, reaching an excess of 94% of cases compared to men during the first wave of COVID-19 (March-May 2020). The excess of cases in women was greater in Spain than in Switzerland, where it reached 159% for women aged 20-29 during the first wave (March-June 2020). In both countries, the age groups 60-79 had a significant excess of cases in men during the pandemic. Conclusion: COVID-19 public health policies affect men and women in different ways. Our findings highlight the importance of gender-sensitive responses to address a public health crisis
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