1,223 research outputs found

    The optics of dispossession: urban precarity as political art

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    How are conditions of urban dispossession sustained and perpetuated by the way peoples on the margins of the world economy are imagined and brought to public visibility? With a focus on the works of European artists, this article explores the image-making projects whereby ghettos, shanty communities and favelas are represented as iconic lifeworlds of the poor. Competing representations of urban poverty are manufactured for public attention by aesthetic, symbolic and affective means, ranging from a romance of despair or humanitarian compassion to a nostalgic longing for premodern signs of a deprived but simpler life. In contrast to the racialised human form, which is central to iconographies of the North American Black ghetto, the shanty-town inhabitants and city builders of the Global South are typically rendered visually absent: a tropology of people’s disempowerment and dispossession. Although often encoded by a critique of intensifying inequalities, the globalised traffic in urban poverty-art relies on an image-making process that is grounded in a detachment from social life. The representations of urban dispossession tend to produce a repertoire of free-floating emblems and signs that can be variously deployed, assembled, appropriated and discarded. Such visual templates are globally consumed as works of art that can alter urban imaginaries, encourage tourism and local economic development as much as neoliberal subjectification. After analysing a range of such artistic endeavours, this article concludes by focusing attention on how an image-maker’s commitment to humanising optics of urban dispossession can transform non-representational art to become a practice of truth

    Fisheries local action groups, small-scale fisheries and territorial development

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Sociologia Ruralis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Society for Rural Sociology. In comparison to the wealth of critical evaluation of LEADER (i.e., Liaison entre actions de d\ue9veloppement de l\u27\ue9conomie rurale), there has been no consolidated attempt to reflect on the contribution of Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs), now entering their third EU programming period. Set up in the image of LEADER, and a novel governance instrument within the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), FLAGs aim to activate local responses that build resilience and adaptability within the fisheries sector and wider communities. In addition to introducing the accompanying articles that make up this special issue of Sociologia Ruralis, our article gives an account of the emergence of community-led local development (CLLD) in fisheries and the attributes that have characterised the application of the LEADER approach within a fisheries-territorial development context. In many cases, FLAGs have led to improved relationships between the small-scale fishing sector and wider local social and economic networks, helping the sector reimagine its role within local economies. Yet outcomes vary as the FLAG approach has been applied across different cultural and institutional settings. There are indications that the system is becoming enveloped by wider priorities of coastal development and blue growth. Yet FLAGs may well provide a successful test case for widening participation in the CFP and upscaling integration of the fishing industry within local and regional economies. For CLLD in general, they are a reminder of the value of a differentiated CLLD approach tailored to different sectoral-territorial contexts

    Impact of Anesthesia Type on Outcomes of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (from the Multicenter ADVANCE Study).

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    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has become the standard of care for many patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis who are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality during surgical aortic valve replacement. However, there is still no general consensus regarding the use of general anesthesia (GA) versus local anesthesia with sedation (non-GA) during the TAVI procedure. Using propensity score-matching analysis, we analyzed the characteristics and outcomes of patients who underwent TAVI with either GA (n = 245) or non-GA (n = 245) in the fully monitored, international, CoreValve ADVANCE Study. No statistically significant differences existed between the non-GA and GA groups in all-cause mortality (25.4% vs 23.9%, p = 0.78), cardiovascular mortality (16.4% vs 16.6%, p = 0.92), or stroke (5.2% vs 6.9%, p = 0.57) through 2-year follow-up. Major vascular complications were more common in the non-GA group. Total hospital stay was similar between the 2 groups. Conversion from non-GA to GA occurred in 13 patients (5.3%) because of procedural complications in 9 patients and discomfort or restlessness in 4 patients. Most procedural complications were related to valve positioning or vascular issues. Two of the 13 converted patients died during the procedure. Both GA and non-GA are widely used in real-world TAVI practice, and the decision appears to be guided by only a few patient-related factors and dominated by local and national practice. The outcomes of both anesthesia modes are equally good. When conversion from non-GA did occur, the complication requiring GA affected outcomes

    Способ обработки крупногабаритных деталей

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    В данной статье приведены результаты исследования проблем обработки крупногабаритных деталей в условиях машиностроительных заводов Республики Казахстан. Исследования показали, что при обработке крупногабаритных деталей из труднообрабатываемых материалов возникают осевые и поперечные колебания, которые отрицательно сказываются на точности обработки и на стойкости режущего инструмента. Кроме этого существует проблема обработки крупногабаритных деталей с функционально связанными поверхностями. Для решения данных проблем предлагаются комбинированные способы обработки.This article presents the results of a study of the state of the problem of processing largesized parts in the conditions of machine-building plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK). Studies have shown that when machining large parts from hard-to-digest materials, axial and lateral vibrations arise, which adversely affect machining accuracy and the resistance of the cutting tool. In addition, there is the problem of processing large parts with functionally connected surfaces. To solve these problems, combined treatment methods are proposed

    Технико-экономические и экологические аспекты утилизация шламов, содержащих соединения цинка

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    По причине токсичности перед сбросом в водоемы ионы цинка выделяются из сточных вод в виде твердых соединений, которые осаждаются в виде шлама в прудах-накопителях. Приведены данные по количественному и качественному составам шлама в накопителеотстойнике предприятия по производству вискозного волокна. Отмечено, что такой накопитель в г. Красноярске является техногенным образованием содержащем ценное сырье - цинк. Поэтому необходима разработка и внедрение технологий переработки и утилизации цинксодержащих шламов различных производств.Zinc ions are toxic and they are isolated from sewage in the form of solid compounds before discharge into water bodies. Precipitation occurs in the form of slime in storage ponds. Data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the sludge in the reservoir-settler of an enterprise for the production of viscose fiber are given. It is noted that such a storage facility in Krasnoyarsk is a technogenic for mation containing valuable raw materials - zinc. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement technologies for processing and utilization of zinc-containing slurries of various industries

    Exercise training reveals inflexibility of the diaphragm in an animal model of patients with obesity-driven heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction

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    Background: Respiratory muscle weakness contributes to exercise intolerance in patients with heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)—a condition characterized by multiple comorbidities with few proven treatments. We aimed, therefore, to provide novel insight into the underlying diaphragmatic alterations that occur in HFpEF by using an obese cardiometabolic rat model and further assessed whether exercise training performed only after the development of overt HFpEF could reverse impairments. Methods and Results: Obese ZSF1 rats (n=12) were compared with their lean controls (n=8) at 20 weeks, with 3 additional groups of obese ZSF1 rats compared at 28 weeks following 8 weeks of either sedentary behavior (n=13), high‐intensity interval training (n=11), or moderate‐continuous training (n=11). Obese rats developed an obvious HFpEF phenotype at 20 and 28 weeks. In the diaphragm at 20 weeks, HFpEF induced a shift towards an oxidative phenotype and a fiber hypertrophy paralleled by a lower protein expression in MuRF1 and MuRF2, yet mitochondrial and contractile functional impairments were observed. At 28 weeks, neither the exercise training regimen of high‐intensity interval training or moderate‐continuous training reversed any of the diaphragm alterations induced by HFpEF. Conclusions: This study, using a well‐characterized rat model of HFpEF underpinned by multiple comorbidities and exercise intolerance (ie, one that closely resembles the patient phenotype), provides evidence that diaphragm alterations and dysfunction induced in overt HFpEF are not reversed following 8 weeks of aerobic exercise training. As such, whether alternative therapeutic interventions are required to treat respiratory muscle weakness in HFpEF warrants further investigation

    Mirror symmetry breaking through an internal degree of freedom leading to directional motion

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    We analyze here the minimal conditions for directional motion (net flow in phase space) of a molecular motor placed on a mirror-symmetric environment and driven by a center-symmetric and time-periodic force field. The complete characterization of the deterministic limit of the dissipative dynamics of several realizations of this minimal model, reveals a complex structure in the phase diagram in parameter space, with intertwined regions of pinning (closed orbits) and directional motion. This demonstrates that the mirror-symmetry breaking which is needed for directional motion to occur, can operate through an internal degree of freedom coupled to the translational one.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Experimental investigation of homogeneous freezing of sulphuric acid particles in the aerosol chamber AIDA

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    The homogeneous freezing of supercooled H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>/H<sub>2</sub>O solution droplets was investigated in the aerosol chamber AIDA (Aerosol Interactions and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. 24 freezing experiments were performed at temperatures between 189 and 235 K with aerosol particles in the diameter range 0.05 to 1 µm. Individual experiments started at homogeneous temperatures and ice saturation ratios between 0.9 and 0.95. Cloud cooling rates up to -2.8 K min<sup>-1</sup> were simulated dynamically in the chamber by expansion cooling using a mechanical pump. Depending on the cooling rate and starting temperature, freezing threshold relative humidities were exceeded after expansion time periods between about 1 and 10 min. The onset of ice formation was measured with three independent methods showing good agreement among each other. Ice saturation ratios measured at the onset of ice formation increased from about 1.4 at 231 K&nbsp; to about 1.75 at 189 K. The experimental data set including thermodynamic parameters as well as physical and chemical aerosol analysis provides a good basis for microphysical model applications