5 research outputs found


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    The appropriate exercise intensity can be used to improve physical strength as well as to prevent musculoskeletal injuries, and scientific analysis can evaluate the effectiveness of resistance training. The goal of the study was to test a low-cost method for real-time evaluation of median frequency (MDF) during cyclic contractions. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is an objective, non-invasive and pain-free method for assessing and monitoring muscle fatigue in humans performing resistance exercise. In the study, we provided a low-cost method for real-time evaluation of MDF during cyclic contractions. For a well designed program that controls the accumulation of fatigue, local muscle fatigue must be quantified

    Channel Bonding in Linux Ethernet Environment using Regular Switching Hub

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    Bandwidth plays an important role for quality of service in most network systems. There are many technologies developed to increase host bandwidth in a LAN environment. Most of them need special hardware support, such as switching hub that supports IEEE Link Aggregation standard. In this paper, we propose a Linux solution to increase the bandwidth between hosts with multiple network adapters connected to a regular switching hub. The approach is implemented as two Linux kernel modules in a LAN environment without modification to the hardware and operating systems on host machines. Packets are dispatched to bonding network adapters for transmission. The proposed approach is backward compatible, flexible and transparent to users and only one IP address is needed for multiple bonding network adapters. Evaluation experiments in TCP and UDP transmission are shown with bandwidth gain proportionally to the number of network adapters. It is suitable for large-scale LAN systems with high bandwidth requirement, such as clustering systems

    Boosting Ethernet using Regular Switching Hubs

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    Ethernet is the most pervasive communication technology in use today. It is a standard for connecting computers to form a local area network and provides a common method for the exchange of data. In this paper, we propose a Linux solution, Bonding-Plus, to support real-time control and boost bandwidth using multiple network interface cards connected to regular switching hubs in an Ethernet environment. BondingPlus schedules packets in the data link layer without modification to the hardware or operating system in the host machine. Real-time packets can be transmitted via one or several dedicated bonding Ethernet interfaces, and there is no competition with low priority packets. Transmission delay and network jitter for real-time packets can be dramatically reduced. Furthermore, bandwidth can be increased in proportion to the number of bonding Ethernet interfaces under both TCP and UDP transmission. Various types of systems, such as clustering and parallel systems, can be enhanced at minimal hardware cost

    The endocannabinoid system: Novel targets for treating cancer induced bone pain

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