101 research outputs found

    Atualidades em revisão sistemática de literatura, critérios de força e grau de recomendação de evidência

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    There is an increasing interest of international nursing on systematic literature review; however, there are It is growing the interest of the international nursing in the methodology of systematic review of the literature; however, few studies in Brazil have been undertaken using this method using this method. Insufficient experience and the lack of precise information hinder its use by nurses. This article aims at providing an update and practical subsidies on the systematic literature review by describing it step-by-step, and presenting different strength criteria and degree of recommendation of evidences.Existe un interés creciente en el ámbito de la enfermería internacional sobre la metodología de revisión sistemática de la literatura, sin embargo, se han emprendido pocos estudios en el Brasil usando este método. La falta de experiencia existente aunada a a la escasez de información necesaria sobre la revisión sistemática puede impedir su empleo por parte de los enfermeros. Este artículo tiene como objetivo la actualización de los investigadores y la aportación de recursos operativos para la realización de estudios de revisión sistemática. Se describen paso a paso las etapas de esta metodología y se presentan las diferentes clasificaciones para la fuerza y grado de recomendación de evidenciasÉ crescente o interesse da enfermagem internacional na metodologia de revisão sistemática da literatura, contudo, poucos estudos no Brasil têm sido empreendidos usando este método. A falta de experiência da utilização aliada à escassez de informações precisas sobre a revisão sistemática pode dificultar seu emprego por enfermeiros. Este artigo tem como objetivo atualizar os pesquisadores e fornecer subsídios operacionais para a realização de estudos de revisão sistemática. São descritas passo a passo as etapas dessa metodologia e apresentadas diferentes classificações para a força e grau de recomendação de evidências

    Benefits of condylar distraction in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An innovative optimization approach for energy management of a microgrid system

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    The local association of electrical generator including renewable energies and storage technologies approximately installed to the client made way for a small-scale power grid called a microgrid. In certain cases, the random nature of renewable energy sources, combined with the variable pattern of demand, results in issues concerning the sustainability and reliability of the microgrid system. Furthermore, the cost of the energy coming from conventional sources is considering as matter to the private consumer due to its high fees. An improved methodology combining the simplex-based linear programming with the particle swarm optimisation approach is employed to implement an integrated power management system. The energy scheduling is done by assuming the consumption profile of a smart city. two scenarios of energy management have been suggested to illustrate the behaviour of cost and gas emissions for an optimised energy management. The results showed the reliability of the energy management system using an improvemed approach in scheduling of the energy flows for the microgrid producers, limiting the utility’s cost versus an experiment that had already been done for a similar system using the identical data. The outcome of the computation identified the ideal set points of the power generators in a smart city supplied by a microgrid, while guaranteeing the comfort of the customers i.e without intermetency in the supply, also, reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and providing an optimal exploitation cost for all smart city users. Morover, the proposed energy management system gave an inverse relation between economic and environmental aspects, in fact, a multi-objective optimization approach is performed as a continuation of the work proposed in this paperinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O presente artigo apresenta aspectos formativos do desafio de tornar-se professora de uma mulher cega no agreste alagoano. Tem como objetivo problematizar seu percurso formativo a partir da perspectiva da inclusão. Tomou-se como metodologia a história de vida e a pesquisa (auto) biográfica (Delory-Momberger, 2008; Josso, 2004; Belo, 2008). Discute-se a relação entre o individual, o coletivo e sua contextualização sócio-histórica. O resultado da análise das narrativas revela a importância de ações colaborativas que possam afirmar a inclusão e o processo de criação e recriação de si.&nbsp

    Morphological analysis of the skeletal development in lateral cephalometric radiographs of HIV infected children ongoing Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy

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    To investigate the skeletal development of HIV infected children through a morphological analysis of the cervical vertebrae (CV) in lateral cephalometric radiographs. The sample consisted of 86 lateral cephalometric radiographs of male and female children aged between 6 and 14 years old. The radiographs were equally distributed in groups 1 (HIV infected children) and 2 (non-infected children, paired by sex and age). Two examiners analyzed the CV according to the method of Hassel and Farman (1995). Spearman correlation coefficient was used to associate age and skeletal development within groups, while Mann-Whitney test compared the skeletal development between groups. The correlation of age and skeletal development in group 1 reached 0.17, 0.27 and 0.27 (p >0.05) for C2, C3 and C4, respectively, while in group 2 it reached 0.65, 0.54 and 0.60, respectively (p 0.05). HIV infected and non-infected children showed a similar development of the CV. However, the weak correlation between age and CV development in HIV infected children highlights the need for careful decisions prior to therapeutic approaches ? especially those founded on the prediction of skeletal development, such as maxillofacial surgeries, and orthopedic and orthodontic procedures

    Titularidade dos Direitos Autorais nas Criações com Aplicação da Inteligência Artificial

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    With the current scenario of digital transformation, the creation of works applying Artificial Intelligence is increasingly recurrent. In view of this, it is questioned who owns the copyright of these creations. This article aimed to discuss who should be the copyright holder of creations with the application of Artificial Intelligence. It is a qualitative approach, from an exploratory research, using bibliometric analysis, in order to carry out a reflection on the theme. Given the results found, it was found that the discussion is still recent and that Brazilian legislation is silent on this definition. Finally, it is concluded by suggesting the expansion of the protection already conferred by copyright to also include creations resulting from the use of Artificial Intelligence.Com o atual cenário da transformação digital, está cada vez mais recorrente a criação de obras resultantes da aplicação da Inteligência Artificial. Diante desse fato, questiona-se quem detém a titularidade dos direitos autorais dessas criações. Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir quem deve ser o titular dos direitos autorais das criações com a aplicação da Inteligência Artificial. Trata-se de uma abordagem qualitativa, a partir de uma pesquisa exploratória, utilizando-se da análise bibliométrica, a fim de se realizar uma reflexão sobre a temática. Diante dos resultados encontrados, verificou-se que a discussão ainda é recente e que a legislação brasileira é silente quanto a essa definição. Por fim, conclui-se por sugerir a ampliação da proteção já conferida pelos direitos autorais para abarcar também as criações decorrentes da utilização da Inteligência Artificial


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    Este estudo possui como objetivo primário revisar a literatura acerca da importância da reabilitação oral com prótese. Para a construção deste artigo foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados SciVerse Scopus, Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo), U.S. National Library of Medicine (PUBMED) e ScienceDirect. Como conclusão, este estudo reforça a importância da reabilitação oral com prótese como uma intervenção que vai além da restauração física dos dentes, abraçando a melhoria da qualidade de vida e bem-estar dos pacientes. É imperativo que os profissionais de odontologia continuem a promover pesquisas e práticas que ampliem nosso entendimento sobre essa modalidade de tratamento, a fim de oferecer cuidados mais abrangentes e personalizados aos pacientes que necessitam de reabilitação oral com prótese

    Modeling Deforestation and CO2 Emissions in Tropical Forests (Western South Amazon)

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    Spatial modeling is a tool to represent deforestation and predict future scenarios according to different landscape change. Establishing 80% Legal Reserve Area (LR) in the Amazon since 90th, the Brazilian forestry code has made clear the biodiversity conservation profile of the largest tropical forest in the world. However, this mechanism did not prevent the advance of deforestation, which in recent years has increased again. This remote tool aims to monitor the deforestation, simulating its possible future trajectories, and thus generate information that can be used to assist in the management of deforestation reduction. The spatial modeling in the prediction of different deforestation scenarios based on public policies and their changes to the state of Acre (north of Brazil). Using the methodological processes of the Dinamica EGO software, three scenarios were projected up to the year 2050: (1) deforestation “Business as usual”, (2) deforestation with 50% LR and (3) deforestation with 80% LR provided by law. Based on these results it was evident that maintaining and respect 80% LR, it’s possible reduce the CO2 emissions more than 76%, avoiding around 119,534,836 t of CO2 and influences positively on reducing deforestation. Dinamica EGO proved to be an effective to represent the deforestation