88 research outputs found
Exemplars and Nudges : Combining Two Strategies for Moral Education
This article defends the use of narratives about morally exemplary individuals in moral education and appraises the role that 'nudge' strategies can play in combination with such an appeal to exemplars. It presents a general conception of the aims of moral education and explains how the proposed combination of both moral strategies serves these aims. An important aim of moral education is to make the ethical perspective of the subject – the person being educated – more structured, more salient and therefore more 'navigable'. This article explains why and how moral exemplars and nudge strategies are crucial aids in this respect. It gives an empirically grounded account of how the emotion of admiration can be triggered most effectively by a thoughtful presentation of narratives about moral exemplars. It also answers possible objections and concludes that a combined appeal to exemplars and nudges provides a neglected but valuable resource for moral education
Conditions for linking school mathematics and moral education: a case study
In recent years the mathematics education research community has undergone a social turn towards a greater interest in the values and broader educational purposes of mathematics education, including issues of social justice and citizenship education. Building on these developing interests, this paper presents a conceptual framework that links the teaching of school mathematics with moral education. Then, in a case study involving two countries, England and Canada, this framework is used to explore the affordances and constraints faced by mathematics teachers in those countries if they want to intentionally practice moral education in the classroom
Educação moral: o aprender e o ensinar sobre justiça na escola
A educação moral é um tema importante do ponto de vista da área da moralidade, visto que aprender e ensinar valores morais estão entre as ações que promovem a humanização do homem, tanto no sentido moral (respondendo à pergunta como devo viver?), quanto no sentido ético (em resposta à questão que vida quero viver?). A educação moral pode acontecer em diferentes contextos sociais. A presente pesquisa enfoca a escola. Além disso, a referida educação envolve diversos temas morais. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar como aprenderam aqueles que ensinam, e como ensinam aqueles que aprenderam o valor moral da justiça. Para isso, entrevistamos vinte professoras do 6º ao 9º ano do ensino fundamental de cinco diferentes escolas particulares do município de Vitória, Espírito Santo, buscando identificar como elas julgam ter aprendido sobre justiça durante sua vida escolar e como julgam que ensinam esse valor moral em suas práticas pedagógicas. Nossa proposta incluiu, ainda, averiguar se houve mudanças nas práticas mencionadas e, em caso afirmativo, analisar tais transformações. Os resultados demonstraram que a maioria das professoras relata que aprendeu sobre o valor moral da justiça por meio de ações impositivas. A forma pela qual elas julgam que ensinam esse valor manifesta-se em exemplos em que a imposição ainda está presente, mesmo que esteja relacionada a conversas, revelando que as professoras ensinam do modo como aprenderam. Esses dados podem contribuir para a intervenção na prática pedagógica de tais profissionais e para o aprimoramento de sua formação, possibilitando a ruptura do círculo vicioso de aprender e ensinar por meio da imposição.Moral education is an important theme from the point of view of the field of morality, since learning and teaching moral values are among the actions that promote the humanization of man, both in its moral sense (answering the question how should I live?), and in the ethical sense (answering the question what life do I want to live?). Moral education can happen within different social contexts. The present research focuses on the school. The study of this kind of education involves several moral themes. The objective of this research was to investigate how those who teach have themselves learned, and how those who learned the moral value of justice teach. For that, we interviewed 20 teachers from the sixth to the ninth year of fundamental education from five private schools of the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo, trying to identify how they thought they had learned about justice during their school lives and how they reckoned they taught this moral value in their pedagogical practices. Our proposal included also to investigate the existence of changes in the practices mentioned above and, if so, to analyze such transformations. The results demonstrate that most teachers describe that they have learned about the moral value of justice through mandatory actions. The way in which they believe they teach about this value is manifested in examples in which imposition is still present, even if related to conversations, revealing that teachers teach the way they learned. This information can contribute to intervene in the pedagogical practice of these professionals and to improve their education, helping to break up the vicious circle of learning and teaching through imposition
Character matters (persoalan karakter):bagaimana membantu anak mengembangkan penilaian yang baik, integritas dan kebijakan penting lainnya
Lickona menunjukkan bagaimana tingkah laku yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan tidak bertanggung jawab dan merusak dapat selalu terdeteksi melalui ketiadaan karakter yang baik dan 10 kualitas dasar: kebijaksanaan, keadilan, keteguhan, kontrol diri, cinta, sikap positif, kerja keras, integritas, perasaan bersyukur, dan kerendahan hati. Ia membentuk cetak biru (blue print) untuk membangun kebajikan inti ini melalui kemitraan dengan keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat.Bab-babnya meliputi:- 14 strategi yang membantu anak sukses secara akademis selagi membangun karakter- Lebih dari selusin strategi disiplin membangun karakter- 20 cara mencegah kekerasan antara teman sebaya dan mengembangkan kebaikan- 10 cara untuk berbicara dengan remaja tentang masalah seks, cinta, dan karakterxxviii, 376p.; 23cm
Educating For Character Mendidik Untuk Membentuk Karakter
ilus, xxxii, 600 hlm, 15.5 c
Mendidik untuk membentuk karakter: bagaimana sekolah dapat memberikan pendidikan tantang sikap hormat dan bertanggung jawab
xxix, 599 p. ; 23 c
Mendidik untuk membentuk karakter = educating for character
xxix, 599 halaman.: 25 c
Educating For Character= Mendidik untuk membentuk karakter: bagaimana sekolah dapat memberikan Pendidikan tentang sikap hormat dan tanggung jawab
xxix, 599 hlm.; 23 cm
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