80 research outputs found

    Strukturwandel der Absatzwirtschaft in den USA: Eindrücke von einer Studienreise

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    Automation und Absatzwirtschaft

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    Weddell Sea iceberg drift: Five years of observations

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    Since 1999, 52 icebergs have been tagged with GPS buoys in the Weddell Seato enable monitoring of their position. The chosen icebergs were of small tomedium size, with a few icebergs larger than 10 km associatedwith the calving of icebergs A38 and A43 from the Ronne Ice Shelf.The majority of icebergs were tagged off Neumayer Station (8E, 70S).It was found that smaller bergs with edges shorter than 200 m had the shortestlife cycle (< 0.5 yr). Iceberg and thus freshwater export out of theWeddell Sea was found to be highly variable. In one year the majority of buoysdeployed remained in the Weddell Sea, constituting about 40 % of the NCEP P-Efreshwater input, whereas in other years all of the tagged icebergs were exported.The observed drifts of icebergs and sea-ice showed a remarkably coherent motion.The analysis of an iceberg - sea-ice buoy array in the western Weddell Seaand an iceberg array in the eastern Weddell Sea showed a coherent sea-iceiceberg drift in sea-ice concentrations above 86 %. Dynamic kinematic parameter(DKP) during the course of coherent movement were low and deviations from the meancourse associated with the passage of low-pressure system. The length scale ofcoherent movement was estimated to be less than 250km; about half the value found forthe Arctic Ocean

    Hydrothermal plume dynamics on Europa : implications for chaos formation

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): E03008, doi:10.1029/2003JE002073.Hydrothermal plumes may be responsible for transmitting radiogenic or tidally generated heat from Europa's rocky interior through a liquid ocean to the base of its ice shell. This process has been implicated in the formation of chaos regions and lenticulae by melting or exciting convection in the ice layer. In contrast to earlier work, we argue that Europa's ocean should be treated as an unstratified fluid. We have adapted and expanded upon existing work describing buoyant plumes in a rotating, unstratified environment. We discuss the scaling laws governing the flow and geometry of plumes on Europa and perform a laboratory experiment to obtain scaling constants and to visualize plume behavior in a Europa-like parameter regime. We predict that hydrothermal plumes on Europa are of a lateral scale (at least 25–50 km) comparable to large chaos regions; they are too broad to be responsible for the formation of individual lenticulae. Plume heat fluxes (0.1–10 W/m2) are too weak to allow complete melt-through of the ice layer. Current speeds in the plume (3–8 mm/s) are much slower than indicated by previous studies. The observed movement of ice blocks in the Conamara Chaos region is unlikely to be driven by such weak flow

    Modelling twentieth century global ocean circulation and iceberg flux at 48°N: Implications for west Greenland iceberg discharge

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    We have used a coupled ocean-iceberg model to study the variation in global ocean circulation and North Atlantic iceberg flux from 1900 to 2008. The latter component of the study focused particularly on Greenland icebergs feeding into the Labrador Current and past Newfoundland. The model was forced with daily heat, freshwater and wind fluxes from the Twentieth Century Reanalysis. The reanalysis heat fluxes were shown to be offset from the, shorter, NCEP reanalysis and a grid-point correction was applied to this component of the forcing. The model produces a generally realistic ocean circulation, although with an enhanced Atlantic Meridional Overturning largely due to the forcing. The modelled iceberg flux at 48°N is well correlated with the long-term observed flux when using a modelled iceberg discharge that varies in a similar fashion to the highly variable observed flux at 48°N. From this model we infer changes in the spatial and temporal variability of iceberg calving from western Greenland. During the first third of the twentieth century the majority of modelled icebergs reaching 48°N derive from southern Greenland, while only after 1930 is the traditional perspective of a majority of such icebergs originating from Baffin Bay consistent with model results. Decadal-scale changes in the dominant regional sources are found, with oscillations between western Greenland and northern Baffin Bay. The latter origin was modelled to be most important in the last third of the twentieth century, although west Greenland sources have increased in importance in recent years. The model correctly reproduces the pronounced late spring peak in flux at 48°N for southern Greenland icebergs, but has an approximately six month offset for icebergs from Baffin Bay, most likely due to resolution issues leading to model icebergs not being delayed in shallow coastal waters, whereas in reality they may be grounded for some time or trapped in coastal sea-ice. © 2015 The Authors

    The benzene metabolite para-benzoquinone is genotoxic in human, phorbol-12-acetate-13-myristate induced, peripheral blood mononuclear cells at low concentrations

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    Benzene is one of the most prominent occupational and environmental pollutants. The substance is a proven human carcinogen that induces hematologic malignancies in humans, probably at even low doses. Yet knowledge of the mechanisms leading to benzene-induced carcinogenesis is still incomplete. Benzene itself is not genotoxic. The generation of carcinogenic metabolites involves the production of oxidized intermediates such as catechol, hydroquinone and para-benzoquinone (p-BQ) in the liver. Further activation to the ultimate carcinogenic intermediates is most probably catalyzed by myeloperoxidase (MPO). Yet the products of the MPO pathway have not been identified. If an oxidized benzene metabolite such as p-BQ was actually the precursor for the ultimate carcinogenic benzene metabolite and further activation proceeds via MPO mediated reactions, it should be possible to activate p-BQ to a genotoxic compound in vitro. We tested this hypothesis with phorbol-12-acetate-13-myristate (PMA) activated peripheral blood cells exposed to p-BQ, using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test. Addition of 20–28 ng/ml PMA caused a significant increase of micronuclei at low and non-cytotoxic p-BQ concentrations between 0.04 and 0.2 μg/ml (0.37–1.85 μM). Thus with PMA or p-BQ alone no reproducible elevation of micronuclei was seen up to toxic concentrations. PMA and p-BQ induce micronuclei when administered jointly. Our results add further support to the hypothesis that MPO is a key enzyme in the activation of benzene

    Sea surface temperature control on the distribution of far-traveled Southern Ocean ice-rafted detritus during the Pliocene

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    The flux and provenance of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) deposited in the Southern Ocean can reveal information about the past instability of Antarctica's ice sheets during different climatic conditions. Here we present a Pliocene IRD provenance record based on the Ar/Ar ages of ice-rafted hornblende grains from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1165, located near Prydz Bay in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean, along with the results of modeled sensitivity tests of iceberg trajectories and their spatial melting patterns under a range of sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Our provenance results reveal that IRD and hence icebergs in the Prydz Bay area were mainly sourced from (i) the local Prydz Bay region and (ii) the remote Wilkes Land margin located at the mouth of the low-lying Aurora Subglacial Basin. A series of IRD pulses, reaching up to 10 times background IRD flux levels, were previously identified at Site 1165 between 3.3 and 3.0Ma. Our new results reveal that the average proportion of IRD sourced from distal Wilkes Land margin doubles after 3.3Ma. Our iceberg trajectory-melting models show that slower iceberg melting under cooling SSTs over this middle Pliocene interval allowed Wilkes Land icebergs to travel farther before melting. Hence, declining SSTs can account for a large part of the observed IRD provenance record at Site 1165. In early Pliocene IRD layers, sampled at suborbital resolution around 4.6Ma, we find evidence for significant increases in icebergs derived from Wilkes Land during very warm interglacials. This is suggestive of large-scale destabilization of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Aurora Subglacial Basin, as far-traveled icebergs would have to overcome enhanced melting in warmer SSTs. Our results highlight the importance of considering SSTs when interpreting IRD flux and provenance records in distal locations

    Modeling giant iceberg drift under the influence of sea ice in the Weddell Sea

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    The drift trajectory of giant iceberg C-7 traversing the Weddell Sea for more than 2-years wassuccessfully simulated. Application of the "classical" driving forces like wind and ocean currentsresulted in a significant discrepancy between modeled and observed iceberg velocities in thewestern Weddell Sea. The most realistic drift pattern in space and time was achieved by addinga sea ice force which represents the ability of a dense sea ice cover (>90%) to lock in icebergsand collect the momentum of the wind over a vast area. This process was parameterized using asea ice strength 'P' which depends on sea ice concentration and thickness, both having highestvalues in winter and in the perennial covered western Weddell Sea. As a consequence of thesensitivity to sea ice the timing of the iceberg drift becomes important, revealing the region offBrunt Ice Shelf (eastern Weddell Sea) as a location where bergs either continue westward withthe coastal current or follow a southern branch onto the shallow continental shelf

    Numerische Simulation der Eisbergdrift im Weddellmeer

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    Es wird eine numerische Simulation der Drift von Eisbergen im Weddellmeer durchgefuehrt. In der Antriebsgleichung werden die Kraefte beruecksichtigt, welche auf Meeresstroemungen, Winden, der Neigung der Meeresoberflaeche, der Reibung mit Meereis und der Corioliskraft beruhen. Eine genauere Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Eisbergen und Meereis kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Meereis im Weddellmeer eine Festigkeit erreichen kann, die eine Eigenbewegung der Eisberge verhindert, Eisberg- und Meereisdrift somit identisch sind. Durch verschiedene Simulationen wird gezeigt, dass durch die Wahl eines geeigneten Parametersatzes die beobachtete grossraeumige Drift von Eisbergen im Weddellmeer realistisch reproduziert werden kann
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