20 research outputs found
When “there is” a Black: Levinas and Fanon on ethics, politics, and responsibility
This paper examines some of the ways in which the Black other, by Frantz Fanon’s articulation, complicates and challenges Emmanuel Levinas’s philosophies of ethics and justice. Additionally, it brings Levinas’s notion of the il y a, or “there is,” and Fanon’s “zone of nonbeing” into critical conversation with respect to the body and being of the Black other
Particle Formation in RAFT-mediated Emulsion Polymerization
Particle formation in RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization has been studied using reaction calorimetry. By measuring the heat flow during controlled feed ab-initio emulsion polymerization in the presence of amphipathic RAFT agents, particle formation by self-assembly of these species could be observed. Two different monomer systems, i.e. styrene and n-butyl acrylate, and various degrees of hydrophobicity of the initial macro-RAFT agents have been studied and compared. The different macro-RAFT agents were synthesized by first forming a hydrophilic block of poly(acrylic acid) that would later on act as the electrosteric stabilizing group for the particles. Subsequently, different lengths of hydrophobic blocks were grown at the reactive end of the poly(acrylic acid) hydrophilic block via the RAFT-mediated controlled radical polymerization, either comprised of n-butyl acrylate or styrene. Two processes govern particle formation: adsorption of macro-RAFT agents onto growing particles and formation of new particles by initiation of micellar aggregates or by homogeneous nucleation. Competition between these processes could be observed when monomers with a relatively high (n-butyl acrylate) or low (styrene) propagation rate coefficient were used. A model describing particle formation has been developed and the results of model calculations are compared with experimental observations. Preliminary modeling results based on a set of reasonable physico-chemical parameters already showed good agreement with the experimental results. Most parameters used have been verified experimentally. The development of the molecular weight distribution of the macro-RAFT agents has been analyzed by different techniques. Quantification of the particle formation process by analytical techniques was difficult, but qualitative insights into the fundamental steps governing the nucleation process have been obtained. The amount of macro-RAFT agents initially involved in particle formation could be determined from the increase of molecular weight. The particle size distribution has been measured by capillary hydrodynamic fractionation, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. From the data obtained from these particle-sizing techniques, the number of particles during the reaction could be monitored, leading to an accurate estimate for the particle formation time. Upon implementation of the experimental data obtained for the surface active macro-RAFT systems, the model demonstrated to be very sensitive towards the “headgroup” area of the macro-RAFT species. Three nucleation cases based on the initial surface activity of the macro-RAFT species in the aqueous phase are proposed to explain the deviations from the assumptions of the nucleation model. Even though the macro-RAFT species have a narrow molecular weight distribution, they are nevertheless made up of a distribution of block lengths of polystyrene upon a distribution of block lengths of poly(acrylic acid). The resulting differences in initial surface activity are the most probable reason for the observed differences between model calculations and experimental results for the nucleation time and particle size distribution of the final latex product. With the procedure described above, latexes have been synthesized without using conventional surfactants and the mechanisms involved in the particle formation for these systems have been elucidated. The results of this work enable production of latex systems with well defined molecular mass distributions and narrow particle size distributions. Furthermore, the technique based on the application of amphipathic RAFT agents is promising for the production of complex polymeric materials in emulsion polymerization on a technical scale
Características epidemiológicas y obstétricas de las mujeres diagnosticadas con preeclampsia grave en sala de alto riesgo obstétrico Hospital Carlos Roberto Huembes Enero- Diciembre 2014
El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer las principales características epidemiológicas y obstétricas de las mujeres diagnosticadas con preeclampsia grave que ingresaron a la sala de alto riesgo obstétrico del Hospital Carlos Roberto Huembes enero-diciembre 2014. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo, de corte transversal con un universo de 64 mujeres y con una muestra de 46 que fueron seleccionadas por conveniencia según criterios de inclusión establecidos en el diseño metodológico. La información se recolectó mediante la revisión de expedientes clínicos principalmente la hoja de consulta prenatal e historia clínica. La información recopilada se procesó en programa SPSS. Se consideraron los aspectos éticos para la realización del estudio. Entre los resultado más relevantes se encontró que el 85%(39) de las mujeres en estudio tenían entre 20-34 años y el menor porcentaje el grupo menor de 19 años con 6%(3). El 98%(45) de ellas de procedencia urbana, el 39%(18) eran amas de casa y el 28%(13) eran operarias. En cuanto al estado civil el 50%(23) estaban en unión libre, el 44%(20) casadas y el 6%(3) solteras. Según la escolaridad la secundaria el 63%(29), el 15%(7) universitaria y el 11%(5) profesionales. El principal antecedente familiar patológico fue la hipertensión arterial en un 50%(23). Es importante destacar que el 44%(20) no tenían ningún antecedente familiar patológico, el 4%(2) tenían diabetes y el 2%(1) tenían como antecedente familiar patológico la cardiopatía. El 78%(36) de las mujeres en estudio no tenían antecedentes patológicos personales, el 7%(3) tenía registrado hipertensión arterial y el 15%(7) otras patologías que por sí mismas no representaban una mayor frecuencia. El 91%(42) presentó una talla mayor de 1.51mts. El 55%(25) de las mujeres presentaron un peso entre los 71-90Kg, seguido del 41%(19) que tenían un peso entre 50-70kg. Se muestra que el índice de masa corporal fue mayor de 31 kg/mt² en un 43%(20).
De acuerdo a las características gíneco-obstétricas el 59%(27) de las mujeres en estudio se realizaron entre 4-6 consultas prenatales. El 44%(20) eran primigestas, bigestas 30%(14), trigestas 24%(11) y solamente una multigesta que equivale al 2%. El 37%(17) presentaron como principal patología asociada al embarazo la obesidad. El 54%(25) de las mujeres tenían 37 o más semanas al momento de su diagnóstico y el 65%(30) presentó una altura de fondo uterino entre los 31-35cm. La forma de establecimiento del diagnóstico fue mediante las manifestaciones clínicas en 100%(46), manejado tanto con antihipertensivo como con anticonvulsivante en un 100%(100%(46) y con evolución satisfactoria en el 100%(46) de los casos. Estos resultados son útiles para brindar una mejor calidad de atención a las embarazadas, dado que no existen elementos contundentes para enfocar la atención en ciertos grupos ya que de acuerdo a los hallazgos cualquier mujer con o sin antecedentes patológicos pueden desarrollar preeclampsia grave, la única condición llamativa asociada con esta patología es la obesidad
Particle formation in RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization
Particle formation in RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization has been studied using reaction calorimetry. By measuring the heat flow during controlled feed ab-initio emulsion polymerization in the presence of amphipathic RAFT agents, particle formation by self-assembly of these species could be observed. Two different monomer systems, i.e. styrene and n-butyl acrylate, and various degrees of hydrophobicity of the initial macro-RAFT agents have been studied and compared. The different macro-RAFT agents were synthesized by first forming a hydrophilic block of poly(acrylic acid) that would later on act as the electrosteric stabilizing group for the particles. Subsequently, different lengths of hydrophobic blocks were grown at the reactive end of the poly(acrylic acid) hydrophilic block via the RAFT-mediated controlled radical polymerization, either comprised of n-butyl acrylate or styrene. Two processes govern particle formation: adsorption of macro-RAFT agents onto growing particles and formation of new particles by initiation of micellar aggregates or by homogeneous nucleation. Competition between these processes could be observed when monomers with a relatively high (n-butyl acrylate) or low (styrene) propagation rate coefficient were used. A model describing particle formation has been developed and the results of model calculations are compared with experimental observations. Preliminary modeling results based on a set of reasonable physico-chemical parameters already showed good agreement with the experimental results. Most parameters used have been verified experimentally. The development of the molecular weight distribution of the macro-RAFT agents has been analyzed by different techniques. Quantification of the particle formation process by analytical techniques was difficult, but qualitative insights into the fundamental steps Particle Formation in RAFT-mediated Emulsion Polymerization governing the nucleation process have been obtained. The amount of macro-RAFT agents initially involved in particle formation could be determined from the increase of molecular weight. The particle size distribution has been measured by capillary hydrodynamic fractionation, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. From the data obtained from these particle-sizing techniques, the number of particles during the reaction could be monitored, leading to an accurate estimate for the particle formation time. Upon implementation of the experimental data obtained for the surface active macro-RAFT systems, the model demonstrated to be very sensitive towards the "headgroup" area of the macro-RAFT species. Three nucleation cases based on the initial surface activity of the macro-RAFT species in the aqueous phase are proposed to explain the deviations from the assumptions of the nucleation model. Even though the macro-RAFT species have a narrow molecular weight distribution, they are nevertheless made up of a distribution of block lengths of polystyrene upon a distribution of block lengths of poly(acrylic acid). The resulting differences in initial surface activity are the most probable reason for the observed differences between model calculations and experimental results for the nucleation time and particle size distribution of the final latex product. With the procedure described above, latexes have been synthesized without using conventional surfactants and the mechanisms involved in the particle formation for these systems have been elucidated. The results of this work enable production of latex systems with well defined molecular mass distributions and narrow particle size distributions. Furthermore, the technique based on the application of amphipathic RAFT agents is promising for the production of complex polymeric materials in emulsion polymerization on a technical scale
Particle formation in RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization
Particle formation in RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization has been studied using reaction calorimetry. By measuring the heat flow during controlled feed ab-initio emulsion polymerization in the presence of amphipathic RAFT agents, particle formation by self-assembly of these species could be observed. Two different monomer systems, i.e. styrene and n-butyl acrylate, and various degrees of hydrophobicity of the initial macro-RAFT agents have been studied and compared. The different macro-RAFT agents were synthesized by first forming a hydrophilic block of poly(acrylic acid) that would later on act as the electrosteric stabilizing group for the particles. Subsequently, different lengths of hydrophobic blocks were grown at the reactive end of the poly(acrylic acid) hydrophilic block via the RAFT-mediated controlled radical polymerization, either comprised of n-butyl acrylate or styrene. Two processes govern particle formation: adsorption of macro-RAFT agents onto growing particles and formation of new particles by initiation of micellar aggregates or by homogeneous nucleation. Competition between these processes could be observed when monomers with a relatively high (n-butyl acrylate) or low (styrene) propagation rate coefficient were used. A model describing particle formation has been developed and the results of model calculations are compared with experimental observations. Preliminary modeling results based on a set of reasonable physico-chemical parameters already showed good agreement with the experimental results. Most parameters used have been verified experimentally. The development of the molecular weight distribution of the macro-RAFT agents has been analyzed by different techniques. Quantification of the particle formation process by analytical techniques was difficult, but qualitative insights into the fundamental steps Particle Formation in RAFT-mediated Emulsion Polymerization governing the nucleation process have been obtained. The amount of macro-RAFT agents initially involved in particle formation could be determined from the increase of molecular weight. The particle size distribution has been measured by capillary hydrodynamic fractionation, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. From the data obtained from these particle-sizing techniques, the number of particles during the reaction could be monitored, leading to an accurate estimate for the particle formation time. Upon implementation of the experimental data obtained for the surface active macro-RAFT systems, the model demonstrated to be very sensitive towards the "headgroup" area of the macro-RAFT species. Three nucleation cases based on the initial surface activity of the macro-RAFT species in the aqueous phase are proposed to explain the deviations from the assumptions of the nucleation model. Even though the macro-RAFT species have a narrow molecular weight distribution, they are nevertheless made up of a distribution of block lengths of polystyrene upon a distribution of block lengths of poly(acrylic acid). The resulting differences in initial surface activity are the most probable reason for the observed differences between model calculations and experimental results for the nucleation time and particle size distribution of the final latex product. With the procedure described above, latexes have been synthesized without using conventional surfactants and the mechanisms involved in the particle formation for these systems have been elucidated. The results of this work enable production of latex systems with well defined molecular mass distributions and narrow particle size distributions. Furthermore, the technique based on the application of amphipathic RAFT agents is promising for the production of complex polymeric materials in emulsion polymerization on a technical scale
Die invloed van ‘n studiebegeleidingsprogram op die lokus van kontrole van studente
Magister Artium (Social Work) - MA(SW)Julian Rotter (1966, 1975) het die persoonlikheidskonstruk lokus van kontrole beskryf as die mate waartoe.die individu glo dat versterking die gevolg is van sy eie gedrag (interne lokus van kontrole) of die gevolg is van gelukkige toeval, kans, of die noodlot (eksterne lokus van kontrole) . Sedert Rotter (1966) die konstruk "lokus van kontrole" gedefinieer en as integrale komponent van sy sosiale leerteorie voorgestel het, het velerlei navorsers ook hierdie konstruk indringend ondersoek en met talle aspekte in verband probeer bring. Een van die veranderlikes wat veral aandag geniet het, is akademiese prestasie en die verband wat ditmet lokus van kontrole sou toon. Alhoewel daar nie ooreenstemming bestaan met betrekking tot hierdie verband nie, blyk dit asof die meerderheid navorsers wel bevind dat 'n interne lokus van
kontrole verband hou met hoê akademiese prestasie (byvoorbeeld Kishor, 1983; Maqsud, 1980; Messer, 1972). Verskeie tersiêre inrigtings (waaronder die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland, waar hierdie studie beslag vind) bied dan ook studiebegeleidingsprogramme aan ten einde studente van studievaardighede te voorsien wat hulle in staat sou stelom akademies beter te presteer. Hierdie programme neem egter selde
persoonlikheidsveranderlikes in aanmerking en fokus veel eerder op die verskaffing van studiewenke en -vaardighede. Hierdie studie het dus In unieke studiebegeleidingsprogram probeer ontwerp wat In interne lokus van kontrole by die deelnemende proefpersone wil bevorder. Dit is dan die primêre studiebegeleidingsprogram van die U.W.K. te evalueer ten opsigte van die invloed daarvan op die persoonlikheidskonstruk lokus van kontrole by die deelnemende proefpersone. Sekondêre doelstellings behels die volgende ii) om die samehang tussen die konstruk lokus van kontrole met die volgende veranderlikes te bepaal: a) Geslag b) Geografiese herkoms, naamlik plattelandse vs. stedelike studente
• c) Ouderdom d) Sosio-ekonomiese status e) Studierigting f) Taalgroep g) Politieke betrokkenheid, organisatoriese affiliasie en organisatoriese betrokkenheid h) Akademiese prestasie i) Akademiese studiejaar iii) om vergelykings te tref met Westerse
navorsingsbevindinge Die huidige studie was ondersoekend van aard weens die afwesigheid van soortgelyke voorafgaande navorsing. In
Voortoets-natoets kontrole groep-ontwerp is gebruik om die verband tussen lokus van kontrole en die studiebegeleidingsprogram na te vors. Altesaam Proefpersone het aan die ondersoek deelgeneem Collins (1974) se aanpassing van Rotter (1966) se interneeksterne lokus van kontrole skaal is as meetmiddel gebruik. Herdie skaal het deel gevorm van In vraelys wat ook informasie ingewin het omtrent die persoon
huistaal, studiedoelstellings, se geslag, politieke studentestatus, betrokkenheid, betrokkenheid, organisatoriese affiliasie, organisatoriese
akademiese prestasie en geografiese herkoms. Die resultate van die huidige navorsing het aangedui dat daar geen beduidende verband bestaan tussen die lokus van kontrole geneigdheid van die proefpersone en die ervaring van die studiebegeleidingsprogram nie. Die huidige navorsing het voorts geen verband gevind waar dit die samehang van lokus van kontrole en die veranderlikes van geslag, geografiese herkoms, ouderdom, sosio-ekonomiese status, studierigting, taalgroep, politieke affiliasie, en organisatoriese betrokkenheid aangaan nie. Beduidende verbande is wel bespeur ten opsigte van die lokus van kontrole-tellings van manlike en vroulike proefpersone wat In Afrika-taal besig, asook ten opsigte van die veranderlikes politieke betrokkenheid, akademiese prestasie en akademiese studiejaar. Hierdie bevindinge is bespreek met verwysing na die geneigdheid van die proefpersone en die ervaring van die studiebegeleidingsprogram nie. Die huidige navorsing het voorts geen verband gevind waar dit die samehang van lokus van kontrole en die veranderlikes van geslag, geografiese herkoms, ouderdom, sosio-ekonomiese status, studierigting, taalgroep, politieke affiliasie, en organisatoriese betrokkenheid aangaan nie. Beduidende verbande is wel bespeur ten opsigte van die lokus van kontrole-tellings van manlike en vroulike proefpersone wat In Afrika-taal besig, asook ten opsigte van die veranderlikes politieke betrokkenheid, akademiese prestasie en akademiese studiejaar. Literatuuroorsig, asook met inagneming van die unieke aard van die studentebevolking aan die Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland. Die unieke suid-Afrikaanse sosio-politieke realiteit is ook in aanmerking geneem. Ten slotte word sekere aanbevelings gemaak met die oog op verdere navorsing
A Case study of “Necklacing”: When the case has a face
This article reports on, and develops, existing studies by Mbuqe (2010), and Mbuqe & Laubscher (2019). Political violence is the general phenomenon of interest, research and theoretical access to which is granted by a close examination of the “necklacing” murder of Ms. Nombulelo Julia Nokwakwha Dilato in Colesberg, South Africa, on the 2nd of October, 1985. The authors illustrate how their research was upset and troubled by a particularincident – the perpetrators throwing sand on the face of the victim in order for it not to burn – and how revisiting that incident dramatically changed the course and understanding of their research. The authors conclude by suggesting an ethical scholarship, influenced by the work of the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, as well as the imperatives of Unobuntu