31 research outputs found

    More insights into approachs with potential effect against pathogenic Fusarium species

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    Fusarim species are a group of pathogenic fungi responsible for different plant diseases as well as damage of stored products like banana, rice and cereals. They are characterized by a widspread distribution because of their capacity to grow in different substrates. Against these pathogenic fungi, many approachs have been tried to protect crops and stored products from their devastating effects. Chemical molecules are widely used for their effective activity as fungicides, but they may cause important damage to crops, human and environment. For this reason, researchers are trying to find an alternative allowing the farmer to ovoid these negative effects of chemical fungicides. Among these potential alternatives, we find the use of natural products (monoterpenes, flavonoids etc), plant extracts (including essential oils), biological control agents (bacteria and fungi), antimicrobial nanomaterials and approachs aiming to improve plant resitance and defence.&nbsp

    L’ impĂŽt diffĂ©rĂ© et la distorsion de l’information comptable

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    Selon la loi comptable, « les Ă©tats de synthĂšse doivent donner une image fidĂšle des actifs et passifs ainsi que de la situation financiĂšre et des rĂ©sultats de l’entreprise Â», (L’alinĂ©a 1 de l'article 11 de la loi n°9- 88). Une prĂ©sentation qui n’est pas toujours respectĂ©e, avec le report du payement de l’impĂŽt et l’imposition en diffĂ©rĂ© des produits. C’est le cas notamment du rĂ©gime des fusions, qui prĂ©voit l’imposition en diffĂ©rĂ© des plus-values et des stocks, et donc de faire imputer la charge fiscale d’un exercice sur un autre. Ainsi, la rĂšgle de rattachement des charges et produits Ă  leur propre exercice se trouve ainsi non respectĂ©e et la prĂ©sentation de l’image fidĂšle altĂ©rĂ©e. Le recours Ă  l’ETIC pour informer les tiers n’est pas suffisant. L’objet de cet article est de montrer l’importance de telles dĂ©rogations et de recommander l’adoption l’application de la norme IAS 12

    Mothering and Professing in the Ivory Tower: Supporting Graduate Student Mothers

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    Women interested in becoming professors and mothers are often unsure of the besttime to start their families. Many women decide to become mothers in graduateschool. This article discusses the landscape for graduate students who decide to becomemothers ( gsm s) while still in school. There are several obstacles for gsm s who wishto become tenured faculty members. Institutional obstacles include the notion of idealworkers and ideal careers, which do not include the option of motherhood and oftenconflict with the notion of the ideal mother. Another obstacle is institutional genderbiases and assumptions about women, such as the bias against caregiving. Womenof any age are assumed to be responsible for caregiving of children and/or elders.Finally, women lack their own individual agency and do not have family supportto be able to be successful. gsm s can employ various strategies to overcome theseobstacles. Strategies can include institutional change strategies, department support,individual agency, and family support. Obstacles and strategies are illustrated throughpersonal vignettes from the authors’ own experiences: three authors are tenured withchildren, and two have infants and are gsm s. Two authors are or have been chairsof dissertation committees. Recommendations for institutions are offered that cansupport gsm s in their efforts to be successful at mothering and professing in theivory tower. The presented arguments make it clear that the mothering viewpointis sorely needed in the academy, and that gsm s need support from all stakeholdersin order to be successful

    Étude qualitative des rĂ©serves glucidiques dans les organes de stockage de Cyperus rotundus L. adventice de la plaine des Triffa (Maroc oriental)

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    L’étude qualitative par la chromatographie sur couche mince (CCM) des rĂ©serves glucidiques des organes de stockage de Cyperus rotundus (CollectĂ©s d’un verger d’agrumes et d’un vignoble) a montrĂ© que le saccharose et le fructose sont les principaux sucres hydrosolubles prĂ©sents dans les tubercules et les rhizomes de l’adventice. La concentration des hydrates de carbone non structuraux (TNC: total non strucural hydrocarbon) est plus Ă©levĂ©e dans les tubercules que dans les rhizomes

    Hemisynthesis and evaluation of pharmacological activities of carvacrol-derivatives

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    Hemi-synthesis, a process widely used in pharmacological research, consists of a modification in the chemical structure of a natural product in order to improve its activity and/or to reduce its side effects. Two carvacrol-derivatives (P1 and P2) have been synthetized using reactions of alkylation by binding alkan groups at the hydroxyl group of carvacrol. NMR analysis was performed for synthetized derivatives to confirm the success of the reactions. Then, cytotoxic activity, against two tumour cell lines (P-815 and MCF-7), and antibacterial activity of carvacrol, P1 and P2 were performed. Cytotoxicity was measured using the colourimetric methyl tetrazolium test (MTT) and antimicrobial activity was measured using the diffusion technique on solid media and the determination of CMI on liquid media. Our results show that chemical modifications made on carvacrol have no effect on its antitumor activity. However, an important decrease of its antibacterial activity was observed, especially for P1. Our results suggest that hydroxyl group at this position of the molecule may be responsible for carvacrol antibacterial activity, while the other parts of the molecule may be responsible for its antitumor activity. On the other hand, introduced modifications may affect mechanism of action of the molecules as well as its pharmacokinetics properties

    Synthesis and characterization of poly(amino acid methacrylate)-stabilized diblock copolymer nano-objects

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    Amino acids constitute one of Nature's most important building blocks. Their remarkably diverse properties (hydrophobic/hydrophilic character, charge density, chirality, reversible cross-linking etc.) dictate the structure and function of proteins. The synthesis of artificial peptides and proteins comprising main chain amino acids is of particular importance for nanomedicine. However, synthetic polymers bearing amino acid side-chains are more readily prepared and may offer desirable properties for various biomedical applications. Herein we describe an efficient route for the synthesis of poly(amino acid methacrylate)stabilized diblock copolymer nano-objects. First, either cysteine or glutathione is reacted with a commercially available methacrylate-acrylate adduct to produce the corresponding amino acid-based methacrylic monomer (CysMA or GSHMA). Well-defined water-soluble macromolecular chain transfer agents (PCysMA or PGSHMA macro-CTAs) are then prepared via RAFT polymerization, which are then chain-extended via aqueous RAFT dispersion polymerization of 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate. In situ polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA) occurs to produce sterically-stabilized diblock copolymer nano-objects. Although only spherical nanoparticles could be obtained when PGSHMA was used as the sole macro-CTA, either spheres, worms or vesicles can be prepared using either PCysMA macro-CTA alone or binary mixtures of poly(glycerol monomethacrylate) (PGMA) with either PCysMA or PGSHMA macro-CTAs. The worms formed soft free-standing thermo-responsive gels that undergo degelation on cooling as a result of a worm-to-sphere transition. Aqueous electrophoresis studies indicate that all three copolymer morphologies exhibit cationic character below pH 3.5 and anionic character above pH 3.5. This pH sensitivity corresponds to the known behavior of the poly(amino acid methacrylate) steric stabilizer chains

    Complexation of a polyelectrolyte derived from glutamic acid with copper(II). Catalase-like activity of the complexes

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    The interaction between copper(II) and an optically active polymer derived from glutamic acid has been investigated. From potentiometric measurements, UV and visible absorption, and circular dichroism spectroscopy, the structure of the different metal-polymer complexes, depending on the pH, has been determined. The catalytic properties of these complexes toward the hydrogen peroxide decomposition were then investigated. The kinetic parameters and activation energy of the process were determined and compared with those of the catalase driven reaction. © 1991

    Hemisynthesis and evaluation of pharmacological activities of carvacrolderivatives

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    537-542Hemi-synthesis, a process widely used in pharmacological research, consists of a modification in the chemical structure of a natural product in order to improve its activity and/or to reduce its side effects. Two carvacrol-derivatives (P1 and P2) have been synthetized using reactions of alkylation by binding alkan groups at the hydroxyl group of carvacrol. NMR analysis was performed for synthetized derivatives to confirm the success of the reactions. Then, cytotoxic activity, against two tumour cell lines (P-815 and MCF-7), and antibacterial activity of carvacrol, P1 and P2 were performed. Cytotoxicity was measured using the colourimetric methyl tetrazolium test (MTT) and antimicrobial activity was measured using the diffusion technique on solid media and the determination of CMI on liquid media. Our results show that chemical modifications made on carvacrol have no effect on its antitumor activity. However, an important decrease of its antibacterial activity was observed, especially for P1. Our results suggest that hydroxyl group at this position of the molecule may be responsible for carvacrol antibacterial activity, while the other parts of the molecule may be responsible for its antitumor activity. On the other hand, introduced modifications may affect mechanism of action of the molecules as well as its pharmacokinetics properties