More insights into approachs with potential effect against pathogenic Fusarium species


Fusarim species are a group of pathogenic fungi responsible for different plant diseases as well as damage of stored products like banana, rice and cereals. They are characterized by a widspread distribution because of their capacity to grow in different substrates. Against these pathogenic fungi, many approachs have been tried to protect crops and stored products from their devastating effects. Chemical molecules are widely used for their effective activity as fungicides, but they may cause important damage to crops, human and environment. For this reason, researchers are trying to find an alternative allowing the farmer to ovoid these negative effects of chemical fungicides. Among these potential alternatives, we find the use of natural products (monoterpenes, flavonoids etc), plant extracts (including essential oils), biological control agents (bacteria and fungi), antimicrobial nanomaterials and approachs aiming to improve plant resitance and defence.&nbsp

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