1,624 research outputs found

    Septembre 2009-septembre 2010 : l’éclaircissement de quelques notions

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    Outre un arrĂȘt intĂ©ressant rendu par la Cour de justice de l’Union europĂ©enne et faisant ressortir tout l’intĂ©rĂȘt du bĂ©nĂ©fice d’une sĂ»retĂ© rĂ©elle pour Ă©chapper Ă  l’application de la rĂšgle de l’arrĂȘt des poursuites individuelles au regard du rĂšglement communautaire relatif aux procĂ©dures d’insolvabilitĂ©, l’actualitĂ© jurisprudentielle en matiĂšre de voies d’exĂ©cution est fortement marquĂ©e par un Ă©claircissement des notions juridiques : tel est le cas des notions d’accessoire de la crĂ©ance et d’astreinte, qui sont passĂ©es au crible de la transmissibilitĂ© aux tiers ; tel est Ă©galement le cas de l’adjudication, qui se voit assimilĂ©e Ă  une vente lorsqu’il s’agit de dĂ©terminer la date du transfert de propriĂ©tĂ© ; tel est surtout le cas du titre exĂ©cutoire Ă  propos duquel on dĂ©couvre non seulement qu’il peut rĂ©sulter d’un simple acte sous seing privĂ© (dĂšs lors que celui-ci modifie un acte authentique), mais aussi qu’il n’est pas nĂ©cessaire que la personne qu’il dĂ©signe comme dĂ©biteur soit celui contre lequel le crĂ©ancier agit, ce qui correspond au cas d’un "cautionnement hypothĂ©caire".

    Quantitative stock-scion relationships in vine Preliminary investigations by the analysis of reciprocal graftings

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    The behaviour variations of a scion in association with dĂŒferent rootstocks are well known, particularly in so far as the expression of vigour is concerned. This simple effect is only an element of one of the possible break-down of the rootstockscion combination's quantitative characteristics.We analyse experiments of complete reciprocal grafting by use of two biometric models, one breaking down the variation for the "functions" (rootstock, scion and interaction), the other breaking down the variation for "genetic effects". Initial results allow us:1 - to test the interest of these two models and the parameters we propose,2 - to compute the quantitative importance of these parameters at differentgrowth stages.Relations quantitatives entre porte-greffe et greffon chez la vigne PremiĂšre approche par l'analyse des greffages rĂ©ciproquesChez la vigne, on observe que le comportement d'un mĂȘme greffon peut varier lorsqu'on l'associe Ă  diffĂ©rents porte-greffes; ceci a Ă©tĂ© sbuvent notĂ©, particuliĂšrement en ce qui concerne l'expression de la vigueur. Cet effet simple n'est en fait qu'un des Ă©lĂ©ments de la dĂ©composition que l'on peut faire Ă  partir de toute caractĂ©ristique ou performance quantitative de la combinaison du greffon et du porte-greffe.Par analogie avec l'Ă©tude des effets principaux et de leur interaction dans les associationsbinaires, l'analyse de greffages rĂ©ciproques pĂȘut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e par le modĂšle biomĂ©trique suivant:Yij= m + pi+ gj + kijoĂč pi et gj sont respectivement ce que nous appelons les «fonctions» porte-greffe et greffon, et kij leur interaction. Une autre dĂ©composition possible oĂč apparaissent des «effets gĂ©nĂ©tiques» est la suivante:Yij = m + ci + cj + sij + qij ci et cj Ă©tant les «Aptitudes GĂ©nĂ©rales Ă  l'Association» des gĂ©notypes i et j, sij leur «Aptitude SpĂ©cifique Ă  l'Association» et qij l'effet rĂ©ciproque de ces deux gĂ©notypes. Des expĂ©riences prĂ©liminaires basĂ©es sur un systĂšme de greffages rĂ©ciproques complet de quatre gĂ©notypes, dont nous avons mesurĂ© la croissance au cours de trois cycles de vĂ©gĂ©tation, chacun de 120 jours, nous ont permis:1. de tester l'intĂ©rĂȘt de ces deux modĂšles biomĂ©triques et celui des paramĂštres que nous proposons.2. de calculer l'ordre de grandeur de ces paramĂštres Ă  diffĂ©rents stades de la croissance

    NW-oriented features on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean: evidence for a Paleozoic collision that formed the Labrador-Biscay wrench fault zone?

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    Northwest-oriented features have been recognized for many years as fundamental components of the geology of the northwestern European continental shelves. Similarly oriented lineations and faults have been mapped throughout southwestern Britain, western France and across the English Channel. On land in Europe, similar trends are identified as far east as the Urals. Features of similar orientation, extending over a broad area on the North American continental shelf, have recently been identified from geophysical trends. On land in eastern Canada NW-SE faults have been mapped geologically and detected using geophysical and remote sensing data. A Mercator projection map on which the Atlantic Ocean has been restored to its pre-Mesozoic configuration, i.e. before the initiation of the most recent opening of the North Atlantic Ocean, shows that the features are similarly oriented. Although some of the trends showing this direction may be younger, the geological data from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean suggest that the event that led to the formation of these NW-SE features post-dated the Variscan orogeny and may have been associated with the collision between Gondwana and Laurasia. The geometric patterns of the features interpreted as associated with the collision are consistent with patterns produced by a simple physical sandbox model of indentation with a rigid confinement to the west and a small lateral confinement to the east. This configuration is similar to that expected of Gondwana and Laurasia during the late Paleozoic. Faults considered younger than this collision may represent tectonic rejuvenations associated with the initiation of the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean. RÉSUMÉ L'orientation obscrvée du nord-est vers le sud-est des formations rocheuses est reconnue depuis de nombreuses années comme une caractéristique géologique fondamentale des plateaux continentaux du nord-ouest de l'Europe. Des structures linéaires et des failles d'orientation similaires ont été répertoriées dans tout le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre, dans I'ouest de la France et à travers la Manche. Sur le continent européen, des tendances analogues ont pu fitre observées aussi loin à l'est que dans la chaine de l''Oural. Ces caractérstiques orientées qui recouvrent une vaste région du plateau continental de l'Amerique du Nord ont récemment été observées à partir de tendances géophysiques. Dans l'Est canadien, des failles orientées NO-SE ont été portées sur des cartes géologiques et déectées a l'aid.e de données géophysiques et de télélédétection. Ces caractéristiques observées ont été portées sur une carte a projection de Mercator oò figure l'océan Atlantique dans sa configuration d'origine pendant l'ère pré-mésozoTque, soit avant que ne s'amorce rouverture la plus récente de l'Atlantique Nord. Ces caractéristiques nsproduisent la même orientation lorsqu'elles sont portées ainsi sur la carte. Bien que certaines des tendances qui signalent cette orientation semblent d'apparition plus récente, les données géologiques des deux côtés de l'Atlantique portent à croire que le phénomène qui a mené la création de ces linéations NO-SE est survenu après l'orogenése de varisque et peut fltre relié à l'hypercollision survenue entre la Gondwanie et la Laurasie. Les formes géomètriques de ces linéations interprétées en relation avec la collision sont du même type que eel les produites dans un modèle d'échancrure géologique dans un simple carré de sable, celles-ci présentant un confinement rigide è l'ouest et un petit confinement latéral è Test. Il s'agit d'une configuration semblable à celle qui serait caractéristique de la Gondwanie et de la Laurasie. Les failles jugés plus récentes et issues de cette collision pourraient être attribuables à une régénération tectonique qui a accompagné le début de rouverture de l'Atlantique Nord. Traduit par la rédactio

    ACCESS annual assembly 2022: Social capital evaluation (July 2022)

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    This is the final versionEconomic and Social Research Council (ESRC

    Tracking the phase-transition energy in disassembly of hot nuclei

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    In efforts to determine phase transitions in the disintegration of highly excited heavy nuclei, a popular practice is to parametrise the yields of isotopes as a function of temperature in the form Y(z)=z−τf(zσ(T−T0))Y(z)=z^{-\tau}f(z^{\sigma}(T-T_0)), where Y(z)Y(z)'s are the measured yields and τ,σ\tau, \sigma and T0T_0 are fitted to the yields. Here T0T_0 would be interpreted as the phase transition temperature. For finite systems such as those obtained in nuclear collisions, this parametrisation is only approximate and hence allows for extraction of T0T_0 in more than one way. In this work we look in detail at how values of T0T_0 differ, depending on methods of extraction. It should be mentioned that for finite systems, this approximate parametrisation works not only at the critical point, but also for first order phase transitions (at least in some models). Thus the approximate fit is no guarantee that one is seeing a critical phenomenon. A different but more conventional search for the nuclear phase transition would look for a maximum in the specific heat as a function of temperature T2T_2. In this case T2T_2 is interpreted as the phase transition temperature. Ideally T0T_0 and T2T_2 would coincide. We invesigate this possibility, both in theory and from the ISiS data, performing both canonical (TT) and microcanonical (e=E∗/Ae=E^*/A) calculations. Although more than one value of T0T_0 can be extracted from the approximate parmetrisation, the work here points to the best value from among the choices. Several interesting results, seen in theoretical calculations, are borne out in experiment.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages including 8 figures and 2 table

    Education at the Margins of the Political

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    This paper argues that the political can respond to that which exceeds it without reducing it to the same, and that public education is one of the most important places where this can happen. I present a rationale for public education to assist that which exceeds the political: singularity, solitude and difference. What I maintain is that the political must welcome this excess, especially through public education, or else it would not be possible to provide the educational context for that which might be of significance to individuals without having socio-political value

    Negative control of CSL gene transcription by stress/DNA damage response and p53.

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    CSL is a key transcriptional repressor and mediator of Notch signaling. Despite wide interest in CSL, mechanisms responsible for its own regulation are little studied. CSL down-modulation in human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) leads to conversion into cancer associated fibroblasts (CAF), promoting keratinocyte tumors. We show here that CSL transcript levels differ among HDF strains from different individuals, with negative correlation with genes involved in DNA damage/repair. CSL expression is negatively regulated by stress/DNA damage caused by UVA, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), smoke extract, and doxorubicin treatment. P53, a key effector of the DNA damage response, negatively controls CSL gene transcription, through suppression of CSL promoter activity and, indirectly, by increased p21 expression. CSL was previously shown to bind p53 suppressing its activity. The present findings indicate that p53, in turn, decreases CSL expression, which can serve to enhance p53 activity in acute DNA damage response of cells

    Rich polymorphism of a rod-like liquid crystal (8CB) confined in two types of unidirectional nanopores

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    We present a neutron and X-rays scattering study of the phase transitions of 4-n-octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (8CB) confined in unidirectional nanopores of porous alumina and porous silicon (PSi) membranes with an average diameter of 30 nm. Spatial confinement reveals a rich polymorphism, with at least four different low temperature phases in addition to the smectic A phase. The structural study as a function of thermal treatments and conditions of spatial confinement allows us to get insights into the formation of these phases and their relative stability. It gives the first description of the complete phase behavior of 8CB confined in PSi and provides a direct comparison with results obtained in bulk conditions and in similar geometric conditions of confinement but with reduced quenched disorder effects using alumina anopore membranesComment: Accepted in EPJ E - Soft Matte

    Differences in daptomycin and vancomycin ex vivo behaviour can lead to false interpretation of negative blood cultures

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    AbstractIn clinical studies on bacteraemia, the negativity of blood cultures is an important endpoint for comparing the efficacy of different therapeutic regimens. In FAN° anaerobic blood culture medium (BacT/ALERT system), daptomycin displayed increased MIC against Staphylococcus aureus and improved abolishment of its carryover effect in charcoal when compared with vancomycin. Differences between these two drugs can lead to a false interpretation of negative blood cultures. To compare different antibiotic regimens for the treatment of bacteraemia, preliminary studies are mandatory to ensure that ex vivo antibiotic behaviour is similar in the blood-culture system used

    ACCESS Annual Assembly 2023: Event Guide and Evaluation Report

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    This is the final version.This report evaluates the 2023 ACCESS Annual Assembly. It reports demographic details about attendees and analyses their perceptions of the event, using multiple data sources collected before and afterwards using surveys. The rationale for evaluation is to review our successes and challenges, and to feed into a process of continuous improvement, specifically planning for the 2024 event. The 2023 Assembly aimed to promote connectivity between participants across boundaries of career stage, discipline and sector, to showcase state of the art environmental social science research insights, and to improve understanding of the ACCESS work programme, while minimising environmental impacts. As with all aspects of our work programme, the Assembly provides a mechanism for ACCESS to act on our Guiding Principles, notably commitments to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Knowledge-Co-Production and Environmental Sustainability. The 2023 Assembly was attended by 82 individuals in total and findings show overwhelmingly positive feedback. The event succeeded in bringing together a diverse mix of participants, and was delivered in a friendly atmosphere that was considered to be conducive to networking. The evaluation also shows areas we could target for improvement when designing and delivering the 2024 Annual Assembly.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC
