467 research outputs found

    Investigation of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Eden Valley, Cumbria. 3, saturated zone studies

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    This component Work Package of the Eden Valley Project was undertaken with the objective of determining the hydrogeological regime and hydrochemical stratification in selected boreholes. The subsequent aim is to apply this to better understand timescales for water movement through the saturated zone along a transect ending near to the River Eden where the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifer is exposed or underlies thin superficial deposits. A previous report in this series confirmed rising nitrate trends in groundwater in the study area, and suggested that with continued land use practices and with no evidence of denitrification, that this trend would continue. Another concluded that the average recharge rate is probably in the range 425-470 mm/y and the rate of water movement through the unsaturated zone is c. 3.5-3.85 m/y. Based on this estimate of water movement in the unsaturated zone, the travel time for recharge to migrate from the soil to the water table (or the delay imposed by the unsaturated zone) over most of the area where the sandstone is free of superficial deposits in the Eden Valley is c. 14 years. However if the higher fells are not considered - closer to 10 years. Given the inherent uncertainties and limitations associated with the various methods for determining the hydrogeological regime in a boreholem, methods proposed were: (i) to date the pore water profile within the saturated zone using CFC and SF6 tracers (ii) to determine the variation of aquifer properties with depth, for the matrix (using laboratory techniques) and the aquifer (using field pumping techniques). (iii) To use groundwater models to estimate groundwater travel times in the saturated zones (this part of the project has not yet been funded). A transect approach was adopted using existing boreholes to the east of Penrith to the Eden floodplain and addressing gaps with infill drilling. Despite early promise other boreholes (on a ‘southern’ transect) were discounted due to inaccessibility or unsuitable construction. A c. 4km transect from the east of Penrith in a north-western direction to the floodplain of the River Eden was selected starting at previously drilled project borehole

    The emission spectrum of the strong Fe II emitter BAL Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 07598+6508

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    The narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy IRAS 07598+6508 is known to be a stong Fe II emitter. The analysis of several high S/N ratio spectra shows that its spectrum is dominated by a relatively narrow "broad line" region (1 780 km s−1^{-1} FWHM) emitting not only Fe II, but also Ti II and Cr II lines. Although we were unable to find a completely satisfactory physical model, we got the best agreement with the observations with collisional rather than radiative models, with a high density (n=1015^{15} cm−3^{-3}), a high column density (NH_{H}=1025^{25} cm−2^{-2}) and a microturbulence of 100 km s−1^{-1}. This BLR is qualitatively similar to the one observed in I Zw 1. We have not found traces in IRAS 07598+6508 of the narrow line regions found in I Zw 1.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&

    Multiresolution analysis of active region magnetic structure and its correlation with the Mt. Wilson classification and flaring activity

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    Two different multi-resolution analyses are used to decompose the structure of active region magnetic flux into concentrations of different size scales. Lines separating these opposite polarity regions of flux at each size scale are found. These lines are used as a mask on a map of the magnetic field gradient to sample the local gradient between opposite polarity regions of given scale sizes. It is shown that the maximum, average and standard deviation of the magnetic flux gradient for alpha, beta, beta-gamma and beta-gamma-delta active regions increase in the order listed, and that the order is maintained over all length-scales. This study demonstrates that, on average, the Mt. Wilson classification encodes the notion of activity over all length-scales in the active region, and not just those length-scales at which the strongest flux gradients are found. Further, it is also shown that the average gradients in the field, and the average length-scale at which they occur, also increase in the same order. Finally, there are significant differences in the gradient distribution, between flaring and non-flaring active regions, which are maintained over all length-scales. It is also shown that the average gradient content of active regions that have large flares (GOES class 'M' and above) is larger than that for active regions containing flares of all flare sizes; this difference is also maintained at all length-scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    The Spitzer Space Telescope Mission

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope, NASA's Great Observatory for infrared astronomy, was launched 2003 August 25 and is returning excellent scientific data from its Earth-trailing solar orbit. Spitzer combines the intrinsic sensitivity achievable with a cryogenic telescope in space with the great imaging and spectroscopic power of modern detector arrays to provide the user community with huge gains in capability for exploration of the cosmos in the infrared. The observatory systems are largely performing as expected and the projected cryogenic lifetime is in excess of 5 years. This paper summarizes the on-orbit scientific, technical and operational performance of Spitzer. Subsequent papers in this special issue describe the Spitzer instruments in detail and highlight many of the exciting scientific results obtained during the first six months of the Spitzer mission.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophyscial Journal Supplement Spitzer Special Issue, 22 pages, 3 figures. Higher resolution versions of the figures are available at http://ssc.spitzer.caltech.edu/pubs/journal2004.htm

    FIRST-2MASS Red Quasars: Transitional Objects Emerging from the Dust

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    We present a sample of 120 dust-reddened quasars identified by matching radio sources detected at 1.4 GHz in the FIRST survey with the near-infrared 2MASS catalog and color-selecting red sources. Optical and/or near-infrared spectroscopy provide broad wavelength sampling of their spectral energy distributions that we use to determine their reddening, characterized by E(B-V). We demonstrate that the reddening in these quasars is best-described by SMC-like dust. This sample spans a wide range in redshift and reddening (0.1 < z < 3, 0.1 < E(B-V) < 1.5), which we use to investigate the possible correlation of luminosity with reddening. At every redshift, dust-reddened quasars are intrinsically the most luminous quasars. We interpret this result in the context of merger-driven quasar/galaxy co-evolution where these reddened quasars are revealing an emergent phase during which the heavily obscured quasar is shedding its cocoon of dust prior to becoming a "normal" blue quasar. When correcting for extinction, we find that, depending on how the parent population is defined, these red quasars make up < 15-20% of the luminous quasar population. We estimate, based on the fraction of objects in this phase, that its duration is 15-20% as long as the unobscured, blue quasar phase.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures plus a spectral atlas. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Slowing and cooling molecules and neutral atoms by time-varying electric field gradients

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    A method of slowing, accelerating, cooling, and bunching molecules and neutral atoms using time-varying electric field gradients is demonstrated with cesium atoms in a fountain. The effects are measured and found to be in agreement with calculation. Time-varying electric field gradient slowing and cooling is applicable to atoms that have large dipole polarizabilities, including atoms that are not amenable to laser slowing and cooling, to Rydberg atoms, and to molecules, especially polar molecules with large electric dipole moments. The possible applications of this method include slowing and cooling thermal beams of atoms and molecules, launching cold atoms from a trap into a fountain, and measuring atomic dipole polarizabilities.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures. Scheduled for publication in Nov. 1 Phys. Rev.

    The XMM large scale structure survey: optical vs. X-ray classifications of active galactic nuclei and the unified scheme

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    Our goal is to characterize AGN populations by comparing their X-ray and optical classifications. We present a sample of 99 spectroscopically identified X-ray point sources in the XMM-LSS survey which are significantly detected in the [2-10] keV band, and with more than 80 counts. We performed an X-ray spectral analysis for all of these 99 X-ray sources. Introducing the fourfold point correlation coefficient, we find only a mild correlation between the X-ray and the optical classifications, as up to 30% of the sources have differing X-ray and optical classifications: on one hand, 10% of the type 1 sources present broad emission lines in their optical spectra and strong absorption in the X-rays. These objects are highly luminous AGN lying at high redshift and thus dilution effects are totally ruled out, their discrepant nature being an intrinsic property. Their X-ray luminosities and redshifts distributions are consistent with those of the unabsorbed X-ray sources with broad emission lines. On the other hand, 25/32 are moderate luminosity AGN, which are both unabsorbed in the X-rays and only present narrow emission lines in their optical spectra. The majority of them have an optical spectrum which is representative of the host galaxy. We finally infer that dilution of the AGN by the host galaxy seems to account for their nature. 5/25 have been defined as Seyfert 2. In conclusion, most of these 32 discrepant cases can be accounted for by the standard AGN unified scheme, as its predictions are not met for only 12% of the 99 X-ray sources. ABRIDGEDComment: 25 pages, 19 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    The COSMOS AGN Spectroscopic Survey I: XMM Counterparts

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    We present optical spectroscopy for an X-ray and optical flux-limited sample of 677 XMM-Newton selected targets covering the 2 deg^2 COSMOS field, with a yield of 485 high-confidence redshifts. The majority of the spectra were obtained over three seasons (2005-2007) with the IMACS instrument on the Magellan (Baade) telescope. We also include in the sample previously published Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra and supplemental observations with MMT/Hectospec. We detail the observations and classification analyses. The survey is 90% complete to flux limits of f_{0.5-10 keV}>8 x 10^-16 erg cm^-2 s^-1 and i_AB+<22, where over 90% of targets have high-confidence redshifts. Making simple corrections for incompleteness due to redshift and spectral type allows for a description of the complete population to $i_AB+<23. The corrected sample includes 57% broad emission line (Type 1, unobscured) AGN at 0.13<z<4.26, 25% narrow emission line (Type 2, obscured) AGN at 0.07<z<1.29, and 18% absorption line (host-dominated, obscured) AGN at 0<z<1.22 (excluding the stars that made up 4% of the X-ray targets). We show that the survey's limits in X-ray and optical flux include nearly all X-ray AGN (defined by L_{0.5-10 keV}>3 x 10^42 erg s^-1) to z<1, of both optically obscured and unobscured types. We find statistically significant evidence that the obscured to unobscured AGN ratio at z<1 increases with redshift and decreases with luminosity.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 31 pages, 17 figures. Table 2 is available on reques

    Unusual quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey selected by means of Kohonen self-organising maps

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    We exploit the spectral archive of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 to select unusual quasar spectra. The selection method is based on a combination of the power of self-organising maps and the visual inspection of a huge number of spectra. Self-organising maps were applied to nearly 10^5 spectra classified as quasars by the SDSS pipeline. Particular attention was paid to minimise possible contamination by rare peculiar stellar spectral types. We present a catalogue of 1005 quasars with unusual spectra. This large sample provides a useful resource for both studying properties and relations of/between different types of unusual quasars and selecting particularly interesting objects. The spectra are grouped into six types. All these types turn out to be on average more luminous than comparison samples of normal quasars after a statistical correction is made for intrinsic reddening. Both the unusual broad absorption line (BAL) quasars and the strong iron emitters have significantly lower radio luminosities than normal quasars. We also confirm that strong BALs avoid the most radio-luminous quasars. Finally, we create a sample of quasars similar to the two "mysterious" objects discovered by Hall et al. (2002) and briefly discuss the quasar properties and possible explanations of their highly peculiar spectra. (Abstract modified to match the arXiv format)Comment: Added reference to section 6; a few typos corrected; corrections according to the version published in Astronomy and Astrophysic
