130 research outputs found

    Orality in Richard Wright's short stories: playing and surviving

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    Peu de critiques ont relevé la dimension orale de l’écriture de Wright. Or dans ses nouvelles, de Uncle Tom’s Children (1938) à l’orée de sa carrière à Eight Men (1961) paru un an après sa disparition, l’oralité n’est pas que couleur locale. Elle a même une présence stratégique à l’instar des modes d’expression noirs américains et de leur pouvoir de subversion qu’a démontré Henry Louis Gates dans ses études sur la tradition vernaculaire du signifying. Dans ces deux collections, seuls survivent les personnages qui savent affronter ou dépasser l’oppression blanche grâce aux stratégies propres à la communauté afro américaine. L’oralité et la maîtrise du langage métaphorique ou subversif comme seul pouvoir accessible aux noirs dans l’Amérique ségrégationniste se trouve donc être au centre de ces nouvelles et au cœur de l’écriture de Wright

    Trends and drivers of CO2 parameters, from 2006 to 2021, at a time-series station in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic (6°S, 10°W)

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    The seawater fugacity of CO2 (fCO2) has been monitored hourly at an instrumented mooring at 6°S, 10°W since 2006. The mooring is located in the South Equatorial Current and is affected by the equatorial Atlantic cold tongue. This site is characterized by large seasonal sea surface temperature variations (>4°C). The fCO2 is measured by a spectrophotometric sensor deployed at about 1.5 meters deep. Measurements of seawater fCO2, sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) are used to calculate total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) and pH. Total alkalinity (TA) is calculated using an empirical relationship with SSS determined for this region. Satellite chlorophyll-a concentrations at 6°S, 10°W are low (<0.2 mg m-3) but some peaks over 0.8 mg m-3 are sometimes detected in August. Nevertheless, the site is a permanent source of CO2 to the atmosphere, averaging 4.7 ± 2.4 mmol m-2d-1 over 2006-2021. Despite the weakening of the wind, the CO2 flux increases significantly by 0.20 ± 0.05 mmol m-2d-1 yr-1. This suggests that the source of CO2 is increasing in this region. This is explained by seawater fCO2 increasing faster than the atmospheric increase during 2006-2021. Most of the seawater fCO2 increase is driven by the increase of TCO2, followed by SST. The fCO2 increase leads to a pH decrease of -0.0030 ± 0.0004 yr-1. The SST anomalies (SSTA) at 6°S, 10°W are correlated to the Tropical Southern Atlantic (TSA) index and to the Atlantic 3 region (ATL3) index with a correlation coefficient higher than 0.75. The strong positive phase of both ATL3 and TSA, observed towards the end of the time-series, is likely contributing to the strong increase of seawater fCO2

    IL-26 inhibits hepatitis C virus replication in hepatocytes

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 European Association for the Study of the LiverBackground & Aims: Interleukin-26 (IL-26) is a proinflammatory cytokine that has properties atypical for a cytokine, such as direct antibacterial activity and DNA-binding capacity. We previously observed an accumulation of IL-26 in fibrotic and inflammatory lesions in the livers of patients with chronic HCV infection and showed that infiltrating CD3+ lymphocytes were the principal source of IL-26. Surprisingly, IL-26 was also detected in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes from HCV-infected patients, even though these cells do not produce IL-26, even when infected with HCV. Based on this observation and possible interactions between IL-26 and nucleic acids, we investigated the possibility that IL-26 controlled HCV infection independently of the immune system. Methods: We evaluated the ability of IL-26 to interfere with HCV replication in hepatocytes and investigated the mechanisms by which IL-26 exerts its antiviral activity. Results: We showed that IL-26 penetrated HCV-infected hepatocytes, where it interacted directly with HCV double-stranded RNA replication intermediates, thereby inhibiting viral replication. IL-26 interfered with viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity, preventing the de novo synthesis of viral genomic single-stranded RNA. Conclusions: These findings reveal a new role for IL-26 in direct protection against HCV infection, independently of the immune system, and increase our understanding of the antiviral defense mechanisms controlling HCV infection. Future studies should evaluate the possible use of IL-26 for treating other chronic disorders caused by RNA viruses, for which few treatments are currently available, or emerging RNA viruses. Lay summary: This study sheds new light on the body's arsenal for controlling hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and identifies interleukin-26 (IL-26) as an antiviral molecule capable of blocking HCV replication. IL-26, which has unique biochemical and structural characteristics, penetrates infected hepatocytes and interacts directly with viral RNA, thereby blocking viral replication. IL-26 is, therefore, a new player in antiviral defenses, operating independently of the immune system. It is of considerable potential interest for treating HCV infection and other chronic disorders caused by RNA viruses for which few treatments are currently available, and for combating emerging RNA viruses.Peer reviewe

    The Evolutionary Dynamics of the Lion Panthera leo Revealed by Host and Viral Population Genomics

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    The lion Panthera leo is one of the world's most charismatic carnivores and is one of Africa's key predators. Here, we used a large dataset from 357 lions comprehending 1.13 megabases of sequence data and genotypes from 22 microsatellite loci to characterize its recent evolutionary history. Patterns of molecular genetic variation in multiple maternal (mtDNA), paternal (Y-chromosome), and biparental nuclear (nDNA) genetic markers were compared with patterns of sequence and subtype variation of the lion feline immunodeficiency virus (FIVPle), a lentivirus analogous to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In spite of the ability of lions to disperse long distances, patterns of lion genetic diversity suggest substantial population subdivision (mtDNA ΦST = 0.92; nDNA FST = 0.18), and reduced gene flow, which, along with large differences in sero-prevalence of six distinct FIVPle subtypes among lion populations, refute the hypothesis that African lions consist of a single panmictic population. Our results suggest that extant lion populations derive from several Pleistocene refugia in East and Southern Africa (∼324,000–169,000 years ago), which expanded during the Late Pleistocene (∼100,000 years ago) into Central and North Africa and into Asia. During the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (∼14,000–7,000 years), another expansion occurred from southern refugia northwards towards East Africa, causing population interbreeding. In particular, lion and FIVPle variation affirms that the large, well-studied lion population occupying the greater Serengeti Ecosystem is derived from three distinct populations that admixed recently

    New Insight into the History of Domesticated Apple: Secondary Contribution of the European Wild Apple to the Genome of Cultivated Varieties

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    The apple is the most common and culturally important fruit crop of temperate areas. The elucidation of its origin and domestication history is therefore of great interest. The wild Central Asian species Malus sieversii has previously been identified as the main contributor to the genome of the cultivated apple (Malus domestica), on the basis of morphological, molecular, and historical evidence. The possible contribution of other wild species present along the Silk Route running from Asia to Western Europe remains a matter of debate, particularly with respect to the contribution of the European wild apple. We used microsatellite markers and an unprecedented large sampling of five Malus species throughout Eurasia (839 accessions from China to Spain) to show that multiple species have contributed to the genetic makeup of domesticated apples. The wild European crabapple M. sylvestris, in particular, was a major secondary contributor. Bidirectional gene flow between the domesticated apple and the European crabapple resulted in the current M. domestica being genetically more closely related to this species than to its Central Asian progenitor, M. sieversii. We found no evidence of a domestication bottleneck or clonal population structure in apples, despite the use of vegetative propagation by grafting. We show that the evolution of domesticated apples occurred over a long time period and involved more than one wild species. Our results support the view that self-incompatibility, a long lifespan, and cultural practices such as selection from open-pollinated seeds have facilitated introgression from wild relatives and the maintenance of genetic variation during domestication. This combination of processes may account for the diversification of several long-lived perennial crops, yielding domestication patterns different from those observed for annual species

    The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase

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    The Athena X-ray Integral Unit (X-IFU) is the high resolution X-ray spectrometer, studied since 2015 for flying in the mid-30s on the Athena space X-ray Observatory, a versatile observatory designed to address the Hot and Energetic Universe science theme, selected in November 2013 by the Survey Science Committee. Based on a large format array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES), it aims to provide spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, with a spectral resolution of 2.5 eV (up to 7 keV) over an hexagonal field of view of 5 arc minutes (equivalent diameter). The X-IFU entered its System Requirement Review (SRR) in June 2022, at about the same time when ESA called for an overall X-IFU redesign (including the X-IFU cryostat and the cooling chain), due to an unanticipated cost overrun of Athena. In this paper, after illustrating the breakthrough capabilities of the X-IFU, we describe the instrument as presented at its SRR, browsing through all the subsystems and associated requirements. We then show the instrument budgets, with a particular emphasis on the anticipated budgets of some of its key performance parameters. Finally we briefly discuss on the ongoing key technology demonstration activities, the calibration and the activities foreseen in the X-IFU Instrument Science Center, and touch on communication and outreach activities, the consortium organisation, and finally on the life cycle assessment of X-IFU aiming at minimising the environmental footprint, associated with the development of the instrument. Thanks to the studies conducted so far on X-IFU, it is expected that along the design-to-cost exercise requested by ESA, the X-IFU will maintain flagship capabilities in spatially resolved high resolution X-ray spectroscopy, enabling most of the original X-IFU related scientific objectives of the Athena mission to be retained. (abridged).Comment: 48 pages, 29 figures, Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy with minor editin

    The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase

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    The Athena X-ray Integral Unit (X-IFU) is the high resolution X-ray spectrometer studied since 2015 for flying in the mid-30s on the Athena space X-ray Observatory. Athena is a versatile observatory designed to address the Hot and Energetic Universe science theme, as selected in November 2013 by the Survey Science Committee. Based on a large format array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES), X-IFU aims to provide spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, with a spectral resolution of 2.5 eV (up to 7 keV) over a hexagonal field of view of 5 arc minutes (equivalent diameter). The X-IFU entered its System Requirement Review (SRR) in June 2022, at about the same time when ESA called for an overall X-IFU redesign (including the X-IFU cryostat and the cooling chain), due to an unanticipated cost overrun of Athena. In this paper, after illustrating the breakthrough capabilities of the X-IFU, we describe the instrument as presented at its SRR (i.e. in the course of its preliminary definition phase, so-called B1), browsing through all the subsystems and associated requirements. We then show the instrument budgets, with a particular emphasis on the anticipated budgets of some of its key performance parameters, such as the instrument efficiency, spectral resolution, energy scale knowledge, count rate capability, non X-ray background and target of opportunity efficiency. Finally, we briefly discuss the ongoing key technology demonstration activities, the calibration and the activities foreseen in the X-IFU Instrument Science Center, touch on communication and outreach activities, the consortium organisation and the life cycle assessment of X-IFU aiming at minimising the environmental footprint, associated with the development of the instrument. Thanks to the studies conducted so far on X-IFU, it is expected that along the design-to-cost exercise requested by ESA, the X-IFU will maintain flagship capabilities in spatially resolved high resolution X-ray spectroscopy, enabling most of the original X-IFU related scientific objectives of the Athena mission to be retained. The X-IFU will be provided by an international consortium led by France, The Netherlands and Italy, with ESA member state contributions from Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, with additional contributions from the United States and Japan.The French contribution to X-IFU is funded by CNES, CNRS and CEA. This work has been also supported by ASI (Italian Space Agency) through the Contract 2019-27-HH.0, and by the ESA (European Space Agency) Core Technology Program (CTP) Contract No. 4000114932/15/NL/BW and the AREMBES - ESA CTP No.4000116655/16/NL/BW. This publication is part of grant RTI2018-096686-B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. This publication is part of grant RTI2018-096686-B-C21 and PID2020-115325GB-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033