458 research outputs found

    Unforeseen ethical challenges for isotretinoin treatment in transgender patients

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    Id1 Promotes Tumor Cell Migration in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancers

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    Id1, which belongs to the Id family of helix-loop-helix transcription factors has been most associated with tumor progression and metastatsis; however, its significance in lung cancers has not been extensively explored. Here we seek to evaluate the expression of Id1 in a pilot study of nonsmall-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) and determine its diagnostic and functional significance in these tumors. Paired normal and malignant lung tissues as well as a panel of NSCLC primary tumors and cell lines were evaluated for Id1 expression using Western blotting and quantitative RT-PCR. Functional assays were performed to evaluate the role of Id1 in tumor cell growth, migration and progression. We find Id1 expression is upregulated in squamous cell carcinoma when compared to adenocarcinoma of the lung and that expression of Id1 versus the normal control is variable in NSCLCs. We also note that Id1 expression in NSCLC cells is largely growth factor dependant and constitutive expression of Id1 in NSCLC cells significantly increases tumor cell migration without affecting cell proliferation. We conclude that Id1, as a mediator of tumor cell migration, may be an indicator of aggressive potential in nonsmall-cell lung cancers

    Dual-Chamber Pacing for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Trial

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    AbstractObjectives. In a double-blind, randomized, crossover trial we sought to evaluate the effect of dual-chamber pacing in patients with severe symptoms of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.Background. Recently, several cohort trials showed that implantation of a dual-chamber pacemaker in patients with severely symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy can relieve symptoms and decrease the severity of the left ventricular outflow tract gradient. However, the outcome of dual-chamber pacing has not been compared with that of standard therapy in a randomized, double-blind trial.Methods. Twenty-one patients with severely symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy were entered into this trial after baseline studies consisting of Minnesota quality-of-life assessment, two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography and cardiopulmonary exercise tests. Nineteen patients completed the protocol and underwent double-blind randomization to either DDD pacing for 3 months followed by backup AAI pacing for 3 months, or the same study arms in reverse order.Results. Left ventricular outflow tract gradient decreased significantly to 55 ± 38 mm Hg after DDD pacing compared with the baseline gradient of 76 ± 61 mm Hg (p < 0.05) and the gradient of 83 ± 59 mm Hg after AAI pacing (p < 0.05). Quality-of-life score and exercise duration were significantly improved from the baseline state after the DDD arm but were not significantly different between the DDD arm and the backup AAI arm. Peak oxygen consumption did not significantly differ among the three periods. Overall, 63% of patients had symptomatic improvement during the DDD arm, but 42% also had symptomatic improvement during the AAI backup arm. In addition, 31% had no change and 5% had deterioration of symptoms during the DDD pacing arm.Conclusions. Dual-chamber pacing may relieve symptoms and decrease gradient in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. In some patients, however, symptoms do not change or even become worse with dual-chamber pacing. Subjective symptomatic improvement can also occur from implantation of the pacemaker without its hemodynamic benefit, suggesting the role of a placebo effect. Long-term follow-up of a large number of patients in randomized trials is necessary before dual-chamber pacing can be recommended for all patients with severely symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.(J Am Coll Cardiol 1997;29:435–41

    On the evolution of a star cluster and its multiple stellar systems following gas dispersal

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    We investigate the evolution, following gas dispersal, of a star cluster produced from a hydrodynamical calculation. We find that when the gas, initially comprising 60% of the mass, is removed, the system settles into a bound cluster containing 30-40% of the stellar mass surrounding by an expanding halo of ejected stars. The bound cluster expands from an initial radius of <0.05 pc to 1-2 pc over 4-10 Myr, depending on how quickly the gas is removed, implying that stellar clusters may begin with far higher stellar densities than usually assumed. With rapid gas dispersal the most massive stars are found to be mass segregated for the first ~1 Myr of evolution, but classical mass segregation only develops for cases with long gas removal timescales. Eventually, many of the most massive stars are expelled from the bound cluster. Despite the high initial stellar density and the extensive dynamical evolution of the system, we find that the stellar multiplicity is almost constant during the 10 Myr of evolution. This is because the primordial multiple systems are formed in a clustered environment and, thus, by their nature are already resistant to further evolution. The majority of multiple system evolution is confined to the decay of high-order systems and the formation of a significant population of very wide (10^4-10^5 AU) multiple systems in the expanding halo. This formation mechanism for wide binaries potentially solves the problem of how most stars apparently form in clusters and yet a substantial population of wide binaries exist in the field. Many of these wide binaries and the binaries produced by the decay of high-order multiple systems have unequal mass components, potentially solving the problem that hydrodynamical simulations of star formation are found to under-produce unequal-mass solar-type binaries.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS, 18 pages, 13 figure

    Infant mortality in the hierarchical merging scenario: dependence on gas expulsion time-scales

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    We examine the effects of gas expulsion on initially substructured and out-of-equilibrium star clusters. We perform N-body simulations of the evolution of star clusters in a static background potential before adjusting that potential to model gas expulsion. We investigate the impact of varying the rate at which the gas is removed, and the instant at which gas removal begins. Reducing the rate at which the gas is expelled results in an increase in cluster survival. Quantitatively, this dependence is approximately in agreement with previous studies, despite their use of smooth and virialized initial stellar distributions. However, the instant at which gas expulsion occurs is found to have a strong effect on cluster response to gas removal. We find if gas expulsion occurs prior to one crossing time, cluster response is poorly described by any global parameters. Furthermore, in real clusters the instant of gas expulsion is poorly constrained. Therefore, our results emphasize the highly stochastic and variable response of star clusters to gas expulsion

    Dynamical evolution of star-forming regions

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    We model the dynamical evolution of star-forming regions with a wide range of initial properties. We follow the evolution of the regions’ substructure using the Q-parameter, we search for dynamical mass segregation using the !MSR technique, and we also quantify the evolution of local density around stars as a function of mass using the "LDR method. The amount of dynamical mass segregation measured by !MSR is generally only significant for subvirial and virialized, substructured regions – which usually evolve to form bound clusters. The "LDR method shows that massive stars attain higher local densities than the median value in all regions, even those that are supervirial and evolve to form (unbound) associations. We also introduce the Q − "LDR plot, which describes the evolution of spatial structure as a function of mass-weighted local density in a star-forming region. Initially dense (>1000 stars pc−2), bound regions always have Q > 1, "LDR > 2 after 5 Myr, whereas dense unbound regions always have Q 2 after 5 Myr. Less dense regions (<100 stars pc−2) do not usually exhibit "LDR > 2 values, and if relatively high local density around massive stars arises purely from dynamics, then the Q − "LDR plot can be used to estimate the initial density of a star-forming region

    Sleep Duration and Risk of Ischemic Stroke in Postmenopausal Women * Supplemental Appendix

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    Many studies have shown a U-shape association between sleep duration and mortality, but epidemiological evidence linking cardiovascular diseases (CVD) with habitual sleep patterns is limited and mixed